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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1272601 No.1272601 [Reply] [Original]

So today as I was walking to class I passed by this neckbeard on his laptop sitting in the hallway. Someone called me and my ringtone was a dBu song and when I finished with my phone call the neckbeard jumped up and asked if I knew what Touhou was. I was bored and didn't give a shit about power levels at that point so I just kept talking to him. He couldn't shut up about touhou doujins and VNs when suddenly his girlfriend shows up. It was this big, overweight yaoi loving Japanese girl. He introduces her as the gf and instead of calling him by his name, she calls him aniki. I was kinda looking at both of them when I realized that these are the average /jp/er (well...the girl is what I imagined IF a girl was on /jp/) so I made up an excuse and quickly retreated...Is this the fate of anyone who likes touhou and VNs? Ending up with a fat asian girlfriend who calls him aniki? If so, I am gonna drop this shit cold turkey...

>> No.1272605

You cannot escape.

>> No.1272607

i don't think you have legs, enjoy your wheelchair

>> No.1272604

i don't think you have classes; enjoy your basement

>> No.1272613

/jp/ is a hard path to follow...

>> No.1272617

I imagine most people on /jp/ as skinny and either ronery or kind of angry and unfriendly rather than fat and likely to talk to random people.

Also I don't think your story is true.

>> No.1272620

you too can remain angsty and alone if you follow these easy steps:

- shun all social contact
- never go to conventions
- never bathe

>> No.1272623

Cool story, aniki.

>> No.1272627

this. it applies to me, anyway.

>> No.1272628


Wait why would we be skinny? Don't we all just sit around f5ing /jp/?

>> No.1272633

we never eat, or if we do its mainly a diet of cup noodles.

>> No.1272635

Lack of eating and sleeping.

>> No.1272638


>> No.1272639

Get your webcams out of my apartment.

>> No.1272641

I know I don't eat, why do you?

>> No.1272642

I dont like to say this but....
Cool story bro.

>> No.1272645

I say make friends with the fatass. It's not like Touhou is any more enjoyable alone right?

>> No.1272646

Are you implying that there are cups of noodle not made of third-world malnourishment?

>> No.1272648

Well I ended up with a skinny Caucasian girlfriend who isn't embarrassingly weaboo, so I guess it's just how lucky you are.

>> No.1272654

>Well I ended up with a skinny Caucasian girlfriend
>skinny Caucasian girlfriend

Oh U.

>> No.1272655

You must be fat.

Protip: No one likes fat people, we all just barely tolerate your disgusting stench when you're around and make fun of you when you're not.

>> No.1272656

Aniki? Why would you, if by some strange twist of fate you manage to get a Japanese/weeaboo girlfriend, settle for aniki?
At least all of my 2d girlfriends have the decency to call me onii-chan.

>> No.1272657


>> No.1272658

>skinny, ronery, kind of angry and unfriendly
This is me. This is all of us.

>> No.1272666


And there is no escape. Try as hard as we might to be normalfags, the call of /jp/ beckons us like a siren's song, leading us to our pleasure and destruction. So I say sit back and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1272667

If a girl was calling me aniki she better be a fucking badass reverse trap that gets into knifefights and shit.

>> No.1272670

I lol´d.

>> No.1272675

I concur. It can be no other way.

Also, my sage is insulting my own post, not this thread.

>> No.1272678
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This is an accurate representation of /jp/.

>> No.1272685


That would be awesome to have as a gf. Kinda like a Tomoyo kinda girl but less feminine.

>> No.1272687

A *-tan with breasts deserves to get thrown about the room.

>> No.1272700

Sounds like that I Am Boss girl from Minami-ke.

>> No.1272704

So how did anon get so antisocial?

>> No.1272710

>(well...the girl is what I imagined IF a girl was on /jp/)
If it's any reassurance, I can at least tell you that I'm not like that. I don't know about the others (if there are any).

>> No.1272716

Cross-dressing does not make you a girl, fatty.

>> No.1272720

Way to go being an attention whore instead.

>> No.1272725

How did you know she loved yaoi?

>> No.1272726


Years and years of loneliness made us forget how to be human beings.

>> No.1272731


Her backpack had a pin from Yaoi-con that said Yaoi=Yummy.

>> No.1272748

I have, myself, thrown out "attention-whore" to those that say they are female for no good reason.

However, gender was relevant to the topic.

>> No.1272752

I remember my cousin's girlfriend wearing a I♥Yaoi shirt. She was fucking hot as goddamn hell too. This was before I realized how fucked up she probably was for wearing that. Now I'm suddenly wondering if she would have molested me, it was like six years ago or more when I was still young and cute.

>> No.1272754

I started to lol but by the time it finished it wasn't really laughter any more.

>> No.1272755

We're more human than the rest of them for that reason.

>> No.1272756

Guess what responding to that has made you.

>> No.1272764


It's funny because it's true....wait that's sad

>> No.1272777

Growing up, most of my friends were girls (weak, couldn't play well with other boys) and it continued like that for a while until I realized that boys and girls are suppose to like each other. Things got awkward and I've isolated myself ever since.

I can still carry out a conversation when needed, but if not, I'll just ignore your existence.

>> No.1272780

If you like I could instead call you a moron for assuming we actually think all females are like that. Whichever offends you the least.

>> No.1272799

If you mean to suggest "hypocrite", you're wrong.

I have criticized others in the past for throwing the, "HEY, I HAVE A VAGINA" comment out there in a completely unrelated topic.
Emphasis on "unrelated".

As I've already stated, the response was relevant, and even in my first post, I quoted how.

>> No.1272803

I think you're the neckbeard in question.

Enjoy your fat, Japanese girlfriend.

>> No.1272811

No no no no, dear. It makes you an attention whore. Why, look at all the attention you've drawn to yourself. You're quite good at this.

>> No.1272813

Care less. This is an Anonymous board. You can easily fade away like nothing happened.

>> No.1272822

That's the best part.

>> No.1272836

I don't really see how someone Anonymous can seek for attention to begin with... I have no established identity. You'd never remember me if I posted again.
And that's the way I like it.

>> No.1272850

Yeah, it's gotten to where I'm not sure if I'm still harassing the original poster. I guess I'm out. You guys can keep playing, though.

>> No.1272851

I was waiting for someone to say that.

Deny it all you want, you're all attention whores whether you realize it or not.

>> No.1272852


>> No.1272924

Thread officially killed thanks to a girl posting.

When will they learn?

>> No.1272937

The thread never really went anywhere.

>> No.1272943

You could have moved on.

>> No.1272946

>I'm the attention whore who killed the thread

>> No.1272952

I could have, but I'm on /jp/. You think I have better things to do?

>> No.1272956

women are so fucking dumb

>> No.1273024

I miss the girl anon who was posting in this thread...

>> No.1273029


Fuck man, I LOL'd pretty hard. You fags are so brutal.

>> No.1273030
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1220914916734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far, I've encountered two people in college who knew what touhou was, though it was limited strictly to curtain fire pattern dodgan gaems. They seems to be fairly well adjusted.

>> No.1273063

who the hell eats cake like that

>> No.1273073


I friend in school did. She also breaks (potato) chips in smaller pieces. As opposed to om nom nom nom

>> No.1273071

Pleb. Only poor people use all of their fingers.

>> No.1273077

What college do you go to? My college is fucking jock city. I am literally the only guy on my floor who doesn't play football.

>> No.1273126


>> No.1273130

You don't play football? You fag. You're probably gonna claim you also don't have a cheerleader girlfriend that gives awesome blowjobs too, right?

>> No.1273227
File: 500 KB, 1024x768, 1220917647670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brace for wall of text:

Ever since I was about 11 or 12 years old, I've felt less and less like an active participant in the world, and more like I'm watching it from the inside of a glass box. I have one very, very close friend, and I seldom interact with anyone else. To me, most people are just these weird, untouchable, unpredictable things.

This is something that I always told myself I would "fix" when I got to college, but now that I'm here, I'm not so sure I even want to. Like many of you, I'm sure, the idea of me fitting in or "getting involved" to any degree whatsoever sort of beggars the imagination.

It's not that I'm really strange-looking or awkward, but some mental faculty of mine whose job it is to develop meaningful connections with other human beings is apparently either dead or maimed beyond all recognition, like a cat that fell into a blender. This is such a huge constituent of my identity that if it were to suddenly disappear, then so, too, would I, and some other, very different person would take my place.

I guess I can't speak for everyone here, but I didn't just "get" socially retarded, it's a part of who I am.

>> No.1273249

If you've accepted being alone, why do you sound so sad?

>> No.1273277

No, you were already retarded but didn't learn like everyone else did at that age.

>> No.1273281

Sometimes I forget that I have a body.

>> No.1273283

Are you a rape victim?

>> No.1273314


>> No.1273322

No, I am just an obnoxious faggot. I am somewhat talented so I never had to try hard to get good grades and such, however, this leaded me to an extreme fear of failure. Everyday, when something doesn't goes as planned, I try to convince myself that "it's ok because, if I were to try hard, I could accomplish almost anything I wanted" but this comes with the thought that, if I fail again, my sand castle will crumble. And so I avoid as much responsibilities as I can, inertia overcomes me. I turn on my computer and waste my days browsing /jp/, trying to forget about the real world.

>> No.1273342

Personally, I think the first post was fine, since it was, as you said, somewhat relevant.

However, you crossed the threshold into attention whoring when you decided to continue defending yourself, which only serves to draw more attention to yourself.

>> No.1273352

Acceptance of something doesn't necessarily equal embracement of it. Sometimes I wish I could have been different. Can you blame me?

I'll get by, it's just that I've been really bummed out since I got to college. I miss home, and I miss my friend.

>> No.1273353

You sound schizoid. No, that isn't a generic word for "crazy," it is an actual personality "disorder."

Currently a practitioner would only diagnose you if it was causing you distress, as there is no reason to do so if a person is happy with the the way they are.

That is what I want to emphasize, that it is up to you to decide how you feel about it. Some anonymous are in denial when they say being alone is better, they say so because they gave up, and will not admit it.

If you do not "fix" this right now (NOW, not "tomorrow") you'll wake up and find yourself 40 and have not had any human contact in over a decade.

If that is what you really want then go for it.

>> No.1273361


Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm not controling myself, but someone else is. I am just a spectator.

>> No.1273364

i like how no one realizes that if people wouldn't make a shitstorm about a girl being an attention whore there wouldn't be a thread derailment in the first place. A lot of anons like to discuss their positions in life and if being a girl is part of that description so be it, save the energy for chastising camwhores.

feel free to ignore this

>> No.1273373

No OP, you are the neckbeards.
And then OP was Aniki.

>> No.1273375

/jp/ - psychology

>> No.1273403

I'm the same.

>> No.1273418

I decided to stay at home and play vidya instead of going out and playing with this girl. This was around the time my parents told me they were splitting up.

Ultimately it's my choice. I could change but I don't wanna.

>> No.1273432

I was this way. I had years of what I considered "luck", being obviously intelligent and talented people would pick up on it and treat me well even though I was so lazy that I could have accomplished a lot more if I just tried harder.

An example would be spending almost a year at work developing an application that toke me a month once I actually started working on it. Nobody noticed and I was making 40k a year.

My "luck" ran out though and it caused a 3 year run of suck that I'm only just starting to crawl out of with real hard work. I still fall back on my shear intelligence instead of doing the work occasionally.

At least now that I'm back in school getting a master's degree I actually read the books and do the homework. I still cannot believe I got my bachelor's without even putting in much effort.

>> No.1273434

I go out and drink and pretend to be social, try to (unsuccessfully) hit on women etc. but it's all a farce, a facade, and deep inside all I have is angry distaste, jealousy, and roneriness

>> No.1273438

This is me. I'm on the computer 24/7. When I'm online, I forget to eat, after a certain amount of time I'm numb to the feeling of being tired.

>> No.1273457

sometimes I skip meals out of laziness

>> No.1273686 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 375x500, 1220922562983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to say that I'm not the self-pitying, overweight, ronery Anonymous that /jp/ seems to relate with.

I'm not fat. I'm not skinny, either, but I don't do much besides (SURPRISE) surf /jp/ and read. I really don't run on much. Cornflakes and soymilk for breakfast, a peanut butter sandwich and yogurt for lunch, maybe a pudding pack (low-fat, of course) as a snack, and some leftover lasagna for dinner. I should probably get back into Yoga.

The lack of self-pity is, I think, one of my greatest qualities as someone who frequents /jp/. I don't hate myself. I hate other people. I'm average-looking, but very irritable. I keep people at a distance--intentionally. I laugh at other people's misfortune. I remember the other day in the library I work I slammed a huge packet of printer paper next to her desk by mistake. I frowned and simply said "my bad" (sarcastically) and walked away. I didn't feel the need to bond with her, and I wasn't attracted to her in the least. Okay, granted, it might have something to do with the 2D stuff and all, but...

I'd rather read and play with puzzles all day. Word-search, crossword puzzles, etc. I'm fine with laying around in my pajamas, playing Pokemons and Metroid and taking my daily 14 pills. I'm a fucking addict, and dependent on the shit.


>> No.1273690


I hate the fact that I make people laugh with my sarcasm. It's not meant to be funny a lot of the time, although I guess it is, sometimes. Today I told off a huge black guy as I was walking away from him: "Oh, sorry, I've got this hearing problem--can only hear things that MATTER."

He didn't find it funny. Oh HO. I don't know WHY I wasn't terrified of that nigger.

For some reason, a loli-like girl on campus has started bonding with me. Despite my obvious lack of effort in this, and the fact that I rarely (if ever) smile and don't frown, she's stuck on me. Which is okay with me, since she's quite frankly, cute.

Jesus Christ. Reading my entire post reminded me of someone. Note picture on the left.

>> No.1273701


Delicious new copypasta.

It was most tasty.

>> No.1273706

I didn't really find anything memorable about it.

>> No.1273719

Since we've devolved into a more traditional /jp/ discussion, I suppose I'll chime in with my few lines of boring text.

It seems to me that those who say they do not want to socialize, or have issues with it, are the people I see who hang out on the fringes of groups of people who are doing something they find interesting and look on silently, despite their obvious interest in the activity at hand.

Frequently, students bring televisions and video games out into the commons and we participate in bottom two out 4player party games, you always see people hovering around but never taking the initiative. It's sad, actually.

>> No.1273726

>instead of calling him by his name, she calls him aniki
>I realized that these are the average /jp/er
Oh god... Abandon ship now!

The average /jp/er is WAY better than that.

This guy has never heard of /jp/.

>> No.1273727


The analogy to HOUSE made it pretty amusing.

>> No.1273728

I just stay in my room.

>> No.1273750

Congratulations, sir.

You're kind of awesome.

>> No.1273770

I suppressed my power level twice today.

There was a nigra reading yuki doujins in one of the computer labs and I just ignored him completely. The shitty thing is that the doujin had really well-done art and I wanted to know what artist it was. Then again, he was a nigra and I would have avoided him anyway.

Later in the day I was going down an escalator and saw some dude with Mint as his wallpaper. He had long-nasty hair and an equally threatening neckbeard. I can imagine his body odor was quite potent. Power level suppression was hardly needed, as I would have never approached this kind of creature anyway.

>> No.1273778

You guys are all pathetic.

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.1273784

Sure thing, but don't ever cry about how you don't have any friends faggot. Because you could have made some quite easily.

>> No.1273806

Raum if that's really you how hell did you meet a loli on a college campus?

>> No.1273830
File: 195 KB, 628x921, 1220923628004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the worst I've done is check out japanese language programs at my library.

I felt horrible for doing so, but at the same time a college kid was watching a Naruto AMV on youtube while a middle-aged man played Runescape on another.

There's a lot of weird people who frequent my library come to think of it.

>> No.1273832

So today as I was walking to class I passed by this Backbeard on his laptop sitting in the hallway. Someone called me and my ringtone was "Boku wa rorikon," and when I finished with my phone call the Backbeard jumped up and asked if I was a pedophile bastard. I was bored and didn't give a shit about power levels at that point so I just kept talking to him. He couldn't shut up about loli doujins and VNs when suddenly his girlfriend shows up. It was this big, overweight yaoi loving floating eye. He introduces her as the gf and instead of calling him by his name, she calls him oni-chan. I was kinda looking at both of them when I realized that these are the average /jp/er (well...the girl is what I imagined IF a girl was on /jp/) so I made up an excuse and quickly retreated...Is this the fate of anyone who likes loli and VNs? Ending up with a fat floating eye who calls him oni-chan? If so, I am gonna drop this shit cold turkey...

>> No.1273882


Sixteen years old--TINY. Loli-sized tiny. She was homeschooled, and now she's finishing up her GED at my community college.

She's pretty cute. Today she had a plaid miniskirt and stockings combined with an awkward yet strangely alluring granny sweater.

I don't know why she likes me. She's so cheery and happy and I'm so.... not.

>> No.1273915


You, sir, are fucking awesome.

>> No.1273928
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 1220924832847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ITT: Failures and losers

Yeah really, However - these people who posted in this thread are liars. They think being ronery and all depressed makes them look cool and they vent about it on a shitty imageboard.

Why even waste your time telling others about your pathetic existence on this planet?

The internet is boring. YOU GUYS ARE BORING.

>> No.1273931

You are not alone. I can never figure that shit out, either.

>> No.1274008

>The internet is boring. YOU GUYS ARE BORING.
Boring is subjective. These threads are popular enough to flourish occasionally. Nobody cares that you don't like it.

>> No.1274128

i wish i could understand you types. i take joy in not being "that douche". I'd much rather be nice and have a chance at a possible friend that I like than to push away everyone.

>> No.1274140



>> No.1274145


Your therapist sounds like a dick.

>> No.1274153

you have a therapist?
