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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1272406 No.1272406 [Reply] [Original]

How good are Japanese lolis at keeping secrets?

>> No.1272410

The best.

>> No.1272495

It's all about trust. You would not believe the shit I've gotten away with due to establishing a relation of implicit trust.

>> No.1272509

Tell me more. How does that work?

>> No.1272534

You have to be gentle, velvet gloves gentle, yet assertive and put yourself in a mentor role to the girl. Wait about a year, this is when she becomes curious and takes your word as law. Then you begin, gently, with the suggestions. Work slowly, if you rush things everything turns to shit. Great things come to those who wait.

>> No.1272540

This ranks as one of the creepier posts I've seen on /jp/.

>> No.1272543

you'll have to see how many lolicons have been imprisoned till' now

>> No.1272549

a year?

that could mean the difference between smooth and soft, or hairy and gross

>> No.1272576

from 0-3, AWESOME
6-9, GOOD

>> No.1272592

from 0-3, dawwwwwwwwwww
4-6, delicious
6-9, perfection
9-12, starting to get a little stale

>> No.1272598

Implied in my above post is the fact that you have to start the process at the proper age. Remember, they grow up fast these days, so if you manage to gain her trust during that naive-sweet spot you can still taste the hairless little girl.
It's really a timing issue. At a certain age girls become curious about boys, in that sweet innocent way, and about the same time they look for a mentor/father figure, doubly so if the father is absent/missing. This is where you have your "opening" and if you miss it you're out. But, with the right mix of determination and tenacity you can score a loli handdjob and better.

>> No.1272625

/jp/ sure is the more useful board on 4chan.

>> No.1272644

useful if you wish to be a child friend

>> No.1272650

I think most of the pedophiles came to /jp/ after the normalfags infested the other boards.

>> No.1272661

If breast and pubic hairy I say no thank

>> No.1272683

Hey, I'm just helping you guys out. You want to taste the little girl? Here's how.

>> No.1272699

I never got this "Yeah imma go to Japan and have sex with a loli."

You think Japan is the only country in the world in which young girls exist?!?

>> No.1272706

Yes. I am not an asian fetishist btw.

>> No.1272713

We are just fantasizing

>> No.1272714

Mr. Pedophile, is it true you can only fuck lolis in the ass unless you want them to experience excruciating pain? That seems like kind of a bad deal.

>> No.1272715

But Japan has the pro-pedophile culture that lets you get away with it (hypothetically)

>> No.1272723

What are some fun activities to do with an 11 year old loli that we can both enjoy and I just want to be friends with them.

>> No.1272724


Sir, have you ever heard of lubricant?

>> No.1272729

frotteurism, my man.

>> No.1272737

Not necessarily. The vagina is a muscle, and like others in the body it can stretch. It's just painful for virgins because it's not used to stretching. So, if you have a loli start masturbating young, and practice insertion with objects (pens, vegetables, dildos, I dunno), she can usually comfortably accommodate an average adult penis by the time she's 10; sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Anal can be comfortable as soon as the child's stool reaches the approximate diameter of the penis.

Go to an amusement park, teach her a card game, go for a drive in a convertible.

>> No.1272733
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>> No.1272734

- amusement park
- arcade
- beach
- ice cream
- movies
- mutual masturbation
- park
- roller blading
- sodomy
- quiet night in with good food, cake and a wii

>> No.1272735

Vidya games? Watching nickelodeon? Peanutbutter-and-jelly sandwiches?

Depends on the kid.

>> No.1272736

Tell them a story.

>> No.1272742
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>> No.1272744

I'd advise staying away from computers and television. I know it's anon's most comfortable medium, but that takes the attention away from you and her, and puts it on something else. Make the event about her having fun with you.

>> No.1272757

Where do you learn these things? Is there some sort of book you can get in a store?

>> No.1272763

The Big Dummies Guide to Pedophilia

>> No.1272773


pedophilia: concepts and problems - a wiley self-teaching guide.

>> No.1272778

I usually laugh at threads like these, but some of these posts are genuinely disturbing. I'm afraid to ask how one comes across this information. Is this from experience?

>> No.1272772

I congratulate you anon.

>> No.1272783

There's always lube, and if you've done everything that you should you can possibly coax out wetness, but play it safe during the first few tender years. No one likes bleeding. Remember, the loli is cumming, you're just along for the ride.

Movies is a given, I've used theme parks to great effect. I tend to prefer movies though, since if you pick the right kind of movie she snuggles up to you, slightly scared and very, very vulnerable and well, I like that in a little girl.

You've either been with some pretty comfortable lolis or you're pulling stuff out of your ass. It's not about "streching" and accomodation you ass, it's about seeing the loli climax. Oral + mutual masturbation has always been my thing, but then again, different strokes, eh?

>> No.1272790

/jp/ has no experience

those of us who have left school haven't done anything since

>> No.1272797

Some professionals have actually written about a child's capacity to enjoy sex. Usually it's a psychologist that references medical documentation showing that it won't be physically painful, but the psychologist will always then go on to explain the "mental trauma" of enjoying sex as a child (which basically amounts to the degraded value of the intimacy of sex, and the propensity to become a prostitute).

>> No.1272800

i wouldn't mind a loli of my own but i hate human contact so yeah

you guys are cool though

>> No.1272804

>Is this from experience?
I can say that the knowledge I have of vaginal intercourse with prepubescent females is not due to personal experience. Other things... well, perhaps.

>> No.1272807

What the FUCK.

>> No.1272809

Threads like this don't usually bother me.

>> No.1272812

This thread is going places.
Sweet and forbidden places.

>> No.1272817

I find six to eight to be the turning point

it's when their mouth starts to be become big enough to take in your entire penis head (I especially like it when they are missing a few baby teeth, the sensation is hard to describe)

They are also very curious at that age, stretching and nibbling at my foreskin with delight in their eyes. You take it for granted, but foreskin tissue has a completely different consistency to any other skin on the human body, which is fascinating to a child.

>> No.1272818

We had a thread like this a long long time ago.

>> No.1272816

you don't have to do insertion. read pretty neighbor.

>> No.1272823
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How come it's ok to discuss this stuff, but mods ban you for like 96 days or posting U-15 (Japanese) idols?

lol unfairness

>> No.1272826

writing is ok

>> No.1272827

Jeez, you seem to have taken what I said the wrong way. I did not mean to imply that you should start a loli on a schedule of working her vagina up to being able to have sex - it's just that certain lolis (generally, those who masturbate and especially those who masturbate by insertion) are able to comfortably accommodate (which merely means no pain - it doesn't mean that she doesn't like it) a penis. Of course any self-respecting pedophile would be in it to have the loli enjoy the sex, and if he could, make her orgasm. I never intended to imply in any sense that it was only about being able to fit a penis in a little girl.

As for my tastes - I actually prefer oral too. Not necessarily receiving, I just love a little girl squirming under me as she has an orgasm from me kissing and licking her most intimate areas.

>> No.1272828

Mods don't read.

>> No.1272831

Anal "training" and vaginal "training" are both similar, and both possible, but AFAIK, girls are able to accomodate an adult penis in their ass far younger and far more easily than in their vagina

>> No.1272832
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>> No.1272837

>>1272827 self-respecting pedophile
/jp/ - self-respecting pedophiles

>> No.1272838

Hey normalfags, /b/ is that way ------>

>> No.1272840

>How good are Japanese lolis at keeping secrets?
Hopefully better than my cousin ;_;

>> No.1272843

Personally, I'd recommend just waiting 30-40 years until sex with minors has been legalized in most 1st world countries.

>> No.1272849


>> No.1272854


>> No.1272856

Ha, 30-40? Talk about being hopeful. I'm gonna wait until the LHC starts up and they announce the world is fucked, then I'm gonna open up a shop called "Don't die a Virgin" and only accept females younger than 13 years old.

>> No.1272858


as time goes on, the AoC continues to rise

it will never go down

but in 30-40 years, I'll have my replica-loli android with a realistic warm moist vagina, and she'll be able to run Crysis 5

>> No.1272862

so I heard you guys know how to use proxies, right?

>> No.1272866

enjoy your diseased ugly cock, you disgusting uncutfag

>> No.1272872

Well, I take my ... "hobbies" .. seriously

We seem to be on the same page here, my good man.When you've seen a loligasm everything else seems a bit less colourfull, don't you think? Yes, about one in ten will be able to "accommodate", but that would be the jewel of the crown. I personally find penetration to be ovverrated, it's all about oral, plus the mental aspect. Like for instance the names she uses for you ,,,

>> No.1272879

Proxy? I'm not using a proxy. There's nothing to fear. Hold on guys, there's someone knocking on the door...


>> No.1272880

I really don't see that happening. An extreme hatred of pedophilia is one of the few moral principles that people in the west agree on. Though who knows, if we make the full cycle from Republic to Anarchy to Oligarcy, maybe we'll regress to a theocracy where women are second class citizens and marrying children is common again.

>> No.1272885


Please, do elaborate.

>> No.1272897
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>where women are second class citizens and marrying children is common again

>> No.1272902

I forget. Who was the guy responsible for the government cycles again?

>> No.1272905
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>> No.1272908

>maybe we'll regress to a theocracy where women are second class citizens and marrying children is common again.
Why would this be a regression? I call that progress.

>> No.1272916

Machiavelli, I'm pretty sure. Though I think some of the Greek philosophers said things that were similar.

>> No.1272910
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>> No.1272911

Well, when I was at my peak (2 years ago) I got this one little girl to call me big brother in during, so to speak. I can't speak japanese, and neither could the loli so the nuclear option of "onii-chan" was out so I settled for the second best thing.
"Daddy" was another highlight I enjoyed more than I should I have.

>> No.1272914

Become a contractor to Saudi Arabia or any fundamentalist Islamic country.

>> No.1272915

No, not him.

>> No.1272922

You guys seem to think that it was acceptable at one point to fuck a child. What you don't realize is that this uses the contemporary definition of a "child", while children were never acceptable sexual partners before they were able to become pregnant. It's unfortunate, but pedophilia has never been acceptable.

>> No.1272926

Ah, him. I knew he was Italian, but I just couldn't remember the name.

>> No.1272936

and yet, adults enjoy casual sex full of consequences like disease and pregnancy

children, who don't have these risks, remain sexless

it's such a tragedy

>> No.1272939



>> No.1272938
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sex doesn't need to be intercourse.

>> No.1272950
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In before van.

>> No.1272953

>children were never acceptable sexual partners before they were able to become pregnant.

Children are able to become pregnant at the age of 12-14. Boning an 8 year old was never socially acceptable, but boning 12 year olds always has been (and imho the 12-15 range is really the cutest and superior, sorry, I don't like Nekogen)

>> No.1272955

Let this thread live for five days first.

>> No.1272959


Contractor? No way. I hate having to align pieces of stone neatly, or breaking my fingers, or folding all the pages of a fucking book.

>> No.1272961

Does that thread hold the record for longest lasting thread? It was up for about a week if I remember right.

>> No.1272966

>Boning an 8 year old was never socially acceptable

Unless you're in a fundamentalist country (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.) or the some obscure Mormon sect

>> No.1272974

No, I think there was a Youmu thread that lasted much longer.

>> No.1272977

I remember that thread.

>> No.1272987

long-lasting theads are just unpopular ones that get bumped by OP each time they reach page 10

this thread will auto-sage in less than an hour

>> No.1272990

It was perfectly acceptable to marry 10-14-year-olds not too many years ago.

>> No.1272994

maybe in Alabama, you filthy redneck

>> No.1272996

15 days

>> No.1273000

Anyone seen Babyj?

>> No.1273001

think it was that way all across the US. lrn to history.

Rednecks aren't that bad, they just keep it in the family.

>> No.1273002

No, in lots of states and countries. For having thousands of years of culture, humans seem surprised when pesky things we were doing 200 years or less ago without problem still go on in the world.

Not that I think screwing children is a good and proper thing, but I'm not surprised in the least that it occurs.

>> No.1273007

Obscure cultures in Asia and former soviet blocks.

In a lot of places, girls still don't have any value. Some cultures require a dowry from the father before the "husband" will accept the girl.

>> No.1273022

Good job, you just set off every FBI watchlist that exists.

>> No.1273027

the dominant ideology is that children are innocent and sex will corrupt them.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that 100 years ago, sex with children was pretty standard. Girls would be married off as early as possible. There were no laws about child prostitution until the end of the 19th century. Before then, it was just natural for a child to do what was necessary to get by. The climate for a pedo was much better back then.

It's funny really, how quickly the opinions of an entire society can shift.

20 years ago, teachers could slap and whack childrn for misbehaving in class. These days, if a teacher so much as placed their hand on a child's shoulder, the parents would have a case to sue the school, and even press criminal charges against the teacher.

Society is a fickle beast.

>> No.1273028

I like how I gave you people good advice and repaid me with a shitty thread. Y'all can fuck right off.

>> No.1273032

I would be surprised to find anyone in /jp/ is able to actually seduce anyone of any age, so I'm going to consider these to be made up.
That said, by all means, continue.

>> No.1273034

Normally, due to non-disclosure reasons, I can't offer up this information. I'll make an exception because this thread will probably disappear soon: not too many lists actually contain that word, because the others are interested in security issues and the like.

>> No.1273031

Some Anonymous claim that the sexual liberalism of the 1960s go TOO FAR, but if you think about sexual freedom, the sexual liberalism of the 1960s DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!

>> No.1273042

But it's 7 pm here ;_;

>> No.1273039

I'll give you more come daybreak. Even a man like me has to sleep sometime, belive it or not.
'Till next time, Anon.

>> No.1273043

Pedophile search terms, from the experts.

>> No.1273044

Get out of my timezone.

>> No.1273046

just for the record, nobody itt has ever touched a grown-up girl, let alone an underage one

mega lol at words like "prefer" and "experience"
