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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12708654 No.12708654 [Reply] [Original]

Our lord and saviour Fireseal has fixed all of the compatibility issues and given us an incredible netplay client. Come play.

What is Eternal Fighter Zero?

First released in 2001, Eternal Fighter Zero is the first official game created by Tasogare Frontier. It is a fighting game with characters from early Key visual novels.

Game download: https://mega.co.nz/#!wMlWXSLB!2BCNL5mWmQe0yGqAd-3t2k0IaWDOrBmfrQO4fQpTrCM
EFZRevival 1.01: http://www.mediafire.com/download/el1tmobq8v87vr8/EfzRevival.7z
Wiki: http://wiki.mizuumi.net/w/Eternal_Fighter_Zero (outdated and messy)
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/GqUpA0A7

Who will you main?

>> No.12708696

I would but i'm south american.

>> No.12708701 [DELETED] 


>> No.12708770

>Touhou netplay thread

>> No.12708813

just play iamp

>> No.12708827

This game is nothing like IaMP.

>> No.12708955

>it even works on Windows 8
I'm actually impressed.

>> No.12712013

That's an awesome improvement over the base game. Thanks.

>> No.12712020

If it works on vista and 7 then it works on 8 too except for 2-3 obscure and bad western pc classics.

>> No.12715822

This game is a ton of fun and the new netcode is amazing. It feels like it has a much steeper learning curve than a lot of other fighters though. Even in melty blood you can get by with simple ABC j.ABC dj.ABC AT combos, this game doesnt really give a new player anything to work with, aside from a 3 hit combo. Even with IC, a lot of the ground starters are really specific on spacing, the real combos seem to come from air to air confirms, anti airs, and blue IC's, which are all pretty difficult for a new player. That said, its a really fun game and more people should play it, but it might be a bit discouraging losing to someone who has all their big confirms down because the damage difference is immense

>> No.12715831
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git gud

>> No.12715865

I'd love to play with other /jp/sies. Reminds me of the old meltan threads I was never any good at.

>> No.12716013
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burger girl 0.5 is cute

>> No.12717927

is there a daily netplay of this in /v/ or /vg/? Nice to have more opponents

>> No.12717940


Not yet. We could make one.

>> No.12717941

Does anyone EC want to play? I guess any NA would be fine with this netcode

>> No.12717946
UK, hosting for a while.

>> No.12717959

I can play but can't host. US Midwest.

>> No.12717966


>> No.12718023


Got to go.

>> No.12718201

ggs preciel, that was really fun. Mizuka's pressure in the corner is so scary, haha. I have to improve my neutral and my own pressure, but I'm not sure what Sayuri can do to keep people scared.

>> No.12718210


My pressure falls short most of the time because I don't really know how to frame trap properly and end up doing 2c after a few staggers and pushing myself out too far to continue. You were blocking overheads really well though.

Yeah I'm not really sure, the string into the wall slam was annoying until I got the hang of instant blocking it (and I still messed it up a lot) but it was really one dimensional so I didn't have to worry about mixups other than frame traps.

>> No.12718358

Tried running the game but crashes everytime. Do I need to extract/open anything in the folder? I'm running on Windows 8.

>> No.12719037


Are you using the game files provided in the OP? If you are, try re-extracting them. If you aren't, use them.

>> No.12719477

Damn, I remember I had so much trouble getting this working before because it's so damn old. I'm glad to know a new version exists.

>> No.12719503

I tried to tell op when the thread started but my post mysteriously vanished. Forget about it.

>> No.12719846

Pointing to the Touhou netplay thread?

>> No.12723779

Caster updated. Ver.1.02.


>> No.12723793

>frequent updates
This is what killed melty. Wait a month or two, then come back.

>> No.12723913

Yes, frequent updates to fix bugs and desync issues. Because those wont kill the game. People hate casters that run smoothly and offer top tier netplay.

>> No.12723962

Holy fuck why are you so buttblasted?! Is there a single being with any relation to indie games who isn't a voracious cunt? Your little revival is sure as fuck going to fail, now.

>> No.12723976
File: 68 KB, 795x538, ss (2014-08-28 at 06.54.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12723980

And McFucking Kill Yourself for using the caster name. You don't even know what the fuck it's for or why it's called that. Stop piggybacking off others' successes. Oh wait. This is indie gaming. That's all your capable of! Sorry for being so rude, Failureseal.

>> No.12723981

>thinks I'm Fireseal

>> No.12724253

can you teach me how to memetext like that you're really good at it

>> No.12728335

In an effort to keep the thread alive...
Midwest US. I'll host for about 30m.

>> No.12728535

Great games, it was pretty obvious you're a whole lot better than me.

>> No.12728546

Good games. That was an enjoyable time!

>> No.12730830 United Kingdom

Hosting for a while, EU and NA are welcome.

>> No.12730951

Getting tired now, thanks for the games. Unhosted for the night.

>> No.12731427

rehosting for about 30m.

>> No.12732142
File: 104 KB, 520x600, 396d8d3650dc0ac2e59d9a3ac0262b4083af27fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why precisely is Sayuri a mahou shoujo in EFZ? I've never really understood that.

>> No.12737797

Getting my ass kicked in single player again. Forgot about this game for the longest time.
>thanks, patcher

>> No.12737912

Was going to ask for matches but this thread seems dead.

>> No.12737918

#efz on irc.rizon.net

>> No.12737972
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>> No.12739837
File: 97 KB, 998x810, 1394578565451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it safe to assume anyone who'd be interested in this game in /jp/ has seen this thread already? Was thinking of hosting another game later tonight, but maybe I'll head to irc and get my butt kicked instead.

>> No.12739867

Well, I've never really gotten into EFZ even though I still play Melty today and I don't have enough time until the weekends, so maybe I'll drop a few hours on it later learning the basics. Have fun at IRC.

>> No.12740015

I'm interested but I can't play fighting games for shit.

>> No.12740062
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>single player
why was this game's AI so much more brutal than in other tasofro fighters?

>> No.12744862

Matches Mai.

Why do people even play Memorial? That game was a huge disappointment which broke as many things as it fixed. Why not just play BME?

>> No.12746135

I've only ever played Memorial. What are the other versions like?

>> No.12746147 [DELETED] 


>> No.12746266

Broken and unfinished. There is literally no reason to play the older versions. What we really need is the memorial rerelease with better graphics and sound.

>> No.12746370


Bad Moon Edition has all the features of Memorial minus Akiko and not-sleeping Nayuki. Some of the launchers are easier, the main menu has a much cooler tongue-in-cheek arcade theme, and there is a voice patch.

Blue Sky Edition is a little broken, and lets you do things like Misuzu drawing pop-up figures right where you fell down so there's no escaping them.

>> No.12746401

>minus Akiko
That alone is reason not to touch it. Thanks for exactly restating what took me three words. Broken and unfinished. Even if you wanted to play it for kicks, there is literally no way to get it unless someone who happens to come here and happens to own a physical copy uploads it.

>> No.12746425

Or use one of the easily available rips that are all over the internet.

>> No.12746447

Baiting me into producing a link for you? Not going to happen.

>> No.12746551
File: 1.21 MB, 3840x2400, Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 4.02.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying I need a link to a game that I released and seeded myself with voice patch and Kanna/unknown unlock a decade ago

Get on my level. You've obviously never played BME since you think you need someone with a physical copy to upload it for you.

>> No.12746616

>renamed files
>voice patch
I played it when it was released, nigredo. There's nothing wrong with liking shitty games, but don't try to tell me it's better than memorial. I'll wreck you right now if you really want to play.

>> No.12746810

How about you both shut the fuck up, give links and open multiplay sessions?

>> No.12748110

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12748116

> the main menu has a much cooler tongue-in-cheek arcade theme,

>> No.12752335

Let's dance.

>> No.12759400

i bought this game in 2003
