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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1270801 No.1270801 [Reply] [Original]

I am pretty ignorant when it comes to world history so maybe /jp/ can enlighten me. Why does korea hate japan and vice versa?

>> No.1270803

Very ignorant indeed.

>> No.1270804

Korea has AIDS so Japan tried to cure it.

>> No.1270805

/jp/ should ban corean

>> No.1270807

corea invent sushi

>> No.1270810

corea invent samurai sword

>> No.1270816

corea invent Halo

>> No.1270820

Correction: dumb roundeyes think we hate each other

It's not really so bad if you discount the nationalist circles
I'd say tension between China and Japan is much, much worse.

>> No.1270822

I lol'd heartily.

>> No.1270824

corea invent zerg

>> No.1270826

corea invent rice

>> No.1270828
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corea invented dongbang

>> No.1270829

Pheasant guts OM NOM NOM

>> No.1270830

corea invent miko

>> No.1270831

In short: Japan enslaved Korea and completely wrecked their shit, Korea earned their independence and actually did some impressive things.
Rinse and repeat.

Then the West came along and changed everything.
Now they just bicker about territorial disputes and the older generations hate each other to death out of spite.

>> No.1270833

This man speaks truth.

>> No.1270834

Korean teaches the hate of Japan in it's public schools.

>> No.1270839

I went to public school in Korea for a couple years.
We didn't learn anything like that.

What we DID learn that might be what you're alluding to is that Korea has rightful ownership of the Liancourt Rocks / Dokdo / Takeshima, which makes sense--they're not going to teach that someone else owns the fucking things. Hell, Korea occupies it right now.
That might be what you mean.

>> No.1270862


Japs sure got told.

>> No.1270879

And Japan teaches that Takeshima belongs to Japan. But that's how it is with any territorial dispute.
I don't see what the point is though, the Liancourts are of no fucking value. Someone just cede it, sign a fishing treaty, and end the bullshit.

>> No.1270885

I can't find it but I saw a documentary about a display of hate materials produced by Korean children at school that was proudly displayed in a Train station.

Koreans hate the USA too. Fuck they are so childish they will not even buy our Beef while we buy billions in Korean products.

Korea sucks.

>> No.1270900

Thank god Obama will pull all the US troops out of Korea. Its a shit hole.

>> No.1270903

no he wont, retard

>> No.1270911

He is going to pull all the troops out from all over the world an bring them home.

>> No.1270914

what are you, 12?

>> No.1270918

Obama hate Korean.

>> No.1270927

He is going to pull them out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Korea Bro.

>> No.1270937

Korea just teaches their children wrong stuff about Japan.
Sure japanese enslaved some asian countries but they helped developing the language and economy too (see Palau)

Now the japanese hate them because most of those that are in Japan are dicks. They bitch and argue about all kinds of shit even if they got good services(?) from the government, bad manners, etc...

Really, in what part of the world do the koreans have good reputation?

>> No.1270939

I'm through talkin' to you, retard

>> No.1270942
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>> No.1270945

Obama 08! Get us out of Korea!

>> No.1270966

>>Really, in what part of the world do the koreans have good reputation?


>> No.1270978

I still prefer Japan to Korea, and China to Japan. But Korea has done some cool things, built an electronics industry is basically little under 20 years. That's impressive.

>> No.1270980

>They bitch and argue about all kinds of shit even if they got good services(?) from the government, bad manners, etc...

lol wut? There are Nth generation "koreans" living in Japan, because they're not given citizenship due to not being pureblood Japanese. Kids whose grandfathers were born in Japan. And the society "encourages" them to keep their "real" ethnicity hidden, so they have to pretend to be real Japanese while missing out on the benefits.

>> No.1270989

>Really, in what part of the world do the koreans have good reputation?

They don't really have a 'bad' reputation anywhere outside of East Asia.

It's only East Asia that this shit flies, no one else cares.

>> No.1270990

They could always go back to North Korea.

>> No.1270997

You do not know anything about Japan or koreans living in Japan.

Just fucking quit posting like you've got anything to say on the matter.

>> No.1271000


Go away moron.

>> No.1271002

You people take the internet too seriously
The guys that go around talking to shit and insulting each other tend to be a) underage b) stupid

I'm Korean myself and I can say that on the surface at least, we get along perfectly fine. I'll be the first to admit that Koreans probably protest more shit than any other country, and some of our nationalists can be pretty quirky. I mean there's some tension, but it's more of a historical rivalry thing, not a everyday aspect of life like it is for the Chinese. You'd be surprised how much media/merchandise we get from them and vice versa these days. If they didn't make the occasional remark about WW2 crimes we'd be pretty close.

>> No.1271008

I have a shit opinion of South Korea and I live in California. They hate the USA so fuck them. They don't want to buy our beef so we should block all Korean imports in retaliation. Fuck them.

>> No.1271012

Yes, we Koreans get along so well with Japan. Japan is so tsundere for us. However, for inexplicable reason Japan and China hate eachother more than we and Japan hate eachother. Its because we're really deredere for each other but just like to be tsuntsun.

>> No.1271016

I hear about more shit between korea and japan, than japan and china, so where does this china an japan hate each other more thing come from

>> No.1271017
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>> No.1271020

In America Koreans have the worst reputation among the East Asian ethnic groups, they shoplift and they have Cho.

>> No.1271021
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>Koreans probably protest more shit than any other country, and some of our nationalists can be pretty quirky.

>> No.1271015

>They hate the USA so fuck them.


Fuck off you stupid americunt faggot.

>> No.1271024

Fuck you in your ass faget. Fuck Korea and Fuck you Europeans too.

>> No.1271028


If they have a bad reputation, then what the hell reputation do niggers have?

>> No.1271035

The worst.

>> No.1271048

The East Sea not the sea of jap

>> No.1271054

Americans generally think well of South Korea. The feeling is not mutual. A 2003 Pew survey found that 50 percent of South Koreans (and 71 percent of those age 18 to 29) have an unfavorable view of the United States. This isn’t anti-Bushism: 72 percent of those who disliked America said their hostility was toward the country in general, not just the president.

>> No.1271058


The USA is run by jews, what do you expect?

>> No.1271060


>They hate the USA so fuck them.

Everyone hates USA to some degree. Koreans just happen to be more vocal in their grievances.

>They don't want to buy our beef so we should block all Korean imports in retaliation.

LOL, thinking that a blockade can be a bright idea in XXI century. Good thing you don't have a say in world economy, and for good reasons.

>> No.1271075

You rather had it run by Mexicans? Cause that's where it was heading soon enough...

>> No.1271085

I don't see why they bother hating the country that sustains their existence. Let's see how much they hate America once they pull out of the south, and watch the north take over.

>> No.1271090

80,0000 people turn out to protest US Beef imports and almost bring down the Government over it. The Government caves in. Fuck them. I won't buy their products anymore. A genuine prohibition on imports from Korea might wake their asses up. Go suck some Korean cock.

>> No.1271091

I am sure you hate the USA for no good reason too.
Fuck you too.

>> No.1271096

Corean's can suck my Anglo-Saxon cock.

>> No.1271108

Anyone know where I can get a picture of someone shitting on a Korean flag? Google images fails.

>> No.1271117

I'm sure futaba would be happy to oblige.

>> No.1271148

the truth:
koreans don't actually hate the japanese; it's all just white, ronery, bored guys like myself that enjoy pretending to be korean patriots

>> No.1271155


Fact is, Korean farmers can stil raise herds on their own rather than importing meat from abroad.
I don't think USA would be able to afford blocking Korea from exporting electronic products, not without either starting to treat people working in American-based assembly plants like sweatshop monkeys so to keep the price competitive or have it skyrocket.

>> No.1271160


Fact is, Korean farmers can stil raise herds on their own rather than importing meat from abroad.
I don't think on the other hand that USA would be able to afford blocking Korea from exporting electronic products, not without either starting to treat people working in American-based assembly plants like sweatshop monkeys so to keep the price competitive or have it skyrocket.

>> No.1271195

Let The price skyrocket. Maybe we can get some jobs for people that didn't go to college making the stuff in the USA. That would be a good thing.

No more LG or Samsung for me.

>> No.1271206

China makes products for Korean electronic companies too

>> No.1271311
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Korea hates Japan because BoA lives there.

>> No.1271328
File: 67 KB, 432x358, 1220883658308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Arent Boas evil snakes?

>> No.1271330

Fact: BoA is a race traitor.

>> No.1271333
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Less than Asps, but more than Cobras.

>> No.1271340
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Man i really need a Sidewinder card.

>> No.1271347
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And Black Mambas?

>> No.1271351
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Phytons can eat a cow.

>> No.1271364

corea hates everyone and everything, just ignore them and let them protest themselves to death.

>> No.1271366
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>> No.1271373

