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12691367 No.12691367 [Reply] [Original]

Why is FSN so shitty compared to Tsukihime?

>> No.12691376

I disagree

>> No.12691377
File: 24 KB, 640x400, 493823-kizuato-pc-98-screenshot-title-screens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Nasu is a hack who copied the plot of a good visual novel.

>> No.12691382

You so silly op. Obviously because Tsukihime has better girls, excluding the one in your pic. Fatewaifus are mid tier at best.

>> No.12691488

S: Tsukihime far side, KnK, Carnival Phantasm
A: DDD, KT, Melty
B: HF, UBW, F/Z, Notes, CCC, Mahoyo
C: Prisma, F/A, Tsukihime near side
D: F/E, Fate, F/HA

>> No.12691490

Poorly written crap with middle school tier plot.

>> No.12691498

>D: F/E, Fate, F/HA
I mean, I get that most of HA is really bad, but isn't the main plot itself at LEAST C-tier? Slightly better than Prisma, at least.

>> No.12691505

Sure, the main plot's not as bad as the majority of it, but as a whole it's still pretty trash.

>> No.12691918
File: 73 KB, 1280x699, kiritsugu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F/Z should be at least A tier
What makes you think MB and KT is better than F/Z?

>> No.12692162
File: 238 KB, 847x645, Powered-Ciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel is great, especially in Melty Blood. What are saying?

>> No.12692187

Her right arm looks like the underside of a human colored shark..

>> No.12692346

it my shit

>> No.12692414

No, its your fucking mom being a whore. now go back to /a/ typing greentext selfinsert stories about sabershit you assnugget

>> No.12692451
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KnK is too high

>> No.12692477

Its the only objectively decent thing nasu ever wrote. its fine

>> No.12692488
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no it's too high

>> No.12692556

Jesus fucking Christ, this is the most overrated piece of fucking shit I have ever come across in all my time on the internet, and I've seen a lot of shit.

Masterpiece? MASTER FUCKING PIECE? Tell me /v/ have I been trolled? Is this the VN equivalent of Jenkem? I know you're all fucking autistic but I didn't think you were this bad.

The only good thing about the FSN routes were the side characters. Some of them were genuinely good. That's literally the only good thing I have to say about this fecal trifecta. If you thought this was good, you need to fucking euthanize yourself.

>> No.12692741
File: 17 KB, 220x157, get the fuck out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12692748

it worked.

>> No.12692753

Why would you repost this so many times? It's not even funny.

>> No.12692756
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disturbingly effective

>> No.12692777

What's disturbing is that there's people seriously thinking typemoon is worth anything past the nebulous premises it gave at its early stages.

>> No.12692795

shut up!

>> No.12692923

>>12692477 >>12692451
I liked that the series did some experimental things with regards to extensive digital usage in animation. There's clearly a lot of passion from the staff, but the source material is unfortunately often plain bad here. Another thing I enjoyed watching was how each film was done by a different director, and hence you can see a clear difference in approach to similar types of material in each movie. It also showcases how some directors were better at tackling some themes compared to others. The final movie was apparently directed by four of previous directors, so that might explain why it was just a mess in terms of tone.

>> No.12693076

Fate is /v/ tier of pleb, that should be explanation enough.

>> No.12693384

Both are trash

>> No.12693925

I wouldn't mind being killed by her

>> No.12699842
File: 63 KB, 1252x1252, 1415885765048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single TM thread on both /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.12699879 [DELETED] 

Who ye quoting?

>> No.12699907

what kind of satisfaction you find in mindlessly repeating a line like this? you find humorous pretending to be deprived of any wit?

>> No.12699924 [DELETED] 

A pretty sick one.

>> No.12699957

Just report and move on.

>> No.12704238

it's a forced meme, like >>12699842.

it probably makes him giggle like a fat manchild pretending to be a schoolgirl.

>> No.12707161

I'm sure Takeuchi is the one at fault there.

>> No.12709561
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why is powder curry so much better than regular curry?

>> No.12709627

Because f/sn is more popular and doesn't hold as much nostalgia value to people who read Tsukihime as their first full-length VN.

>> No.12709632 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 521x646, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone worried how they chose Unlimited Blade Works? I mean, they set up a lot of loose ends, plotlines, hanging threads that lead better towards Fate or maybe Heaven's Feel, but don't work at all in Unlimited Blade Works.

I mean, after so much drama, most storylines conclude like this:

>Zouken, who rapes Sakura constantly? Gets killed off-screen by Gil.

>Kiritsugu learning a harsh lesson on being a hero? Shirou doesn't listen and becomes a 100% hero, successful and rich.

>Saber and her unfinished business? Gets killed JUST before the ending, and doesn't do as much as Shirou or Archer.

>Gilgamesh epic battle against Saber? Nope, gets to fight some random kid from outta town.

>Kotomine Kirei? Gets unceremoniously stabbed in the back. This might be ironically acceptable, though.

>Illya? Brutally killed, Kiritsugu dream of protecting her goes to shit.

I know it's not meant to be literally a sequel, and there's still the VN and the other anime, but still....

Shit will be weird.

>> No.12709642

Oh yeah.


>> No.12709735
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oh noes

>> No.12709893

Go back to /a/ with your anime discussion and take your greentexting and unmarked spoilers with you.

>> No.12711188

It boggles my mind how there are people that don't think Mahoyo is by far Nasu's best work. Fate/Shit Night isn't even in the same league.

>> No.12711487
File: 466 KB, 1113x1600, Witch on a Holy Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping Nasu from working on more Witch on a Holy Night instead of Fate/whatever? Takes too much time and passion so he does what prints the easy cash?

>> No.12711916

What do you need more? a hand written message signed by nasu himself saying "I had four ideas in all my life, and since I donàt know how to make more I'll just milk ad infinitum what makes more money, that is actually the only reason I got involved in this shit?"
passion? what the fuck you're even talking about? they only care about money, money, money, fucking money
and its horrible, because if it was a big company it would be somewhat acceptable. instead they're small, don't release fucking nothing, and when they do it punctually makes people that followed them bitterly disappointed
are you fucking blind? why the fuck you invest your time in that shallow crap? find another series, another franchise, whatever. just stop giving away your time and money to these scam jerks, because if you do you're not better than americans buying compulsory shitty modern marvel comics

>> No.12713768

>A rank
Only a hopeless Tsukihime fanboy would rank it any higher than C.

>> No.12723730

Fuck you nasu
