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12682342 No.12682342 [Reply] [Original]

Batsu Game 2014-15

No Laughing Prison


Gaasuu Kurobikari Center Prison

>> No.12682424

I already feel sorry for Hamada, I feel like this will be all about his affair.
>inb4 he get's a trial on the show

>> No.12682435
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Any predictions?
Inb4 Yamasaki get shanked by chono

>> No.12682590

Didn't that Downtown group disband?
I thought they were quitting or something.

>> No.12682639

Fuck yeah I was wondering what this year would be.

>> No.12682643

That was just silly rumors.

They pretty much came out and said that they'd never fall apart unless one of them died, then whatever happens after that is just up to how the feel.
These guys are in it for life. The broest bros you could be in terms of work colleagues.

>> No.12682680


>Brost bros

But it's been we'll documented that Matsumoto doesn't get on we'll with Hamada especially outside of work,

>> No.12682686

That is why I said work colleagues at the end of it.
With respect to work only, they are great at it.

>> No.12682708

They specifically don't interact outside of work so that each interaction can be genuine while they are being recorded. I'll see if I can find that interview where they talked about it.

>> No.12682726

Will they finally stay overnight again and make it actually 24 hours?

>Hamada is trying to sleep
>Bob Sapp sneaks into his cell and tries to sleep in the bed

>> No.12682734

Bob Sapp was the guy they did Silent Library with, right?
But he never did make an appereance at the Batsu games oddly. I can see the potential
>Chono being head warden
>They're looking for someone
>Yamazaki's already shaking
>Suddenly Bob Sapp turns up, they're looking for him, says Yamazaki was his accomplice

Also, Hamada's going to get it for sure, but I don't think he'll have it as bad as Endo, atleast I doubt he'd sit through the same shit that Endo did, no way in hell he'd let an old guy fart powder in his face as punishment

>> No.12682737

I do miss the sleeping sections they used to do.

Show-hei hey will never happen again.
Let us remember.

>> No.12682738

>Another bus
I see it coming, but please be funny this time. I hope not scream part is actually scary this time.

>> No.12682742

I hope they shake up the format this time, the last 2 were too much alike. I mean they didn't even get new costumes for the punishers.

>> No.12682772


Hopefully, otherwise expect

>group standing in a field or random area
>fujiwara arrives and stumbles his words
>they all get dressed
>hamada or yamizaki get drag
>arrive at a brief preliminary area
>desks with buttons, dirt on endo, movies, thai kick
>arrive at prison
>lunch game
>celeb variety game show
>theatrical play
>live event
>prison staff vs whoever in painful contests
>no scaring prison
>celeb gossip
>happy new year

Plus cameos, seemingly scripted segments during break time in the waiting room, a few prison related events all over the place and GOD DAMN

>> No.12682779

I don't think desks jokes need to be replaced though. I really love to see their natural reaction against each other. I agree with everything else need to be changed.

>> No.12682782
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Is this the racetrack building?

>> No.12682784

Yeah, the desk bits are some of the most funniest shit ever. Only this time, Hamada will be the Dirty guy, not Endo.
Or both.

>> No.12682786

Seeing they are on a usual bus again, I don't think so.

>> No.12682799

Well they did sorta change it up the last one there.

They brought back some old favorites, Chono ended up appearing twice, including on the bus. (It kills me thinking of Matsumotos face when he sees him)
The desk crying bit though. Holy shit.
And elite salt. They went really cruel the last game.
I hope they go even deeper with this one.

>> No.12682809

>elite salt
That was the ruse of the century. And they have material to work with, with Hamade fucking around on the side

>> No.12682817

I can't believe it worked though. They gambled hard on them opening a certain way.

I'd be sad if it was just planned.
I wonder if it never happened as they planned, they'd have just thrown it in to the unseen footage.
Guess it would depend on the reaction to when they eventually opened them.

>> No.12682832

The desk parts are great though because some gags are amazing.

The DVDs, white smoke and button are pretty shit though second time round.

>> No.12682839

Has the last year's Batsu Game been subbed?
And can you watch it anywhere?

>> No.12682853
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I hope they tie in Matsumoto's letter to Hamada since they made the 2 sad videos for Yamazaki and Tanaka last year

>> No.12683110

It's up on nyaa.
Or just google it really. It's great.
Oh fuck, that letter. They still didn't reveal it? I thought they already did, it just never got subbed

>> No.12683279

>They specifically don't interact outside of work so that each interaction can be genuine
I don't think it's that simple. They both said they feel uncomfortable around each other alone, and Matsumoto has hinted at some deep wounds between them (in the Matsumoto episode of Professional, he said that he hopes he dies first because he thinks Hamada has a lot to apologize for at his funeral, and it really didn't sound like a joke)
They always stay 24 hours, it's just that in the recent ones they don't actually sleep (at least on camera anyways).
>Bob Sapp was the guy they did Silent Library with, right?
The Silent Library black guy is Ernesto Hoost, Bob Sapp did an episode of shichihenge and I think something else but I'm not sure.

>> No.12683290

I hate that fucking segment where they have the competition with the rival comedians, it's not funny at all.

>> No.12683379

god it feels like yesterday since the last one happened

>> No.12683557

They may have revealed it, last thing I saw was the program ending after Matsumoto stalled

>> No.12683677

I really hope this is the last one.

>> No.12683680

Seems it feels like that for the staff too. Being burdened by the schedule can dull their mind from finding new ideas.

>> No.12683704

I don't think Gaki no Tsukai will last one more year. This is has already been awful ratings wise.

It's a shame. Downtown lost interest in it.

>> No.12684882

If Gaki done, what will the members do after that?
Cocorico still have other shows, Yamazaki will concentrate in Rakugo, Matsumoto probably become the next Takeshi, and Hamada will secretly divorce his wive.

>> No.12684978
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Actually, I've heard that (japanese) people in general were pleased with last years batsu and Suga said they plan to make it similar for this year, but it's always difficult to include all those celebrities again and again.
So as long Downtown can move, they will probably force this upon them for years to come.

(Also he said last years budget cut was the highest yet - I don't know, they used mostly the same props, same building from Police batsu and 4 old men running away from black bodysuit pranksters for a whole fucking afternoon doesn't seem to me like it cost much.)

Personally I think last year's batsu was the worst until now, the only time I really laughed was at the desk part and Hamada's M1-model.
Everything else is the same all over again.

Wish they'd let the comedians themselves think of the pranks, they are the professionals at it, not the recording/producer staff.
And that annoying rivalry between the two outsider comedian teams near the end has become almost like Jackass, that segment needs to go, I always skip it now.

>> No.12685317

>Matsumoto has hinted at some deep wounds between them
really? been a while since i watched that, but i thought i didn't get anything that negative from the interview.
feels like it's more similar to how he wouldn't read the letter to hamada at hamada's birthday.

i've read somewhere that suga would retire after this. so even if gaki no tsukai and the 24h batsu game still goes, it would be under a different producer.

>> No.12685480

He left the show last year if I remember correct. Well, this year even. (was posted in the last big thread on here, or few ago)
I'm hoping it means he might come in to the games as a more direct "prop" rather than the usual vans, statues, cars and pictures.
I think it would be great if they sneaked Fujiwara out at some point, then suddenly Suga replaces him, dressed in the same outfit.

I'd love it if there was a segment in it that referred back to something else they had done. Like how about a mini Absolutely Tasty Prison, but with others playing them?
That is sure to destroy them, especially if they use the brilliance of Endo Recipes. Always bet on Frisk.
Simple stuff like that, they wouldn't be able to resist the laughter because it is so personal.
Or even have them re-enact a Kiki episode. Horribly. And with hilariously broken personas of each of the team.
I can remember back to that one time where Yamazaki tried to place his hand on a PAINTED BENCH. Imagine doing that again, but have the "wall" break open.
Simple stuff like this is what gets them and they'd be so used to all these complex things they'd have no idea what to do.
Someone escaping their cell because the bars were made out of cardboard and some sort of interaction with wardens, Chono, and this time Yama doesn't get slapped. (slap, like, Suga or something)

I really do hope they change it up. Even more so if it isn't at all like I suggested.

>> No.12688286

>Always bet on Frisk.
Well, crushed Frisk has been used as bastu game weapon multiple times on the show. Ask Tanaka, Jicho Kacho and Ueshima.

>> No.12688441

Well, you answered your own question.
Except for the Takeshi part. I disagree on that.

Suga already retired from the show in the middle of the year or so.
He just comes back for the 24h batsu game because it's a big hit.

Hamada gets paid more than Matsumoto, he joined Yoshimoto Kogyo before (therefore, becoming Matsumoto's senior), in the first years of success, Hamada was considered the good one of the duo, while Matsumoto wasn't that much appreciated.
Those things alone wouldn't matter, but knowing Hamada's persona, maybe he could have been a dick from time to time using those things.

That's the problem. The only thing people watch is the 24h batsu game. Then for the rest of the year, the ratings are not so good.

>> No.12688498

I think the DVDs aren't really played from the DVD itself. More in that the crew behind the scenes controls what is played. So if it had been DVD and then they eat it, the DVD would have been something different and they would have put in the elite salt video later. Atleast that would make the most sense to me instead of leaving it completely to chance.

>> No.12689064 [SPOILER] 
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Maybe they should get back in to doing more smaller specials instead of one huge one.
The upside to this is possibly more ratings, and equally there will be more people available to appear on the show as well. It gets so crowded at the end of the year.

What shows do they still even do though?
I'm not all that familiar with recent stuff besides that one thing that weeping contest.
Sadly, I am a non-Japanese pleb presently.

Also, time for some spoilers!
Looks like we know what will make an appearance this time.
Here's hoping it won't be so long and drawn out, and be more fun.
I have no idea what this is going to end up doing. Looks like FUN to me.

>> No.12689345

I'd say Hamada gets paid more simply because he does more solo appearances and MCing than Matsumoto. He has always been the social one of the two while Matsumoto was the source of their comedic material, both in terms of planned scripts and extreme improvisation. Matsumoto mentioned recently that one time he thought his paycheck for some new show was little small, so he asked about it from his manager and the next time he got the paycheck, it was double of the original.
That being said, various "Top 10 Money Making Celebrities/Comedians of the year" lists come up from time to time (with Matsumoto & Hamada often named) and since even they are not consistent, I'd say it's impossible for a baka gaijin owarai niwaka otaku to say who actually earns more.

Seriously, people doing retarded speculation on 4chan based on either absolutely nothing or some random small details always makes me mad.
Only two months ago some idiot thought Matsumoto's New Year's message on Twitter was a retirement announcement (>>12508567).

>> No.12689937

Hamada had an affair?

>> No.12690080

>Suga already retired
He retired from his job at NTV. But as Sayonara Hosei 2014 suggested, he is still around Gaki crews at some levels ala former Downtown manager Fujiwara.

>> No.12690213

He was busted by Friday (magazine) around June. Apparently it had been going on since 2010. His wife tried to do some damage control in media but eventually it became unquestionable.

Matsumoto kept mentioning it on "Wide na Show" (http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_14_06.html)) for a long a time despite the staff's orders because he felt that everyone was trying too hard to sweep it under the rugs.

>> No.12690262

>Matsumoto kept mentioning it on "Wide na Show" (http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_14_06.html)) for a long a time despite the staff's orders because he felt that everyone was trying too hard to sweep it under the rugs.

Do they really not get along that well?

>> No.12690324

I think making fun of the subject is more heartful reaction than trying to pretend it never happened.

Jinnai Tomonori divorced in 2009 because of his affairs and he still gets called for it everytime he appears on a show. Busting people for their dumb actions in general is really common in the business. Lot of comedians drink/spend time with their kouhai, who later act as information sources when needed.

>> No.12693244

Gaki has had a lot less slapsticks and harsh batsu games involving the main cast, especially Downtown themselves, lately. The more physically demanding skits so far have been Non Stop Moving Challenge and Hamada Cram School.

It was a lot funnier when Downtown are the ones who take, not just give.

>> No.12693434 [DELETED] 

If only the same effort that gets spent ripping and subbing and perfecting some bullshit 90's anime that nobody cares about was spent on subbing this

>> No.12694376

It's a lot easier to translate anime than comedy. There's also a far bigger english speaking audience for anime than japanese tv shows.

>> No.12700414

>It's a lot easier to translate anime than comedy.


How so?

>> No.12700494

Comedy is more of a culture-specific material. Cannot translate most jokes word for word, etc.

>> No.12700571

Puns or play on words are hell to translate I presume, not to mention jokes that rely on references which would usually result in TL Notes if this was 2004

>> No.12701151

This is how i feel during their bus rides most of the time. I get that it's super hilarious if you know who most of the stars are but i'm mostly lost during the whole ride.

>> No.12701383

can someone explain the 5 word shiritori game from EDF?

>> No.12702464

In anime (or fiction in general) people don't usually speak on top of each other, stumble their words or act wildly outside a script. The quality of the voice recording is also obviously better in stuff that's done by seiyuu with high-quality microphones at a proper studio beforehand (as oposed to comedians with wireless mikes at a filming studio in real time).

>> No.12702634

Anyone know where to find the vid where Hamada unknowingly beats up Ryuichi Sakamoto?

>> No.12702685

A recent special advertising the Gottsu Ee Kanji DVDs had it.

>> No.12702690

And here's Youtube if the shit chinese stream doesn't work for you.

>> No.12705202

Cavity search

>> No.12705298
File: 2.72 MB, 500x372, gaki2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12705303
File: 2.38 MB, 500x372, gaki3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12709955

Why is Hamada such a sadist?

>> No.12709986



>> No.12714547

But anon, we know that will happen because it happens every year.

I wonder if Tanaka will get a thai kick

>> No.12714550

Gaki no Tsukai certainly will last. The batsu games though... Who knows.

>> No.12714551

They also use kansai dialect sometimes, right?

>> No.12714599

It will come from an even more unexpected time.

>> No.12717998

It feels strange hearing Downtown and Co. say that can't really do stuff like that tag batsu game anymore

>> No.12718090

Only Matsumoto who has a bad hip can't. They just did another tag game last year.

>> No.12718316

The original tag game happened in 2000, when the members were still in their 30's.
Matsumoto and Hamada turned 50 last year (while Yamazaki, Tanaka and Endou aren't that young either), so having 24 hours of that would be probably too much.

>> No.12719156

I always wonder how Endo can still looks young until now.

>> No.12725923

Can we get a countdown timer?

>> No.12726140


>> No.12737195

Where can you watch this live when it airs?

>> No.12738663

Usually a stream link gets posted here. Last year the stream had live translations, although only very basic.

>> No.12742257


Would it be the same stream link then?
