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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, sische2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12673783 No.12673783 [Reply] [Original]

Nukige thread. Previous: >>12531465

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? Etc.

>> No.12673830 [DELETED] 

first for EOPs

>> No.12673847

Waiting patiently for 3. I hear the protagonist's mother will be included this time.

>> No.12673848


>> No.12673884

She was adorable fat not disgusting fat plus you could go after the other sister if it bothered you.

>> No.12673931

There's no such thing as adorable fat. Also she was constantly pissy and had a raspy horse voice; she's like half of the teenage girls I remember from high school. And her route is mandatory like everyone else's, none of them diverge until the very end.

It sucks how that game forces every other girl on you before you can stick with Amane.

>> No.12673945
File: 300 KB, 672x527, Screenshot_from_2014-11-08 18:50:55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has one explicit ero scene in the sample CG gallery on their site. I hope it's not just a one-off.

>> No.12674195
File: 171 KB, 820x642, kukuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I don't think I've loved a character in an eroge more than this.

Thank you so much /jp/.

>> No.12674225

There's going to be a third one? That is awesome news, when is it coming out?

>> No.12674234

28th of November

>> No.12674255

Thank you very much.

>> No.12674701


Don't get too excited man, Ino didn't work on this one. It's some other illustrator. The art style is all different now.

>> No.12674712
File: 32 KB, 320x240, c504825package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of INO. Is Otome Fiction ever coming out?

>> No.12674761

Oh thats lame, can I get a link to the new one at least to see the art? Can really judge from just this >>12673945

>> No.12674766

It's going to be packed with Half Life 3

>> No.12674878

here you go

>> No.12674883

I think it actually bears a pretty strong resemblance to the first game in the series.

>> No.12675146

The skin tone looks really bland and flat now. I miss INO's muchimuchi style already.

>> No.12675217

I just hurt myself while fapping. I'm bleeding down there now.

Life is suffering. I can't even fap until I'm healed. I wasn't even doing anything special other than stroking. What the hell.

>> No.12675223
File: 33 KB, 400x500, 51bzDxei5NL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dry stroking is bad. use lube. or get yourself one of these instead. vibration = no stroking = no skin irradiating frictions. combine it with a condom and you get no mess and no clean up either.

>> No.12675402

>No Chika route ever.

Those fucks. I don't even care that she's not a sister.

>> No.12675414

I have never used lube, and I have been jacking it for over a decade. I just hold on tight, and move the skin over the shaft.

>> No.12675467

The Sister Scheme 3 artist did the Mink Ego games (as well as a shit ton of Anim games going back a few years). I actually quite like his/her art but it can't compare to Ino's :-(

The mother looks delicious though.

>> No.12675540

Same. Never had any problem. Circumcised by the way.

>> No.12675545


>> No.12675556

It's weird to think that there are people like >>12675217 who learned how to masturbate wrong.

>> No.12675829

On the subject of sisters, can anyone name any nukige with scenes where the MC is watching his sister get banged, consensually or otherwise? Or where he has a threesome with his sister and another guy or girl?

Something like this: https://vndb.org/v14648

>> No.12676106


>> No.12676122

Search for curedeathgrip

>> No.12677736
File: 69 KB, 517x1000, 61MaxOXpUTL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this for my friend as a secret santa prank

10 bucks

>> No.12678081

>Name at the bottom
What is this heresy?

>> No.12678112

Does anyone else just browse random VNDB tag combos all day. I always check the ehentai gallery of something that interests me then download, at least I know it will be a good fap at the very least.

>> No.12678119

I do it with egs's tags and POVs, and I often fap while I'm at it.
Never thought the day would come where I'd masturbate to a database.

>> No.12678132

Still waiting on that new Erectlip game.

>> No.12678448

...Is there another way to masturbate that I don't know of?

>> No.12678585

That feel when can't get into EGS.

>> No.12678905

I too am interested in this secret masturbation technique that I have been missing out on.

>> No.12679000
File: 114 KB, 816x638, japanese masturbation technique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12679183

Doesn't that happen in Bible Black?

>> No.12679266

I agree. It's just not the same without Ino.

>> No.12679282

Oh sweet Half Life .... wait, you're trying to trick me aren't you?

>> No.12680581

Quite a few NTR games have sisters if that kind of thing would work for you.

Reika was kickass, btw. Top nukige of the year for me possibly.

>> No.12680635

My electric fan has two settings, high, and low, and both of them will rip my dick off

>> No.12682673
File: 506 KB, 816x638, 右手がとまらない僕と、幼なじみの姉妹_2014-11-11_11-07-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please practice safe and pleasant masturbation techniques. The Migitoma dictionary methods are not for beginners.

>> No.12682935

Thanks for the suggestions.

I'd forgotten about Bible Black. Played the shit out of that back in the day.

Went back to finish up Misaki's route in Sister Scheme 2. Anyone know how to get the double paizuri CG/scene? It's a right old head-scratcher.

>> No.12684998

Is there anything with a lot of good scenes with vibrators/ローター
Combined with some 放置プレイ for a bonus

>> No.12685416

Not sure what the kanji in the second line mean (Jisho says "leave as is") but this game has a ton of vibrator and rotor play.


>> No.12685436

Neglect play.
Do your reps, thread. Why do I even bother.

>> No.12689377
File: 124 KB, 800x600, 654654m457mn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with Itsuki getting annoyed by Katerina biting her tail?

It rustles my autism.

>> No.12689509


I hope this guy's still alive.

>> No.12689519

I actually liked fat girl. She was rather plumb than fat anyway. Too bad I never found a way to make her go full paipan.

>> No.12689541
File: 190 KB, 710x440, 1334374221092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12689570

It's been a long time anon, he's dead.

>> No.12689609

being this stupid

>> No.12690911

Otome Function

>> No.12691322
File: 35 KB, 1223x893, central tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is where this is from.I'm playing the demo now.

Is this inspired by the Tower of Druaga?

Because that's the vibe I'm getting.

>> No.12691339

>Otome Function
Jesus Christ. He still updates his damn blog with images and whatever ever so often. Either he is one of the most elaborate trolls I have ever seen in my life, or he is much of perfectionist as that ILL guy of Dungeons and Prisoners.

>> No.12691969

If it is, it's a very loose connection. The plot doesn't really explore that aspect.

Still, it was really good for its length. Sequel when.

>> No.12694286

Playing Sister Scheme 2 HD since OPs picture made me remember the game and I only played the non-HD version back then.

Turns out there's also a version with animated H-scenes. A definitive version would be nice.

>> No.12695340

Please send help /jp/.
Between all the nukige released this month and 10+ sessions a day since they started rolling out I think I finally came too hard and pulled my back.

>> No.12695441

That happened to me when I was in high school. I went to a chiropractor a couple times and I was good to go.

>> No.12695916

If it's a small pull then a simple massage and some relaxation will do. No need for any doctor types if it's not serious.
I use my brother for that and am always good to go again by the end of the day.

>> No.12697333
File: 157 KB, 800x599, 19613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck.

>> No.12697338

You've never seen a man 射精 before?

>> No.12697341

Not in this pose, no.

>> No.12697396



Fucking why
It would be so perfect otherwise.

>> No.12697404

Why would an eroge that's not NTR show you the MC's sister get banged by someone else? Or not double-timing him with the other part of the threesome?

>> No.12697419


Oh i'm not that other guy, i don't like seing the imouto get banged by someone else.

I thought reika did everything right except the NTR which kind of sours the whole thing for me.

>> No.12697515

>New Erectlip CG uploaded
Now we play the waiting game.

>> No.12697665

That meme arrow is too epik for /jp/, you should take it to more epik boards such as /v/.

>> No.12697673

At least it was only one scene.

Which actually is kinda odd. Because having just one NTR scene turns away people who hate NTR but doesn't do much for people who are into NTR. On the other hand I do enjoy NTR scenes in non-NTR games, which are something of a rarity these days (probably for the reason I just mentioned), so I really shouldn't complain.

>> No.12697683

> I do enjoy NTR scenes in non-NTR games
I feel the same, mostly because they tend to be actual characters, instead of predetermined NTR-bait.

>> No.12697904

For me it's that NTR can lose its impact when it's the entire focus of a game. Lots of times I lose interest after the first NTR scene.

>> No.12698106

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.12698407

stay in /jp/

>> No.12698924

/jp/, how many MILF-centric games are there where there's a good amount of focus on 甘やかす stuff? I know of Rapapuru's stuff and those Norn games where the protagonist turns into a shota, but other than that it's hard to tell with this kind of stuff. So much of it seems to be focused more on "deviant son making mother his bitch", which is...okay, but not really my cup of tea.

>> No.12698931

>why don't I say "stuff" one more fucking time

I just realized how autistically this post was worded, ugh.

>> No.12699045

They mentioned something about #2 being considered on twitter.How do you say under development in Japanese?-Also,it looks like the Tower of Babel to me.

>> No.12699112

I'm gonna 'stuff' you with my cock.

>> No.12699395

I'm going to cock you full of my “stuff”.

>> No.12699397

I always notice how terribly my posts are written after it's too late.

>> No.12699518

The animation is very bad, it's better off without them. I had to turn them off because the super choppy movements just ruined the CG.

>> No.12699786

Enjoying your first week here?

>> No.12699858

Hey jay, I really like the idea of mother or grandmother impregnation. Anything in particular that you would recommend.

>> No.12699925

It is being considered, but for the time being it's been shelved because it's a personal project, and the two big names involved in it are busy with their main jobs, according to what another anon told me (post #11717557).

>> No.12700165

I like the gothic themes in the trailer.

>> No.12700188

Who's the artist?

>> No.12700208


>> No.12700361

Having trouble with 姦染 . There are no text appearing, and the text on the options at the menu bar are messed up, yet the text in the settings and the dialog box when you tried to close the game is fine. I heard you have to turn the format to Japanese, but it didn't do anything for me. Any ideas?

>> No.12700818

I bite my cat on the tail all the time

Is there a download yet?

>> No.12701798
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 23200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only grandmother impregnation game I know of is Chichimiko but I can't recommend it. There IS Inraku no Ketsuzoku but the woman in question is your ancestor and an immortal demon. She could be your grandmother. Maybe. The game only says she's your ancestor. Still play it if you like, there's a mother route too where you run off to marry her.

For mother. Tons.
Harakano is a favorite because your mother is absolutely adorable.

Kazoku Koukan Ane Haha Imouto
Although I can't remember if you make her pregnant Hint it's not your 'mother' it's your aunt that's your true mother. Your step mother is a dog fucking whore.

Kioku Soushitsu no Okaa-san
Your mother gets amnesia, fuck her till she gets her memories back. A couple routes you make her pregnant but some are a bit creepy if mindbreaking your mother and making her your cock slave isn't your thing. There's happy sex of course and even one route you 'marry' her.

Musuko no Tame nara Midara ni Nareru Haha
The mother's neighbor likes to fuck young boys and has her eye on her son next. In order to protect him from her she agrees to be dragged into the same forbidden world before discovering too late the boy with the mask she's been fucking is her own son. Ends in pregnancy.
Also unique because the mother is the protagonist. So YOU are the mother fucking your son until you're pregnant.

Subete Ubatteyaru
Although again I can't remember if your mother gets pregnant. Also don't let the cover scare you it's a seriously cute game. You can move into an apartment with your mother (or her and your sister too if you do down that route) so that nobody can interfere with your relationship anymore. I think it's irrelevant if she's not pregnant in the end anyway as you certainly plan on having a family with her in the end. I just can't remember.

That should start you off. If you're desperate for one in English there's Maman Kyoushitsu but it's mediocre at best.

>> No.12701806
File: 49 KB, 813x636, japan only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember how to get over this. I did it last week but I had a chem test to study for and all knowledge about porn has been lost.

>> No.12701884

No Region Loader, I forgot about it. Had it in the wrong folder. Carry on Nukige thread, carry on.

>> No.12702261

>>12699925 >>11717557 Correcting for scripted convenience.

>> No.12702369

That was kinda pointless, but okay.

>> No.12702438

There's region loaders for games now?

>> No.12703223
File: 71 KB, 600x673, Bw2KciMCAAE1VIY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izumi Banya is still super busy and already has games he's scheduled to write until 2016.

Ueda Metawo isn't as open with what he's doing but from his twitter he's still working in the game industry (not eroge) under another name. He also complained that his art went to shit because he's not drawing his own art all that much lately.

In any case they both still want to make the sequel (last mentioned in September this year) but it's just never gonna happen.

>> No.12703273

I knew Izumi Banya was a beast but that's just an insane number of projects to have going on.

It seems like a lot of nukige writers are like that though--many have a game released every month or so. Kind of kills the glamour of the idea of making a living writing porn.

>> No.12703331

>his art went to shit

Please no.;_;

His artwork was in the top eroge artists ever category.It's horrifyin to think he sucks now.

What they should do is buy Black Cyc and start churning it out again.

>> No.12703541
File: 478 KB, 2124x1262, metawo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art he posted on twitter in the last two years, I think it looks fine.

>> No.12703545
File: 1.19 MB, 2309x2072, fantasica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that social game he did art for last year or so.
Unless something dramatically changed in 2014 his art should still look good.

>> No.12703604

What didn't you like about ChiChi Miko? Was it the art or the fucking awful sex dialogue?

>> No.12703659

The art was ridiculously awful. I guess some fetishists like to see a woman with tits that comprise 3/4 of her body weight but I can't stand it.

As for the dialog it was pretty funny when the crowd is shouting 'get her pregnant get her pregnant get her pregnant' when you're fucking your grandmother/mother/aunt/cousin or whatever at the shrine and it was kinda funny when the game stops to yell at you if you choose a different girl your second choice but two humorous scenes can't make up for the rest of an awful game.

>> No.12703661

Beppin Mama

>> No.12703792


>> No.12703810

Thanks a lot man

>> No.12705046

>nukige starts with a sex scene

Damn, what's the point?
If you aren't even going to bother estabilishing the characters first i might as well have just downloaded the CGs.

>> No.12705102

Because voices and not everyone is you.

>> No.12705116


>Because voices


>> No.12705126

CG sets aren't voiced, in case you didn't notice.

>> No.12705131

Given his misuse of the quote function, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

>> No.12705236

Ok fine.

Still, the key feature nukige have is character building. If it's just "some guy fucking a random hot girl", there isn't much of a point.

>> No.12705241

There is audio and dialog, nerdlet.
Character establishment is part of the work, not the medium or genre. Regardless of if there is a point, the nukige itself still outdoes the CG alone.

>> No.12705320

He didn't misuse it at all. Stop overreacting to every little thing.

>> No.12705404


Sex dialog doesn't tell much faggot.
There needs to be a good reason to throw away your greatest asset away by starting with a sex scene, and there usually isn't.

>> No.12705467

I entirely agree, but in a more generalized sense. It's still not a key feature of nukige alone.
Means it's a shit game, sure, but that doesn't make the CG, or any other media as a whole for that matter, better.

>> No.12705489

Playing セーラー服心療妻科

Your mother agrees to hypnotism to test psychological well being by reliving her high school days. As soon as she's under the influence of hypnotism she mistakes you for your father and wants to do progressively lewd things with you.

Oh fuck yes! I'm going to totally fuck my mother while she's hypnotized and she won't even realize our secret relationship until she's firmly in my power and likes it.

>> No.12705506
File: 1.50 MB, 320x222, never-say-no-to-panda-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! Instead I take my mother out of her hypnotism and rape her.

Goddamn it. Do these people not understand the purpose of hypnotism fetish?

>> No.12705589


Me, i'd rather have something where the girl realizes what is being to her but is ok with it.

My dream hypnosis nukige would be a group of girls who allow themselves be hypnotized, just for the experience or wathever, and come to enjoy it and the group has fun together putting each girl in embarassing situations. Obviously it eventually escalates into lewd stuff.

>> No.12705780

see >>12705046

>> No.12706047

Picked up Naisho no Naisho again after a long period of not playing it, I forgot how much I liked this game. I wouldn't usually describe a nukige as "comfy", but something about this one is just so nice. Ren is a fucking angel.

Also, I've been considering playing Maid in Heaven SuperS, has anyone here played it? I really like the art and variety of fetishes, but I'm curious what the SLG part is like. EGS says it's fairly annoying.

>> No.12706879

Sounds like pretty much every Bishop title to ever exist ever.

>> No.12706954

NnN is definitely godly.

>> No.12707508

Does anyone know a nice nukige where girls are objectified in an almost literal sense, treated like furniture?
Maybe as a subset of S&M or mind control.

>> No.12709283

Monogokoro, Monomusume

>> No.12709312

Ehhh, having played that already it sort of qualifies as the girls ARE furniture (and other things) but I'm not sure if I'd say they were treated as furniture.so much.

I think what he's asking for is girls in an extreme form of humiliation play where they aren't even looked at as human beings anymore or even the respect due other animals.

The girls in Monogokoro Monomusume, while being actual objects turned into girls are still treated by the MC as if they're living beings although not exactly human.

>> No.12711777

>I bite my cat on the tail all the time

>> No.12711912


Yeah, it's not exactly what i was looking for but it's interesting in its own right, i'll check it out.

>> No.12718870

Which one of the Mamono musume games is the best/has the best ero scenes?

>> No.12718877

Completely dependent on your favorite type of monster girl

>> No.12718890

It was a joke..

>> No.12721920

fuuuck my dick

thank you

>> No.12722706

Guys, do any of you know the name of this eroge that was released this year, where some sort of strange disease that kills people unless the MC cums inside of them? If I recall correctly, the game starts with a gyaru dying because she refused to be screwed.

>> No.12722785

受胎島 「どうしてアンタみたいなブサ男に種付けされなきゃいけないのよ?!」 ?

>> No.12722817

Yes, that is the one. Thank you.

>> No.12723051

>"this year"

>> No.12724430

How is フラテルニ? The CGs look pretty good and there's the body piercing tag on vndb so I assume there's some corruption/slavery themes as well.

>> No.12724459

Im waiting pantiently for Honky Tonk Pumpking new game and that Liru Seismic game.

November wll kickass.

>> No.12725337

What's the difference between 巨乳ファンタジー2if and the regular version? Is it just a glorified update or something?

>> No.12725361

Alternative version that works with the updates to the canon that have been done since then and some major changes to the storyline. Enough of a difference that playing both versions is worth it, despite a few overlapping normal scenes and sex scenes

>> No.12725374

Thanls for the explanation. I suppose it's worth the 4gb download then.

>> No.12726270

There's gore, blood, scat and other stuff.

>> No.12726282

are there any games where you make the heroine wear sexy outfits? bodycon or whatever the nips call it. bishop games usually have one scene per girl but I'm looking for a game where it's more of a main focus.

>> No.12726717

Many RPG Maker games with female protagonists (and at least one with male) from dlsite are basically just that.

>> No.12730007

Played 撫乳~今夜、あなたのお掃除しましょうか?~
I can't believe that a game made in 2014 doesn't have a scene replay mode.

>> No.12730017

>doesn't have a scene replay mode.

Seriously? There is at least a decent amount of save slots right?

>> No.12730024

I'm doing that right now actually because I like the art. There's like 30 slots although there are not a lot of H scenes so I think it'll do.

The weird thing is that this is their 3rd game. Their 1st game have a scene replay.

>> No.12730056

God, what a weird game, apparently if you play a new game after getting all the bad endings(?), you get stuck in the true ending path, so if you didn't save at all during that playthrough you would be locked out of most of the H scenes.

>> No.12731309

Been playing ちぇ~んじ and waiting for 春風センセーション

Any nukige with similar quality of animated ero-scenes? 美少女万華鏡 series was pretty great too.

>> No.12731564
File: 243 KB, 800x600, island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a real island in Japan?

What is it based on?

Those trees look too real to be a CG.

>> No.12732086
File: 4 KB, 702x101, #3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misread that as SEX DAEMON. As is something that would just run in the background. And I would totally keep a SEX DAEMON under my desk.

>> No.12732091

How do you guys manage your Nukige collection? Do you guys just delete them after you finished it? I'm on a download binge and now have like 300 gigs of this stuff.

>> No.12732099

2 folders, 1 backlog, 1 backup files. Delete games that are bad and horde the rest, decently sized harddrives are cheap as fuck

>> No.12732103

elf animation is the best.

>> No.12732144

Same as all other files.

Active torrents stay until I'm done with them, after which they get moved to one of the backup drives unless they fucking SUCK.
If I have to extract the disk from an archive to mount and install it, that extracted disk gets deleted immediately after. Unless it wasn't a torrent, in which case the archive gets deleted instead.

Installs stay until I'm done with them entirely. As in I don't even go back for a quick scene-jump fap.
During uninstallation and deleting I make a point to backup save files to a backup drive, again, unless they SUCK.

>> No.12732182

I'm in the process of acquiring (and so I don't know if it's actually any good) メるヘン荘~ちょっぴり残念な娘達とメルヘン☆ドッキングな雑居生活~

It seems to be about your typical Mr Average taking over as caretaker at a shared house full of big-boobed girls. And a trap. Nice character designs. Animation samples here: http://mbstruth.com/menh/anime/anime.html

Can't go wrong with Elf games.

>> No.12733774

What does the one in the middle say?

I know it's something koen/park.

>> No.12734337


>> No.12734905

Sakuraki park?

I knew the second character was tree,I just didn't know what the first one was.

>> No.12735252

Fuck off

>> No.12735846

You should do a radical search for that, dweeb. Or, you know, just study. There's also the option of not caring if you're just desperate.

>> No.12738022


>> No.12738154

Playing 甘え母 希美「だめよ、そんなにお母さんを求めないで……」
I wonder if I just found my favorite blood-related momcest nukige.

>> No.12738560

Which eroge has the best big tits?

>> No.12738567

巨乳ファンタジー and it's sequels/spinoffs in my opinion.

>> No.12738593

clochette's designs are pretty popular for their 乳袋

>> No.12739786

Could you tell me a bit about that game? I'm mainly interested in what the mother is like. How does she feel about the incest, is there a gradual degradation of morals? How is it initiated, does he rape her?

>> No.12740546

There's no real attempt at characterization and the ero content starts almost immediately. There are different submissive and consensual routes but they're all variations on the usual "~uguu hazukashii, yamete~" thing.

>> No.12740666
File: 20 KB, 256x366, 22180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no release for GOAT

life is suffering..

>> No.12740919

That's been on my computer for months. What do you like most about it?

>> No.12741654

That does look really sexy,just had a look on EX.

>> No.12741724

A bit of wall of text here.
The MC loves the mom ever since he can remember. The mom is a bit of an airhead from the dialogue so she doesn't know about it. He tried to suppress those feelings by getting 'consultation' to the Milf next door (who is also the mom of the onee-san type childhood friend) but instead it got worse. The Milf said that she heard the mom masturbating and calling out the MC's name (I dunno if this is actually true or not). The MC confronts the mom about it.
The MC pushed the mother down and masturbated to her while the mom goes yamete and all that, and ran away to his room after he finishes. The mom gets kinda horny after that.
The next morning the mom said that if he wants to do some 'sex-ed' then he shouldn't hesitated and just told her. Things get escalated after that.

Yeah no moral degradation or rape really. Kinda light-hearted. I thought the mom is cute, and the art is nice as well IMO. Your mileage may vary though.

>> No.12742280

Guys, I intend to read mei shoujo for the first time. How much time would it take to learn enough moon to understand it? I know kana and a few kanji but never started with grammar. Or should I use something like ATLAS?

>> No.12742295

Wrong thread. Regardless, just, like, read dude.
Parse entire sentences and study them until you know exactly what they mean in many meanings and can immediately recognize the given words in their grammatical context, including any possible puns.

>> No.12742500

Any good slutty/dominant loli games? I'm thinking something in the vein of the Immoral Little games https://vndb.org/v10080 more so than "MC is tied up and shat on/fucked in every orifice with strapons" tier stuff.

>> No.12744680

I wish more games used mind control.I know about the Saiminjutsu games,but I need more.

>> No.12744901

Are you using vndb? There's alot of nukige that use mind control.

>> No.12748887

Well there are,but mot of them aren't to my taste.I really want a game where there's just a single person,using multiple women,I hate gangbangs where they control the girl and turn her into a promiscuous slut.

>> No.12748928

Try Silky's Gakuen Saimin Reido. It may have one or two gangbang scenes (can't remember for sure) but the great majority of the sex scenes are just with the protagonist. It's a great game.

>> No.12749067

There's that new hypnosis game that's on sukebei that may suit your taste. I haven't played it myself but I think it fits your description.

>> No.12749122

yeah that's one great, my favorite is Nagisa Route
pity that silkys is now disbanded (dunno about the new silkys)

>> No.12749176

Staffing's Saimin Yuugi and Saimin Enbu are highly regarded mind control games. The only group sex scenes in those are with multiple girls.

>> No.12749181

Meant to reply to this post with the above. Sorry. What a fucking retard.

>> No.12749448

New Silkys seems to be making more VN works now with much less emphasis on the sex.

>> No.12753810

Is 学園の生贄 慰み者と化した巨乳不良少女 ~白濁に侵される褐色&堕肉の狂宴~ available to torrent anywhere, yet? I can't see anything looking on Nyaa.

>> No.12753877

Wait another 2 months.

>> No.12753994

Anyone know when that new Honky-Tonk Pumpkin game is going to be available for download? Site said it'd release on the 28th.

>> No.12756283

Is there any difference between the ordinary Sisters~Natsu no saigo no hi,and the Ultra edition of the game

>> No.12756435

There's a new (hot, fyi) scene and some other scenes get additional cuts.

>> No.12756441

The ultra edition adds some extra animations to some h-scenes and has an extra h-scene.

>> No.12756448

Do people actually read nukige? I just skipped to the ero scenes when I played mebae

>> No.12756457

>Do people actually read nukige?

Of course they do, if not they might as well fap to the CG set

>> No.12756486

I can't get off if I can't hear the girl.

>> No.12756492

Not being able to fap to manga and some Alicesoft eroge must suck

>> No.12756501

Sometimes I play ero audio when I'm reading manga, some of it is generic enough that you can play it over anything.

But it's really not the same.

>> No.12756525

All i can say is that i feel sorry for you.

>> No.12757025

I always download save games from sagaoz. It's 50/50 for me. If the plot looks interesting enough I'll play the game. But if I just want to fap then I'll just play the h-scenes.

>> No.12757061

patient son

>> No.12757232
File: 121 KB, 318x316, Happy Foxgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alicesoft games are shit for fapping, you play them for the gameplay.

Same here to both. Honestly fapping to manga and CG sets is boring as shit, nothing better than hearing the anime girl when she sucks dick or when they call you oniichan or sempai feels good.

The best ones have sounds for the sex scenes, specially required for Paizuris.

>> No.12757260

>oniichan or sempai
Nothing compared to bouya or wakazou.

>> No.12757590

>Alicesoft games are shit for fapping,

i disagree, from VI onwards each game has at least a very very fappable scenes

>> No.12757606

a few very*

>> No.12757695

Few doesnt make it a good fap game.

>> No.12757710

Quest, IX and 01 are covered with tons of good fapping materia withl IX is especially good in that department. VI and VII have a select few very fappable scenes (Emi's and Senhime's as a example)

>> No.12757836

I require quality samples for research purposes.

>> No.12757862

Sister Scheme 3 delayed until Dec 19th?

Well, at least it'll be a merry christmas I guess.

>> No.12758716

Too few for a series that have like 20 years of life, if it wasnt for fanart then it would be hopeless.

>> No.12758936

>Too few for a series that have like 20 years of life
Only because all the older games CG fappablility is low compared to what we have nowdays which applies to most games from that era. I'm sorry but you don't really have a point here especially considering VI onwards

>> No.12759052

I could fap to true love but not Rance, its probably because im too immersed in the gameplay to give a fuck.

>> No.12759059

>its probably because im too immersed in the gameplay to give a fuck.

Fair enough, but that does not mean the game is shit for fapping at all.

>> No.12760287

I could masturbate with gameplay. Then again I could masturbate to simple non-sexual puns alone.
Agreeing with the other guy, it is not shit for fapping. It's shit for YOUR fapping.

>> No.12760429
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 184325bjkt54qk1ra1jrt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the new scene have them in swimsuits like the promo art showed? I remember being angry when it came out because I couldn't find anything like that.

>> No.12760581
File: 537 KB, 800x600, baumkuchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint you but no.

>> No.12761041

The inbetween moments make good segments for sage periods if you mind having a bit of story time.

>> No.12761096

Are there any mother/son games where you steal your mother from your father? All the ones I've played your father is dead or something and that's just not as fun

>> No.12762437

Well a sure thing is that Rance games are better for gameplay.

Thats subjective isnt it? Otherwise fetishes like scat would be a common thing.

What happened with Jellyfish anyways? There were like two projects then out of nowhere ded.

>> No.12762469

>Well a sure thing is that Rance games are better for gameplay.

Depends on which game your talking about really, IX's porn was better than it's gameplay while SR's Gameplay trumps it's porn

>> No.12762539

Rance 01?

>> No.12763843

wow that's some jav cover tier bullshit

wait so the new game they were working on game is vaporware? the pv looked really good.


>> No.12763860

Yeah black and white, rip.

>> No.12763895

My first post here, Anyone can recommend Nukige that involve partner swapping or girlfriend sharing? No milf/housewife..

Already played Tadakano, Gakuen NTR and Torikaekko Shiyo! .

Thanks in advance

>> No.12763914

Is there a nukige chart like there is for the regular VN thread? I've only played a few tanukisoft games.

>> No.12763957

The only other non-wife one I can think of is Sister Maiden, which is somewhat dissatisfying because the partners aren't even real couples before they start swapping.

Oh wait, there's also Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro but it's so wordy and boring I can't recommend it even if you're desperate. Although admittedly desperation sometimes makes me consider giving it a second shot.

Swapping nukige is a small niche that's dominated by wife games. You get used to it. I didn't like wives but I resorted to them out of the dearth of swapping games. Now I'm cool with wives, which is also helpful as a more general NTR fetishist.

No. Charts are an abomination. People in this thread are pretty good at giving recommendations for specific interests.

>> No.12763977
File: 800 KB, 1280x720, 1409724476585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is way too good for me not to fap to.

>> No.12763988

I'm new to porn games, though. I only really play story based games. I don't even know what to ask for.

>> No.12764016

How do you not know what porn you're into? Are you 12 years old?

>> No.12764024

But yamatogawa and takatsu don't make nukige.

>> No.12764056

Most everything by Complets

Although not actually swapping because nobody's in relationships.

Check the swinging tag.

>> No.12764136

They went 4 years once without updating their site.I wouldn't count them out just yet.Sisters was announced in 2006,but didn't actually come out until 2011.

>> No.12764159

i'll be back in 2017 then

>> No.12764811

Yeah, i already checked that tag long ago. I forgot to mention that i already tried sister maiden and like other anon said it's dissapointing since they are not a real couple in the first place. Cyclet Gakushu series is too loli for me. Yeah, i know i'm being really picky.

It's suffering game according to to my fetish is rarely made, i just want something similiar to Tadakan ;_; . How about NTR type A/ slutty heroines in general? preferably made after 2011/2012 I hate rape , so B & C is a out of question.

>> No.12764841

Oh i forgot, i think i'm going to try Sorairo. I can't find torrent also when i downloaded from animesharing (the one that split to 2 parts) the rar file turn out to be broken. If anyone know sekrit legit download link for Sorairo i will really appreciate it.

>> No.12765071

Tadakano is one of my favorites as well. Have you looked at Mink's Swindle? It's not exactly what you're looking for but the MC and another male character share a girl (the blonde, who likes the other guy and "practices" with the MC) and the main heroine can go either way as well. Also threesomes and such.

As for type-A NTR with no milfs or rape, Dieselmine's Sister Deprived and Kimi ga Ita Tosho Shitsu might fit the bill. Both fairly recent and have good art. Maybe some of Atelier Sakura's Hoka no Otoko games too.

>> No.12765502

Thanks, anon. I might take a look at Swindle since the blond design fit my taste. I actually don't mind old games, it just a hassle to find working download link/seeded torrent. As long the art is not too obscure or ugly that's fine with me.

To put it simple my fetish is orgy/ group sex when one girl do it with more than 1 guy but all of them has at least know each other for a while or friends , not just random guy banging your gf. That's why Tadakano really fit my taste.

>> No.12765510

You play Nukige for the sex. Anyways Honky Tonk Pumpking games and Lune games (Marigold in general) are God Tier Nukige makers.

HTP has animated h-scenes, its a gif goldmine.

>> No.12765572

Ok. i just looked at the CG and description and it is definetely my things. Much thanks anon. Please tell me if there are any game with similiar setting. Torrenting it right now, might take few days though since there is no seeder.

>> No.12766742

Just finished this game. It was good.

>> No.12766940

Man if ony the MC wasnt a disgusting fat guy.

>> No.12767126

any others like this that focus on blowjobs?

>> No.12767706

I have problem with this game

everytime I try mounting the mds file or start set up my pc restarts.
do you guys know the problem?

>> No.12769377

I know it's a love of effort for a nukige but you could try VirtualBox

It's how I get older games to run on modern systems. Of course that one came out in 2012 so I can't imagine what's wrong with it. Good luck brother.

>> No.12769395

Do you have everything in japanese? I havent run into pc restart issue but AK engines tend to be pretty demanding on your system settings (Regarding region checks).

>> No.12769752

Ok, Swindle was really good. Thanks a bunch for ann who recommended that to me. Is there more games with similiar setting like swindle? like what i described in my previous pot>>12765502

>> No.12769791

Maybe 歪んだ恋愛模様?
It's been on my to-play list.
(I feel there was another recent game with a similar "two friends bang out the same chick" premise but I can't remember)

>> No.12771607

Reversible, maybe? Mainly netori. There's a love triangle situation between the main character, the main heroine (pink hair), and another guy. They're all childhood friends, or something, and she's going out with the other guy. During the course of her route the MC ends up having sex with her, and there's a scene where she NTRs him with the aforementioned other guy. There's also an avoidable (I think) rapey gangbang scene and a threesome at the end. Quite a few hot animated scenes.


>> No.12778214

Has anyone played 駄作?

>> No.12778902

Are there package editions of the sakuranbo games?

>> No.12780951
File: 198 KB, 1000x905, さく小.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the circle Shiritsu Sakuranbo Shougakkou? Or something else?

>> No.12781106

Damn I have to admit I'm fucking jealous.

>> No.12781457

Some guys in VN General did.

>> No.12781830

So in the game Boob Wars, can you pick a side, or does it force you to go with the big boobs, or perhaps a mix? I'd rather help the other side.

>> No.12783457

You are my hero

>> No.12783565

Anyone here played rondo duo yet? Heard it was good

>> No.12787165

The new shiritsu sakuranbou bondage lolige is so fucking good. Came so hard.

>> No.12787647

Yeah. It's good. The animation style is totally different from what most people are used to, but not off-putting.

>> No.12788163
File: 157 KB, 816x638, iris action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying Iris Action and looking for missing CGs and found the original Nukige thread

>> No.12788180

Incidentally anybody know how to get some of the scenes? I'm missing a ton.

>> No.12788956

It's been a while since I played it, but I watched a gameplay video on niconico for hints. Keep in mind that some of them require you to be wounded.

The two missing ones in your screencap are (IIRC) the one from the red tentacle plant and the wounded version of the dog scene.

>> No.12789307

Thanks brother, i may come to you for more advice as I advance.

I find it funny that it's considered Ryouna to see her scratched up but not Ryouna to see her forever raped by a giant mosquito fly, or spiders, or zombies, or implanted with eggs from some monster only to be forced to lay them again ... forever.

Nope, no Ryouna there. Isn't Ryouna just a term for abuse?

>> No.12789484

Wow,I'm surprised those are even sold as package editions.

Where on earth did you actually buy them?

>> No.12789717

you can pick side, depends on your choice

>> No.12790102
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 581d981d4e28de67fb312f066350a6af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where this is from?
Checks all of my 'boxes'.

>> No.12790161
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 32386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, it's not a Nukige

>> No.12790216

Thank you. For some reason I have that particular image that you posted saved, I'm not sure why. I'll have to play this game now, it looks very good. Sorry and sage for not nukige.

>> No.12791044

Prepare for disappointment, someone's just been taking screenshots when she blinks. Lolis aren't smug at all.

>> No.12791686

Will Black and White ever release?

>> No.12791753

You don't need to be sorry brother. I just didn't want you to be disappointed when you find out you've got to read for hours before seeing any sex.

I haven't played it myself but looks like she's a blood related imouto so I think it just got put high on my list.

>> No.12791763

I'm mainly wanting it for that particular character. Only improvement I could list would be spats, but the leather-zipper shorts are easily 2nd in terms of bottom-wear.

That's a pretty big shame. Sounds like it's animated, in some degree, though which is good.

>> No.12792574

> you've got to read for hours before seeing any sex.
That's not true. Haven't played Happy End but in the original there are scenes with random youkai and some scenes with the main cast (like fellatio) in the first hour or two. Anyway it has a protagonist with voice acting, lip sync and blinking and I believe comes quite close to a nukige in terms of sexual content in Happy End.

>> No.12792822

We dont know, Jellyfish apparently takes forever to make a game (Sisters took like 6 years) but its plausible that they ded as well.
