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12671399 No.12671399 [Reply] [Original]

What if Marisa was your best friend?

>> No.12671420

what if...

>> No.12671426

She would be too busy sucking my cock.

>> No.12671432

>with a girl
Not until I start scoring pussy of my own. Hate to admit it, but I'd rather have my dick in her than have her cry on my shoulder.

>> No.12671433

We'd be having lots and lots of sex.

>> No.12671439

>start scoring pussy of my own

So never?

>> No.12671444

pretty much

>> No.12671451

I would never see any of my books ever again.

>> No.12671456

my gf?

>> No.12671458 [DELETED] 

Are you a librarian? Are you a grill? Wanna go back to mine for a bit of cider and a massage? We could nerd out with each other for hours.

>> No.12671463 [DELETED] 

>Are you a grill?
I can if you want me to be :3

>> No.12671463,1 [INTERNAL] 

Okay well I have a bra and some spare toilet paper rolls, maybe if you get me drunk enough we can work something out.

>> No.12671463,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12671463,3 [INTERNAL] 

None of us can. Why don't you kill yourself instead?

>> No.12671463,4 [INTERNAL] 

God fukcing dammeit why fuckingli ve

>> No.12671463,5 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the maybe guy?

>> No.12671463,6 [INTERNAL] 

what. the fuck. is this?

>> No.12671463,7 [INTERNAL] 

That's a negative, chief.

>> No.12671505

The last thing I need is her rifling through my stuff.

>> No.12671505,1 [INTERNAL] 

dude dont go around posting my gamefaqs thread on nerd message boards

>> No.12671505,2 [INTERNAL] 

“There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.”
— Franz Kafka, from Letters To Felice

>> No.12671505,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12671545 [DELETED] 

She'd tell me to get a job and start studying more.

We'd probably exercise, explore, then chill together. Occasionally, she'd steal something but I would know it's at her house anyway, so I wouldn't really care.

She'd probably be studying a STEM field and making crazy discoveries, boosting technology to that point where you can't discern it from magic at all. Then she'd lecture me about how the whole world was right in front of my fingers, and I never had the courage and discipline to take action then to stick with it. Maybe she'd talk about being an astronaut, speak constantly with star motifs and metaphors, and be genuinely inspirational yet fun to be with. She could be the star in my life, letting me make the mistakes I should have had the courage to make when I was young.

Maybe by being with her, I'd realize my life was as pointless as a ship permanently in harbor. Maybe she'd break the labyrinth of monotony where everyday begins like the last and ends with nothing being changed at all.

Maybe if Marisa was my best friend, I wouldn't be stuck with a job I hate, a major that bores me, and a girlfriend that I loathe yet tolerate to keep up appearances.

Maybe if she was my friend, I wouldn't think of dying everyday.

>> No.12671505,4 [INTERNAL] 

“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.”
— Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Thank you Jannie for punishing me and teaching me a lesson. I think I have learned something valuable today and I don't think I will repeat this error in the future.

>> No.12671545,1 [INTERNAL] 

>a girlfriend'
>boring major
get a load of this normalord

>> No.12671561
File: 1.42 MB, 830x1150, Marisa asylum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd tell me to get a real job and start studying more.

We'd probably exercise, explore abandoned areas, then chill together. Occasionally, she'd steal something but I would know it's at her house anyway, so I wouldn't really care.

She'd probably be studying a STEM field and making crazy discoveries, boosting technology to that point where you can't discern it from magic at all. Then she'd lecture me about how the whole world was right in front of my fingers, and I never had the courage and discipline to take action then to stick with it. Maybe she'd talk about being an astronaut, speak constantly with star motifs and metaphors, and be genuinely inspirational yet fun to be with. She could be the star in my life, letting me make the mistakes I should have had the courage to make when I was young.

Maybe by being with her, I'd realize my life was as pointless as a ship permanently in harbor. Maybe she'd break the labyrinth of monotony where everyday begins like the last and ends with nothing being changed at all.

Maybe if Marisa was my best friend, I wouldn't be stuck with a job I hate, a major that bores me, and a girlfriend that I loathe yet tolerate to keep up appearances.

That being said, I think Marisa is cute and the best girl in the Touhou series!

>> No.12671561,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol I smell projection from a dude majoring in women's studies

>> No.12671561,2 [INTERNAL] 

Don't you know college is all about drinking and scoring chicks? What is wrong with you, nerd?

>> No.12671571

dude that was beautiful im holding back tears

>> No.12671571,1 [INTERNAL] 

A tryhard normalord at that..

>> No.12671585
File: 1.20 MB, 500x281, stop bullying me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully the non-neets
I'm just imagining a life with Marisa as my best friend

>> No.12671571,2 [INTERNAL] 

Banned from the jay. Time to kill myself. But not before I take a hit off this bowl right here.

>> No.12671585,1 [INTERNAL] 

this guy just doesnt give a FUCK

>> No.12671585,2 [INTERNAL] 

How does this ultranorm justify his existence to himself? We should be sui buds.

>> No.12671602

Don't sit around waiting for Marisa, become the Marisa

>> No.12671602,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Become the little girl. I have my bra and toilet paper rolls on standby.

>> No.12671602,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm no hero, I put my bra on one toilet paper roll at a time like everyone else.

>> No.12671660

that would be interesting, I the constant snark would be funny, she will probably dont mind my hobbies, even play with me, aside from the stealing, I know where she lives, and who knows, probably help me to study.

>> No.12671667

I would confess to her, even if it means losing my best friend.

>> No.12671667,1 [INTERNAL] 

I went through stem with 0 friends, and pretty much only studied with other people when required for the most part. I'm a fucking retard what is this kid's problem?

>> No.12671667,2 [INTERNAL] 

Basically the only gud reply in this entire thread.

>> No.12671700

Hug her until she explodes.

Or torture porn. That too.

>> No.12671700,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Hug her until she explodes.
>Or torture
>porn. That too.
Not quite. Well, maybe if she's down for it.

>> No.12671700,2 [INTERNAL] 

Magnets are by far easier to understand than girls.

>> No.12671700,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why do subnorms always complain about their gfs? The only girlfriend I ever had back in like 6th grade was great.

>> No.12671700,4 [INTERNAL] 

oops maybe its different when your adults

whatever my bad i still think theyre either ungrateful shits or theyre just really fucking pathetic subnorms that had to settle for the bottom of the barrel and its no wonder they hate themselves and their shitty lives

>> No.12671700,5 [INTERNAL] 

No shit. The subnorm/norm/ultranorm psyche is easy to understand since there are so many of them. Their pack behavior is even more predictable.

>> No.12671812

So you want a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, got it. That's fine, I guess. Different folks and all that.

Unfortunately for you, Marisa isn't one of those.

>> No.12671823

>Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Or maybe he just wants someone who isn't a useless block of wood like most women are.

>> No.12671826

Then why'd he describe a Manic Pixie Dream Girl in his post?

>> No.12671826,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have to admit, Garden State had a killer soundtrack.

>> No.12671826,2 [INTERNAL] 

I know that chair kafka-kun

>> No.12671894

go the fuck back to tvtropes

>> No.12672262

I like Marisa, but I don't think I'd want to be her friend or associated with her in any way.

>> No.12673059

>Or maybe he just wants someone who isn't a useless block of wood like most women are.

He basically admitted he's no better than that himself though.

>> No.12673185
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1360, Iron Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, probably. It's hard to find motivation to do anything when you simply don't enjoy it. Sometimes you reach out for an opening, but it just feels impossible without a catalyst. Right now as you are, you aren't happy, but you certainly aren't completely unhappy either. Your life is mediocre, but you're better off than most people. You have a job; but you hate it because you inherited it from your father and it reeks of nepotism. Yet it has flexible hours and pays extremely well. You're in a major you hate, but it's a decent school and most of it is paid for by scholarships, and you're sure to make good money and easily get a career once you graduate. You have a girlfriend most people would envy because she's attractive, but she's dull and doesn't share any of your hobbies. It feels like you just have to force yourself to smile around her, and you've ignored her for the past week with excuses about how busy you are.

None of your friends are willing to do anything even remotely dangerous or requiring effort. You don't know anyone you feel like you can relate to or speak to just for fun.

Maybe from the previous post it sounded like I wanted someone to drag me out from my boredom. Rather than that, I want someone who is adventurous and down for anything, with a hint of inspiration. It's just lonely to go on "adventures" by yourself. I just want someone with a similar personality so I can have thrills and feel alive again; maybe then I could inspired to change my circumstances. Then again, only you can save yourself, so all this is just wishful thinking.

I'm just lonely and want to find a friend with similar interests, a competitive and adventurous spirit, as well as thrilling hobbies. I'm so desperate not to be alone I projected my wishes onto a fictional character when asked by some stranger on an anonymous image board "What if Marisa was your best friend?"

I'm pretty pathetic. Thanks for reading my blog
