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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12669705 No.12669705 [Reply] [Original]

ClariS is back.

>> No.12669708

oreimo is my favorite animes to

>> No.12669709

claris is black

>> No.12669775

More details, pls
Like, name of the new member, and when will they release next single

>> No.12669782


The new duo will be in a concert NEXT YEAR with KOTOKO, Kalafina,LiSA and fripSide! Will they finally reveal themselves this time? Stay tuned for updates!
*************UPDATE: the girls will have a new single [border] released next year (1/7/2015) too, which will be the ED theme to Tsukimonogatari!

>> No.12669787

So ClariS returns to Monogatari. Great! Thanks

>> No.12669789
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Oh, new girl is Karen.

>> No.12669795

And she didn't take over Alice's symbol (Sun). Instead she wears ☆

>> No.12669803

They need to be called ClareN now

>> No.12669817

>Liking ClariS

>> No.12669887


>> No.12671880

new song

>> No.12671888

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12671892

They don't show their face because they are ugly. What do you think about this, /jp/?

>> No.12671896


>> No.12671902

Oh god no.

Their songs are so shit, dude. They all sound the fucking same.

This shit is worse than FripSide.

>> No.12671913


>> No.12671925

I don't give a shit, I like musicians for their sound, not their faces.

>> No.12672000

why do they look like ateliers now

>> No.12672043

le epic /a/ maymay

>> No.12672217

Their voices do sound plain to me, but they use different composers for their songs, so you would have to be deaf to think that their songs all sound the same.

>> No.12672238

Daily reminder that RYTHEM will never come back.

>> No.12672258

Most composers create the songs with the vocalist in mind, so the vocal arrangements often end sounding similar. Nisemonogatari's ED was pretty different, but stuff like OreImo OPs, Nisekoi OP and Moyashimon Returns OP sound a lot like each other.

In the end they haven't even done that many anime songs, so if someone wants to complain about recycling shit, go for Ali Project.

>> No.12672265 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Amagi Brilliant Park - 01 [3AEAF3B3].mkv_snapshot_08.00_[2014.10.19_22.14.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the official crossboarder thread? What anime are you guys watching? What videogames are you playing?

>> No.12676183

Their new song is ok I guess, I'm glad they still sound the same. Can't wait for their Tsukimono ED.

>> No.12676193

Ali Project doesn't count because everyone agrees she's shit.

>> No.12678172

Their voices sound too "cool" this time around, but I have a feeling this new Karen girl is trying so hard to be Alice.
