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1263918 No.1263918 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good Touhou fan fiction out there?

>> No.1263923


>> No.1263924

>fan fiction

That's funny. You're funny.

>> No.1263925

Someone's going to say Usually Dead, but it isn't too great.

>> No.1263934

Oh dear god, Mauller writes fanfics too?

My rage has peaked.

>> No.1263937

well not really

Usually Dead's stuff is the best of the lot and his are only so-so.

>> No.1263945


>> No.1263956

Touhou fanfics written by fan "authors" are below-average, putrid, scum-sucking lame ass shitty crap that only grade schoolers who have never read a real book would even bother to click. If you're one of those, by all means, read one of them.

>> No.1263963
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>> No.1263978


Search results for touhou, 18

search results Touhou + Naruto, 2

>> No.1263980

I think the only one I tried to read and actually finished was Reborn in Gensokyo or something like that

Basically you died and you get to hang around with Yuka

I think I only liked it because it had...well...Yuka

>> No.1264042

Fanfiction is masturbation - it's done entirely for self-gratification and should be done in private.

>> No.1264157

All doujin are fan fiction.

>> No.1264170

I liked Usually Dead's stuff but I think I'm the only one.

Also, if you have a high pain tolerance and/or plenty of headache medicine at hand, there are a couple diamonds in the rough at touhouproject.com. There's also a giant heap of shit, so go there at your own risk.

>> No.1264176

There's nothing wrong with fan fiction. It's the crossovers with crappy stuff or self insertion stories that are awful.

I love reading Xena: Warrior Princess fan fiction.

>> No.1264249


So do I! We have so much in common.

>> No.1264291

You like the Xena on Gabby sex stuff?

>> No.1264297

Read some of the doujins. It's the same thing only a fair amount of them are reason, some even bordering on awesome. Of course, some are complete crap and are almost as rage worthy as some of these fanfictions.

>> No.1264302


Who doesn't?

>> No.1264322

fanfiction can be decent, i read a few quality stories many moons ago back in the mid-90s when facfic sites were small, heavily moderated, and content was filtered or voted upon. Today anybody and everybody thinks they can spam their ridiculous illiterate garbage and thus it's no longer worthwhile to try to keep up. It's kinda like going to the Fantasy / Sci-Fi section at the bookstore, too much shit to wade through to be rewarding.

>> No.1264332

>It's kinda like going to the Fantasy / Sci-Fi section at the bookstore, too much shit to wade through to be rewarding.
I laughed at how true this statement was.

>> No.1264373


I don't know. Back in 1998 I used to read those Sailor Moon fanfics. I sorta remember liking this one where Sailor Mercury fights vampires. She then starts going out with some guy, and then it turns out that HE IS ALSO VAMPIRE and then Ami swaps various fluids with him while becoming the very thing she was hunting. I believe it was called "Sailor Moon V Dark Adventures" or something.

tl;dr fanfiction was just as bad back then, but we couldn't tell because we were probably young/new-friends.

>> No.1266363

YOU obviously never fucked in public before haven't you?
Well, it feels good to expose your dark secrets
lifts the weight off your chest if you know what I mean.

meanwhile, shameless plug.


>> No.1266373


Why would you even want to read that, it's a waste of time

>> No.1266377



>> No.1266423



>> No.1266432

shit sucks

>> No.1266436

Those aren't really fanfics, though.

>> No.1266441

The only good one is/was Gensokyo Man, who's story went downhill by turning into some slice of life thing, I stopped reading there. The rest of the imitators on that board are awful.

>> No.1266449
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The flowers that blossom around the lake near the Scarlet Devil Mansion are said to be one of the most beautiful scenes of nature, second only to the sakura of the Hakurei Shrine. It is no surprise, then, that the lake is a popular destination for the humans from the village nearby. Though traveling to the lake can said to be dangerous, one must not forget that humans from Gensokyou are much more capable than those outside; For the most part, a human could ward off a few threatening youkai. More of a problem to the flower viewing groups were the fairies, whose pranks and games spoiled the day's events for the visitors. Needless to say, when I woke up on the shore of the lake after taking a slightly drunken nap and finding myself alone, put me in a less than desirable situation. Somehow my friends whom I came with had either forgotten me, or had been chased away by something while I slept.

>> No.1266454
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I wasn't going to get back home by laying there, so I brushed off my clothes and started towards the path to the village. It was then that I heard the sharp sound of ice cracking behind me. Well, there weren't any humans around, and it was definitely too warm for ice, so I suspected some youkai. Whatever was behind me had not made their move, so I gripped the talisman in my pocket and prepared myself for an attack that would at least scare the youkai away. Quickly, I turned and lunged toward my enemy. As luck would have it, my sudden movement was successful in surprising the enemy as it screamed and covered it's face as I rapidly approached. At that point, I no longer considered the enemy much of a threat. It was probably a fairy that meant to have fun scaring the lone human on the beach. I had meant to stop the attack at once, and leave the shaken fairy behind. However, the fact that I had passed by the water line and was still on solid ground had never registered in my head. As I slipped on the ice with no control in regard to my path, I braced myself for the upcoming collision.

>> No.1266464

...this particular pasta ends with Cirno getting fucked, right?

>> No.1266470
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>> No.1266477

>hungry youkai
You'd best be joking, nigger.

>> No.1266483


No, actually, it's true.

>> No.1266487

sup hungry youkai

>> No.1266496
File: 89 KB, 500x750, 1220802631693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Perfect!" you state, as you place the finishing touches on your latest miniature figurine. Ten years with this hobby, and you've managed to amass quite the collection. Your eye for detail is unmatched, your work envied by many, and your knowledge vast enough that your original creations would go for thousands at auction. That will happen when you're dead, your art is too precious to sell for mere money. Of course, that day is approaching faster than you realize. You set off for the hobby store as usual for your weekly shipment of custom paint shades, not aware that you're being followed. One of your ill-wishers, a small time resin kit maker whose business was nearly destroyed by your harsh words about his shoddy work, has decided today would be your end. Driving behind your car, he only wishes to watch as you realize that your brakes no longer work. That much is true. However, as your car breaks through the guard rail and over the side of a steep cliff, he can't help but stare as he realizes the driver's seat was already empty.

You wake up in a messy house, not quite sure where you are. The last thing you remember, your car wouldn't stop, and you were about to take a sharp curve into thin air. However, it seems as if the gods had another fate in store for you. As you start to gather your bearings, a mischevious looking girl enters from the other room. "Hi there, I thought you were dead! Well, you wouldn't mind donating a few vital organs for my magic, would you?" The look on your face shows your lack of appreciation for her jokes, or what you certainly hope are jokes. "Don't get bent out of shape, I was only kidding. I already took a lock of hair though, call it payment for making sure you didn't become youkai food."

>> No.1266499
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That evening is an interesting one. You find out that you're in a place called Gensokyo, and that your host is a girl named Marisa. "Figurines. You mean like dolls and stuff, right?" asks Marisa. You nod slowly. "Something like that." Marisa nods firmly. "Then you should meet my friend Alice. She's gloomy, obsessive, a bit eerie, and she really, really, really likes dolls." You sigh quietly, reminded of nearly all of your adult family. Figurines aren't just dolls, they're detailed works of art! Well, no matter, it's probably good to meet a few new people. This world is nothing like anything you've seen, and it's probably good to make some friends. Perhaps someone will know the way back.

>> No.1266504
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The next day, Marisa takes you to meet Alice. "Hey Alice, this guy likes dolls too!" "Hm, is that so..." "Yeah, so quit being gloomy and show him around! Maybe if you got out and saw more people, you'd quit being so creepy." You cringe just a little bit, and you notice that Alice is visibly hurt by this remark. "Fine. So, you like dolls, right?" You nod, trying to be nice to this obviously abused girl. "Well, dolls and any sort of miniature art." Alice seems to cheer up a little bit at this remark. "Art, you say? Interesting indeed!" Marisa excuses herself, as if she's just done Alice the biggest favor she'll ever do. "I'll come by tomorrow, I know it's all you ever look forward to!" Alice's reaction is a mixture of pain and embarassment, as if it just might be true. "Don't mind her. So..." You and Alice manage to discuss various miniature art all day long. She seems a little more whimsical and willing to believe in magic than you are, which makes sense. Seeing Alice manipulate her dolls makes you wish you could bring your own works of art to life. On the other hand, your fascination with detail and dedication to art is quite interesting to her as well. Hearing that you have no place to stay, Alice invites you to stay with her for a while, and you eagerly accept. Any port in a storm, and it's quite nice to have such an interesting host. She is pretty cute too.

>> No.1266508
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>> No.1266510
File: 225 KB, 800x600, 1220802861968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Days pass, and you begin to study the basics of magic under Alice. You aren't interested in strength or influence, just learning how to manipulate your figures how Alice does. She seems quite pleased to have you around. You may not have the tools you did before, but your skilled hands still manage to create lifelike masterpieces with a simple knife and wood carvings. You find that the two of you are both dedicated towards your work, and learn a great many things from each other. Marisa visits from time to time, and while not directly unpleasant, she is always mean to Alice in ways that make your stomach turn. A backhanded comment here, deflation of ego there, and yet friendly enough that it couldn't be real hostility, could it? A few weeks pass, and you manage to start maneuvering a small carving of yours, directing it to walk over to one of Alice's dolls, and bow in introduction. Much to your surprise, her doll leans over and places a kiss on your carving's cheek. You look up at Alice, slightly confused, until she proceeds to kiss your cheek just the same. Blushing slightly, you return the favor. Seems to be a match molded in heaven.

>> No.1266514
File: 112 KB, 402x420, 1220802918031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the weeks go by, Marisa's cruel words strike you as often as they do Alice. However, Alice seems more confident and willing to tell Marisa off lately. You are no kinder, going so far as to accuse Marisa of holding Alice back, being mean and not a real friend at all. Marisa's visits become less and less frequent, and your relationship with Alice blossoms deeper into love. This fair-haired maiden was pretty at first, but finding her confidence has turned her into an absolute goddess. Your arrogance has softened over time as well. At first with humility when faced with such power, and now simply out of consideration for someone so talented and lovable that you simply don't want to see her hurt. You are a better person for having met Alice, and you believe that perhaps she can say the same for you. Whatever happened that fateful day, it was a truly fortunate move, and you find that you have not missed the outside world for some time. If this is a dream, you hope that you never wake up.

>> No.1266524
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You decide that after several months of living with Alice, the proper time has come. A shy nerd at heart, you carve a new doll special for the occasion, and employ it in proposing to Alice. The tears of joy in her eyes say more than words ever could. Even a short lifetime together would be paradise, and you'd gladly sacrifice your humanity for this dear love of your life, to be with her all the longer. Employing her acquaintance, the priestess Reimu Hakurei, the two of you are wed in a beautiful ceremony. Many people from the nearby village attend, pleased to see that the lonely entertainer has found herself someone who would make her happy. A handful of powerful youkai attend as well, their terrifying presence made peaceful by their wishes of happiness. Alice is a well liked woman, as little as she knew it. The ceremony is a beautiful event to remember, even down to Shanghai and Hourai in cute bridesmaid's dresses you sewed by hand to surprise Alice. The only thing missing from the ceremony is Marisa.

Marisa. You knew something was wrong. The euphoric joy you feel gives way to a sinking feeling as you return to Alice's house. You can't shake this sense of bad vibes coming from all around. However, this is a happy day, so you suppress it. Picking Alice up to carry her over the threshold, you open the door to her house. Just as you step over, you see it.

The hanging corpse of a witch, dangling over a suicide note. Alice steps out of your arms, dashing over to Marisa in tears. You pick up the note, hands trembling, and unfold it slowly. It reads simply, "I always loved you Alice."

>> No.1266530


>> No.1266534

Aw, come on. Can't a writer ever end something on a happy note?

>> No.1266537

That's pasta end.

>> No.1266541

nice pasta, thumbs-up just because i haven't read this one.

>> No.1266544
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>> No.1266551

Wait, that's it? That's not a fucking ending! It's like the writer constructed a road that goes down a ninety degree angle as soon as you see what could be the finish line! It's completely open-ended. The conclusion IS the climax.

>> No.1266560
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Took me a while to find this one...

>> No.1266562

Isn't it sad, Alice?

More cool copypasta pls, preferrably the none-suck ones.

>> No.1266564
File: 68 KB, 360x464, 1220804068318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and Alice bury Marisa in the back yard and live happily ever after. The end.

>> No.1266579
File: 431 KB, 650x780, 1220804247827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titty fuckin' Christ is that some fuckin' Yukari Yakumo right there? Bitch will fuck you in your sleep with her goddamn manipulation of boundaries. I don't know what that really means, but holy shit on a shingle, there's floating eyes and other shit inside of those motherfuckers, fuck, I have no idea what else. Fuck you and your portals, Yukari will kick your vagina-faced dicknose corpse back into last fuckin' week. And if she doesn't do that, she'll probably ram that parasol of her up your dumb cunt. Or sic that fuckwit kitsune on you. Fuckdamn I wish I had a shikigami. I would make it do all kinds of cool shit.

>> No.1266577

Necro-3some with Marisa!

>> No.1266584
File: 102 KB, 450x707, 1220804308969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, look at this fuckballin' ghost whore right here. All she fucking does is goddamn eat, that's fucking right. She devours their cocksucking cunts right into her big-ass fucking stomach. She doesn't fucking give a shit whether you got fucking ugly-ass kids or some slut fucking business like that. You see her damn maw go all wide and shit and you're a fucking goner, you son of a bitch. She's Yuyuko dickfucking Saigyouji, the motherfucking princess of the motherfucking underworld, and she's going to fuck you up.

>> No.1266587
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Holy shit, look at that motherfuckin' witch bitch right there. She doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone, fuck no she doesn't. She blasts their goddamn motherfuckin' asses back to where they came from with that huge goddamn bitchin' laser of hers. As if that isn't enough to make her a badass motherfucker, she's a goddamn thief, always stealing that bookworm bitch's books and shit. Fuckin' yeah, you know I'm talking about Marisa. Shit, it's goddamn ridicu-fucking-lous how she fucks people up.
