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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1262968 No.1262968 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/!

How was your day? Has something exciting happened to you? I want to hear all the details!

>> No.1262972

Today I woke up and had some black coffee. It was great.

>> No.1262974
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No, Tewi. That's a bad Tewi.

>> No.1262977

I'm pretty sure that was a one time thing.

>> No.1262981

I slept in, woke up, and surfed /jp/ all day.

>> No.1262983

As much as I wish to support ronery blog threads, this is saturday and I don't go to school on saturdays. Therefore, nothing.

>> No.1262984
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I accomplished a AA on this. Too bad I didn't cap it, but I don't screencap bad stepfiles.

>> No.1262989

It rained all day here, kinda made me nostalgic. I wish to be a little kid again.

Current mood: Depressed.

>> No.1263003

>Has something exciting happened to you?
No ;_;

Just being bored on the weekends, as usual

>> No.1263012

I've been rereading Monster all day.

>> No.1263016

Yesterday I went won't to drink some booze with my anikis.

>> No.1263018

I read a short biography and analysis on Osamu Dazai and I've concluded that that /jp/ = Dazai.

>> No.1263021

/jp/ - /r9k/ with Japanese terms

>> No.1263022

I actually took a walk outside. It was kinda nice, I should do it more often.

>> No.1263027

I waited all damn day for my DS to come by the mail.
and guess what, it didn't.
now I'm eating and considering suicide pretty badly

>> No.1263029

I fucking miss my loli.

>> No.1263030

Monster is always awesome.

>> No.1263042

I went to the bar last night and thought I had bagged me a girl but she went home with another guy that I lost her to during the last hour or so. Today I grilled out and am currently smoking a Rocky Patel Vintage 1992. One of the officers I supervise at work is being an ass about signing some paperwork, I think I will have to call headquarters on Monday to have them deal with him.

>> No.1263044

>I fucking miss my loli.

Tell us about her (and post pics), maybe it will help you feeling better.

>> No.1263046

Why the fuck did you pick such a shitty job?

>> No.1263047

It took me a few hours to write a simple email to my professor. I also hate telephones.

>> No.1263050

Woke up at 8PM.

Had dinner, posting on the usual boards now.

>> No.1263058

I moved and it the security firm was the first decent job offer I got, beats working retail.

>> No.1263061

LiesL. Sun hurts and there are lots of people there. Fuck, I wish I never have to go buy food again.

>> No.1263078

>It took me a few hours to write a simple email to my professor.

Glad I'm not the only one who takes forever to write simple emails/text messages.

>> No.1263085

Same here.

>> No.1263089

Saw my beloved loli again today. It was just for some brief seconds, but goddamn, she is so cute. I wish you could see her /jp/, it truly is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.1263091

We should exchange emails and practice email each other!

>> No.1263096

Goddamn, you are me.

>> No.1263102

This made me sick. Not from the pedophilia, but from the sappiness.

>> No.1263103

Try walking at night.

>> No.1263120

That won't do, you have to walk during the day and bask in the sunlight.

>> No.1263123

I went to a dealer and looked at 2009 Honda Fits. I need to decide what awesome touhou-related decal and vantity plate to put on it.

>> No.1263127

I've been depressed for the last few weeks because I discovered my life was pointless. By masturbating 5 times in a row I managed to cure my depression.

I cleaned my room today. I was using my dirty room as an excuse not to study -- I kept telling myself that I couldn't study until my room was clean.

I also discovered that I'm going to be moving to a new house. I think this is the 22nd house that I've lived in. I guess it's no surprise that I'm anti social and I have no friends. Who the hell wouldn't be anti social if they've lived in 22 different areas?

>> No.1263134

Today was actually my birthday. I got up late, played touhou, sat through some boring dinner with family, got some crappy presents, then played some more touhou.

>> No.1263135

>By masturbating 5 times in a row I managed to cure my depression.

Good job Anon, I'll remember this the next time I feel down.

>> No.1263148

Played Brawl (random brawl, i have no friends ;_;), got lag, rage quit and now browsing /jp/

>> No.1263162

ITT failures at life.

>> No.1263164

I refreshed /jp/ all day. I'm also downloading Baldur's Gate 1, 2 plus the expansions. I plan on playing through the entire saga, but I hope I don't quit 5 minutes into the game just like I do in 99% of the games I try to play.

>> No.1263168

Congratulations Anonymous!

>> No.1263173

Please leave.

>> No.1263177

You think?

>By masturbating 5 times in a row I managed to cure my depression.
Really? When I do that too many times in a row, I just get even more depressed because I start thinking about how much of a loser I am.

>> No.1263191
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>I refreshed all day

>> No.1263207

I finished the last route of an eroge. I've been putting it off for ages because I was really enjoying it and I hate it when a story ends so I cheat like a little kid by putting it off. The story ended and it made me feel childishly but sickeningly depressed in that silly giddy way when you've finished reading a book and thoroughly enjoyed it but then you realize there is nothing more and your life is but an empty hollow shell you desperatly try to fill with fictional stories about imaginary people leading happy entertaining lives you will never be able to have because it's all just fiction.

>> No.1263220

I just took a shower and shaved, now I'm feeling fucking awesome.
Sadly I will still never get girls

>> No.1263239

I downloaded osu! but it didn't work.

>> No.1263243

Dammit, I don't feel like going back to college in two weeks. Another year of roneriness. At least I have you /jp/!

>> No.1263251

I wish I had college. Instead I'm a highschool dropout wallowing in my own fear and self-loathing.

>> No.1263295

Well, I shaved my legs and my vigil of non-masturbation continues. Coming to 4chan is not making this vigil any easier.

>> No.1263297

I could sleep until 10 am since I don't have class today.

Also, I should be grinding code and writing a HTTP server from scratch but shit is so frustrating that I'm taking it easy and doing nothing in particular.

>> No.1263329

Chaos; Head came in the mail today, and I made vegetable soup.

>> No.1263335

>and writing a HTTP server from scratch
Awesome dude, /r/ing for you to teach me some l33t haxor shit.

This wasn't sarcasm....

>> No.1263348

Browsing /jp/ and listening to some music.

I'm kinda sleepy to tell the truth, maybe I should just go to bed, but then I could miss some exciting threads with intellectually stimulating discussion here on /jp/. That would be terrible.

>> No.1263384

You're an idiot.

>> No.1263396

Uploaded some videos to nico nico douga and played some Forza motosport 2. Afterwards I watched Saaya Irie - Aqua girl 2 DVD. Really good, a lot scenes of her in a bikini making cute faces.

Kind of weird. I've been watching a lot idol DVD's as of late. Well, anyway. After all of that - I decided to fap to asian camwhores while listening to LOLI-RIPE.
