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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12625304 No.12625304 [Reply] [Original]

So i've been at it all day, trying to get some net play action for Hisoutensoku. I've searched for himachi servers, the Soku Lobby isn't letting me enable my port. And i cant get to the THFNN.com site or Lunar Spotlight or whatever. Anyone care to help me take it easy with some fights?

>> No.12625318

Unironically try /v/, if I recall right they have daily soku threads.

>> No.12625330

Didn't see anything in the Catalog at the moment. I'm afraid to make a thread there.

>> No.12625332

There's been threads there every day for the past 10 months. Just wait about 4-5 hours.

>> No.12625370

Soku is dead on /jp/. /v/ has nightly threads around 7-8 est. They play other touhou games, too.

>> No.12625376
File: 154 KB, 564x466, Dankz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now i know you guys weren't fucking with me. Cheers.

Is there an active Hamachi Server though?

>> No.12625384

UnIronically recommending other boards for on topic material. Just what happened here, /jp/?
Things shouldn't have ended this way. We're /c/-lite because of this shit.

>> No.12625392

2hu is in decline you nerd, this is how you help the 2hu

>> No.12625408

Try tunngle.

Our Soku threads are dead and won't last one day, at least let him enjoy his game.

>> No.12625411

It's not just touhou though, the majority of the VN discussion has left for /vg/, the MMO people too, not that I care about MMOs.

>> No.12625414

I misread your first comment wrong, No you're totally in the right. We should have soku threads here in my opinion.

>> No.12625424

I'm not picking a fight, I'm mourning.

>> No.12625453

Can you recognize all the album covers in op pic?

>> No.12625455

I only see Beatles and Nirvana since I'm a huge music-pleb.

>> No.12625463

Link to thread pls

>> No.12625467

Soku threads don't work on /jp/ because /jp/ is such a slow board.

It's too early for the /v/ soku thread. They generally come around 5-6:30 PM EST and die around 1 AM EST.

>> No.12625470

I'm really hoping remi getting punched is a black flag referance.

>> No.12625476

Do you play in them? How many rounds on arcade, insane mode should i be able to get through on before i take a shot?

>> No.12625479

both correct

>> No.12625481

Fighting the AI is nothing like fighting players

>> No.12625483

Oh, well i dont have friends. So i guess i'm going to suck.

>> No.12625490

I think i see Devo in there.

>> No.12625491

/v/ is for video games, /jp/ is for otaku culture.
You don't even need to know anything about touhou to play and enjoy Soku. Meanwhile lots of touhou fans already played it after release and just don't care about it anymore.

>> No.12625493

Nevermind it's queen.

>> No.12625497

/jp/ - Touhou Culture

>> No.12625513

Nirvana(nevermind babby)
Pink Floyd(onfire)
Queen(four heads)
Beatles(four walking)

cant get the last one, it must be another dad rock band.

>> No.12625554

You will never get better if you never play

>> No.12625562

5. Pantera - Vulgar display of power

>> No.12625564
File: 39 KB, 384x384, Led_Zeppelin_-_Led_Zeppelin_IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this.

>> No.12625565

It also has a Red Hot Chilli peppers album.

>> No.12625713

the only wrong one is Pink Floyd
your almost there /jp/!!

>> No.12625747
File: 13 KB, 298x297, Happycatface1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that Bean-Remy

>> No.12625784

Blood Sugar Sex Magik

>> No.12625825

Oh you're right, i thought it was from a Queen single!
the missing one is rage aganist the machine on bottom left.


>> No.12625905


>> No.12625930

What's your username in Soku Lobby?

>> No.12625963
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1413328872266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Fighting AI is nothing like fighting a real player because AI seems to have a pattern when taking hits.Unlike real player where they'll learn to avoid taking hits from you and the way they approach is different from AI (duh).

To me, AI is like a practice mode, it's like an introduction to the game, get familiarize with the character moves, abilities, spell card, defending, the controls (i guess), etc.

If you're looking for a noob-ish person, you can find me at Soku Lobby, I'm Angry Food.

Well good luck.

>> No.12626031

They used to work just fine, it's just that half the people left and the other half quit. The fundamental problem is a lack of players.

>> No.12626156

The problem was irc trolls and tourneyfags. They're in /v/ too, but have a much lower presence there. It's mostly easily butthurt players and newbies who don't stick around nowadays.

>> No.12626187

Weren't /v/ soku threads getting fragged by mods? Last I checked was a few days back, god help that shithole of a board.

>> No.12626194

They were, but it stopped for some reason. Probably moderation team infighting. A couple months ago hints got dropped that one of the janitors played with the thread.
>god help that shithole of a board
It was even worse last month, with the gg infighting. At least the mods actually do there jobs now.

>> No.12626207

They have a steam group that usually makes announcements for each thread. Only one fuck up from them in months of activity.


>> No.12626211

The steam group event makers, I mean.
