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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12614228 No.12614228 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12614234
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>> No.12614238
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>> No.12614246
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How do otaku have such neat rooms?

>> No.12614248

must be a bitch to dust

>> No.12614251
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>> No.12614259

more like WEABOO rooms

>> No.12614260
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>> No.12614265
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>> No.12614298
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Keeping it neaty for the girl they'll never bring home

>> No.12614414
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>> No.12614439
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>> No.12614450
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>> No.12614465

Always pretty jelly of rooms like this.

Just wait a few years, you fucks. I'll catch up to you for sure.

>> No.12614499

This room looks so cozy. Cleaning it is probably a huge pain though.

>> No.12614523

This is like a dream!

>> No.12614530

hey guy with all the onaholes, cameras and uses a fan as your computer case's door. I need an update on your room status.

>> No.12614544


>> No.12614567
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>> No.12614578

Why don't you share your facebook images on facebook with your facebook friends you fucking normie.

>> No.12614600


>> No.12614606
File: 13 KB, 200x223, lt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting bourgeois decadence

>> No.12614609

gimme that special edition subahibi box

>> No.12614617

Some of these look... not cluttered exactly, but there's just so much shit packed into one room it looks bad, even if it is all ordered and arranged. Specifically >>12614251 >>12614414 and >>12614567

>> No.12614644

Melon Pan?

>> No.12614699

If I had this room, I'd bang my shin on the desk every time I moved from the bed to the desk.

Also, there needs to be room for me to /fit/ things like squats.

Also, I'm assuming that the bed is basically in the doorway. Which seems a tad impractical.

>> No.12614736

Because they have such neet rooms

>> No.12614769


Stop starting these threads with Danny Choo's setup.

>> No.12614772
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>> No.12614782
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>> No.12614793

Hot damn

>> No.12614890

>Sailormoon and pokemon VHS

>> No.12614899

You guys can start posting otaku rooms anytime now.

>> No.12614907

He must be one of those ancient otaku I have heard about.

>> No.12614955
File: 305 KB, 1876x879, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my room a couple of years ago... miss it dearly!

>> No.12614979

10 guesses as to which is this guys favorite anime?

>> No.12614986

Attack on Titan?

>> No.12614991


>> No.12615002

Homura's room.

>> No.12615010

My room is mostly empty
like my soul

>> No.12615014

>traxxas RC
You have my respect anon

>> No.12615025
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>> No.12615041

Nothing better to do during the day. Its good cleaning up and it feels nice seeing everything all neat and tidy after

>> No.12615045

fuck off snowball

>> No.12615049

I thought I was beginning to understand you, until I saw that room.

>> No.12615050

neet room dude!

>> No.12615181
File: 1.47 MB, 2014x933, 1366124223967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that room.

>> No.12615248
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Fuck off pinko commie scum.

>> No.12615588
File: 2.97 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0946 (Copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even see the shelf with the figures

>> No.12615592


That cat looks so fucking comfy.

I wish I could be that comfy all the time.

>> No.12615598

It's the result of their evolution to be so lazy

>> No.12615636
File: 3.15 MB, 7944x4312, August.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have a super cute room but I buy things extremely slowly
Also my wall & carpet color are absolutely terrible for being cute
My rooms is really small, I'd get a Kotatsu but there is simply no space

Danny Choo is truly living the dream

>Deka Fumo
>All my want

What happened anon?
It must've been very sad leaving that room

>> No.12615637

Why would you put a mac sticker on a PS2?

>> No.12615661

woah, all these rooms are the same

>> No.12615694
File: 977 KB, 3050x2322, new_desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, blue reimu!

>> No.12615706

Where are the cool male figures?
I Mean fuck, at least a SINGLE male figure like Solid Snake or Okabe.
What's the deal with the industry, male figures really don't sell ?
What I wouldn't give for a Rance figure fuck

>> No.12615714

More like waifu dungeons

>> No.12615730

I'd rather see an otaku house.

>> No.12615740

An otaku's room is their house

>> No.12615773
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>> No.12615788

He said COOL



>> No.12615794 [DELETED] 

I read that as 'otaku horse'.

>> No.12615795
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>> No.12615796

Are there any horse otaku here?

>> No.12615801

I'm willing to bet the guy hasn't read even half of the shit in that room.

>> No.12615817


>> No.12615818

>Morning Musume posters
>Gatas Brilhantes poster
mah nigga

>> No.12615825


Too busy banging the pussy.

>> No.12615849

Boku no Bible Black

>> No.12615872


>> No.12615888

How do you manage to afford all that shit?

>> No.12615905


'Guy'? That's clearly Homura.

>> No.12615983
File: 213 KB, 1632x1224, 20131229_194250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back-breaking, mind-numbing labour in the jewish salt mines. The jew lets goyim borrow his money to spend on wares sold by other jews. Labour is the interest goyim pay for the privilege of borrowing that money.

>has at least 3 pureneemo
>but not the Obi50

What is wrong with this guy.


I have weeaboo shit all over my house. My mother died so there wasn't anyone to stop me after I took over. I have CCS posters framed and mounted in the hallway and lewd dakimakura hanging off the walls in the dining room. Does a good job of keeping girls away. The place is a mess at the moment though since I'm halfway through reorganising everything to give me more space to put more Detolfs.

>> No.12616008

Most rooms are built over time. Most people who otakufy their room -usually- don't socialize much i.e going out to eat/movies.
They usually don't have girlfriends either, so you don't need to take her out or go on dates or anything.
When I had a social life a couple of years ago I probably spent $200-300 a month on having fun with my gf and friends
It adds up

>> No.12616021

Tell me where you live so I can steal your Rin, Elsie, and Snow Miku.

In exchange you can keep everything else.

>> No.12616026

manga does not take very long to read.
some people have read that many real books with just words

>> No.12616034

>some people have read that many real books with just words
Those people tend to be really old too

>> No.12616072

All that dreamcast.
Why did it need to go so soon? We barely knew each other.

>> No.12616081

Have you ever been to a library?

>> No.12616293
File: 24 KB, 300x290, reading-is-for-faggots_fb_57250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12616300

I have that Elsie nendo, if you ever get your hands on one be careful, that broom breaks super easily.

>> No.12616308
File: 69 KB, 369x451, t1920a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves, spoiled cockroaches

>> No.12618247

Library's are for nerds, weeb

>> No.12618299
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>> No.12618352
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>> No.12618410

So much money wasted.

>> No.12618426
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Must be hard not having disposable income.

>> No.12618504

Filthy trot.At least there's another leftist here.

>> No.12618551
File: 1.90 MB, 320x244, 1412400390727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those petit nendoroids
The one I have is a nightmare to clean, I know they can't all be super loose but that scares the shit outta me

>> No.12618575


Stop spoiling this thread with /pol/onium, comrade. マルクス主義の勝利のために!

>> No.12618581

Money spent on something that you enjoy is not money wasted.

>> No.12618588

That's incredible. I'd kill for a room like that. I can't really even imagine having that much disposable income.

>> No.12618688

I thought nerds were slobs. Is that just me projecting?

I live in a dorm at the moment, so I don't have much space for decor, but I'm looking into getting some nice posters and wall scrolls. Maybe a figure for my desk, which is pretty small, so I don't want something too big.

>> No.12618692

That's just you projecting

>> No.12618703

No, most of them are. The majority of the rooms in this thread consists of either rich people, or tryhards.

>> No.12618705


who /slobotaku/ here?

>> No.12618716

i like your lain dvds

>> No.12618717

Non "nerd" types tend to have messier rooms in my experience at least

>> No.12618733

The people who actually post in room threads are rich normies. Tru slob otaku won't even bother lurking these threads.

>> No.12618748


>> No.12618762
File: 65 KB, 600x803, n8cjmnu5Cj1qabzgyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnnngnh i love cute rooms like this

>> No.12618801

Those curtains look fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12618839

But...I'm here.

Or by slob otaku, do you mean like those pictures of rooms full of garbage, piss bottles and shit?

>> No.12618883


I keep my house pretty clean. The reasons for this are to do justice to the items I have on display throughout it.

What's the point of having a nice figure if there is a trash pile next to it? What's the point of having a glass cabinet to show off something when the glass is dirty? Why buy art books and posters if they just end up littered around the place?

I guess it's the mentality of a buyfag in particular. My house used to messy until I got a job and started buying nice things. And to this day, every time I bring home something new, I have to make sure it's going somewhere clean and tidy.


I'm not rich and I'm definitely not a normie. Normal people don't display lolicon artwork in their house.

>> No.12618915

He doesn't know what he means.

>> No.12619033

The rooms posted ITT are rooms from rich normies

>> No.12619110

You'll be surprised how easy it is to get a girl at some random anime-con.

>> No.12619157

Maximum comfy

I will achieve this one day.

>> No.12619159

And she would just be mirin your collection

>> No.12619184

poorfag detected

>> No.12619206

I just like looking at nice rooms full of things I can't afford. My actual room is a total mess.

>> No.12619273
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How do I become rich dudes?

>> No.12619312
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Me closet

>> No.12619332

why are they in your closet?

>> No.12619336

More importantly, why is his closet sideways?

>> No.12619339

I have more that are not in my closet. It's a lack of space issue. Moved somewhere very expensive so I have to live in much smaller space.

>> No.12619345

Secret japanese stoarage technique

>> No.12619346

Phones can't post pictures right.

>> No.12619393


Why the fuck did you think that was a good idea.

Only explanation I can come up with that makes sense is where you came from had been culturally enriched, was that the case?

>> No.12619396

So you are poor

>> No.12619409

I keep figures I'm not displaying at the moment in my closet. What's the big deal?

>> No.12619426

I think you don't have enough Sabers.

>> No.12619431

You never can

>> No.12619432

Don't let /jp/'s need for contrarianism and over-analysing get to you.

>> No.12619450
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pfft those are the best parts of this place.

>> No.12619472

Yep. Right next to your orientation.

>> No.12619482

Because I have to go where my dad goes. Other place was just bad location so it was cheap. Now I live closer to the ocean so shit gets expensive. Moved from 4000 sq ft home to 2000 sq ft home where I only get one room of the house.

>> No.12619493
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 20141023_0926522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I am from Australia, so everything is upside down to me.

>> No.12619656

>living with parents
>complaining about space

>> No.12619706

Homu pls

>> No.12619713


>I am from Australia

I'm so sorry. It must be hard to be a perv in such a place.

>> No.12619719
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>> No.12619724

You don't

>> No.12619759

where is your mousepad dude

>> No.12619795

He didn't buy it from Mr. Choo yet.

>> No.12619875

The reimu daki in the middle bottom pic.
Does anyone have a link for it or the other side?

>> No.12620018


Jobs. Even just working a minimum wage job and simply earning 100-200 a week can land you some decent shit after a month or two.

>> No.12620056


Ultimate laughter. Get on autismbux, you fucking normaltrash.

>> No.12620073

It's naruto. Clearly.

>> No.12620533

If they live with their parents, maybe.

>> No.12620772

>100 a week
I'm making that much in an hour. Keep your pleb mentality.

>> No.12620786

Do you actually enjoy your job, anon?

>> No.12620829

Yes. I've enjoyed working on computers since I was young.

>> No.12620860

You do realize that reading a single volume of manga takes only about 30-60 mins right?That is, if you're a good reader

>> No.12620860,1 [INTERNAL] 

If I didn't have a fractured ass I'd post my room. My camera is still in the back in the kitchen. Maybe I can hobble through the pain.

Fuck it, I'm going. Now's my chance to shine!

>> No.12620888 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12620888,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol am i on /v/

>> No.12620919

He's blowing the stench all over his room with that fan.

>> No.12620929

I like apple juice too, but this is a little over the top.

>> No.12620942 [DELETED] 

I don't think it smells. There's only piss in the bottles with caps.

>> No.12620958

How can people deal with their TV being so high up, seems like the most uncomfy shit.

>> No.12620962

You just sent that fucker to the BURN UNIT!!!

>> No.12620971

Hell, I'd call 30 pushing it.

>> No.12621016

You'll go to jail for that one mate.

>> No.12621384

>that pokemon pillow in the corner
I used to have the same pillow case.

>> No.12621392

this dude needs to get a life

>> No.12621442

Anyone here want to post their rooms, but don't because they're afraid to get laughed at?

>> No.12621482 [DELETED] 


>> No.12621638

This is disgusting

>> No.12621681 [DELETED] 

Go back to /a/ kiddie.

>> No.12621697

/a/ is disgusting

>> No.12621750

tru otakcool

>> No.12621753

Now this is an otaku room.

Also good animu taste.

>> No.12621772

Why does he collect his pee in bottles?

>> No.12621841

he does it for free

>> No.12622189

Whats with the bright red walls?

>> No.12622200

What's being censored?

>> No.12622235

Maybe I'm just a jealous poorfag but it really feels like some of you guys just buy shit for the sake of it and not due to love for the franchise or actually enjoying the product.

>> No.12622278


Well, you're probably not wrong.


I can murder someone for $2 in change and a pension card, and just by claiming aboriginal heritage get off with a suspended sentence. But god help me if I have in my possession drawn artworks of a disfigured, childlike humanoid entity, or dare to infringe on the human rights of a moulded piece of PVC plastic resembling the same humanoid.


Probably a love doll or a small child playing a game of love doll with onii-chan.

>> No.12622323

>I can murder someone for $2 in change and a pension card, and just by claiming aboriginal heritage get off with a suspended sentence.

It that a specific instance you are referencing, or just a general trend in how lenient judges are on those types?

>> No.12622327

>Being native
1.I hate you
2.Enjoy the NEET dream.

>> No.12622357


Some guy got knifed at a train station in my town recently and the only thing he had on him was change for the train ticket. Guys who did it were indigenous youths from a "troubled background". Not one of them saw the inside of a jail cell. It barely even made the news, because the victim was white and it's raysis to report dindunufin-on-white crime here.

But, my art collection could literally get me life if someone found it. And it's not even like I have rape and guro in it, it's all gravure, nudes/pinups and vanilla.


I'm not a NEET. I work for the government.

>> No.12622366

Wait, can you get done for U18 gravure? I'm too pussy to import anything 'hardcore' but I like idols and have quite a bit of gravure featuring girls around 15/16.

>> No.12622548


>> No.12622615

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12622652

me, I got b& last time I posted myself on jaypee and suffered horrible withdrawal because I can't live a day without my jpsies

>> No.12622737
File: 54 KB, 349x302, 1409929246105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a 'zero-tolerance' policy on sexually explicit material involving minors (in some states under 16). That extends to text as well, people have been charged (but thankfully not convicted) for having text that is sexually explicit about minors. In South Australia women who could reasonably be mistaken for under 18 (generally taken to be A cup or smaller) cannot appear in pornography.

Maximum penalty of 10 years in jail or a $275,000 AUD fine. But I don't think anyone has been sent to jail yet, just fined.

>> No.12622784
File: 266 KB, 2764x1012, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder who is responsible for these laws. Jews? Blacks? Feminists? Women? Muslims? Some other unimportant yet disproportionately vocal minority forcing its illogical beliefs on to the superior cisgendered heterosexual white male?


I'm more concerned about getting V& than laughed at. I can't give a single fuck less. Pic related. Come at me, etc.

>> No.12622793

Nice cat

>> No.12622794

the persecution complex is strong with this one

>> No.12622807

Holy christ that room screams of entry-level but since it has Nanoha it's alright.

>> No.12622810
File: 303 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG1148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12622822

Get rid of that anon, it's not worth it.

>> No.12622835

If anyone's responsible it will be white middle aged men trying to win conservative voters with muh family values.

but that's enough /pol/ for this thread.

>> No.12622855

All those dakis and you're not using a single one!

>> No.12622859

Are you running a server farm?

>> No.12622863

The smell of plastic and silicon helps you get to sleep, eh?

>> No.12622864

best room in the thread

>> No.12622868
File: 525 KB, 2556x2040, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... I was entry level once. In 2006. I've had those Negima scrolls that long. Despite moving on a long time ago I can't bring myself to throw them away.


Persecution is exactly what's happening though. How the fuck else do you explain human rights being given to pieces of art? If black people or feminists were into loli it'd be celebrated as cultural enrichment.


Thanks. I have 3 of them. One is a little bitch and wouldn't let me include him in a picture though. Tried to include as many cats as possible in these.

>> No.12622873

Welp, with those dolls I can't help but admit I was wrong.

>> No.12622876

Oh, my. It seems I owe you an apology, friend. When I said I hated you, it was because I saw you mentioning native status, as well as illegal loli, and assumed you were Canadian. I was not aware Australia had similar laws.

>> No.12622906


>> No.12622917

That cat don't give a fuck.

>> No.12622940

Nice cat, and I don't think I have to be afraid of party people-carriers.

Just ridicule.

>> No.12622948
File: 149 KB, 1185x889, rVoymKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna put up some wallscrolls and some more figurines around the room, but this is how it is now.

>> No.12622952
File: 142 KB, 1185x889, 86DlNIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the computer, I might have a wallscroll above the monitors.

>> No.12622956

I never understood putting multiple drivers of the same size on a speaker.

>> No.12623105



>> No.12623177
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>> No.12623194

They're not bad, not the best quality, but I don't regret buying them

>> No.12623229

Cute room, that alice drawing is really cute too!

That thing in your laundry bin(?) by the closet is creepy as fuck though.

>> No.12623240

Hi Fran

>> No.12623255

I see you Twilight and Celestia blanket.

Unfold it, it's so comfy and cute!

>> No.12623257
File: 13 KB, 271x172, ss+(2014-10-23+at+11.36.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12623268


What brand are those towers?

>> No.12623407

I read that as what brand are those towels and spend 5 minutes looking for a fucking towel

>> No.12623485

XTZ Divine 100.49

>> No.12623547
File: 3.84 MB, 7326x2036, 2014-10-23 21.28.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not.
Weeaboo rooms.

>> No.12625973

you seem like a cool guy i would probably lick your figures no homo

>> No.12626039
File: 236 KB, 2048x1536, 20141024_121156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


99% sure you have the exact same chair as me.

My brother vandalised my computer with Hank hill pictures, so I improved his wall.

>> No.12627598

bit of a slow reader, usually about 10-20 mins

>> No.12627604

most realistic room in thread

>> No.12627633

What kind of sparse-ass manga do you people read?

>> No.12627634

Gotta keep up to date on that Jump!

>> No.12627689

I think every kid did, anon.
..r-right guys?

>> No.12627693

Foobar best.

>> No.12627694

Fucking embarassing.

>> No.12628039

this guy's AFTER is pretty good

>> No.12628243

One day when I move out, I'll have a comfy and cute otaku room. One day....
Living in a dorm is suffering

>> No.12628416
File: 707 KB, 1077x614, 31356550-b54c-4968-b981-4df9d54cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12628505

Do it dude. even if you have a roomate, half the room is still yours. anime the shit out of your half.

>> No.12628558

I kinda already do, but because of lack of space and the weird layout of my rooms walls and windows, it does not look one bit of aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.12628948

Remember the number one rule of otaku/weeaboo rooms; quantity>quality

>> No.12628987
File: 2.69 MB, 960x1280, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my room from about a year ago. I miss it just a bit, my current room is too big.

>> No.12629016

This is so good because it is so flexible in its design. The best kind of flexible, simplicity.

I can remembrr one girl from /g/ had loads of otaku-related stuff in her room. Not sure if she is even still around these days. Mind you, not checked a room thread for ages. I remember seeing her pictures again on Tuesday when looking through old files, will post some when I get home.

>> No.12629024

Who are the characters to the left of the shinku/suigintou poster?

>> No.12629050

Neptunia sluts.

>> No.12629481

Please tell me that box doesn't actually contain CP.

>> No.12629502

Fuck off Yid
Stalin will save Russia!

>> No.12629538

Despite being comfy it looks pretty entry-level.

>> No.12629540

I don't really understand when 'otaku' have all this merch and crap cluttering up their room, and they have the tiniest piece of junk computer and computer table possible, crammed into some weird corner of the room.

A big, spacious desk, but multiple monitors, and a nice set of speakers should be the focal point of your room. Everything else should be planned around that. Lighted glass presentation shelves seem wonderful, as do light colored furniture.

>> No.12629554

It doesn't, I think at the time it contained my shelf.

>> No.12629574


>> No.12629612

>I don't really understand why "otaku" don't have my taste
I am quoting you.

>> No.12629665

Pics of your room then.

>> No.12629793 [DELETED] 

Oh is this the one with the snack drawer? I remember seeing it on DannyChoo.

>> No.12629802

F/Z Kerry. Any men with cigarettes in hand.

>> No.12629830

Read out what you just typed, retard.

>> No.12629949

if that's reaistic to you, I feel bad for you son

>> No.12629961
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 1324822755709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your girl tummy.

Post your g-
>that huge ass worn-out leather wallet.

>> No.12630432

what is that from?

>> No.12630475

"The Core"

>> No.12630654
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 20141026_035546[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12630665

>Razer headphones

All you need to do now is whip out all your dildos.

>> No.12630898

How do you guys deal with visiors,etc ?

>> No.12630921


Uhhh...This? Because it sounds like the wrong movie.

>> No.12630925

My mom grew up in the ass-end of the boonies part of Quebec. She said that growing up, there was a family living in an abandoned bus in the woods near her house. When we visited with her a few years ago, we drove past the spot, and not only was the bust still there, it had a new looking satelite dish on it.

Is that you, anon?

>> No.12630927
File: 727 KB, 2000x900, Room1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visitors? Why would you invite anybody who's going to judge you on such things into your room?

>> No.12630928

Wait, never mind. Yes it is.

>> No.12630931

All the anime shit was added to the video, it's not there in the movie. He wiped all his shit because he thought the feds were raiding him but instead they were coming to blackmail him into working on their shitty project.

>> No.12630942

By not giving a shit. And what >>12630927 said.

>> No.12630972

>shitty project
fuck you

>> No.12630973

I knew that. I just thought it was from some hacker movie.

>> No.12630974

Hey, what's your issue?

>> No.12630981


grill detected

>> No.12630982

The Core is my favorite post 2000 movie

>> No.12630994

I wanna know what the cone is used for.

>> No.12630995

Fuck, I have that mickey mouse too

>> No.12631000

How much grills stepped a foot into thoses rooms (not including your family) ?

>> No.12631058

I only own five figures and I'm mostly concerned with which one to take with me when I move out. I have no posters and I keep my anime BDs in the family room.

Although one anon posted that he had a NERV parking permit window sticker, I'd love to have that since I own an old man car (a Buick).

>> No.12631059

Essential corecore

>> No.12631502

None of these rooms are full of semen, how?

>> No.12631563


I don't think that's his bus. I could be wrong, but I think that picture is from a guy that used to post with a Japanese name (no trip). I think he also lived in an abandoned diner for a while. I had a few discussions with him about software testing a couple years ago; he seemed like a super cool person. I haven't seen him around here in years.

I hope his tiny Asian balls are doing well.

>> No.12631566


How do you know they're not?

>> No.12631637
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, Boxes 001 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard space
acquire boxes

>> No.12631685

If I remember correctly, the bus was in the backyard where he lived, and he used it just to spend time there and fool around.

>> No.12631687


>> No.12631703


Maybe I'm thinking of someone else then. The Asian namefag with the tiny balls was still a swell individual though. There are a lot of people I miss on /jp/ actually.

>> No.12632833 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 889x720, 1414375370210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an awful person and you'll never amount to anything!

Judged. sure showed you

>> No.12632856


>> No.12632870

I dont understand people who use tv's as monitors for their computer and set it 5+ feet away. How can you read anything?

>> No.12632874
File: 310 KB, 930x618, 8236969645_316604554d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632947

>Computer speakers
>Far away, no less.

I'm judging the shit out of that, I tell, you what.

>> No.12633151

> using VLC

>> No.12633175
File: 1.20 MB, 263x368, 1412681984163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Danny! Stop stealing our rooms!

>> No.12633205

That image is more of a /v/ thing.

>> No.12633296

more pets please

>> No.12633311
File: 585 KB, 1200x900, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my cat.

>> No.12633315
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, Superior weasel sleeping technique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the most neet pet around

>> No.12633334


>> No.12633341
File: 1.02 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my dog

She stays in my room with me all day while I play vidya

>> No.12633381

Can't get fullsize to load past the ass but she looks very cute from the thumbnail.

>> No.12633397

Thank you. I rescued her from the kill shelter. She's the most precious thing in my life.

>> No.12633404
File: 33 KB, 220x220, 1373001915378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a NEET. I work for the government
>I'm not a NEET.
>I work for the government.

>> No.12633410

Government works for NEETS, not the other way around.

>> No.12633410,1 [INTERNAL] 

uh did this fucker really frame an onahole box

>> No.12633502

If you have a job you aren't a NEET.
you may still be a pathetic loser, but NEET has a specific meaning

>> No.12633526
File: 723 KB, 1000x803, e51bc89ec5b14e3a62fa1e87baf4bec5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i even click on these threads

>> No.12633526,1 [INTERNAL] 

neo-novo-fageto-/jp/ for you

>> No.12633526,2 [INTERNAL] 

how many neos can you put on /jp/ before everyone stops caring

>> No.12633622

Because you're hoping for the days when /jp/ was filled with NEETs talking about /jp/ stuff, but now it's filled with /jp/ies talking about NEETs.

>> No.12633622,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12633622,2 [INTERNAL] 

I reported it for being the room of a known pedophile

>> No.12633622,3 [INTERNAL] 


1. pedophilia is not a crime
2. pedophilia is a mental illness and it needs the same sympathy and research that other mental illnesses get

>> No.12633622,4 [INTERNAL] 

kill all fags, homosexuals and pedophiles are mentally ill and should be shot

>> No.12633622,5 [INTERNAL] 

kill ur mom lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12634285
File: 105 KB, 612x612, lexi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, we're posting pets now~

This is my baby Lexi being comfy~

>> No.12634314
File: 947 KB, 2272x1704, Patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's strangely tolerant of blankets.

>> No.12634436

Tell me you have a marisa or alice

>> No.12634508

kamille is looking comfy ;) lmao

>> No.12634523

get a good diploma and find a nice job that pays well and invest your savings, or start your own company

>> No.12634526

TFW waiting 2 and half months for new furnitures to arrive to complete my living room and computer/working room.

Life is suffering

>> No.12634591
File: 494 KB, 1562x1200, 000 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump a few images.

Saber is like a staple figure, almost every collection has at least one.

>> No.12634594
File: 265 KB, 950x632, 000 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These cabinets must have cost an arm and a leg. I need a display cabinet too, but it'll have to be custom made and will probably cost over 500 euros.

>> No.12634599
File: 561 KB, 1600x1200, 000 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really hate to clean all those figures that aren't encased.

>> No.12634603
File: 215 KB, 800x600, 000 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room is some next level shit.

>> No.12634608
File: 644 KB, 1000x664, 000 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of those shrines that take up a whole room, like the Sonico one earlier in the thread.

>> No.12634623

Only post your own room.

If you aren't doing that, then fuck off.

>> No.12634634
File: 222 KB, 930x695, 000 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen most of the photos in this thread before on various websites, and I doubt they all just coincidentally belong to /jp/ users (and why would people re-post photos that can be years old?). OP also did not say anything about posting your own room, he just said "otaku rooms?"

Stay mad.

>> No.12634647

I couldn't care less about your pathetic justifications, garbage.

Post only your own room, or get out.

>> No.12634659

This thread is full of people posting rooms other than their own and OP never specified that people have to post their own rooms.

Stay delusional.

>> No.12634668

Two wrongs don't make a right. They're just as incorrect as you are, you piece of shit.

The difference is they aren't mass-dumping and being an annoying jackass.

>> No.12634671


>> No.12634684


The last refuge for trash.

>> No.12634703

You know what's strange? OP originally posted his room all the way in February...


...and now he just posted the same old image instead of taking a new one. Since we can definitely rule out the possibility that OP just grabbed somebody else's photo from the web and never intended the thread to be about our own rooms, the only conclusion is that his camera broke after taking those original photos and he never got another one. Maybe he's too poor to afford a camera. That must be it.

Or maybe you're just retarded.

>> No.12634712

Nobody gives a shit, drivel.

>> No.12634720

If you don't care then what are you complaining about?

>> No.12634740

You aren't even making the attempt to masquerade as posting your own room. You, from the very second you started posting, were just image dumping.

Nobody gives a shit about that crap. Nobody likes that crap. If anybody wanted an image dump, then they'd go straight to that shit site you linked earlier, or MFC.

Let everyone at least have the illusion that people here are posting their rooms, you colossal piece of refuse.

>> No.12634752

>You aren't even making the attempt to masquerade as posting your own room.
There is no need to, since this thread is not just for posting our own rooms. OP didn't post his own room either.

>You, from the very second you started posting, were just image dumping.
Well no shit. This thread is for sharing images of otaku rooms.

>Nobody gives a shit about that crap.
And yet here you are still carrying on this inane argument that you started about a subject that you supposedly don't give a shit about.

>> No.12634829

Way to miss the entire point.

As expected of gutter scum.

>> No.12634859

The only point here is that you are crying like a little girl about someone breaking a thread rule that never existed anywhere outside of your own head.

>> No.12634905

tl;dr poorfags complaining about other poorfags

Stay classy /jp/

>> No.12634912
File: 1.27 MB, 1125x1500, PA271267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room

>> No.12634918

What does this have to do with anyone being a poorfag?

>> No.12634924

haha literally what the hell is this shit thread supposed to be, did the general board get partnered with facebook or something?

>> No.12634935

Where do those damned shelves come from? I see them everywhere.

>> No.12635018

I've seen them in Costco.

>> No.12635268

they're modular shelves, you can get them at home depot or lowes or wherever

>> No.12635329

OP here, I posted the first half dozen or so rooms, none of them are mine.

>> No.12635497
File: 166 KB, 916x1004, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the hoodie
cute pup

>> No.12636316

broad Casting now


>> No.12636743

Okay, what is that glorious middle one at lowest shelf?

>Saber is like a staple figure

I have THE shittiest revo Saber Alter. Does count?

>> No.12641292
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1396891111341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question is, what about the dust? Wouldn't it take a whole day to clean some of these rooms?
