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12594095 No.12594095 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about all those doujinshi that are never gonna get scanned makes me want to cry.

>> No.12594100

You could just...

buy them.

>> No.12594412


>> No.12594415

Those are the ones I buy and want to upload, but never get around to doing it.

>> No.12594427

except no, you can't "just" buy doujinshi. Buying doujinshi is a battle, you have to give it your all if you want to come out alive.

>> No.12594431

Don't have a scanner.
Also, NEET so no money and importing cost is ridiculous.
I'd definitely do it if I was living in Japan.
But even then, I could probably only get a small portion of everything I want.

no bully pls

>> No.12594443

Is it even possible to buy ~year old douji?

>> No.12594450

Sometimes? Not really.

Please upload you books!

>> No.12594466

It really isn't?
You mean all those great works are lost forever?
This makes me want to cry even more.

>> No.12594487

Well, I mean, it's not hopeless. If there's a digital version it's always available, and you could find it in some second-hand doujin shop, and yes those exist, but for the most part...yeah. Gone is gone.

>> No.12594509

>importing cost is ridiculous.

Not that ridiculous. You pay domestic Japanese shipping, the commission, and international shipping. As long as you're ordering in bulk, which you should be, it's not that terrible.

>> No.12594584

Honestly, the biggest cost of buying/ordering doujin is getting scared by the the gone forever deal and buying more than you actually want.

"Well, this book looks ok, but not great, I don't really want it...but...if I don't buy and scan it it'll be gone forever!!!" And before you know it your doujin order is 50 books strong.

>> No.12594596

I sustain about a 30% attrition rate on my orders, of bought-to-scan-fuck-kalevala-scanned-it-already. Which means I still have a shitload of stuff that has never been scanned, and some of it I've never actually cracked open to read it.

I keep saying I'm going to learn how to scan things correctly, and do it, but I never do. Such is life. If I could figure out the best way to debind these things so that I could rebind them after scanning, I'd do it.

>> No.12594662


Some anons post what they order for scanning on http://www.touhou-project.com/at/, in the discussion thread. Don't post your orders if you're not scanning it, but you could still check and avoid buying duplicates yourself.

Please do learn how to scan shit. Even if it's mediocre work, low-quality is better than no-quality.

>> No.12594686

Yeah, I end up buying stuff that I figure WON'T be scanned, and then it ends up being scanned, while obvious shit that should be scanned never does.

I buy more than Touhou, so I'm not sure where I'd go to find out for other series. As far as Touhou, my tastes are mostly for Remi/Flan/Rumia, so I have a few that haven't been scanned, like...


I haven't ever found that one scanned.

>Please do learn how to scan shit. Even if it's mediocre work, low-quality is better than no-quality.

Yeah, I'm just anal retentive about doing things right or not doing them, and once I know they're preserved (because I have them) I lose motivation to scan.

>> No.12594706

That image makes me want to cry

>> No.12594798

So there was Kouroumu recently.
Which means more books that are never gonna get scanned.
Anything that caught your eye?
For me these two in particular,

>> No.12594830

And also these two,

>> No.12594833

As much as I love Nishimura Mike, I'm not shelling out for Youmu. Also, my last order hasn't even been shipped yet. I'm not sure I want to make another order when my previous one is still in Japanese holiday limbo.

>> No.12594835

If I ever publish a doujinshi, I promise I'll post the whole thing on /jp/.

>> No.12594845

It won't be the first time it's happened.

I'm pretty sure someone else has already ordered the Tenshi one (and I abhor faceless/ugly), but if nobody has picked up the Koishi one, I might in my next order. I'll keep those two for filler to pad out my order and make it worth it.

>> No.12594856

Why would you want a bunch of poorly drawn and poorly written fan-made trash?

>> No.12594860

Awww, look at the cute little newfriend.

Summer really does never end.

>> No.12594876

I think the Koishi one might get scanned.
The Youmus are doubtful though.
>I'm not shelling out for Youmu
Why not?

>> No.12595121

please dont bully

>> No.12595122

Youmu just doesn't do anything for me, man.

>> No.12595227

That's sad to hear.
I mean it's not like your taste is shit
>As far as Touhou, my tastes are mostly for Remi/Flan/Rumia
but oh well, can't be helped.

>> No.12595293

Speaking of which. Does anyone remember the name of that doujinshi with sad mimiji because she killed a wolf she admired?

>> No.12595351

That's harsh, man. I don't criticize your tastes.

>> No.12595376

I think he means he's surprised you're not into Youmu given your fine taste.
Have you considered using money from anon to make purchases for them? Any scan is better than no scan.

>> No.12595397

It's hard enough getting people to contribute for translations, I just didn't think anyone would be interested in donating to me to import things and scan them.

I guess I could make a shitty wordpress site and let people donate via paypal or something, but there's just not that many real /jp/'ers left.

>> No.12595564

Use the discussion thread on /at/. That is where the real hub is.

>> No.12595607

Speaking of doujinshi with Youmu I was hoping this would get eventually scanned.
But of course it didn't.

>> No.12595614

It's still in stock. Do something about it.

>> No.12595677

Nah, I think I'll just wait for someone else to do it.

>> No.12595687

i have a SZS doujin that i want to buy but alas, no one else does so... im fucked

>> No.12595768

Just think about it like that: Things that are lost or no longer needed by the world wind up in Gensokyo. This also goes for all these books. So somewhere in Gensokyo is a tsukumogami who embodies forgotten porn and perfectly recalls every instance of pornography ever discarded by man, from long-lost Venus statues and Egyptian bestiality papyri to Edo-period shunga prints and unscanned doujin work. While they may be gone forever in our world, at least she will remember them.

That said, if I ever end up in Gensokyo, I'm going to find that bitch and beat her up until she drops Ahobaka and Masha's scylla books from her collection. It's a right damn shame that these weren't scanned.

>> No.12595899

Banned in my country

>> No.12596024

Europe is shit (australia is part of europe, look at the flag)

>> No.12600335

wizakun a shit. Anatomy and perspective are terrible, and no amount of improvements anywhere else will hide that.

>> No.12600354

Who cares about stupid shit like anatomy?
It's fappable, that's all that counts.

Looking at his stuff, so much of it is left unscanned, it's almost sad.

>> No.12600364

>I'm just anal retentive about doing things right or not doing them

Take photos of each page with your phone camera if you have to.
Just do it, even if it's the shittiest possible quality.

>> No.12600991

>It's fappable
But it's not. You must like tubeloli, too.

>> No.12601181

>You must like tubeloli

H-how did you know...?

>> No.12601207
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I know all.

>> No.12601264
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d-do people hate my favorite artist?

>> No.12606939

Okay, the second one has been scanned.

I was loking forward to the Youmu ones the most, but not gonna complain too much.

>> No.12607011


>> No.12607033

I like this hair style.

>> No.12607103
File: 382 KB, 850x1170, 1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting since C81 for scans and fapping hundreds of times to the cover of http://imoni.org/special/111230noda/ and suddenly it turns out to be a text novel without pictures.

>> No.12607146

It does have some illustrations, I think.

But yeah, it's mostly just text.

>> No.12607514

I'm slightly curious about this doujinshi, The Fall: http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0010/20/52/040010205264.html
It was referred in the Tohno Gensyoko doujinshi, it might have a very good story

>> No.12607540

There's lots of stores that sell older books. Mandarake, suruga-ya, nagomi and others. So for a lot of them, it's possible.
Generally price is similar to toranoana original price, but if it's a rare book it can double/triple.

>> No.12611364

"The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone"

That's why I don't check which circles will be publishing stuff.
Everything that gets uploaded becomes a pleasant surprise.
And you don't fret over stuff not getting scanned/uploaded.

I think this is good to keep your sanity.

>> No.12611409

I never understood why artists don't ever release doujins publicly even years after publishing and when it's clear there's not going to be a reprint. Especially if it's not R-18 and especially if it is Touhou (=no copyright blasphemy risk). I don't get it. It's like they don't want to give people free value when they are perfectly able to do so with minimum effort. If you can keep the data for a few years there are LITERALLY no downsides to just uploading them for everyone to read. I don't even want to start counting how many great ones I will never see because no-one does this.

>> No.12611420

Really sucks when you like a series that wasn't that prominent. To add to that, say you like two characters from said series, but they don't get a lot of time in the spotlight, even in doujins.

Finally, you know which doujins include them, but they're also old (we're talking 12 years old) and they will never get reprinted and there are no digital versions.

God damn, that sucks.

>> No.12611485

Can you think of all the artists who have sketches that never get finished and published?

What about all the ideas that they've come up with and never got around to putting on paper?

>> No.12611975

Oh I agree, that's a great way but... I just can't help myself.
Every Comiket/Reitaisai/Kouroumu I have to look through the catalog to see al the Touhou doujinshi that are being released, bookmark them, download the samples and furiously fap to them and then cry when they're never released for everyone to enjoy.

Some artists actually do that.
But yeah, it's very rare.

>> No.12611989

You know what pisses me off the most?
Is that there's so much filth scanned, translated even, literal fucking garbage that no one in their right mind could possibly find fappable.
That shit gets scanned, tons of it.
But the good stuff? Nope, almost never.

>> No.12612000


Why did I lol so hard at OP's pic?

>> No.12612169

I don't even go out of my way to look through catalogs or anything, simply browsing pixiv I come across previews/samples for something sold at the next convention and start going "oh fuck I can't wait for this" and it never appears.

I was pretty happy with C85, there were only a few things I was missing (that I cared about enough to remember they even existed months later), but the two C86 Kancolle doujinshi I was most anticipating still haven't been scanned. I'm getting tempted to buyfag for the first time ever (doujinshi-wise, that is).

The worst though is all the stuff that's sold only at Comiket, not online, and you're out of luck if you can't go there or have someone buy for you (or stuck trying to find it on an auction site). Like when circles have those cheap booklets/pamphlets aside from their full doujinshi; sometimes they have some good stuff but almost never get scanned.

Just today I was browsing pixiv and came across sample pages from a doujinshi that I don't think the artist ever bothered to finish based on his comments, fuck.

>> No.12612619

>all these tears
If you stop being a pirating leech and buy things, all of your worries will go away.

>> No.12612642

>simply browsing pixiv I come across previews/samples..
Now this is fucking unavoidable, rip.

>> No.12617944

What are you looking forward to from fall reitaisai?

>> No.12617977

There will be no Reitaisai in fall as far as I know.
They changed it so it's only once a year now.
The next one scheduled in may.

>> No.12617979
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>> No.12618405

But it's the first one, you idiot. Circles and catalog have already been announced.

>> No.12618894

>But it's the first one

No it's not?
We already had Reitaisai 11 this year, back in May.

>> No.12619256

You're not getting it. It's not Reitaisai 12. It's Reitaisai 11: Fall Edition.

>> No.12619870

Which 2 Kancolle ones? Just curious.

I'm still waiting for Kashiwa-ya's "Sex Fleet Collection", even though people have scanned his *other* 2 C86 books....

>> No.12624673



>> No.12624696
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Don't remind me...

>> No.12624702

Hey, Alabama Anon if you're still around, the Tenshi one mentioned was already scanned, so maybe this one instead?

>> No.12626296

It seems like both are sold out now.
Well if someone who had any intention of scanning them had bought them, they'd probably be scanned by now.
So yeah, tough luck.

>> No.12626311

Why do all the scanning services suck?

>> No.12628932

This thread seems a good place to ask. What are the recommended sites to buy doujin from? I know Japanese and can use a proxy if I need to.

>> No.12628950

Want to know something else that's depressing? Doujinshi started out as an American thing and then it sort of just fizzled out in the west. Your grandparents could have been beating off to Tijuana bibles decades before the Japanese industry ever took off.

>> No.12632562

because it's the only H-doujin with my shipfu (well, there's also http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45382841 but the artist says it's R-18 just to be cautious, and it's not scanned either anyway). There's also a decent number of Mutsuki-class non-H doujinshi out there but obviously no scans of those either.

for delicious Wake femdom

On top of those, Hase Yu also did a Wake doujinshi with no scans, and I wouldn't mind seeing that Amatsukaze/Shimakaze/Shimakaze-kun one either.

I'm seriously thinking about buyfagging before things disappear forever. I kept thinking about buying URAN's Choukai/Maya/Shimakaze one from last year but sometime in the past few months it vanished from melonbooks nor is it even listed anywhere on the circle's site.

>> No.12632678

>was not in the mood to read these that are scanned when I had time
>now barely can squeeze an hour to fool around here on jp
Ain't life grand

>> No.12632726

All that niche anime, hentai, doujins, comics, games, music, art, books and all other kinds of media, all of them will be lost in time.

Just think of the millions of works that have been lost to time. Thousands of years of human history gone. Thousands of years of culture, dead.

Oh god. I'm going to cry myself to sleep.

>> No.12641154

You're only supposed to save the best so you can surpass it.

>> No.12641164

I need all of it dude.


>> No.12641176
File: 99 KB, 512x320, reiko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dojinshi about certain character that I like that I want all went out of print and the authors evaporated from existence. Not even one copy left.

And the ones that do remain ARE NOTHING BUT SCAT. Fuck my face.

>> No.12641180

Then you had better get to backing up e-hentai. There are works as old as c28 there. April 1985.

>> No.12641199

>April 1985

Holy damn. Were they carved in stone?

>> No.12641205
File: 322 KB, 580x387, 1408746792004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But they were invariably rough and shitty.

>> No.12641216

The first one was in 75.

Thank you for proudly stating your ignorance. The least you could do is use wikipedia.
>They wished to study manga and explore its potential, as commercial offerings were unchallenging and mainstream, following the closure of COM.
Old Comiket wasn't about endless parody works.

>> No.12641220

You apparently forgot about the endless stream of shitty Ranma 1/2 doujins at the time.

>> No.12641235

>Doujinshi published: 39
>Scanned: 2

Kill me.

>> No.12641268

Basically media didn't accept them.

That looks disgusting.

>> No.12641273

Another great circle.
>Hikiwari Nattou

None of these are scanned.
I'm gonna lose my mind looking through all these unscanned works.
For now I'll just fap to the preview images.

>> No.12641350

This isn't exactly a new thing to the human experience; think about the greek and roman masterpieces lost to the fires of barbarian conquest.
The sacking of the library of alexandria represents all you need to know about how much time cares about masterpieces.

>> No.12641414

First one is scanned but only in Chinese. Fucking cechinese, I swear...

>> No.12641420

I've bought a bunch of ENJOY MIX Suika stuff. It should be coming in within a month.

>> No.12641943

I think you must be thinking of a different one, because I can't find it.

>> No.12642703

It's such a thin line between "patiently waiting on other buyfags to scan porn books" and "sucking up and becoming a buyfag yourself".

>> No.12643825
File: 339 KB, 800x480, e61b2d203564e45867da842fbe8c1e17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kogasa so adorable?


>> No.12643846

>satori fags

>> No.12644134
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>> No.12644217 [DELETED] 

Have you tried share? There are plenty of things that are scanned but not uploaded in any major western places.

>> No.12644222

Have you tried share? There are plenty of things that are scanned but not uploaded in any major western places.

>> No.12644274

I think most of them do get uploaded eventually.

>> No.12644351

I've made a billion gp from share alone.

>> No.12644401

>sucking up and becoming a buyfag yourself

I would if I could.
I'd do nothing but scan stuff all day, every day.

>> No.12644561 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to track down a couple doujin to scan and translate, but I was wondering if it's considered bad board etiquette on Futaba to make threads asking about that type of thing. I'm really just looking to buy the doujin from someone in Japan, or pay them to scan it for me.

Would this be an acceptable thing to do over there? If not do the Japanese have some kind forum for that sort of thing. Doujin trading and sell. Other than the obvious places like Yahoo.
