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12574313 No.12574313 [Reply] [Original]

If they really wanted Vocaloid to enter the mainstream in America, then wouldn't it be smarter for them to promote Meiko instead of Miku? Nothing about Miku is socially acceptable as a pop idol for Americans- she looks too young, she has a screechy voice, long blue/green pigtails that go down to the floor, and an image that doesn't translate well to overt sexuality (aka she's flat-chested); it will never work. Unless you're already a weeaboo or are a really small child, she isn't going to be appealing at all.

Meanwhile Meiko has hair and eyes that are non-threateningly brown, with a normal, stylish haircut, and the body of an adult that is easily exploitable. Her "personality" is often portrayed as sensual and womanly, which American consumers of pop music prefer over the child-like purity of Miku. Plus she has one of the more realistic, non-exaggerated/cartoony voices that while yes is still robotic sounding, Americans could more easily adapt to it than Miku's often shrill vocals that take getting used to if you aren't already a weeb. They've been going about it all wrong.

One of Miku's biggest selling points in her popularity in Japan is how cute she is. But that's Japan. America likes cuteness in small doses, but hates it in large amounts. What do Americans like? They like "cool" and "sexy". They like things that make them feel "edgy" for liking them. It wouldn't be difficult to achieve that kind of image for Meiko.

Meiko could be the starting point to get them through the door. Gradually, they could introduce the more "wacky" (by America's standards) Vocaloids after getting people even used to the idea of virtual pop singers in a way that's palatable to the maintream American audience.

>> No.12574347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12574357

I'm glad they didn't choose her then. Vocaloids shouldn't be mainstream in America. Anyway, has V3 Meiko been released yet? I haven't really been keeping up with Vocaloid releases.

>> No.12574360

You can just skim the wiki once every six months. That's what I do anyway.

>> No.12574367

Hm, okay. I'll check out the wiki.

>> No.12574395

Except no one except dumb weeaboos want vocaloid to be popular in the US.

Wanting the things you like to become popular is a dysfunction. You should never want the things you cherished to be shared by others. You should covet and hoard your hobbies like treasure.

>> No.12574534


So you're saying we should be like dragons?

>> No.12574556

Meiko V3 sounds really good

>> No.12574563

Who gives a shit about america anyway.

>> No.12574674

this (these)

the more vocaloid tries to enter mainstream in the west, the more western culture will also enter vocaloid. You can't just expect it to go one way, especially since anyone can produce content

Not to mention that things are usually better before they get popular in general.
and no I'm not being edgy or anything, it's actually logical. When it's less popular there is less pressure on producers and they have fun with it experimenting with original things, as it gets more popular there is more pressure to conform to some standard and a lot of original stuff is dismissed by the fans as not adhering to the true nature of the content and everything becomes stale

then you reach the cancer tier which is when people can actually make themselves look cool just by using it and businessmen try to step in because they see a lot of money being thrown around

Please don't let that happen. I know these stupid weeaboos probably just want to wear a miku t-shirt and post about vocaloid to their facebook and have their friends "like" their post because "omg it's that latest crazy japanese trend I've seen on the TV".
But it's completely selfish. There's literally no reason, unless you're a hipster, for vocaloid to be popular. Honestly, can you even think of one way in which western culture could positively contribute to vocaloid?

>> No.12574676

no, that would be like dinosaurs

>> No.12574679

>Who gives a shit about america anyway.
Crypton Future Media apparently do

>> No.12574682

>You can't just expect it to go one way, especially since anyone can produce content
Yeah, but nobody can destroy it, so the non-Western content isn't going to go anywhere.

Overall I don't have particularly high hopes for Western producers, not because there isn't talent out there, but because that talent isn't going to use Vocaloids for anything.

>> No.12574696

I don't have high hopes for Western producers because they've consistently shown themselves to be lazy and unmotivated as fuck and most of their content is incredibly basic musically.

>> No.12574698

ok, but that still doesn't mean that we should advocate for it's mainstream western adoption. Which is what the OP was implying

>> No.12574726

This is pretty good english song

>> No.12574782

>Miku is of course already a sensation in Japan and her rhythm games have been a significant part of her success, with 2.5 million units shipped in that country alone. Now it seems creator Crypton Future Media is stepping things up stateside ahead of the songstress' newest rhythm games; Sega is bringing Project Diva F 2nd to North America for PS3 and Vita on November 18 and Project Mirai Remix for 3DS sometime next year.
While I think that Meiko would be better for international marketing than Miku, it's obviously too late already.

>> No.12574792

Yeah, Meiko would be a better "entry-level" Vocaloid for Americans, since a lot of them are turned off by Miku being too outlandish. But I think they shouldn't push the Vocaloid niche to an audience who wouldn't understand what Meiko or Miku is at all, anyway. Crypton thinks having Miku's English boxart look less "moe", having her sing in incomprehensible English in concerts, and slapping her on Toyota cars and Letterman is good marketing to the west. Pandering to American audiences like that is just a lose-lose situation for the fans who like her just the way she is and for the supposed American audience they're targeting who won't even understand or like this Vocaloid thing either way.
They should cater more to people whose interests are actually relevant to Vocaloid.

>> No.12574888
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Theres hundreds of songs out there that have Miku sounding mature and well pitched. Problem is they never seem to utilise them whenever Miku catches the Western eye. Theyre so stuck on promoting her as a thing rather than a singer so they get some shitty producer to make a song with "meaning" that sounds horrible or just use World Is Mine since its one of her most well known hit songs. If they took one of her best songs rather than putting the idea of what she is before who she is then there would be a much better reaction, Im sure.

>> No.12574920
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It would be less work to just use Meiko though.

>> No.12574927

They should just use Luka instead. She's more popular than Meiko in Japan and sounds better.

>> No.12574930

for miku to be popular she has to become a parody of pop culture. Basically have her reenact w/e stories are getting people to watch TMZ. sex video also helps.

>> No.12574958
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Not really. Meiko is pretty unknown in comparison; Miku already has billions of songs available to her and an actual presence. Literally all they need do is have her sing more "normal" songs that really back the idea of her being a standalone singer rather than some sort of existential figure.

>> No.12575718

That would never work. Also it seems impossible but there are still plenty of scandal-free celebrities today's world

>> No.12575734

But Luka's design is still too "wacky". She would work as the second one introduced a year later or somethig.

>> No.12575922
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best meiko album

>> No.12576461

The introduction of was was considered the sound of vocaloids was the MGS:Peacewalker Ai robot bosses.
But the vocaloid feature for Zeke and Ai robots was too complicated to customize and also English dubbed.

>> No.12576485

Meiko is too bland to create any interest whatsoever. She's just a typical Japanese pop singer but 2D and nobody in America gives a shit about those.

The whole thing with Miku is that she's different enough to stick out, and even though Miku arguably doesn't necessarily sound that great her design and sound has been unique enough to gather the most attention. What songs like World of Mine have is that despite not really being the best display of the ability of the software, they have a sound that isn't present with conventional vocals.

>> No.12576582

>You should never want the things you cherished to be shared by others.
You sound like a shitty person.

>> No.12576624

Welcome to /jp/.

Now get the fuck out.

>> No.12576637
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>Please don't let that happen.
Vocaloid is the coolest thing among teens after K-Pop. It will never be mainstream (not even Gorillaz could stick too long), but popular? It already is. And this businessmen meddling is a reality.

>> No.12576736

Vocaloid started out as a western thing though didn't it. LEON and LOLA?

>> No.12576808
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>If they really wanted Vocaloid to enter the mainstream in America, then wouldn't it be smarter for them to promote Meiko instead of Miku?

No. ==Literally== all they need is a competent piece of software. A -single- vocaloid who can pass in English as Miku did in Japanese. The only ones that get even -close- are GUMI and Avanna, which aren't Crypton.

Of course, that was -before- they torpedoed the thing on Dave Letterman. Now they're just fucked. Not that we haven't tried to warn them about Miku's terrible English with EVERY FUCKING POST they put on facebook, but you know.

Anyways, the 'anime' style's the only thing that actually puts people off; 'weird','childish', and 'cute' have worked just fine (Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Brittany Spears, various child stars, etc).

>> No.12576823

Stop -doing- this. You sound ==RETARDED==.

>> No.12576846


>Man, I couldn't even find a single spelling error so I'm gonna bitch about 4chan's lack of textual formatting instead.

>> No.12578467
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The tech is originally from Anglo-Germanic roots; yes, but Miku certainly coined the fandom. Western fans could bring to the table what the Japanese already do: capable producers, artists and whoever else but, for whatever reason, they dont. I wish I could, but Im musically and artistically retarded so Id probably only do more damage than good.

>> No.12578476

Why do so many of the japPs like to pitch Miku way the shit out of her range? Last Night Good Night, who listened to that chorus and was like "yeah, that sounds good"?

>> No.12578481

I really enjyoed Last Night Good Night in original Miku version (utterly hating that fucking remixed version)

>> No.12578488

You mean the Pharrell one? That's shit. As a song, I like it, but I think her voice is just too high. Love her to death but it's grating. Like, Star Story is also high but it has a smoothness to it and it doesn't make my dog start howling

>> No.12578491
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Well, I did, for one. I actually kinda like it when she sounds really inorganic. Like the way Camellia or 8#Prince often do things.

>> No.12578497

I think it's a matter of taste, but I can't imagine this song on a lower pitch. For me with provided music it gives that feeling of "spatialness"(?)

>> No.12583823

Are you implying that we're all like you? Stop projecting. /jp/ is not a place to make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.12584535

Using Meiko instead of Miku might make some people less reluctant to get into Vocaloid, but I think that's ignoring the bigger picture. Normies are inherently turned off by a foreign "hologram" girl singing broken English in a style that's incompatible with American pop. (Meiko doesn't even have a sufficient rapport for a good pop concert, unless you want to include the songs where she's tuned like a 16-year-old.)

Show anyone a Miku concert, and they'll think that's the whole extent of her appeal: a technologic novelty at best, a soulless corporate attempt to replace "real" singers at worst. Of course we know that's not true - all these events around the world were only made possible by the sweat and blood of thousands of otaku. She's less of a person and more of a presence that unifies amateurs and lets them be heard over the sea of manufactured idols.

The big problem? In order to discover that, you have to look past the surface, and that's something too difficult for most people to do. Mass media, where the majority of people will be looking, is already flooded with a circlejerk of poorly-researched articles showing off Miku like a freakshow exhibit. It doesn't help that very few of the campaigns themselves have so much as paid lip-service to the idea of explaining the Vocaloid community (Domino's Pizza was one notable exception, and uh, you know how that one went).

Pretty much the only people willing to sift through the shit and find out what Vocaloid really is are NEETs and teenagers with too much free time. And even then, the most productive of those have given up on forging an American community and instead assimilated themselves into Nico.

>> No.12589837
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lmao maiko sounds like shit only reason u would like her is if your a hipster, pathetic really

>> No.12591846

Seems like you don't understand how businesses work in Japan.

Japanese business 101:
Japan tries to innovate until something sticks. Once it does, they'll play the same card until it's tired. Then, they'll milk the cow a bit more. When the cow finally dies, they wonder what the fuck they're doing wrong and then release another version of the same cash cow, now with funky accessories. And so goes on. They only go back to the innovation board when said zombified cow's rotten corpse isn't capable of giving any kind of milk anymore.

That being said, I don't think they'd risk giving their least sold Vocaloid a chance in the West when they have a perfectly healthy cash cow called Hatsune Miku. Western standards be damned, they already had a fanbase (weeaboos, but don't tell them), what wrong is it in trying to expand it the same way they always did?

>> No.12591853

To all the little shits who don't want their stuff to become popular, you're why we can't get nice things. If it's not popular, it doesn't sell. If it doesn't sell, it'll die. Hatsune Miku is still a thing because she's popular, she sells. If she didn't sell, you wouldn't see her getting shows and figures.

Ever saw an official Tone Rion figure? How about an Utatane Piko one? No? That's right, it's because they're shit and nobody likes them. So, they don't sell. Therefore, the corporations that made them didn't want any business with them anymore (which is kind of funny, because if they wanted profits, they'd make their products less shitty in first place).

>> No.12592786

That actually does sound really good. Niki a best.

>> No.12592794

People just don't want Vocaloids to become mainstream in America, which is completely understandable.

>> No.12593150

>big, modern, high-tech New York
>hover vehicles
>vast public transport
>arcologies - cities within cities
>most people speak english and japanese
>kawaii culture present in every aspect of live
>big, flashy billboards informing about concert of the most famous world star: Miku Hatsune
We don't even have to do anything, it will happen. I feel it in my guts.

>> No.12594124

I don't know about Miku, but I am convinced virtual artists are only going to get more popular over the next few decades.

>> No.12594150 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12594152

The spirits of the machine.

>> No.12594155
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Unless something incredibly bad happens or she gets left technologically behind to a massive degree, I cant see Miku ever really going away. And the latter doesnt seem to have any chance of happening since she's always on the forefront or at least cusp of any advancements and such.

Miku will always be this worlds electric angel.

>> No.12594162

Machine doesn't have spirits!

>> No.12594203

Have you forgotten Gorillaz already?

>> No.12594217

Gorillaz werent virtual artists, they were just cartoon personae for the band.

>> No.12594261

Miku exists for 7 years, and we already have fuckton of songs, merchandise, games, alternative costumes, fanarts, and other stuff. I can't even imagine how it will look like if she would be at least as popular as now for next 100 years. Maybe she will become next Jesus and there will be shops and manufacturers everywhere specialized only in her merchandise and there will be churches where people who waifued her meet up.

>> No.12594287

I doubt her popularity or spread will continue to grow in a linear fashion, it will likely taper if/when she gets a real breakthrough to the world, but its not impossible for Miku to stay sort of just out of the mainstream/public eye in her niche strongly for time to come. Evangelion is still going strong enough and thats got a few more years under its belt, whats to stop a freelance singer with an incredibly devoted fanbase?

>> No.12594467

>thinks the garbled, pathetic mess the Japanese call a "language" will survive the next century

You feel it in your guts like Mima fans feel it in their bones, right?

>> No.12594496

>for the band
2 people don't make a band

>> No.12599550
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>> No.12600187
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Is it just me or did her model look especially beautiful on the show?

>> No.12600573
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>> No.12600587

This is cringe worthy.

>> No.12603525

What happened when video games became more mainstream? They got taken over by greedy jews who make soulless AAA titles, or those who want it to pander to them even though they don't give a shit normally (aka SJWs).

What happened to 4chan when it got more popular over the years? The posters got shittier.

If something gets more popular, the community around it gets worse. The only people a community needs are the kind of people who would genuinely be devoted to it, whether it would be popular or not.

>> No.12603536

It's pretty hard to retain interest in something when you have nobody to talk to about it. Sure, there's always /jp/, but let's face it, in the entirety of /jp/ there's like ten people who really care about Vocaloid.

>> No.12603538

Kinda late response, dude, but true nonetheless.

>> No.12603638

>It's pretty hard to retain interest in something when you have nobody to talk to about it
Anyone with this mentality should be euthanized.

>> No.12603699
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>It's pretty hard to retain interest in something when you have nobody to talk to about it.
The hell it is. Nobody I know cares for or knows of Vocaloid and I sure as hell dont discuss it anywhere on the Internet thanks to faggots who just have to try and trash any discussion or, perhaps worse, fucking secondaries. Im happy keeping myself to myself, finding and enjoying new content on my own and even travelling solo to further immerse myself. Its not like this is a game where you perhaps need/want another person to play against.

As long as you have an actual interest in a thing and youre not just trying to keep up appearances or whatever then this isnt a hard feat.

>> No.12603722
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miku is too cute to die

>> No.12603804

Another artist that uses Meiko worth a damn? Fuckin subbed.

>> No.12605636

Well, corporations don't give a fuck. They only want money. And you'll have to deal with it.

>> No.12606974

Good thing Vocaloid is something practically controlled by its fans; all the big corporations do is orchestrate the large(r) events. If Crypton or whoever steps out of line people are gonna drop it like its hot.

>> No.12612334

>implying Mikutards give even an ounce of a fuck about quality
To them, whatever has Hatsune Miku in it is already awesome, no matter how shitty it is. I mean, holy shit, just look at some producers who got famous thanks to Miku and look at how shitty they are at using Vocaloid!

>> No.12617382
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>> No.12620100

I doubt Miku will remain popular for 100 years. how many people today are listening to music from 100 years ago?

>> No.12620249

3% listen to classical music and I'd bet 90% of them listen to Mozart and Beethoven (sadly). Just you wait until Vocaloid gets exalted to high-brow art like jazz and the more-palatable classical music. Not that it will probably happen, but you never know was shit they can market to people.

>> No.12620340

meiko's power vb is pretty good

especially liked the cover for weekender girl


>> No.12620490

I think this is pretty much the pinnacle that Vocaloid, in it's current incarnation, will reach. I would like to see Crypton take a risk like release a Voicebank that doesn't suck in English with Western artwork then attempt to promote it in place of Miku. See if it sinks or swims.

Also I would rather this shit doesn't go mainstream. That would encourage more producers I like to write pleb-tier EDM or Pop-rock, sick of there being barely anyone else trying to write weird Vocaloid shit that I can chum up with.

>> No.12620507

iirc western artwork was initially used for the spanish vocaloids
negative reaction prompted marketing to change to a more animesque art

>> No.12620539


Bruno and Clara? That will be why we got a wonderfully generic looking Maika. I used Crypton specifically on the basis of a bigger company with a wider reach and diverse fanbase. It would either end up with Vocaloid breaking the glass ceiling or being a nail in the coffin. To develop a genre you have to take risks or else it dies through stagnation.

>> No.12620579


changing artstyles is one of those shallow changes that will have little to no effect except russle jimmies that don't have any real reason to be russled

the technology just isn't impressive enough for it to catch on in the english speaking world

if they want vocaloid to do go mainstream with the current tech then what is needed is a killer producer that can make some real catchy good music and have godly tuning skills
