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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1256574 No.1256574 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/

Long story short, I'm in love with an adorable 10 year old girl. Question is, how do I approach her, and what should I talk to her about?

Keep in mind that i just want to talk to her, not harm her in any way.

This may seem a troll post, but I'm 100% serious on this, since I'm kinda socially retarded I have no idea how to talk to a kid. Please help me /jp/.

>> No.1256577

Please tell us your name and address and the state you live in.

>> No.1256586

Don't fuck kids you stupid faggot.

I may be a pathetic virgin, but come on....

>> No.1256588

Stick it in her pooper!

>> No.1256596

Get friends your own age.

>> No.1256597

I don't want to fuck her, just talk to her.

>> No.1256598

Are you realated?

Is she just some random kid in the neighborhood?

>> No.1256612

Related, but not family related.

>> No.1256615

Fuck no!

>> No.1256619

Be an hero, make love to her in the paper world.

>> No.1256628

How do you know this girl?

>> No.1256636

you lost me

>> No.1256637

reported for 3D

>> No.1256640

She's a cousin of an acquaintance of mine.

>> No.1256642


I can see your future......

>> No.1256650

She'd probably find it odd. But if you find yourself doing things together more and more often, it might make sense, and if she thinks it's weird, you can say "we've been getting closer, and I thought it would be nice if we could share a hug". If she watches TV, go in, sit down, and watch whatever she's watching. It'll be boring, and she may wonder why, just say "I'm bored and I'm curious what kinda shows you like." Show an interest in her, and what she likes.

Simple conversation is enough, though. Ask what she's done today, or if it's morning, if she slept well last night, had any good dreams, etc. If you know that there's nothing of interest, don't make her to answer a question with no answer. Since school's coming up soon, it'll be less likely that you won't be able to ask her about her day. Just start showing consistent, mild interest in her, and she'll start feeling like you actually care about her. After awhile, you'll see she responds to the questions without even thinking twice about why you'd be asking, and she'll actually answer thoughtfully. That's when she feels close, and trusts you. Then you can try greeting her with a hug. I wouldn't try a big bear hug where you grope her ass, I'd say just put an arm around her shoulder, and say "hey, welcome home" or something. It'll progress naturally from there.

>> No.1256654

Forgot to mention: these "conversations" don't have to be that. Just ask a question or two, and show that you're curious about her and how she's doing. If she gives non-committal answers, don't pursue it, just keep showing mild interest. If she starts talking, then you can ask in more detail. You don't even have to be genuinely curious, just listen well enough that you can pick out a subject that you can ask more about. If you ask how school was, and she says "Okay" don't pursue it. If she says something like "We had a test" ask what subject, did she think it was hard (if she did, why not offer to help her study?), does she enjoy the subject, etc. Don't show a different opinion than her, though. If she says "I hate history, it's boring" don't say "No it's not" unless you can show that you agree with her on some points. Say something like "Ah, I don't mind it so much, but I can't stand how teachers make you memorize dates" or something.

>> No.1256655

If you talk to her and someone finds out you'll probably reported or something. Adults are not allowed to talk to children unless they are legitimately looking after them in some way, especially if the adult is male and the child is female.

>> No.1256664

real life lolis aren't very cool [/spolier]

>> No.1256669

>Be an hero

Fuck off.

>> No.1256672

I'd say you should probably leave her the fuck alone.

>> No.1256674

I disagree. I'm very good friends with my loli imouto and I think that she is very cool.

>> No.1256675

I always play my guitar for my loli cousin. She wants to play too, so I show her how to hold it properly, etc. You get the idea.

>> No.1256677

You made this troll thread way too fucking early.

>> No.1256682

It would look less suspicious if you are legitimately outside for a reason. Like doing yardwork or something. If you plant some flowers or something, you could just say that you are tending to them on a daily basis and that's why you are outside when she comes home.

>> No.1256684


>> No.1256687

This pasta is wise, I may study it carefully before making my next move.

But seriously /jp/, this girl is so adorable. I wish you could see for yourself.

>> No.1256683


I remember this.

>> No.1256689

The problem is that she's not related to you. Most people don't find it weird hanging out with younger family members, but just hanging with children in general? Or little girls in general? You'll get crucified.
