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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12562268 No.12562268 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought this /jp/
And yes it's the 'Best version'

Please bully me and tell me who is your favourite idol, costume and song.

>> No.12562309

but is it really the best?

>> No.12562371

Yellow does't lie

>> No.12562410

Why would you buy this and not One for All?

>> No.12562431

I'm poor.

>> No.12562447

>I'm poor.
Why are you playing this at all? How will you live without the DLC? You know Kyun! Vampire Girl is DLC right?

>> No.12562455

What about the hamburger song?

>> No.12562499

never played it

>> No.12562587

While it is one of the 360 version DLCs, the third one to be specific, the first three 360 DLCs were included in the PS3 version, as well as it having more DLCs than the 360 version.


That's the list of all the DLcs so you can look up what songs you might want.

>> No.12562612

Maybe a best version will be out in about 6 months.

>> No.12562959

Little Match Girl, Yayoi, and those bee and lady bug ones.

>> No.12562968

I don't play im@s, I just use the memes /jp/ spams and made an idea of the girls from the info I've gathered here.

>> No.12562978

Did you enjoy the anime? It seems like it was made with that mindset.

>> No.12563169


>> No.12563180

I didn't even watch it.
But I like Sachiko very much.

>> No.12563185

Do you like Chihaya?

>> No.12563222

Remember, BPM is king in terms of scoring in 2.
So songs like Kiramekirari and I Want are you best bet.
Snowflake Liliput and Little Match Girl are probably my favorite non-DLC stuff in 2.

>> No.12563264

I thought /jp/ hated secondaries.

>> No.12563410

LMG is DLC (in inferior 360 version.)

>> No.12563544

I also bought it some months ago OP, I've already cleared it 6 times, this shit is fucking addicting oh my god.

That said I'm waiting for OFA to drop price as I'm poor too.

>> No.12563555

Do you need a masters in japanese to enjoy this game?
I want to buy it too.

>> No.12563568


>> No.12563582

You can play the game itself no problem without knowing Japanese but you'll miss out on the interaction and dialogue with the idols themselves.

>> No.12563600

>you'll miss out on the interaction and dialogue with the idols themselves.
He can watch the anime for that.

>> No.12563601

So what's the difference between all the iterations?
I'm basically like anon here >>12562968
The only difference is that I played part of Missing Moon before I got hooked to another game and my Japanese was sort of weak back then for the quicktime events and I felt I was missing out.
Now I know better but I can't be bothered to catch up.

>> No.12563631

Iori is NOT the anal idol.

>> No.12563680

Except not really.

Not one hundred percent certain on the 360 games but, between the First Vision (the first, SP, and L4U) and Second Vision (2, OFA) games, the core gameplay itself changed. You've played Missing Moon so you have an idea of what that's like.

In 2 and OFA the events themselves changed to a more rhythm based gameplay with each song having a number of appeals depending on their length and BPM and rather than focusing on one idol you use a unit of 3 idols in 2 and produce everyone eventually in OFA. Using an appeal of one type lowers the modifier of that type and raises the modifier of a different type. The voltage gauge increases for every successful appeal and falls for each one you miss I believe. Memory Appeals grant fairly large boosts to the voltage guage, more if 2 or 3 are used successively. Filling the Voltage gauge allows you to perform a Burst Appeal which is 10 set appeals depending on the lead idol at a greatly increased modifier rates at base.

Aside from Lessons and Promotional work, stage events have been split into Festivals, Auditions, and Lives. Auditions and Lives are basically just hit a given score to win and only differ in how it looks during the appeal stage itself. Festivals are basically duels against another idol or unit and the goal is to outscore them. Memory Appeals and using your Burst Appeal lower the other team's Voltage gauge. In 2 the story related performances are all Festivals with 2 of them being unwinnable, and are used to Rank Up in OFA aside from the regular festival work.


>> No.12563682

OFA introduces skills for your idols which modifies your Burst Appeals to include various effects such as greatly increasing the Modifier on an Appeal Type, boosting a modifier after the burst is over, restoring memory appeals and so on. They also boost the effect of memory appeals, allow you to burst counter, allow you to double or triple burst by using memory appeals after your voltage gauge is fully charged and so on. Also rather than using lessons to increase your idols' stats permanently OFA has your idols level up by performing in events and Lessons just give temporary boosts.

Scoring is fairly different between 2 and OFA. In 2 every single appeal you perform in succession after 5 causes a combo bonus which adds to the score of every succesful appeals and the magnitude of which increases after every successful appeal (e.g. after 5 appeals the combo bonus is 25 points, after 6 it's 26 etc, numbers probably off though) can greatly increase your score if you full combo the song. In OFA, the combo bonus has been greatly reduced and between being able to stock up to 15 memory appeals and Burst Skills, Burst Appeals are more important to scoring high.

2 is more linear and has a ~54 week time limit to win the IAU or whatever and is much more focused on the main idol and unit you choose at the beginning of the playthrough. OFA has no time limit, and you eventually simultaneously produce all 13 idols and is much less focused by virtue of how it's set up.

>> No.12563858

But the anime is awful at that

>> No.12563930
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What about the Movie?

>> No.12563968

Too much forced ML drama.

>> No.12564212


Sounds fun

>> No.12564226

Oh I see. But if I play say L4U, do they allude to things from SP? I'm taking for granted too that "Second Vision" will refer back to "First Vision", but is that the case?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is the "story" linear or is it a revision of the same timeline, per se?

>> No.12564231

OFA has new dialogue for all the girls, right?

>> No.12564270

Each game is a separate continuity basically, with 2 and OFA taking place a year after 1 and SP would have but are otherwise unrelated to each other aside from sharing similar , so background stuff is the same basically but advanced a year, otherwise stuff is unrelated.
Like in 1 Chihaya's parents were in the process of being divorced or whatever and in 2 which starts a year after 1 would have
they already are.

Yes. Their "routes" are new as well, though some do overlap a bit with their counterpart in 2.

>> No.12564281

On that note though, 2 (PS3) is probably a better place to start than OFA due to Scamco's new DLC strategy of the EX episodes.
Unless your favorite idol is either Iori, Azusa, Ami, or Ritsuko I guess.

>> No.12564612

What are the e-mail DLCs for? What do they do and are they interesting or "ooh producer, you produce me so well, also I am hinting I like you tee-hee" type pandering things? Do you have to buy them all to get them all or are they just offered with every pack?

>> No.12564633

>between the First Vision (the first, SP, and L4U) and Second Vision (2, OFA) games, the core gameplay itself changed
>In 2 and OFA the events themselves changed to a more rhythm based gameplay

What are the first games like, then?

>> No.12564639
File: 526 KB, 979x734, E4G4D3B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the games you've got a phone you'll receive some messages from Kotori and Takagi about game mechanics and some reminders and reporters when the stop giving you their boost normally. Buying those allows you to receive them from the idols as well.
They'll comment on various things after story events, and regular events and what not.
There's was 1 for each individual idol and a pack that had all of them at a slight discount I believe.

>> No.12564666

L4U is different from 1 and SP but basically each performance is broken into 3 rounds I believe but it's been a while.
Each Round has 3 judges present, one for each stat, VoViDa, and you have 10 chances to appeal during each round to a given judge. Appealing to that judge will get you points with them. After the end of the round you'll receive stars from the judges based on your points with them in a 5/3/2 split based on Stat priorities in the event and whoever has the most stars between you and your rivals wins, and certain events can have multiple winners. However, if too many appeals are given to one judge they'll get fed up and leave meaning no one will get stars from them. You can attempt to use a Memory Appeal which starts a roulette and if successful will get you points with all 3 judges and restore their Patience.

>> No.12564690

>There's was 1 for each individual idol and a pack that had all of them at a slight discount I believe.

But are they a 1 time thing although they're in every DLC set, or is there a different pack for each DLC set?

>> No.12564691

Where are the cute japanese smileys?

>> No.12564695

About 5:30 in you can see part of an audition here.

>> No.12564697

You just need to purchase them once.

Too high level for Chihaya.

>> No.12564701

Chihaya doesn't smile, even in emails.

>> No.12564726

Jesus Christ she needs a boyfriend ASAP

>> No.12564731
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Is this better?

>> No.12564742

Yes, it's pretty cute.
Can you show the attached photo?

>> No.12564758
File: 196 KB, 853x930, 1352279427064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Chihaya?

>> No.12564763
File: 1.71 MB, 1224x1632, ohimechinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

Can't have an event where you help her pick out a new phone if she a fancy modern one already after all.

>> No.12564840

What is the 5th line saying? Starting with めんよ

>> No.12564858


No bully! Chihaya is fine the way she is.

>> No.12564884

I think it's supposed to be 面妖にもりあがった!!, so "It was strangely exciting." or something to that effect.
But I can barely decipher some of Mami's mails.

>> No.12564981
File: 319 KB, 500x600, 1375920436315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and she's MINE

>> No.12565078

She wouldn't like /jp/sies

>> No.12565554

No one likes /jp/sies

>> No.12565588

Don't insult /jp/sies like that. One of them might put a curse on you and turn you into trap NEET!

>> No.12565601

does anyone know if the ios translations for shiny festa ever got hacked into the psp games?

pls respond

>> No.12565695

I like /jp/sies.

>> No.12565776

Is there any randomness to the games, or if you play perfectly will you do perfectly every time? Like there's only one right answer to questions and stuff?

>> No.12565849

There's some randomness to what work appears each week, but yeah, every time you're given a choice that isn't setting your schedule for the week the has fixed right and wrong answers, though what button you actually need to press might be different.

>> No.12565852

Lame, but okay.

>> No.12565902

Shut up mom.

>> No.12568079

This is why no one loves you /jp/, you push everyone away.

>> No.12569702

I was born this way.

>> No.12570405

The team cheers before events can seem kind of random. You have to pay attention to their mouth movement.

>> No.12570567

But they all just make wakka wakka mouth flaps

Also does that affect anything?

>> No.12570907

Is Haruka as clumsy in game as she is in the fandom? If so, is this reflected in gameplay?

>> No.12570959

i dont play im@s too and was only introduced by some friend who is listening to mashup song like

>Snoop dog highdolm@ster

>> No.12570991

in epilogue, yes
in gameplay, no

>> No.12570993


>> No.12571014

I looked into backporting SF translation soon after iOS ports got released but I never made anything release-worthy. It's a relatively easy but very time-consuming task so I got bored and dropped it because I'm the same (although not exactly) as >>12562968.
I'll share some potentially useful info for anyone more interested in this thing than I am in the next post. Most of the research was done thanks to someone on /jp/ who bought and uploaded iOS files soon after they were released (and before the torrents of full games appeared on Nyaa).

iM@S games on PSP and PS3 have one thing in common: Bamco purposefully programmed them in a way that's as far from supporting English text output as possible. Most likely they are doing this even now, and on other platforms as well. That's why you don't see (m)any fan translated iM@S games around.
This effectively prevented SP translation from happening because the team didn't have a highly experienced PSP hacker+programmer to code English support from scratch and patch it in last time I checked (which forced the team to either FUBAR the text or give up; they chose the latter in the end afair). Existing SP "translation" barely resembles original because of these technical issues.

>> No.12571019

>>12571014 cont.
PSP SF is no different fundamentally, but there's one workaround. In order to compensate for the awful PSP's UMD seek times Bamco duplicated all files needed to render a scene here. That is, every background image file has as many copies in ISO as many times it's used.
So in order to backport iOS translation one can simply switch relevant copy of a given BG with its prerendered version containing the whole scene (original background, character sprites and English text) in one image. Overlay VN-style message box and original Japanese text must be hidden or replaced with sufficient amounts of whitespace to not block the new BG; it isn't difficult either.
This is the most time-consuming part (including figuring out which prerendered image goes where). Aat least I can't think of the better way than rendering stuff in AviSynth using extracted English text as a per-frame subtitle.
Game interface is 95% made of images, so just resize iOS buttons etc. to PSP resolution and switch the files. Remaining 5% of GUI are largely irrelevant (ex. character comments on the effects of menu buttons) and do require moderate amount of hacking, so I didn't bother with finding a (perfect) way to deal with it.
Now that almost everyone interested in playing PSP ISOs on their Vita (myself included) has already got TN-V and/or ARK eCFW running on it, I'll probably have a look at backporting SF translation again, but don't get your hopes up. Get yourself a rooted iOS device instead and torrent English release if you aren't going to buy the game(-s) anyway.
If I ever make anything worth releasing though, I'll post it on /jp/ first (or only) for sure.

>> No.12571036

Idol: Hibiki Ganaha
Costume: Princess Melody♪
Song: Kosmos;Cosmos

>> No.12571071
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Yayoi is the best! I also really like Hibiki and Makoto.

>> No.12571077


I fucking love the classic school uniform that's in one of the DLCs. Worth every japanese dollar I payed for it.

>> No.12571106

Failing it will lower your unit's Danketsu or whatever they call the hidden stat that affects how useful your Burst Appeal is in 2.

>> No.12571146

I played OFA without purchasing the mail addons because I ran out of PSN cash.

It now feels as though I've played the game incorrectly.

>> No.12571157


>> No.12571158

absolutely disgusting

>> No.12571183

It's not that hard at all, really. I'm no nihongo master but I played OFA no problem.

That being said you probably also want to get some PSN cash because the catalog is a pretty tantalizing deal. And you probably want the mail (on disk) DLC at the very least which are like 300 yen per character.

I got OFA first, which was fun for about ~70-80 hours, but after that it pretty much had no real replayablity because no time limit, it's really really easy and you could pretty much get all of the content in one go. I already ordered 2 since I haven't played it, but hopefully it satisfies me in that department.

>> No.12571194

It's pretty hard to get the Best End in 2 on your first play through without a guide at least so there's that.

>> No.12571281

When do the rest of the EX episodes get released?

I don't want to start OFA yet without them.

>> No.12571293

One more in this month's catalog and then the final in December I believe.

>> No.12571368
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>> No.12571400

I've been looking for a bigger resolution of this picture.

>> No.12571409

I don't like how does Haruka look there.

>> No.12571413

To those of you who have purchased both 2 & OFA, how many of you felt cheated that the same DLC songs from 2 are being offered in OFA when you've already bought them in 2?

>> No.12571414

Still no DLC sale

>> No.12571416

You can barely see Hibiki...>>12571414

>> No.12571424

For a limited time, you can get the entire Accessory Pack #05 from Catalog 5 for free until 10/15 Source: http://www.project-imas.com/wiki/THE_iDOLM@STER_ONE_FOR_ALL_DLC

>> No.12571435

Ah, thanks. I guess I can start up OFA if the second set of EX episodes arrive.

What's the difference between the normal OFA and that OFA im@s version? I have the physical edition and the only DLC I've bought so far is the first set of EX episode..

>> No.12571444

Not at all.
You'd have to be stupid to expect anything else from Scamco, and it's not like you have to purchase them again.

>> No.12571445

The least Scramco could have done was offer a save file restore when if you've already purchased the songs in 2, you can restore them in OFA. I really don't wish to buy Nanairo Button, so I'll just listen to it in 2.

>> No.12571451

Honestly, why the fuck would I want to purchase Megare when I could view it in 2? Some of the costume choices and accessories are missing which sucks too.

>> No.12571462
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Anzu's job is being a NEET!

>> No.12571494

One's just a normal version and the other's one you launch through iM@S Channel I believe.

>> No.12571521
File: 504 KB, 900x729, 12616395153092198056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having NEET fun times with Anzu!

>> No.12571767

NEETs don't have fun

>> No.12571778

I don't know about you but I'm having fun right now!

>> No.12571795

Thanks for buying everyone!
t. not goy.

>> No.12571803
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I just want more and more Takane

>> No.12571913 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, ff13wall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, putting aside the shitposting

Did you liked it? How does it feel on PC?

I played it on PS3 but I got bored when I had to use the nigger and Vanille.

>> No.12571917


Fuck you crossie. I saw that.

>> No.12572782

Takane a shit

>> No.12572884

At least she's not as shit as Miki.

>> No.12572936

iM@S 3: Takane becomes the third girl to cut off her hair.

>> No.12572942

I will literally fly to Japan and bomb Scamco if that happens.

>> No.12572986

Real girls don't have white hair.

>> No.12573019

I fail to see the relevancy of your point.

>> No.12574628

no one cares about Haruka anyway

>> No.12578192

Why don't they just stick all the popular cindergirls in as rival idols instead of adding them as DLC song viewing things?

>> No.12578278

Excuse me?

>> No.12578348


They're called Scamco for a reason.

>> No.12579040

Buying their DLC does unlock a festival against them though.
And hell, it's not like the rival for OFA, Leon, does fuck all so it'd hardly be a difference to what they have now for the DLC idols.

>> No.12581689

Only secondaries play the games

>> No.12582047

Sounds like something a senary would say, nerd.

>> No.12583669

I have no money because of purchasing the game but I want the OFA DLC.

Clearly this purchase wasn't my greatest idea.

>> No.12584136
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>fluent in moonrunes
>bought im@s in december 2013
>still haven't played it

Welp. On one side I'm kind of thankful sony is a bitch with gaijin credit cards otherwise this game would make me go under as soon as I started playing it.

My love for Chihaya will have to wait for my backlog though

>> No.12588158

How would you guys who've played more than one rate the games?

Please leave your Iori bias/favoritism at the door before doing so though.

>> No.12588174

Do any of the console version not have autoscroll like in Im@s SP?

>> No.12588475


I've only played SP, 2, and OFA and I'd probably rate them 2 = OFA > SP. I'm not really a fan of 1/SPs mechanics at all compared to 2/OFA especially how memory appeals are, and the Project Fairy rival got super annoying very quickly once they started appearing in random auditions as you can literally only beat them in the final audition of the game, and the lessons are annoying as hell as was stat decay.

I prefer 2's time management and CD sales aspects compared to OFA's lack thereof, but being able to switch your idols on the fly and use multiple different idol combinations in one go is nice. Touma/Jupiter and Ryugu Komachi are handled much better as rivals than Leon though, seeing as how you don't ever have to face her in a festival on your way to winning the IE if you don't want to. Burst Skills and Counters were a nice addition in OFA and the former along with levels and fixed stats helped to differentiate the idols more compared to 2 where mechanically they were identical aside from starting stats. OFA has the benefit of multi-idol commus and it's nice to see the idols interact with each other. 2 is overall more difficult then OFA as even with charm that murders Festivals, the Utahime/Utaouji festivals can still be neck and neck matches, and the fact that there's a time limit. In my experience, OFA was only slightly difficult to rank up for the first time as you're probably equal if not lower to the rival unit in terms of memory appeals and stats, but you only have a handful of strong idols to swap in. Since Scoring in 2 is more based on BPM, you'll still score pretty high even at the beginning of the game if you're good and use a high BPM song and won't grow as much throughout the game assuming you use the same charm throughout, where as scoring in OFA is much more burst and stat dependent, so your scoring potential increases dramatically as you level and rank up. So for 2 and OFA it really depends on what type of game you want.

>> No.12589278
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If you know Japanese and you like character development over gameplay, 1/SP > OFA > 2 > L4U!

If you prefer gameplay or you don't know Japanese, as >>12588475 said.

The first game focused to form a bond between you and your idol, learning her behaviour and quirks in the process. In the rest of the games the characters are already established so in order to not be repetitive the character development is heavily downplayed and opted to focus in the audition gameplay (very, very basic in the first game). While the first game had a dating sim like mechanic with minigames between communications, the rest are mostly (basic) rythm games with galge elements sprinkled over it.

>> No.12591116

Goddammit I should have just ordered it from the PSN store. My best version 2 is taking even longer than I thought to get here.

>If you know Japanese and you like character development over gameplay, 1/SP > OFA > 2 > L4U!
That's kind of sad to hear for me, I only played OFA and I bought 2 after finishing it because I was expecting it to be more about the characters since it had multiple routes, also the gameplay was fun in OFA but it lacked any semblance of a challenge. Like in an A3 rank up fes my controller ran out of batteries halfway through and I still won really easily.

But most of all I just wanted more idol interaction. It feels like the fureai events come up so rarely, to me at least. Feels like not enough. I really wish I could play the first game, if I won the lottery or something. Hell just for OFA and 2 I feel the need to pick up a jailbroken ps3 one of these days.

>> No.12594581

I tried playing SP on PPSSPP but there's like 20% untranslated text on screen at all times and the pictures and videos are glitched and won't show.

Help me, /jp/. I just want to produce cute idols.

>> No.12594604

Which SP game are you trying to play?
Have you tried using an actual PSP?

>> No.12594638

The routes themselves do develop the idol differently as well as give you a chance to see them react to a rival that actually does something and how they react to what them winning the IAU means.
2's issue is that you've got a bunch of promotional work for each idol that unless you are purposely gimping yourself you'll miss out on most of it because what's available is tied directly to what tier of sales your highest selling single is in, and if one you haven't seen yet appearing is random.

>> No.12594837


I was trying to play Wandering Star but if Perfect Sun emulates better I might go for that to produce Yayoi vs Hibiki.

>> No.12594914

Perfect Sun is the only one that's 100% translated I believe, so there's that.

>> No.12597531


Thanks, I really appreciate your input.

>> No.12602225

Well my 2 came in the mail yesterday and I sort of take back what I thought earlier. Never mind, being freer is better and more fun. Although alternatively being given freedom and still having challenge is better. It's sort of like they were half onto something with 2 and then in OFA they scrapped the whole idea of any challenge altogether in favor of making the player more free, which was also half onto something. It's like 50% of one good idea in 2 and 50% of a completely different good idea in OFA. Same with interaction, too I guess. Lot of pressure to not fuck them up. In OFA you can pretty much say and do whatever the fuck you want, it was okay to fuck them up, which kinda felt more natural. It only changed how much heart you fill in the end but you can get a lot just by using them frequently.
In an ideal world, an Idolm@ster game exists where you can produce and interact with all 13 idols whilst still having to time manage.

>> No.12603900

In OFA the twins teach her how to use emoticons and she sends a text full of them. In that imas 2 text she also had a smiley but the whole text wasn't shown in that image.

>> No.12603925

I think anyone who is an imas fan should know namco resells songs and costumes and the cheapest way to get everything is to just wait. OFA has the old content for a cheaper price and that's why I'd recommend not to buy 2's DLC unless you prefer playing that game more. On the plus side slow songs are playable in OFA as they speed up the BPM and give it more points per beat.

>> No.12603951

I think Leon was meant as a different kind of rival. She's tall, older, and a world idol that's out of rank. She was never meant to be your rival in the lower ranks, that's what the rank up fes are for. She was pretty much made to be faced in A and S rank, although this means most of her content is DLC only so to those who don't buy or view it I can see why they think she's pointless.

>> No.12603956

>OFA has the old content for a cheaper price and that's why I'd recommend not to buy 2's DLC unless you prefer playing that game more.

Is it cheaper than when they were on sale? Last year they had dlcs on sale every month and I ended up buying what I wanted during those times.

>> No.12603959

I don't remember how low it was for sales, but it's lower than the usual default price. They've also been giving out some accessories for free for a limited time in hopes that it'll encourage people to buy the matching extend.

>> No.12603967

They're planning on doing something new for the PS4 game so hopefully they don't fuck that up.

>> No.12603981

I hope that something new is tacking G4U onto it so you have some use for it as a minigame to sell photobooks or increase popularity or something.

>> No.12603985

I've had that idea before myself among other things. If S4U isn't going to have the same level as customization as L4U I'd rather have a separate game again with those features than it being included without them.

>> No.12604014

Sure, but I think it's very much an issue of Scamco telling us "Leon is a super idol" rather than showing us.
She's called the of Top of Top and all but she loses every single time she appears. The two regular matches with her are pitifully easy, and the S1 Tier match against her in the EX Episode is only more difficult than the other Festival match that's present in them.
And then the little things like how despite potentially beating Leon 3 times so far Haruka spills her spaghetti all over the room when she and Leon talk after beating her in her 4th EX Episode.
There's no real impetus either on the playerside or dramatically to improve and beat her when she basically only shows up to lose.

>> No.12604019

Well she is a mechanic's villain. Unless you want shit like Jupiter again where you're forced to lose no matter how skilled you are. She was pretty much announced last minute unlike Jupiter and RK so that might have to do with her lack of focus.

>> No.12605193

Personally, given OFA's nature compared to 2, a one off event like that wouldn't have been too terrible.
Or having Leon blow out Maou Angel or Cineria something, so when you do finally beat the IE or reach A1 you get a feeling there's still a gap between you and her.

>> No.12608749

r i o l a I mean, not Cineria, the A1 Festival Rival.

>> No.12615841

I still don't get the point of putting a picture of the cover on the cover

>> No.12615941

It's to make you feel bad about not buying the game at full price.

>> No.12621742

>Unless you want shit like Jupiter again
I sort of do. Koi wo Hajimeyou is catchy as fuck and hands down the best choreographed song in im@s.

Acceleration is cool but it'll never be "Touma doing a backflip" cool.

>> No.12628004

I don't think he meant like that but rather how they were handled gameplay wise.

>> No.12634982

It looks cool

>> No.12638158

I think I realize what Scamco was doing here. Make you get all the content easily in one go so you HAVE to buy the DLC to get more. And clearly it's working considering I keep shelling out for the EX episodes every catalog.

>> No.12643611

Perfect Sun also works on TN-V, try it there too (PPSSPP/Jpcsp don't improve its graphics much anyway)
