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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 423 KB, 1000x710, a06311763c6051d646f743702652929c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12515008 No.12515008 [Reply] [Original]

Someone help me I'm about to do something extremely ungentlemanly. Like slapping her ass.

>> No.12515023
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>> No.12515093
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>> No.12515098
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>> No.12515108
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>> No.12515111
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>> No.12515114
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>> No.12515125

Kaguya's slimy summer anus pressed against your face!

>> No.12515130
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>> No.12515232

So what does Kaguya do all day? Play games?

>> No.12515300


>> No.12515302
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>> No.12515328


>> No.12515360

Dude, you can't masturbate all day. At least I can't.

Do you think she reads H-manga and watches porn?

>> No.12515404

Women have no remission period, the only thing stopping them is how exhausted they might become.

>> No.12515523

Do girls masturbate all the time then?

>> No.12515550

More than you do, they just dont admit ii. ;)

>> No.12515561

What does her pussy smell like?

>> No.12515576


>> No.12515593

Wow, they must masturbate a LOT then

>> No.12515612

Don't worry EETs, I'm a NEET and I smell fine.

>> No.12515637

That's what you think.
Everyone can smell the NEETscent.

>> No.12515975

Being able to masturbate until you pass out must be great. I oftentimes feel like continuing, but I always have to wait at least half an hour or something before that.
I'm so jealous!

>> No.12516002

You can do it with your butt ;)

>> No.12516012
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>> No.12516057

Don't trust anyone who uses emotes.

>> No.12516070
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>> No.12516073

I was presuming the post was made by a woman, so I naturally concurred that it would contain an above-average amount of retardation.
Jokes of ill taste aside, I honestly am jealous of that, if it is indeed true that they can.

>> No.12516080
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>> No.12516186

Daily reminder that EET stands for EiEnTei.

>> No.12516283

I desperately need pictures of Kaguyabutt.

>> No.12516336

go to a booru, pleb

>> No.12516363
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Kaguya's sweet NEET feet treating your face like a seat!

>> No.12516477

Daily reminder that EA means Early Access as well as Electronic Arts.

>> No.12516541
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I can't wait for a Long Live the Queen mod where Kaguya replaces the original princess and still get killed.

>> No.12516550

But being dead is something Kaguya can't do.

>> No.12516579

If you can't kill something, you're not trying hard enough.

>> No.12516581

But that's her entire shtick, aside from the time power things!

Even Ghostface killer Yuyuko can't kill hourai being like Mokou and her.

>> No.12516591
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Of course you cannot "kill" her.
But you can destroy her. Spank her for a few hours, throw her in Tchernobyl's nuclear plant, tie her to a cannon and throw her in the sea, and the pain will destroy her mind and make her a vegetable.
If that's not death, I don't know what it is.

>> No.12516597

Nigga, she's the lunatic princess who has been killed and killed for hundred of years.

I'm sure she can handle a lil mental stress.

>> No.12516603

>who has been killed and killed for hundred of years
I'm gonna need your source on that, because as far as I know, after being executed by the lunarian, she went freely.

>> No.12516608

it is literally said in IN

>> No.12516611

She may not mean it literally. After all, she rambles about boredom being a killer quite often in the books.

Plus spanking is my fetish, so I'll keep on inventing excusees to apply it to Kaguya.

>> No.12516614

Did you forget the immortal health nut who runs a yakitori stand, her nemesis?

>> No.12516616

I did forget. I stopped taking them seriously after :
- the food fight in Inaba
- Mokou's remarks in IN where it's suggested she stopped caring.

>> No.12516621

This is my fetish.
Kaguya sealed in a cement block dumped in the middle of the sea. No one would ever find her.

>> No.12516623

She only "stopped caring" after they fought for hundred of years, being bored as fuck and all.

And now they still fight, since dying doesn't mean shit to them.

>> No.12516625

Princess, you're not a nurse. Take that uniform off this instant.

>> No.12516628

So they're fighting just because they're used to it? Pathetic.

>your fetish
>not wanting to bare Kaguya's perfect ass
>not wanting to slap Kaguya's ass and watch it as it goes from scarlet red to white again
>not wanting to caress Kaguya's hot ass as she's crying from the pain and humiliation
I don't get you, mate.

>> No.12516632

Why doesn't eirin just use a paddle or something.

>> No.12516633

Well, duh, it's not like there's anything else to do.

>> No.12516635

I don't get you either. 'cept the "she's crying from the pain and humiliation" bit. All sadists can relate to that.

>> No.12516640

I have no idea. I tried translating the description (with Google), and apparently that's just the first part, but the artist never made a sequel.


It is sad that we cannot be friends. Should we capture a Kaguya one day, I would be forced to kill you and keep her for my own twisted pleasures.

>> No.12516644

Well that would be just uncalled for.

>> No.12516652

Better safe than sorry. I can't have you crawling to my basement and abduct my Kaguya.

>> No.12516676

Still uncalled for.
Is Kaguya the only one you'd have? I could leave you two alone if she means that much to you. Plenty of fish in the sea.

>> No.12516692

Go after Mokou, she's immortal too. You'll be able to seal her in a cement block again. And again.

Or do that to Byakuren, she's a hypocrit bitch.

>> No.12516716

what with people and spanking recently?

>> No.12516994

I don't know, but I hope whoever wrote the Hatate story will find that thread and feel inspired. I could use some Lunarian ass.

>> No.12517022

you might think so, but after a while of doing that your brain becomes addicted to the hormones that are secreted during the orgasm, so if you don't do it often you start feeling really shitty.

twitchy, shaky, irritable, easily angered, constantly depressed and sometimes get that really annoying urge to break something.

you're going through constant withdrawal.

>> No.12517028

And you end up fucking an outsider.

>> No.12517060

So a woman then.

>> No.12517065

You just described a woman during full moon.

>> No.12517100

it happens to everyone if they fap way too much.

men too

>> No.12517107

So, in a way, a man masturbating too much becomes a woman?

Gonna stop surfing on /d/ for a while.

>> No.12517112
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Less talking, more kaguyaing. Kaguying?

>> No.12517214

Who don't you go bother him on his archive page instead of derailing threads?

>> No.12517234
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>> No.12517260

>shit create.swf comic
Go away kimikomuffin, you're still a faggot

>> No.12517865
File: 356 KB, 700x700, kaguya ponytail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proper term is guyaing.

>> No.12520227
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I would like to express my doubt on your post.

>> No.12520627

i was speaking from experience. i did a bunch of tests on myself where after fapping like 5-6 times a day i was really cranky and irritable in the evening/night.

after i reduced that amount to 1-2 a day, it subsided, plus i started noticing more motivation to do stuff.

things like sexoholism are real. while some faggots will try to put it down, fapping has the same effect, people get addicted to the orgasm, no matter where it comes from.

all stupid moral, religious and social stigmas/taboos aside, it has a real effect on people.

>showbiz strars to just ordinary men or women, are said to encounter sudden uncontrollable + ambivalent emotions like sociopathic anger, panic fear, poor memory, quick change of behavior etc.
>panic fear

maybe all the excessive fapping is responsible for /jp/ being so easy to panic and fearful of stuff.

>> No.12520647

nuking your brain's dopamine receptors is not good

>> No.12520698

Oh, I never thought about it like that.
In my experience, saturating my libido causes me to be more stable emotionally; I do get finicky if I don't vent it every now and then.
Not that I've ever reached those numbers, seeing how exhausted I am after even one, I'd probably pass out after three consecutive sessions.
Well, as consecutive as they can be when you've got compulsory downtime.

>> No.12521214
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya is the best 2hu.

>> No.12521243

what do people think morality is? morality is the degree to which something is right and good. theres always posts about morality being stupid and stuff. without morality, the only thing that leaves, is nihilism. just needs to be realised. dismissing any morality is being a nihilist. only 13 year olds and people with bipolar are nihilists

>> No.12521297

silly moral taboos such as "you'll go to hell if you fap" and such which have no foundation and don't explain shit.

>> No.12521701

Sup 13 years old kid
How's school going?

>> No.12521783

oh, so you're some kind of uneducated redneck who still believes he'll go to hell if he faps. no wonder.

go back to /b/ or wherever you're from, boy.

>> No.12521805

Morality is constructed to make life better.

For example, it's immoral to fuck your sister, not cause there's anything wrong with fucking your sister, but because societies where it's not moral end up with more birth defects.

>> No.12521855

Where the hell are you getting that from?

Quit acting like a little kid.

>> No.12521873

societies where wanking off to porn is immoral have higher ratio of rape and literally no upsides. why is it immoral again?

you find attacking and insulting random people's opinions out of the blue gives you some kind of childish gratification. a /b/tard acts that way.

you're the kid here.

>> No.12522292

They're saying that everyone already knows that fapping isn't immoral, and that you sound like you need to announce it like you just figured it out.

>> No.12522327

everyone here knows. outside internet many people still think you go to hell or get hairy hands from fapping.

>> No.12522607

Yet the Lannister are still in good position in Westeros...

But fapping IS immoral : a kitten dies each time you do it.

>> No.12524900
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That thing looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.12529393
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Silly Anon, you misswrote Yorihime.

>> No.12529623

Is there more to this? I want to see a crying Kaguya.

>> No.12529636

im not sure i understand whats going on
is eirin on a spanking rampage or something

>> No.12529793

That artist is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.12530345

ur a faget

>> No.12530372

Why should I feel bad for wanting to spank Kaguya? She's sexiness incarnate.

>> No.12530520

How many threads are you going to post this pasta in?

>> No.12531249

Too many, I guess.

>> No.12535222
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>> No.12540685

I love Kaguya more than anything.

>> No.12544989

