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1251361 No.1251361 [Reply] [Original]

On the face of it, the Japanese are very like us. We are both island nations, about the same size, both mongrel populations with constitutional monarchies; it rains a lot, they drink tea, we drink tea. We’re both obscurely addicted to odd sports (cricket, sumo), both had empires, are bellicose, mistrustful of foreigners, and are passionate gardeners. Neither of us are particularly good-looking, we are both repressed, both suffer a class system, drive on the left, and only in Britain or Japan is having a stiff upper lip explicable as a compliment. But that’s just on the face of it. Underneath, we’re chalk and tofu.

You don’t have to go to Japan to have an inkling that the Japanese are not as the rest of us are. In fact, they’re decidedly weird. If you take the conventional gamut of human possibility as running, say, from Canadians to Brazilians, after ten minutes in the land of the rising sun, you realised the Japs are off the map, out of the game, on another planet. It’s not that they’re aliens, but they are the people that aliens might be if they’d learnt Human by correspondence course and wanted to slip in unnoticed. It’s the little things, like the food. They make the most elegant, delicate food in the world and then make it in plastic for every restaurant window. Only a Japanese person could see a plate of propylene curry and say: “Yum, I’ll have that.” And the loos. Heated loo seats are slightly worrying the first time you encounter them, but after that they’re a comfy idea; and there are buttons for jets of variable power, warm water, one for back bottom, one for front, with pictures to tell you which is which and hot air to help you drip-dry. All of which is strangely addictive and makes you question your sexual orientation, or at least wish for diarrhoea.

>> No.1251368

But it’s not that which gets the canary of weird coughing, it’s the lavatory paper: it’s like rice paper. They have 21st century bogs and 13th century bog roll. Your bum’s clean enough to eat sushi off, but you need to scrub your fingernails with a boot scraper. This is a country where the men pee in the street but it’s the height of bad manners to blow your nose, and they wear woolly gloves on their feet.

Hiroshima is shockingly empty of grave resonance. You feel next to nothing. There’s a memorial garden in the bland civic style, a hectoring museum and the peace dome – one of the few brick and concrete building in old Hiroshima whose skeletal rubble has been preserved as a symbol. It was built by a Swede.

>> No.1251371

The atomic bomb that wiped out Hiroshima, killing 140,000 people and reducing a wooden city to ash and black rain, was, if you ask me, with the benefit of hindsight, all things considered, a good thing. As a direct result of Hiroshima, the war ended. The emperor overrode his military, who wanted a banzai suicide last battle, and broadcast their unconditional surrender.

The only vibration left on the place is a saccharine sentimentality and trite, injured morality. Hiroshima wears its unique, nuclear-age victimhood with the simpering pride of a geisha’s wig. The quiescent kids in quasi-naval uniforms line up for peace studies and group shots; all make peace signs, or maybe they’re victory signs, because if anyone won the peace, Japan did. Any sense of sympathy for this place is snuffed out by the petition I’m asked to sign insisting that the Americans apologise for dropping the bomb.

>> No.1251375

Well, hold on, Tojo. When it comes to apologies, Japan’s silence is cacophonous. What about your treatment of prisoners of war? “Oh, they were soldiers,” I’m told with a quiet, slow patronage. What about the Chinese massacres? “Exaggerated.” The Korean comfort women, don’t they deserve apologies? “Oh, they’re just making a fuss because Japan is rich and they want money. And 20,000 Koreans were killed in Hiroshima.” True, they were slaves, and when they asked if there could be a memorial for Koreans in this peace garden, the Japanese said no.

Let’s get the Japanese as victims into perspective. During the war in the East, half a million allied soldiers died. Three million Japanese died and 20 million other Asians perished under Japan’s brief expansion into an empire. That’s 20 million we in the West rarely remember. As I stand here, the newspapers are full of Koreans and Chinese bitterly denouncing Japan’s new school history books, which deny any culpability. The Japanese don’t think they’re worth a sorry. The detonation of an atomic bomb above Hiroshima was the starting gun for modern Japan. It blew away not just the most deeply cruel military government but a thousand-year-old political and social system – the most inhuman and exploitative ever designed. The violent burst of the nuclear age was the best thing that ever happened to Japan. It didn’t destroy anything like as much as it created.

>> No.1251378

What’s extraordinary about Hiroshima is how fast it has grown back into a huge neon and concrete city that looks as if it’s been here forever. Before the war, Japan had an economy that was a small fraction of America’s. A wood-and-rice peasant place, its main exports were textiles and soldiers. Today, even in the slough of a prolonged depression, it’s still the second biggest economy in the world, with a GDP as large as Britain’s, France’s and Germany’s combined. That’s astonishing, not least because Japan is about one-and-a-half times the size of UK with twice as many people and only a third of its land habitable, yet it has no natural resources to speak of. So, where did it all go wrong? How come Japan has such commercial success but still manages to be a socially weird disaster? Because, have no doubts, they’re not happy.

Kyoto is Japan’s old imperial capital, and escaped being Hiroshima by the whim of an American diplomat who once visited it. Kyoto boasts more heritage sites than you can shake a fan at. And you get there by a bullet train that looks like God’s suppository and is twice as fast. The bullet trains run like clockwork, as if there were anything as techno-regressive as clockwork in Japan. The ticket collectors bow when they enter carriages, and there are little girls in pink cheerleader’s uniforms who collect rubbish. It’s the symbol of modern, efficient Japan. But, and I’m not obsessed, the lavatories are pee-in-your-socks squat jobs. It’s very odd.

>> No.1251388

Modern Japanese people get born Shinto, married Christian, buried Buddhist and work Mazda. Consequently they believe everything and nothing. There is no solace in Japanese religion, no salvation or redemption, hope, encouragement, and most importantly, no concept of individuality, which is why you always see them mob-handed. A Japanese man on his own doesn’t think he exists. It’s just a static, miserable round of corporate responsibility and filial duty. I’ve never come across a place whose spiritual options were so barren. The pick-and-mix theology has stunted Japan like a tonsured, root-bound pine tree.

>> No.1251380

Both Korea and Britan sent their convicts to settle in new lands. Britan-Australia/Korea-Japan.

>> No.1251381

Kyoto is a disappointment: an ugly sprawl of low-rise confusion. The streets are a tangle of stinted electricity pylons and cat’s-cradle power lines. Hidden among it are thousands of shrines and temples, which are beautiful, up to a point. There’s an anaemic, minutely obsessive quality to them and they’re very repetitive. I did rather love the gardens, though: vegetative taxidermy. Everything is tied down, wired up, splinted, truncated and pruned. In the pools, albino carp slip and twist with a ghostly boredom.

Religion is one of the reasons Japan is so socially crippled. In the beginning they had Shinto. Now, if religions were cars, Shinto would be a wheelbarrow. It’s your basic animism: ancestor worship, goblins and ghosts, tree and rock spirits. It lacks the most rudimentary theology. It made the emperor into a god descended from the sun. Onto that was grafted Buddhism – the wrong sort. Not the happy Dalai Lama stuff, but Zen Buddhism via China. Zen is so desiccatedly aesthetic that nobody knows what it means. On top of all that, the Japanese chose to add Confucianism. Now, it has been said there’s no such thing as bad philosophy at all. Confucianism is the exception that proves the rule. It’s unpleasant and low-brow. Confucius and Taoism were the excuse-all, get-out-of-work-and-responsibility for the samurai.

>> No.1251392

Kyoto has the most famous rock garden in the world: the ultimate Zen experience, 15 stones set in raked white gravel. You’re supposed to sit and ponder. Nobody knows who made it or why, but it’s deeply aesthetic, and fundamentally risible. Look, I’m sorry, but this is the emperor’s new garden, an impractical joke. It’s medieval builders’ rubbish. Oh, but then, silly me, of course I don’t understand. I’m constantly being patronised for my coarse sensibilities and told that naturally I couldn’t comprehend the subtlety, the aesthetic bat-squeak of Japanese culture. No country hides itself behind the paper screen of cultural elitism like Japan, which, considering they’ve bought their entire civilisation from other people’s hand-me-downs, is a bit of a liberty. When it comes to Japanese civilisation, it’s mostly eyewash. Kabuki theatre is only just preferable to amateur root-canal work. The three-stringed guitar is a sad waste of cat. Japanese flower-arranging is just arranging flowers. Their architecture is Chinese, as are their clothes, chopsticks, writing, etc. The samurai were thugs in frocks with stupid haircuts, and haiku poems are limericks that don’t make you laugh. Indeed, they are so aesthetically difficult, one haiku master managed to compose only 23,000 in 24 hours, including gems like: “The ancient pond, A frog leaps, The sound of the water.” Marvellous.

>> No.1251394

And then there are geishas. In Kyoto’s wooden old town, hundreds of Japanese tourists loiter, cameras at the ready. Nothing happens in Japan unless it happens at 400 ASA. Kyoto has seven million tourists a year, 90% of them indigenous. It’s a pleasure to see that even at home they travel in gawky, bovine groups. They’re waiting for a glimpse of a geisha slipping into a teahouse. There used to be 20,000 geishas in Kyoto; now there are fewer than 200. They hobble out of their limousines, bowing in all their pristine, extravagant absurdity. Geishas are trained to devote their lives to rich, drunk men.

Only the very, very rich can afford geishas. The salarymen dream of them. The trainee geishas, the backs of whose heads are dressed to represent vaginas, clip-clop down the road, their smiling white faces making their teeth look like little yellow cherry stones. A geisha’s raison d’être is to pour drinks, giggle behind her hand, tell men they are handsome, strong and amusing, listen to boastful lies, and never show any emotion except bliss. Occasionally, for a great deal of cash, some will allow men to copulate with them. We, of course, have geishas back in Blighty: we call them barmaids.

>> No.1251395

Then there’s the traffic, the fabled stasis of millions of drivers Zenishly not going anywhere. Naturally the cars are all Japanese, though not models you’ll ever see in the West. Strange, clunky, misshapen things in tinny, bright colours, with antimacassars. Dozens of men lurk around car parks in white gloves and the uniforms of Ruritanian admirals, waving batons. They look like retired chief executives, and many of them are. Japan has a bonsai social security system, relying on business to over-employ on minuscule wages as a way of hiding unemployment. After school-kids, retired men have the highest hara-kiri rate. In a country with no sense of individual value, belonging to a job is their only source of self-worth. A Japanese man tells me that the key to understanding Japan is to grasp that it is a shame-based culture.

In the West, success is the carrot. In Japan, fear of failure and ostracism is the stick. This isn’t merely a semantic difference, it’s a basic mindset. Westerners trying to do business here complain that it’s impossible to get decisions made. The Japanese negotiate for months without saying yes or no. Nobody wants to lay their face on the line; there is no comeback from failure. Decisions emerge out of group inertia. Japan manages to be both rigidly hierarchical and enigmatically lateral. It’s not a social problem, it’s social cohesion for a depressed and confused male society.

>> No.1251399

The thing westerners worry about before getting to Tokyo is that all the signs are pictograms. Well, being constantly lost is as close as you’re going to get knowing what it’s like to be Japanese. Most of the stop signs, though, are in English, but written by people who don’t speak or understand it. So they’re a continual source of amusement. Japan has actually two written languages: borrowed Chinese characters and a phonetic squiggle alphabet. Usefully, there is no word for claustrophobia and, more disturbingly, I’m told, no indigenous one for the female orgasm.

Sex is where the weirdness of the Japanese peaks. I should start by saying that the widely held belief that you can buy soiled schoolgirls’ knickers from vending machines is apocryphal, but it certainly could be true. It would hardly be out of character.

>> No.1251401


>> No.1251403

The area around Shinjuku station is the Japanese red-light district. There is the better-known Roppongi, which is distressingly reminiscent of Bangkok, but Shinjuku is the real local thing, and foreigners are not encouraged. I was told that the station has more people going through it in a day than go through Grand Central in a month, and it’s only the second largest in Tokyo. Salarymen stop off at one of the many bars, get tanked on beer and sake and perhaps slurp a bowl of noodles before staggering off to a girlie bar. In the streets, girls ply their wares and gangs of lost boys, all sporting the same long-fringed peroxide hair and mod suits, try to recruit schoolgirls for Tokyo’s latest sex craze, telephone dating. Men go to booths, pick up a phone and chat up a girl. If they hit it off, they go to a bar and reach an arrangement. This is not seen as prostitution because the girls audition the men and they do it on a part-time basis. The latest, hottest variation is bored married women, called literally “someone else’s wife”.

Yakuza gangsters slip past in blacked-out BMWs or saunter round the streets, conspicuous in shine suits, permed hair and laughable socks and sandals. Japan’s mafia, they invest every facet of life with a dull, unsophisticated violence. They’re universally seen as modern samurai and folk heroes.

>> No.1251404

Every street has seven or eight storeys of girlie bars and sex clubs. What do you get inside? Well, what do you want? If you’re Japanese, you probably want pole-dancing crossed with amateur gynaecology. You can rip the knickers off a teenager and, for a bit extra, keep the knickers and a souvenir photograph. Underpants do seem to loom large in Japanese sexual fantasies. You could catch a massage with a happy ending, or go to a fetid little room, stick your willy through a hole in the wall and be manually relieved by an old lady sitting knee-deep in Kleenex, wearing a cyclist’s anti-pollution mask.

And then there’s the weird stuff.

>> No.1251410

If you pull a prostitute, there are the “love hotels”: themed, by-the-hour rooms, where you get sex toys in the minibar. Although used mainly by the sex industry, their original purpose was more prosaic. Traditionally, the Japanese live with their in-laws, and, in a cramped apartment with paper walls, marital harmony can be strained. So harassed couples, carrying the shopping, sidle in for half an hour’s conjugal bliss. It takes the spontaneity out of sex, but then if you asked a Japanese man to do something spontaneous, he’d have to check his PalmPilot first. To say that they appear dysfunctional when it comes to fun is missing the point.

>> No.1251413

Japanese men must be the vainest, with the least justification, on the planet. Hairdressing, waxing, face-packing, ear-grouting and general pandering and pampering to aesthetic hypochondria are multi-million-yen businesses. My favourite bit of male kit was an electric razor specifically for thinning body hair. The reason for their X Files sexuality is again said to be down to religion. They don’t consider sex as something that demands a system of morals. This is a country where eating etiquette is more complex than the instruction manual for a Sony video, but with your clothes off, anything goes. There are no rules, not even handy hints on sex. Anyone who thinks that ethics are best kept out of sexual politics ought to go to Japan and see where it ends up. And there’s another reason for male sexual dysfunction: Japanese boys’ relationships with their mothers. Worshipped is not too strong a word. Mothers are adoring handmaidens to their sons, often literally.

>> No.1251416

Worst of all – by far, far and away worst of all – is the Japanese males’ view of women. Historically, women were next to worthless: peasant daughters were regularly sold into prostitution. In the 19th century, most of the brothels of the East were staffed by Japanese girls, or they were sold to factories as indentured textile workers. Today, women rarely make it above the non-commissioned ranks of business, which is still the preserve of very, very old men. In offices they are ornamental secretaries, encouraged to wear short skirts and have harassing lunches and drinks with their bosses.

Women are either silent housework drudges or sex toys. You see this dehumanising view of women in manga. Manga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic books. Men read them openly on the trains and buses. You can buy them anywhere. But the motherlode of manga is a massive basement bookshop in Tokyo with staff dresses like fantasy cartoon characters. Pick up almost any book at random and be prepared for a sharp intake of breath. The stories, such as they are, generally involve schoolgirls being attacked or raped; the scenarios are inventive in their nastiness. Children are abducted, gagged in their beds, dragged up dark alleys. The victims are small and defenceless, with unfeasibly large breasts and round, tearful eyes. They are regularly killed or commit suicide. I kept thinking that the last pages must be missing, the ones with the comeuppance, but there’s none. And, to add a peculiarly Japanese weirdness, the drawings are delicately censored. Minute slivers of genitalia are Tipp-Exed out. Nothing is as unnervingly sordid as manga, and nothing would so distress the European parents of a daughter. And the Japanese think less than nothing of it.

>> No.1251418

How young girls react to the violent sexualising of their youth is equally depressing. They consume; they shop with a myopic concentration. You stand at a crossroads in the shopping district of Tokyo, with video screens flashing out western ads and pop videos, and when the traffic lights go green, which they do to the sound of cuckoos, 1,500 people cross the road. That’s 1,500 every three minutes, all day, everyday; and most of them are little girls.

For a nation that puts such a high premium on elegance, Japanese girls walk incredibly badly. They slouch and yaw on foot-high platforms, dye their hair a sort of gingerly blonde and look as sullen as 4ft-high Japanese teenagers can, which isn’t very. Their parents despair of this generation, calling them bean-sprout children because they lack the backbone and single-mindedness that forged Japan’s economic ascendancy. They’re giving up on the exam-passing, company-cog work ethic and exchanging it for a western girl-band fanzine mindlessness. This teenage rebellion isn’t political or social or even sexual, it’s a plastic copy. It’s not even active, it’s passive and pouting and decorative. These kids are turning themselves into the living embodiment of the manga comic victims: pigeon-toed, mini-kitted, white-socked sex dolls. They are a generation of social anorexics who want to remain provocatively pre-pubescent.

>> No.1251430

I want to finish back in Hiroshima. After the war, the survivors of the atomic bomb were ostracised. People would hire private detectives to ensure that prospective spouses weren’t from Hiroshima. So the survivors lied and hid their guilty secret and trauma. Imperfect, embarrassing and tainted, they should have died. It’s the absence of the western idea of love – of brotherly, charitable love or sensual love, that finally explains Japan’s appalling, lunatic cruelty.

In the market of Kyoto I saw something that was so madly bizarre, yet so unremarkably mundane, it summed up something of Japan. A very old woman, bent in half and tottering on crippled legs, slowly and painfully pushed her own empty wheelchair.


>> No.1251423

Ah, but only so many of you are Britfags.

>> No.1251426

For 300 years, Japan committed itself to an isolation ward. It tried to self-medicate by uninviting and forgetting things. When it finally let in the rest of the world, its fragile arrogance couldn’t cope with the deluge of information from a far more robust western civilisation. Their plan had been to take the technology and medicine and turn their backs on the rest, but it can’t be done; you can’t put on the suit and not the beliefs that went into tailoring it.

Japan has become the West’s stalker, a country of Elvis imitators. To walk among them is like being in a voyeur’s bedroom. They loathe the objects of their obsession. An English banker who has lived there for over a decade, speaks the language, married a Japanese girl and takes his shoes off in his own home, told me: “You have no idea how much, how deeply, they despise us. Don’t be fooled by the politeness; it’s mockery. They are very good at passive aggression; it’s the only type they’re allowed.”

He went on: “You must have noticed they’re obsessed with perfection: a perfect blossom, an ideally harmonious landscape. They can’t abide a chipped cup. We’re imperfect, coarse, smelly, loud.” Japan has taken the worst of the West and discarded the best. So it has democracy without individualism. It has freedom of speech but is too frightened to say anything. It makes without creating. And, saddest and most telling, it has emotion without love. You never feel love here. They have obsession, yearning and cold observation – even beauty and devotion – but nothing is done or said with the spontaneous exuberance of love, and I have never seen anywhere else in the whole wide world where you could say that.

>> No.1251427


>> No.1251419

This was a culture that forged a minimal aesthetic of tatami mats and single twigs in vases. But now it’s drowning in puerile, syrupy decoration. Even police notices come with cartoons of Disney coppers. These teenagers are running from the heartless culture of guilt and blame, to hide in a fairy-tale nursery.

I started off this journey by saying the Japanese were weird. Well, weird is an observation, not an explanation. By the end, I was absolutely convinced that the explanation is that they are not eccentric, not just different, but certifiably bonkers. Japan is a lunatic asylum built on a hideous history, vile philosophy and straitjacket culture.

If Freud had loved in Tokyo, we’d never have got analysis. He wouldn’t have known where to start. It’s not that we can’t understand the subtlety of Japan. It’s that we’ve been looking at it from the wrong angle. When you stop reading the signs as cultural and see then as symptoms, it all makes a sad, shuddery sense; the national depression, the social Tourette’s, the vanity with its twisted, eye-enlarging, nose-straightening, blonde-adoring self-loathing. The psychopathic sexuality and the obsessive, repressing etiquette.

>> No.1251420

Cool story bro

>> No.1251444

In the market of Kyoto I saw something that was so madly bizarre, yet so unremarkably mundane, it summed up something of Japan. A very old woman, bent in half and tottering on crippled legs, slowly and painfully pushed her own empty wheelchair.

>Then, I kicked her over and ran away.

>> No.1251446

too short; didn't read

>> No.1251447

Chilling tale, fellow

>> No.1251451

Is OP picture Reina Tanaka?

>> No.1251464

Freezing account, mate

>> No.1251476

Was a good read, but think you're throwing pearls to the swine to be honest.

>> No.1251488
File: 301 KB, 1029x1477, 1220577125247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It has caught my eye as well.

>> No.1251489

glad you enjoyed it

>> No.1251495

>The trainee geishas, the backs of whose heads are dressed to represent vaginas


>> No.1251496

I myself find all the flaws mentioned to be the GOOD points of japan. The rest of the world should be just as passive-aggressive hyper-elitist, self loathing mother lovers.

>> No.1251503

That was hilarious. However, this and other readings about modern Japanese culture have made me come to a philosophical realization that I hope is relevant: the Japanese, whether they are conscious of this or not, are the closest we have ever seen to an existential society. They are moral relativists, obsessed with aesthetics and narratives, and are in perpetual despair at the indifference of the world. To me, the average Japanese man is Sartre on crack. Is this a lucid observation, or am I stupid?

>> No.1251509

next week, an American goes to western Europe

>> No.1251517

That's a good read, but I'm sure a lot of it is over-exaggerated.

>> No.1251521

Christ, why did I read all of that?

>> No.1251526

What is the sauce on this? Or did the OP write it?

>> No.1251530

Don't be fucking stupid.

>> No.1251531

>>only in Britain or Japan is having a stiff upper lip explicable as a compliment.

stopped reading here, you are obviously very misinformed

having a stiff upper lip is a compliment in the United States, Canada, as well as most countries

>> No.1251539

This proves how Japan is superior.
1-They need no religion.
2-Mazda mother fucker.
3-They can dress Fabulously.

>> No.1251546

Britain < Japan <<<<<<<<<<< USA


>> No.1251556

nice /thread you did there

>> No.1251563

>They don’t consider sex as something that demands a system of morals.

Are you kidding? They're VERY Confucian in regards to sex.

>> No.1251566


You sure that's the right word?

>> No.1251568

The author cleary has a different worldview from myself.I think Japan is great and everywhere else is shit.

>> No.1251576

Seriously, I stopped taking this seriously when the author said that if you didn't follow archaic religious practices in the bedroom you are doomed to insanity.

>> No.1251589


>To me, the average Japanese man is Sartre on crack. Is this a lucid observation, or am I stupid?

A very intresting thought. Do you think the culture of japan has made them this way?

>> No.1251583

And basically the author's point, particularly at the end is 'Individualism > All'.

I'm beginning to despise these arguments that presuppose individualism is an inherent good from the get go. What exactly is 'good' about individualism, the fact you don't have to be polite, abide by the law and so on? Individualism is excess, nothing more, it's a bullshit term invented by the west to justify their own excesses without ever thinking of the need for introspection, but I guess anything goes in the 'free market of ideas'.

>> No.1251584

I am a history post-grad and everytime I read a japanese culture thread I literally hit myself in the head in frustration.

>> No.1251586

I stopped taking this seriously when the author said that if you didn't follow archaic religious practices in the bedroom you are doomed to insanity.

>> No.1251591

Yes, he is. Learning Confucian teachings was a large part of what it meant to be educated during the Edo era, at the very least; probably earlier as well. Japanese culture in general has taken quite a bit from Chinese culture.

>> No.1251601


Much earlier than the Edo period, at least among the upper classes.

>> No.1251607

From around the Taika reform. The guys were triyng to mimic the Chinese governing methods (centralized imperial power, public examinations, confucian teachings, etc.). Didn't last long, the guys with swords came and fucked up their shit.

>> No.1251608

I think the problem is much deeper than that, and has more to do with a lack of universal values. >>1251503 is kind of right, the Japanese are definitely relativistic in their ethics.

>> No.1251611

You only like japan because of
>Manga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic books. Men read them openly on the trains and buses. You can buy them anywhere. But the motherlode of manga is a massive basement bookshop in Tokyo with staff dresses like fantasy cartoon characters. Pick up almost any book at random and be prepared for a sharp intake of breath. The stories, such as they are, generally involve schoolgirls being attacked or raped; the scenarios are inventive in their nastiness. Children are abducted, gagged in their beds, dragged up dark alleys. The victims are small and defenceless, with unfeasibly large breasts and round, tearful eyes. They are regularly killed or commit suicide.

>> No.1251614

I disagree and maintain they are Confucian. It seems odd to us, but if we had some understanding of our own stoic philosophy in the Greco-Roman period we'd probably be able to grasp what that means a lot more easily.

>> No.1251616

lets list some western nations that disliked individualism,

Nazi Germany

Stalinist Russia,

fascist Italy

no, the east is in good company

>> No.1251626

Lol Japanese allies

>> No.1251629

Again, what is individualism? Explain to me. What exactly does it mean? It's nothing more than a disregard for tradition and custom, a youthful exhuberance transformed into a pseudo-philosophy like hedonism. What exactly *is* our 'individualism'. It's excess, it's the belief in fallacious shit like gender equality, it's promiscuity, it's violent crime, it's the fact we're fat... That is our 'individualism' in a nutshell. We're all 'free' to be as degenerate as possible.

Praise providence for this freedom!

>> No.1251633


I think it's a valid reason to love a country.

>> No.1251632


Didn't take long for Godwin to be invoked eh?

>> No.1251640


I am on neither side as they're both a bit extreme. I believe most sensible people find a good balance of the two. You make some valid points, as well, but /jp/ is already proof not everyone is a retard who gets a billion piercings and tattoos and dyes their hair pink.

>> No.1251647

hedonism is not a pseudo philosophy.\
take a philosophy class

>> No.1251645

Just because we aren't retards like all the other retards, doesn't mean we aren't retards.

>> No.1251656

Fair enough, I'm just sick of people using the word 'individualism' to justify their excess.

A society needs a little shame in my opinion. You *should* feel ashamed of yourself if you eat so much you need custom made clothes, you *should* feel ashamed of yourself if you sleep with 20 guys before you're 18, you *should* feel ashamed if you are arrested by the police for starting a fight.

>> No.1251658

The influence of Confucianism in Japan is definitely overestimated. If you compared Japanese and Chinese philosophy, you would see that Buddhism has a much stronger influence in Japanese philosophy. Unlike the Stoics and the Confucians, Japanese are much less concerned with the perfection of the self, but instead are concerned with harmony with nature and society. The Japanese have embraced one of the core ideas of Buddhist thought that the Confucians adamantly reject; that being the emptiness of the self. Japanese are probably one of the most unique, and some would argue disturbing, societies in the world because of this. Certainly this Buddhist doctrine has been influential in many societies, but Japan is the only modern one in which it is universally accepted.

>> No.1251664

Hedonism isn't what most people think when they talk about hedonism, though.

>> No.1251669


The 'modern' form of hedonism is effectively a pseudo-philosophy because it attempted to justify it's belief in excess through the utilitarians like Bentham and Mill and even the Epicureans. When both would have been absolutely disgusted at what was promoted in their name.

>> No.1251675

individualism is not a lack of shame,
its not submitting to the group just for the sake of "social harmony"
why should the few submit to the many? is it the many who create the new ideas and inventions that move society?

>> No.1251684


Whats wrong with sleeping with alot of people?
I've slept with alot...not 20(Inb4 "all /jp/ are virgins") and im not ashamed at all.

>> No.1251686

>Unlike the Stoics and the Confucians, Japanese are much less concerned with the perfection of the self,

Do you really think this? Japanese ethical philosophy seems replete with examples of perfection of the self.

My objection is mainly that people, when drawing cultural comparisons, tend to consider every non-judeo christian society some kind of veritable hedonist paradise when in reality if you're considering a indulgent degenerate over here you'd be considered one over there and in pretty much every other developed society, both historical and other, throughout history.

>> No.1251692

Why SHOULDN'T they? Do you need individualism? What's it done for you but brought grief?

>> No.1251699


Oh just fuck off you stupid bitch... Why do you even COME to /jp/? All you do is create drama.

We *know* 4chan girls are sluts with no self-control, we dont need you to confirm it for us.

>> No.1251704


It depends whether you value society and low crime rates. Japanese 'collectivism' isn't intrusive anyway, do what you want in your free and private time, but make damn sure you contribute to society as well and uphold what is expected of you, harmony is important.

>> No.1251707

>Manga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic booksManga are those ubiquitous pornographic comic books

>> No.1251716

It's a fucking troll you idiot. Oh well I didn't expect athens being able to tell, anyway.

>> No.1251722

>individualism is not a lack of shame,

It really is though, though deep down the people who claim they are 'proud sluts' would likely be horrified if their own daughter turned into one.

Individualism is more about lying to yourself and convincing yourself that whatever you're recklessly indulging in is 'good' because being individual is an inherent 'good' in itself.

>> No.1251725

I'm pretty sure you're a woman too.

But not totally sure.

>> No.1251727


>> No.1251732

What about people that strive to excel as moral individuals? Should they lower their ethical standards in order to better fit in with an imperfect society?

>> No.1251741

people are far more likely to contribute to society if they are free to occasionally challenge it.
static societies like the ones created with submission of the individual tend to grow antiquated, like Sparta

There is incredible pressure in Japan to be "normal" japan has low crime but it also has a high suicide rate.
some people are not meant to be normal

>> No.1251734

More manga is porn/softcore/pure fanservice than are legit books.

>> No.1251738


No, they set a new benchmark themselves. And as long as they're not arrogant and conceited about it they are an example for others to follow.

>> No.1251759


I'm a dude , bud.

>> No.1251765

I'll agree with you that Japanese ethical philosophy was replete with those ideas up until the 20th century, but after that, the Japanese were much more akin to Buddhist and existentialist thinkers. If you ask most Japanese people today why they work hard, you would be hard pressed to find anyone saying anything about the betterment of the self. Most would simply say something along the lines of "because society tells me to." Really, most Japanese in the past century are more interested in people like Heidegger than Confucius. I might write more about this later, but right now I have to eat dinner.

>> No.1251773

Yes, but you're just implying change is an inherent good within itself, someone can be charismatic, and lead people in a wrong direction, like with all the demagoguery at athens, which was *too* free by any standards. But even there moral conduct was expected of people.

I'd say Rome is the happy medium, allowed change, but still had a deep reverence for tradition. That sheer dogged determination was what allowed them to soak up the awful losses they incurred during the 2nd Punic War.

>some people are not meant to be normal

You mean some people are born with a lack of self-control?

There's a difference between being introverted (which no one would give a shit about in Japan anyway) and being a indulgent hedonist.

I'm of the opinion you are a woman anyway.

You can't argue reasonably with women, they love indulgence too much. I don't know why, but they love to have no self-control.

>> No.1251777


Either way, fuck off.

>> No.1251786

Since when was a religion that didn't set out to create crusades half a world away bad? One that didn't lie and give you false hope that if you lived your life in misery helping out others you'd go on to a pretty peaceful kingdom or what not later? I'm no atheist but this isn't exactly a fucking mark against the country.

But he goes on to say he doesn't "get" stones in sand? I'm no great admirer of stones in the sand, but what is there to get? It's fucking stones in the sand, you make of it whatever you want. It's not 'The Emporers Clothes' unless you're a moron and you feel like you'll be left behind if you don't suddenly spout how awesome it is. Some people appreciate simple things.

You know how you buy a box of fucking cereal and get a little toy and then you suddenly think it's the coolest fucking thing in the world? That's liking something stupid and simple. Leave the rocks alone.

All in all the article was a little too meandering for my tastes, the transitions made me go "WTF?!" every five minutes I kept thinking he was about to finally settle on a topic but apparently the barmaid in Blighty kept leaving to serve drinks and sending him into a new rage about something else.

>> No.1251790

im a man,

i love rome,

change is not good in itself, but no change always bad.

im not a hedonist, i simply do not believe in submission without purpose

>> No.1251802


But it's not like Japanese society doesn't embrace change where it's practical, I mean, jesus.... This is JAPAN we're talking about.

But change for the sake of change, or change to make people feel better about their amoral behaviour. That is not practical change. People NEED to feel shame about their behaviour if they behave in an immoral way, it's in no way conducive if we keep on raising the bar of what is considered acceptable like we do in the west, where eventually EVERYTHING will be considered acceptable.

>> No.1251821

let me be clear,
i am not talking about amoral behavior or defending those who make stupid desisons and defend themselves by saying "individualism lol" i dont judge them unless they effect someone else, but for the most part i just dont care.

but what if great men like the founding fathers or the abolitionists had kept their heads down for the sake of "social harmony"?

>> No.1251830

Who the fuck cares if the suicide rate is high? Does it matter if people die?

>> No.1251831


I'm more concerned with harmony in the ethical sense to be honest with you, in a political sense I'd refer you back to my comments about Rome and Athens. I agree with you, change can be good.

The reason I'm discussing excess is because that's the contrast that is drawn in many places. If you know about Rome, you'd surely know that indulgence and excess were frowned upon and that such thoughts are certainly not 'judeo-christian' by any standards. But many people in our modern world want to make EVERYTHING acceptable, they want to be free to carry out their perversities without paying the usual price for such actions (ostracization). That's why I was referring to it specifically, because that's what a lot of the 'individualism' arguments tend to revolve around these days.

Ironically classical liberalism was never about that.

>> No.1251834

True, One must stand up for what is right regardless of the populace's opinion. Often, the greater good takes higher precedence than your own status in society

>> No.1251842

I refer you to >>1251831. For example, let's take second wave feminism as an example, there was nothing implicitly political in second wave feminism, effectively it was women demanding the right to be as obscene and indulgent as the worst of men and not be 'judged' for it.

Sorry but that's bullshit, if you're a degenerate you are ALWAYS going to be 'judged' by society. In regards to political change, posterity will judge wheter you are right or wrong.

>> No.1251844

you dont see discussions like this occur..well..anywhere in the world anymore. why /jp/ of all places?!

>> No.1251847

Then we'd be all the better.

>> No.1251852

Wait until the system crumbles and establish a new order; that is if none wish to aid you in fixing the problems of your own country.

>> No.1251867

if you effect society with your "immoral" actions then yes, however to often in the past we made religious laws goverment laws and destroyed people who weren't hurting anyone.

>> No.1251869
File: 255 KB, 765x1000, 1220581975779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These kids are turning themselves into the living embodiment of the manga comic victims: pigeon-toed, mini-kitted, white-socked sex dolls.


>> No.1251880

GB2 R9K, nobody wants to hear your pseudo intellectual rants

>> No.1251887

>destroyed people who weren't hurting anyone.

Who exactly? And in regards to what?

>> No.1251890

All those that did not follow the principles set by the convergence of religion and government.

>> No.1251896

well if you think gay sex is immoral i dont care, thats your belief, im fine with that.

im also fine with it if too guys do it in their own home.

now if the parade down mainstreet in bondage gear, then we have a problem

>> No.1251898



>> No.1251908

wall of text

>> No.1251904


Hooray, I haven't seen a genuinely attractive 3D woman posted on /jp/ for days.

>> No.1251922

Gays can have self-control too.

It's a more a matter of how many people you sleep with.

Personally I think a woman who sleeps with more than 4 men is a slut.

>> No.1251924


In the end....who doesn't love a Japanese chick with huge tits? Anyone? Right. /thread

>> No.1251930


Trying to /thread a thread with over 100 posts is the most retarded thing ever. You should be shot. Repeatedly.

>> No.1251932


I agree. please end this circlejerk.

>> No.1251939

Jesus fucking christ, are you people serious? I thought 4channers were mostly relatively normal guys but god damn, you faggots are way out of touch with reality.

>> No.1251940

dfc or gtfo

>> No.1251946

>I thought 4channers were mostly relatively normal guys

Get back to /r9k/ normalfag.

>faggots are way out of touch with reality.

In regards to what?

>> No.1251943

>>1251831 If you know about Rome, you'd surely know that indulgence and excess were frowned upon
Hold on guys I've eaten as much as I can, I need to hit the Vomitorium for a bit. What say you guys about hitting the local orgy later? I'll have our slaves bring the wine!

>> No.1251953

I'd read this copypasta, but I just wanna make sure the replies aren't robots too?

>> No.1251954

>now if they parade down mainstreet in bondage gear, then we have a problem
>You can't argue reasonably with women, they love indulgence too much. I don't know why, but they love to have no self-control.

Sexism and rampant homophobia, god I love 4chan.

>> No.1251960

It doesn't really matter whether those things were done, they weren't looked highly upon, you could be ejected from the Senate by the censors or even put on trial for doing shit like that. The only reason it's become popularized is because the bad Emperors had little to not self-control and indulged in that shit quite a lot, read some Suetonius though, it's not as if such things were regarded as 'morally right'.

>> No.1251967

no i would have a problem if straight people did this too

>> No.1251964


Hi woman.

Do you like having no self-control.

Women claim they can fall in love up to 100 times! Can you imagine? How amazing of them! Any man they sleep with or that catches their eye they have 'fallen in love' with.

Women truly are amazing...

>> No.1251972

You aren't allowed on /jp/ if you haven't had a crush on at least 100 anime girls and/or guys.

>> No.1251978

Having a crush != 'Falling in love'.

Women fall in love with such great propensity one could almost believe they're lying to themselves.....

....Oh wait

>> No.1251982

I'm impressed he got 11 posts in before someone else posted.

So how many of you fags chose to actually read it.

>> No.1251984

i love rome but you have to admit they were pretty messed up

they thought nothing of watching people die for fun

greed corrupted the senatorial class in the late republic, which led to the social disorder which killed the constitution and allowed generals with private armies to take over rome

>> No.1251986

Sexism is justified if you ask me.

>> No.1251987

Well, I agree with the author's larger picture, but a lot of the details are wrong.

Zen buddhism is the minority in Japan, the majority belong to other sects, notably the pure land sect. Most Japanese don't do the whole meditation thing, though zen has influenced their arts considerably.

I really wish this dude had talked to some Japanese christians before going off on a rant about how confuscianism this or buddhism that. I serious doubt this guy knows anything about the religions he talks about.

>> No.1251991

This is ironic due to how much the Japanese hate the chinese.

>> No.1251994

Well, Japanese religion is really more about being part of a secret club than anything else.

>> No.1251997

The feeling is mutual.

>> No.1251999

>greed corrupted the senatorial class in the late republic, which led to the social disorder which killed the constitution and allowed generals with private armies to take over rome

It wasn't so much 'greed'. It was the fact that, men were simply ceasing to feel allegiance to the state because they were increasingly drawing upon the landless proletarii who felt more allegiance to a General who could offer them land and shit than the state.

Thankfully the glorious Augustus just moved in and signed into effect his adultery laws and whores everywhere trembled.

Most women consider Messalina a hero by the way.


Duh. Women justify their whorish behaviour and think nothing of being worthless sluts.

They deserve everything they get.

>> No.1252000

No, it isn't.

>> No.1252005


>Women claim they can fall in love up to 100 times! Can you imagine? How amazing of them! Any man they sleep with or that catches their eye they have 'fallen in love' with.

And what women that you spoke too told you this?Did you read that in a study? Dees it make you feel better to make massive generalizations
because %99 percent of people think you are a stupid sad fucking nerd?
I can be pretty sexist but fuck that made me rage.

>> No.1252003

>>1251999 Most women consider(ed) Messalina a hero by the way.
At least, that's what the historian men say.

>> No.1252015


You're a boring woman and your only purpose in life is to shit out kids.

>> No.1252013


I actually got into an argument with some stupid bitch on /jp/ once who claimed Messalina wasn't a whore. Messalina was very clearly a whore and women idolize whores in positions of power.

Face it women, you love being whores deep down.

>> No.1252014


I read it, but I keep seeing these very western perspectives of Japan being written lately.

Japanese people are like the Zerg. Seriously. They have a "hive mind" sense of harmony/unity. In social circles and workplaces, especially. God forbid you have your own opinion, right?

Foreigners can play the Japanese social game pretty easily if they accept their roles in the society from the get-go. You're a fuckin' outsider and are pretty much exempt from having to fit in because you don't know any better. Instead of actually exploiting that fact, foreigners will bitch and moan about how they only get spoken to in English and such and such.

>> No.1252018

those generals wouldnt have been able to pull it off if the constitution wasnt dead in the hearts of the citizens.

Augustus's moral laws only applied to the upper classes. he was a great prince but he was no Washington or Cinncinatus

>> No.1252027

>wasnt dead in the hearts of the citizens.

Augustus 'restored' the constitution in the hearts of citizens though. He had done so much he deserved to be Princeps. Besides, no Generals had active ideas of actually destroying the res publica until Augustus, not even Caesar really wanted to. It was their civil wars that led to it becoming worthless.

As for the marriage laws applying to the upper classes, yep, of course, because they were the most immoral class of them all, lol.

>> No.1252034


I'm a man and although I find most women to be annoying empty base-instinct driven idiots , I dont think anyone on /jp/ can claim they are any better.
I know you are too scared to actually talk to a women but try a little , yeh?

>> No.1252042

>I know you are too scared to actually talk to a women but try a little , yeh?

How can you claim you're not a woman and then come up with this standard female modus operandi in an argument, 'hurr durr bet ur 2 scared to tlk 2 grls' shit.

Face it, if you're a man, you must know women are pretty worthless universally. Unless you're trying to draw some pathetic line of demarcation to make yourself look better in front of an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.1252057

but for all his talk of restoring the republic in reality he maintained almost total control, and the senate was all to ready to abdicate its power in return for their privileged position perhaps rome needed a man like Augustus but it certainly did not need his successors

>> No.1252061

No argument here. I agree. We'll never know what his personal wishes were for the future of Rome though. Perhaps he genuinely DID think his 'monarchy in republican forms' *was* the Republic. Romans still used the various Comitia's for voting. Hell, Dio says the Comitia Curiata was still in use for voting in magistrates in his day.

>> No.1252064

>I dont think anyone on /jp/ can claim they are any better.

Yes we can, because we're not base driven for a start. Most of the ronery threads on here are a desire for intimacy and platonic love more than sex to be honest.

>> No.1252066

/jp/ - Philosophy/Roman History

>> No.1252068


I'm really not a women. I'm just in a quite an optimistic mood today.

when you talk to a girl and she's nice to you and she likes you , do you really think "god what a worthles piece of shit"? no you dont.
I think you're out of touch.

>> No.1252069

You, sir, are a woman and a troll, and I say good day to you.


>> No.1252074

I love it when people argue over a subject they love to death but know nothing about

>> No.1252077



>> No.1252086


And I think you're out of touch with this board.

>when you talk to a girl and she's nice to you and she likes you , do you really think "god what a worthles piece of shit"?

No, generally I hate women on 4chan.

The biggest sluts around are the 'gamer girls' and those types, who are on 4chan in abundance, explains the rampant camwhoring too.

>> No.1252088

He wasn't talking about the 'girls' on 4chan.

>> No.1252091


I dont care. And stop referring to yourself in the third person.

>> No.1252092

More like /jp/ - shutins/pseudo-intellectuals/underage faggots

>> No.1252096

>/jp/ - shutins
It should be just that.

>> No.1252093


You'd rather we were /b/ or /r9k/ and talked about our 'girlfriends' all the time then?

>> No.1252094

Not the guy you're replying to, but I do think they're worthless when they act that way towards people that treat them like shit. Really, I've never gotten a girl interested in me by being honest. The only times I ever get girls are when I send mix messages of attraction and disdain while keeping a forceful persona. Although many people on /jp/ act that they would kill to be a guy that attracts a lot of women, they fail to understand that those people are generally ronery and alienated too. Ultimately, until I meet a girl that I can be honest around while still maintaining her attraction, I'll always think that 2D is superior.

>> No.1252101

Please tell me I'm not the only one here who read that as 'shoo-teens'.

>> No.1252099

You never will, most of the 'gamer chicks' and 'female anime fans' are MORE slutty. Gamer chicks especially are absolute fucking whores of the worst kind.

Seriously, just look at 4chan, according to my own estimations around 60% of the regular female userbase has camwhored....

...Think about that for a minute.

>> No.1252116


guy that /jp/ is a women here.

In general I feel the same as you. I think mabye it's just human to be lonely..it's not all to blame on women...
uh oh
ronely.. ;_;

>> No.1252121

It's just you

>> No.1252125

Can you speak english?

>> No.1252130

>it's not all to blame on women...

Yes it is. Most of it, at least.

>> No.1252139


Agreed. It's not that women are more superficial than men, in many respects they aren't. They just read more into good looks than men do. A man will see a good looking woman and think 'I want to fuck her', and that's it.

A woman will see a good looking man and immediately ascribe him all these wonderful qualities so he fits into her idea of the perfect man.

>> No.1252144



>> No.1252155

I'd rather cuddle with than fuck the girls I like ~dokyuu,

>> No.1252164

Women *do* find violence attractive though, you should accept that. Most women find it attractive if you were to beat a guy up for them for example.

That's why a lot of women seek out abusive relationships, because the abuse turns them on.

>> No.1252166


Yeah? Well have fun getting dumped, because she'll think you're a pussy. The TV lies to you, shit never happens like that in real life. Women say they enjoy cuddling but then turn around and think you're some kind of effeminate homosexual when you do instead of taking her like a man.

>> No.1252175


The funny thing is you can't even be the stoic variety of man anymore, always patient and calm.

You've got to be full of bravado.

Deep down women love arrogance, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

In fact, the more women you've slept with the more likely a woman is to sleep with you if you brag about it at a bar or something.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.1252179

Some girls like pansy homomen; as long as you're willing to let them peg you the relationship will probably last.

>> No.1252188

If you're looking for true love you've gotta be a trap, girls don't want anything but sex from men.

>> No.1252192


Real, live Internet Tough Guys... on my /jp/?

>> No.1252197

I can't see how anyone could respect a woman if she's slept with over 3 men.

I mean, she's basically a cock repository otherwise.

Marrying a virgin must be awesome.

>> No.1252195


I think we all know everyone on /jp/ would want to be a trap. And if not a trap, then definitely a loli.

>> No.1252199

Or better yet, a lolishota!

>> No.1252203

Enjoy marrying a girl with absolutely no idea how to please you during sex!

>> No.1252205


All she has to do is lie there. How hard is it to let a man fuck you or suck his cock? She doesn't have to be a demon in the sack, just good looking and make your penis feel good.

>> No.1252209


Enjoy your sloppy seconds. Or in the case of the whores on 4chan, sloppy seventeenths.

>> No.1252210

Have her read the Kama Sutra or something.

>> No.1252211


Yes, by your logic a prostitute would make the best wife!

Fucking moronic internet tough guy. Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.1252212

Why not just get a fucking pocket-pussy, then?

>> No.1252215

I think we're all trolls on this bus.

>> No.1252218


Go back to bed, grandpa. That shit is beyond old school.

>> No.1252221


I was lurking /r9k/ once and they had a 'how many guys/girls have you slept with' thread, and it was full of normalfags engaging in underhanded bragging obviously, but all the girls were saying 15+.

As I said, nerdy girls are absolute sluts.

>> No.1252224

Well, it's not my fault nobody made a comprehensive guide to having sex recently.

>> No.1252227

Are you a normalfag?

>> No.1252244

PROTIP: All of those girls were guys.

>> No.1252251


No they weren't.

Nerdy girls ARE sluts.

>> No.1252250


No? Maybe. I hope not.

>> No.1252257

I think you're a normalfag.

>> No.1252263


Well at least I'm not posting about learning Japanese, visiting Japan, or using /jp/ as my blog, right?

>> No.1252268


No, normalfags just aren't welcome here.

And I think you know why deep down.

You know very well how badly your kind destroyed /b/ with relationship/sex advice threads, encouraging camwhores and so on.

You can't resist underhanded bragging.

>> No.1252276

How did the topic even get to normalfags from >>1252218?

Seriously, fuck your shit.

>> No.1252280

I second this.

>> No.1252282

Because it sounds like he has an extensive knowledge of sex advice books.

>> No.1252290



>> No.1252292

>with relationship/sex advice threads, encouraging camwhores and so on.

>You can't resist underhanded bragging.

Guess I'm not a normalfag, then.

>> No.1252314

Nerdy girls are sluts; that doesn't mean that there are any actual girls on /r9k/.

>> No.1252327

There are, it's one of the most normalfag infested boards on 4chan. /b/-lite basically.

And yes, nerdy girls are fucking whores, seriously, I've never seen girls who pine THAT BADLY for attention and validation that they fuck over 20 guys.

>> No.1252401


>> No.1252455

Wow, this entire topic is literally a chain of people coming up with the most odious points of view they can imagine while still being remotely defensible and watching them crash into each other.

>> No.1252462

Woman spotted.

How does it feel?

>> No.1252462,1 [INTERNAL] 


“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.”
