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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1250109 No.1250109 [Reply] [Original]

Since so often we have threads about people wanting to learn Japanese, so ronery, and wanting to live in Japan but never making it, let's hear some stories of people on /jp/ who are actually living the dream.

ITT: Success stories.

>> No.1250112

I´m Half-Japanese.

>> No.1250115

what about no?

>> No.1250117


>what about no?

>> No.1250122

You mean fapping to loli ero isn't success?

>> No.1250147

I sometimes find pennies on the ground and I put them in a small bank.

>> No.1250181


What's a dream?

>> No.1250184

>wanting to live in Japan

You're in the wrong place.

>> No.1250186

Then you should probably stop your cunt from posting so much.

>> No.1250203

I lived in japan for 5 years, from 11-16. I can tell you that being a games/anime fan here in the US is 100x more fun than being one in japan.

Here, you can be cool and there are plenty of girls around that share your interests. Not so much there.

If your reasoning for going to japan involve games and animu then you need to open your fucking eyes and realize that being a fan here is way better than being one there.

>> No.1250210

Oh please. You know damn well that you'd like to be able to buy shit and not pay a ton for shipping.

>> No.1250222



>> No.1250250

But after you have been yelled at by the kaichou for a whole long day at your baito, you'll be too tsukareta too play with your bishoujo figurines when you get back to your minuscule aparto. Better to just eat some ramen and neru, desu yo ne.

>> No.1250277


I smell a Troll in this one.>>1250203

>> No.1250280

Because in Japan, only losers watch anime or play video games beyond a passing interest.

Japanese are so obsessed with hierarchies and cliques that you can never be considered normal if you are "too into" these hobbies.

Plus if people find out you cosplay they will treat you like a leper, whereas here many people will at least think it's cool that you can sew your own costume.

>> No.1250281

>>you'll be too tsukareta TOO

Extra 'o' made me rage.

>> No.1250309

Also, we just download/import everything we want here.

There are other aspects of japanese culture that suck that will never go away as a gaijin. My best friend at the time and I had a a two part necklace that we each still have a piece of to this day. Converstions about it between my friend and his mom would go like this.

Mom: Where did you get that necklace?
Friend: My friend **** and I got it, he has the other half.
Mom: Why?
Friend: Cause he's my best friend.
Mom: But he's not Japanese.
Friend: He's still my best friend.
Mom: *confused* But he isn't Japanese.

>> No.1250323

I'd hate to see what she'll do when she finds out you two are gay.

>> No.1250324

I've gone from absolutely nothing to being able to read Yotsuba and other similarly simple manga fluently without touching a textbook or attending a single lesson.

>> No.1250325

>Plus if people find out you cosplay they will treat you like a leper


Cosplayers are all whores.

>> No.1250331

Yeah, the older generations are still wonky on the idea of gaijins. Many aren't overtly racist but you'll still run into it. With the passing of the 'babyboomer' generation however the blatant racism will diminish somewhat. It'll never go away however as it's human nature, not to mention their ever frenzied "WE ARE JAPAN AND YOU ARE NOT" attitude.

>> No.1250334

> I am a faggot that has never had a really good friend.

>> No.1250349

B-but sometimes it looks really good.

>> No.1250365

I *know* you are a woman.

Cosplayers are whores and you are probably one.

>> No.1250378

OP here. No success stories. Does nobody on /jp/ want to live in Japan? Seriously? I mean, fuck.

>> No.1250385


Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.1250393
File: 7 KB, 395x296, NEET.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

>> No.1250422

I love Japan's export pop culture as much as the next 23-year-old virgin shut-in. I'd love to hit Akiba, attend Comiket, and do the tourist thing. Not in a million fucking years would I want to live there, though. Not even if I was being paid a million dollars a day to be Aoi Sora's personal sex toy. Well, maybe if she let me stick it in her pooper. If I had to endure the drudgery of Tokyo all day, every day, I won't be able to survive on just vaginal intercourse, blowjobs, and paizuri. I will require anal. But even then, it would be a tough decision.

>> No.1250448

>not animated

>> No.1250449

Noone in the whole world would want to live there.
It's one of the worst countrys in the world.

>> No.1250462


Analfags GTFO

>> No.1250475


>> No.1250478

in b4 germanyisprettymuchtheworstcountryintheworld.jpg

>> No.1250497

No, it's a horrible country like many other posters stated in this thread.

>> No.1250512
File: 128 KB, 395x296, 1220561368335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1250538

OP don't listen to them. Just do whatever and major in Japanese or something. Then go live in GREAT NIPPON and become an doujin translator for us.

>> No.1250579

DON'T MAJOR IN JAPANESE!!! Major in something useful that's needed everywhere, like finance, and minor in Japanese, or self-learn it.

>> No.1250589

Who actually majors in Japanese and makes it through? Besides Japanese people.

>> No.1250595

Nobody. Language majors are social losers everywhere in the world. They always wind up taking shitty teacher jobs, or translations jobs that pay nothing.

>> No.1250602

I'm a japanese language major, however I'm doing a double degree so I'll also have my bachelor of computer science for the whole actually-getting-a-job thing.

>> No.1250655


OP here, amazing timing for this sorta convo. I'm actually planning to major in education/teaching of some sort but I contemplated Japanese for a bit because I've been studying it hardcore out the ass for about a year or so.

But now I'm not so sure because my parents were like "lol dont do it faggot" and /jp/ is all like "lol dont do it faggot" so now I'm pretty hesitant to major in Jap. Should I just major what I was planning to and then just minor Japanese?

>> No.1250666

Seriously, Japan is good to visit, but I could never want to live there. There's just something about it which is off.

>> No.1250688


666 get

>> No.1250690

Go back to /b/.

>> No.1250692

It's not as practical as other things. If you really like Japanese and you want to make some money do it, then you know, don't quit your day job, you could moonlight as a translator and set up commissions. It probably won't be enough to live off of alone but with a more lucrative job (could even be education as you were considering) supporting you you could do what you love and make some cash on the side. Being a full time translator has problems because it requires a good knowledge of literature and often computer skills, if you were to be translating a game, odds are you'd have to be doing the editing as well as the actual text.

>> No.1250698

Oh and, you may be able to teach Japanese classes at a university or a high school (my high school had Japanese classes) but the only problem I see is schools usually shy away from having non-native speakers teach a class. That said, there was one teacher who taught Spanish I/II, French up through AP, and Latin up through AP, so it's possible to do it.

>> No.1250712


That's because video games are more mainstream nowdays, not because you live in the US

>> No.1250715

Very few job prospects. You're just limiting yourself by picking Japanese.

>> No.1250718

So what are good countries to live in?

>> No.1250726



>> No.1250749

no seriously, I want to get out of Germany but have absolutely no idea where to go to.

>> No.1250757

Same as me

>> No.1250767

Same as me.

>> No.1250790

>>1250749 here

since /jp/ isn't of any help how about asking /r9k/?

>> No.1250816

here, someone should do that

>> No.1250841

And link it here. Because I am /jp/ hiki.

>> No.1250860

What's wrong with Germany? It's a great country with opportunities, if you work hard, study and socialize.

>> No.1250895

i wanna major japanese too

>> No.1250906

I'm more into art-related business and there isn't that much of it here or not that I know of (still have to research on that). Other than that, I dislike the language and uptight people (yes, I realise they are to some extent everywhere)

>> No.1250909

Yes. Minor in Japanese and major in whatever you wanted first (unless it's graphic design or english).

>> No.1250946

Yeah, me and my good friends all wore necklaces where we all had separate pieces of it!

>> No.1250954


Therein lies the rub.

>> No.1250990

>>1250909 graphic design or english
(another anon here) those would be the only two I'd consider majoring or are they as well just a waste of time and have no future?

>> No.1251005

MAYBE you could get by with Graphic Design, I don't know too much about how much demand there is for that. You're pretty much doomed to work at McDonald's if you go with English or Philosophy.

>> No.1251009

Waste of time and have no future. Except maybe graphic design.

>> No.1251016

Is it not possible to get by as an interpreter if you do a foreign language?

>> No.1251033

WHY WOULD YOU CHOSE THOSE MAJORS?! Listen dude. I chose accounting. It's BORING AS HELL. But in my country starters wage is almost 100K USD and on top of that you get 3-4 months of summer vacation.

With that money and amount of free time I can live like a king in Japan or whatever during the holidays, buy whatever I want, and never worry about money.

Neither a graphic designer nor an English major can say the same.

>> No.1251042

where is that country?

>> No.1251043

Yeah, if you're any good at it. Chances are anyone on /jp/ is too socially inept to do the high-paying shit like translating conversations as people speak, though; you'd pretty much have to work with text translation. Still not bad work if you have any flair for translation.

>> No.1251044


>> No.1251144

Because I'm still deluding myself by thinking that I'd like to do something I enjoy? I don't know if I'd rather do something I hate and get moderately good money out of it (if I'm bad at it) [but that could lead to me commiting suicide because I'd have to do that for the rest of my life] or do something I remotely enjoy although it might not pay much (again, if I'm bad at it).
Also, I don't plan on having a family.

>> No.1251154

but now I'm thinking of moving to norway and getting into accounting (if that's possible)

>> No.1251180

Don't diss English majors. I can teach anywhere in the fucking world bitch.

>> No.1251188

>>1251180 I have a legitimate excuse for getting close to little girls.
Holy shit, BRB changing major!

>> No.1251203

I shouldn't have lol'd, but I did.

>> No.1251204

Fuck you guys and your money.
Philosophy is where it's at.

>> No.1251211

enjoy your suicide

>> No.1251218

>I'm going to work at Burger King for the rest of my life.

>> No.1251257

If you are fluent in Japanese then why would Japan be any worse than the U.S.? None of you apparently have ever lived in Japan, so how do you even know how racist they are? I've always heard from people who have actually gone and lived there that the Japanese are the most polite people they have ever met. You people are talking out of your ass. For having so few laws prohibiting segregation and racism, the Japanese are an incredibly tolerant people. Compare that to the 1800s where we used to lynch immigrants just for fucking living here.

>> No.1251259

become an japfag irl

>> No.1251292

Yeah, because surface politeness definitely means they like and accept you.

>> No.1251295

Japan =/= Tokyo
You don't have to live a gray and boring life as one of the thousands of minimal wage English teachers commuting 4 hours a day from the outskirts of the capital. I'm sure there are job opportunities in smaller cities where you can actually have a larger than 20 m^2 flat for less than 3 times your wage.

>> No.1251300


the goal of politeness is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another. you aren't supposed to be genuine if you don't want to. like you are anymore tolerant to foreigners. don't kid yourself

>> No.1251304

philosophy is pretty damn cool. you won't have a great paying job after but you'll be wise as a motherfucker

>> No.1251309

Any dumbass who's vacationed in Japan has seen Japanese politeness. Only those who have actually lived there for a long time understand that it's a facade and that Japanese people are empty, fucked up people.

>> No.1251316

>philosophy is pretty damn cool. you won't have a great paying job after but you'll be known as a wise-ass motherfucker

Fixed for you.

>> No.1251319


I said people who have lived there. Why, have you lived there too? Did they treat you bad? Maybe you were impolite.

>> No.1251325

>wise as a motherfucker
Is this really such a good thing to be?

>> No.1251329


Japan has become the West’s stalker, a country of Elvis imitators. To walk among them is like being in a voyeur’s bedroom. They loathe the objects of their obsession. An English banker who has lived there for over a decade, speaks the language, married a Japanese girl and takes his shoes off in his own home, told me: “You have no idea how much, how deeply, they despise us. Don’t be fooled by the politeness; it’s mockery. They are very good at passive aggression; it’s the only type they’re allowed.”

>> No.1251332

I don't think people who have sex with their moms are particularly wise.

>> No.1251340


I dunno, Freud was a smart dude.

>> No.1251343

>takes his shoes off in his own home

what you don't? filthy mongrel

>> No.1251347

ITT: Paranoid people. If someone thinks whole Japan hates him deeply behind their nice and polite behavior then he needs his head checked.

>> No.1251351

Philosophy majors are generally pretentious fucks who take dumbshits like Heidegger seriously. If you truly want to become educated, major in Classics or History. Everything your shitty philosophers have said have already been discussed in classical Greek, Latin, and Chinese.

>> No.1251363


I only take Peter Singer seriously. Everyone else is just a fun distraction.

>> No.1251365

This thread, it's goin' places!

>> No.1251373

>But now I'm not so sure because my parents were like "lol dont do it faggot" and /jp/ is all like "lol dont do it faggot" so now I'm pretty hesitant to major in Jap.
Don't do it.

>> No.1251402

I avoid philosophy so that I actually get shit done.
also enjoy your suicide.

>> No.1251406

I sort of wish I hadn't majored in languages either.

On the one hand, I got to spend a pretty awesome year abroad.

On the other, I'm a lazy fucker and can't be bothered doing presentations and niggery like that.

Also, the degree itself is useless, even more so when it's low ranked and from a shitty university.

>> No.1251409

A faggot who got rejected by some chick that is a philosophy major.

>> No.1251610

Came with an exchange program 3 years ago, got stuck in Tokyo University where I'm currently finishing my degree. Had my job interviews in moonspeak. Got hired at an American company you have heard of (starts with a G) and will start working there next year in their Tokyo office.

Some days I go out drinking and some days I'm so ronery in my room. No girlfriend for 10+ years and counting.

>> No.1251655

Japan has General Electric?

>> No.1251672

look up and slightly to the right

>> No.1251800

i don't even care if it's a facade. if the chick in the kombini gives me a perfect smile and いらっしゃいませ every day, she can secretly hate my guts for all I care. she's not my friend or my wife, she's there to give me my change, and I'd much rather have her smile while doing it than being like the rude depressive old fuck cashiers I encounter back home.

>> No.1252112

this is true, a cute girl I was mates with found out i cosplayed at komiket, she never spoke to me again and removed me from facebook...rightfully so I guess.

>> No.1252162

Living in Osaka and studying at a local university (NOT Kansai Gaidai, I go to real university), I speak Japanese rather fluently, and have a Japanese girlfriend who doesnt speak English. I have a part time job, whih sucks like most, and I normally just go out drinking or just fuck around

Peobably the strangest thing about ym situation is that I am the only white guy at my university, every one else is asian

And the people saying that majoring in Japanese is a waste of time dont know what they are talking about

>> No.1252169

Was your costume THAT bad?

>> No.1252171


He is on 4chan, what do you think?

The only good looking cosplayers are probably paid and are models on the side just because the cosplayer and the outfit both look so damn good.

>> No.1252216


The moral: make it so if you cosplay you incorporate a mask or something into the costume so you can hide your identity.

>> No.1252249

i majored in International Studies/asian studies and took three years of japanese

switched from biology because my school is a shitty liberal arts one and had poor science programs

i went into it hating history and knowing nothing about world affairs and came out of it with a solid background in (interesting) history and economics, a language (and the class was funny and awesome), and will probably get my masters or doctorate later in (likely international) economics.

best thing that ever happened to me

>> No.1252406

>I contemplated Japanese for a bit because I've been studying it hardcore out the ass for about a year or so.
high school language teacher? Sure, why not, I am sure they'll take you if you are good enough.

College/university level japanese professor? Not a chance in hell, all of the professors in the japanese department at my university are native japanese that that acquired english before coming here.
Unless you have a 2nd nature handling of japanese, it's culture, and social norms, it would be pretty hard competing with a native speaker.

>> No.1252446
File: 1003 KB, 1600x1200, Laughing_Man_by_thooley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the other day I learnt how to use share, SUCCESS!

>> No.1252704

Nice 8/10

>> No.1254584

i got interviewed by three groups of people about why i was cosplaying and alot of people took photos but honestly it was pretty shitty costume, they swarm over anyone there.

>> No.1254620

ITT /jp/ masters fictional literature.

>> No.1254629

itt some anons can't cope with the fact that other anons are more successful

>> No.1254637

Highschool dropout.
Somehow ended up in Japan.
Living with gay guys.

>> No.1254641

ITT someone feels hurt after criticism of their fiction.

>> No.1254648

You suck dicks for food and a place to sleep?

>> No.1256980

sign me in

>> No.1257037

I'm Japanese, to tell you the truth, the internet blows shit way out of proportion. Most of the vocal people that complain about japan all the time are the guys that are butthurt and unable to accept being a minority. Yes there's racism, is there a sign on every other store that says "no foreigners"? Fuck no. Do most people in Japan hate or dislike foreigners? again, no, but sometimes they're scared because foreigners are bigger, communication problems, and tbh there are more rowdy foreigners than Japanese.

>> No.1257044

>>Yes there's racism
It's everywhere anyway

>> No.1257096

What's the other half.

>> No.1257111

Google Japan Headquarters
6F Cerulean Tower
26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512


>> No.1257709

yeah, Cerulean Tower.
6F is the reception and meeting rooms but 5-8F is all offices iirc.
7F is the cafeteria :3

>> No.1257709,1 [INTERNAL] 

that's sad
