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File: 956 KB, 1020x820, shut up about food already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500490 No.12500490 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus christ these bitches talk a lot about food

>> No.12500493
File: 124 KB, 1024x512, 1307954449293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gotta eat if she wants to become stacked like red saber.

>> No.12500507

You think Nasu cooks a lot for Takeuchi?

>> No.12500532

It's fucking amazing that F/HA's plot sets up a scenario where they can write any crazy hijinks they want, yet even with that half the scenes are cooking or eating or buying food. GOD. There is nothing more boring in the world than food. I'd reread that thirty page scene from Tsukihime where Shiki is bedridden and can't do anything for days than another scene about fucking food.

>> No.12500535

Food is like 50% of the reason we exist. It should be interesting.

>> No.12500543


Breathing air is necessary too yet I don't wan't to read hundreds of pages of descriptions of breathing or people talking about their favorite breaths and planning how they're going to breathe next.

>> No.12500556

No. He's too busy playing souls games and ignoring Takeuchi's pleas to do work. Takeuchi probably brings Nasu food when Takeuchi is swinging towards the dere side.

>> No.12500581

To be fair, it's food that brings people together; people don't get together for breathing sessions.

>> No.12500615

How do I beat the mountain climbing section of the mushroom minigame? Even with max health I can't mash the mouse button hard enough to get me to the top before it runs out.

>> No.12500622

cant believe somebody translated this turd lol
enjoy your scraps EOPs

>> No.12500644

Is this the TYPE-MOON thread?

>> No.12500649


Might as well be.

>> No.12500722

Reading Tsukihime myself. Fun so far, though I probably took a strange order of routes so far. Nevertheless, the VN is pretty good. Any other related VN's I should read besides Tsukihime and F/SN?

>> No.12500772


Well there's Kagetsu Tohya, which is basically to Tsukihime what F/HA is to FSN.

>> No.12500781

Pretty frustrating read with the groundhog day premise.

>> No.12500811


Groundhog day is fine, since you can skip seen scenes with one click. What isn't fine though is that in KT (unlike in FHA) it's extremely easy to permanently miss scenes unless you follow a walkthrough.

>> No.12500821

All my mom talks about is drama from work and food

I think this is an accurate depiction of women

>> No.12500872

Ok nice.

What do you guys think about the upcoming UBW Anime adaptation by Ufotable?

>> No.12500939


Hard to get excited about a route that has been animated once already just a short while ago, but I guess I'll watch it.

>> No.12500961

That movie literally butchered the entire route though. I don't think it's wise to even take it into account as far as animating a route goes.

My only dislike about this is that this shit is going to be split-cour, leaving all the good parts into late spring, NEXT FUCKING YEAR.

>> No.12501012

Might be cool.

>> No.12501016

Hopefully they won't fuck it up as badly as they did with KnK6.

>> No.12501118

What was wrong with KnK 6?

>> No.12501258

The Servant fights from the PV look a lot better than anything done so far, which is a plus.

>> No.12501265

It's a decent movie but a terrible adaptation. If you've read the novel it's pretty obvious. A lot of the actually interesting stuff from the book was left out in favor of a nice healthy dose of "drugs are bad, kids."

>> No.12501739

Does Shirou fuck Illya in this one?

>> No.12502156
File: 515 KB, 820x662, CanIQuitNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, and it's turning out to be almost as boring as F/SN's Fate route. 2/3 of it is talking about food or going shopping.

The powerlevel and noble phantasm bullshit that's being pulled off is ruining my suspension of disbelief.

Probably not, since even Shirou refers to Ilya as a little girl. The sex scenes are horrible anyway.

>> No.12502184

What's wrong with fucking a little girl?

>> No.12502188

mine too

>> No.12502552
File: 404 KB, 579x575, 20140712185426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously Rin best girl

>> No.12502565
File: 174 KB, 237x554, 1409848843565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Rin best girl.

But I respect other people's choises aswell.

>> No.12502902

And water is wet.

2/3 food and shopping? Yep, sounds like a Fate story to me.

>> No.12503327

Rin is fucking boring.

Tsunderes are so 2008.

>> No.12503391
File: 969 KB, 480x272, luvia1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12503403



>> No.12503411
File: 1.42 MB, 480x272, luvia2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12503417
File: 430 KB, 480x272, luvia3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12503421
File: 1.55 MB, 480x272, luvia4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12503426
File: 531 KB, 480x272, luvia5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't do a 360 with the psp dpad to record her suplex

I'm sorry

>> No.12503686

Shit like all adaptations, only disgusting secondaries care.

>> No.12503707

That's the whole point of the game. It's supposed to be depicting a peaceful life with everybody after the Heaven's feel, only for it to be revealed to be false. Hence, the title "Hollow Ataraxia", or "empty tranquility"

>> No.12503874

Yeah, but Shiki screwed one. Wonder why Illya is left untouched.

>> No.12503891

That's just stupid. I always look forward to adaptations of things I like.
