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1247179 No.1247179 [Reply] [Original]

My accounting class has alot of overseas Japanese people. Why are they so boring that they will major in accounting?

>> No.1247186


You can see her panties! And it's not sexy at all

>> No.1247190

Asians major in boring things

there's money to be made in boring things

exciting things (Swordfighting, video game design, history of porn) lead to low paying jobs

Life of rich boredom > Life of broke fun

>> No.1247197

If they are in your accounting class then that means you are majoring in accounting too. You are just as boring as they are.

>> No.1247201

you're sooooo lucky OP to be honored with real japanese people

the closest thing we got around here is 2nd or 3rd gen filipinos

>> No.1247212

you are majoring in accounting too, at least they are Japanese

>> No.1247217

Fuck yeah! Accounting major. Go join Beta Alpha Psi and go to the meet the firms events and you'll be guaranteed a job out of school.

>> No.1247220

A japanese exchange student at my university once made fun of me for majoring in Asian studies, so I asked what she was majoring in. "American studies, but it's alright because Japanese companies don't care what you get a degree in, just so long as you have one."

She was a bitch.

>> No.1247228

It's still more rare than something like physics, mathematics, or engineering. That's the kind of stuff they usually flock to.

>> No.1247230

Was she hot?

>> No.1247237

>physics, mathematics, or engineering

That's curries and asian guys, asian girls all do accounting and/or finance

>> No.1247238


no, she was obviously just a tsundere

>> No.1247239

No, she was pretty ugly, actually. Had some skin condition.

>> No.1247244

WTF filo's is the closest thing to japanese?
Filo's are more like mexicans.

>> No.1247247

No, she was just being a bitch. There was nothing tsundere about it.

>> No.1247265

Why does it look like she's wearing a diaper?

Seriously, that's a thick panty...

>> No.1247282

you from cal poly pomona?

since i come here, i obviously don't have any social skills, so fuck those events. fucking accounting.

>> No.1247291


SFSU. You don't need much social skills. Just ask random shit questions like "What prospects can I face at your company" to those people from the various firms. And just let the conversation wonder on from there. Exchange emails and phone numbers and shit and you'll be set. I got a call for internship the night after one of those events and I called some of them up after I graduated and the interview was a breeze. Landed a 68k/year job straight out of graduation.

>> No.1247326

asians all major in the same things

>> No.1247343

If non Touhou threads are gonna be this dumb then I'd rather have Touhou spam.

>> No.1247366

Another 4chan lie.

>> No.1247371


weaboo meets westernboo, and they are both retarded.

>> No.1247407

Shut up, I'm doing international business.

>> No.1247413

That's still Commerce

>> No.1247418

All Asians start out at OMG huge money after 4 years of college too.

>> No.1247428


She'll work for a year or two, then quit as soon as someone pops the question, and then she'll live the rest of her life in a loveless marriage with saggy tits used to suckle a pair of little bratty monsters. So you really have nothing to feel angry about.

>> No.1247436

I went to one of those events, and I didn't get anything out of it.

I joined the accounting club instead of BAP, because I didn't have to do shit like community service. Talking to business people sucks and I suck at it. I don't think I'll ever be able to get a job.

>> No.1247453

I think I'd rather have everyone stop posting.

>> No.1247470

Events are shit, instead of going to events apply for internship/graduate programs online, I got my internship in summer 2nd year then a graduate position 6 month before i graduated

When they ask me my hobbies, I told them i make VNs in my spare time and it thought me the importance of teamwork and ruling the drawfags with an iron fist

>> No.1247486

wow wow

what's with all the business school kids all of a sudden?

economics-finance double major here faggots, last year for me though

let's see if i can land a job...

>> No.1247496

All business majors have to take some accounting classes

>> No.1247501

Basically, if you want to go into a pretty good company, you have to have leadership experience (typically in the form of committee members at Uni, I was treasurer of Chinese club) AND work experience (internship or part time work).

Oh and decent grades of course

If you are missing any of those, you are fucked.

>> No.1247517

If you can't get 4.0's and shit like that then network your fucking ass off. Talk to people at those business events. Just joining the club doesn't mean shit. Anyone can join in name only. Get your name known.

>> No.1247521

What was your major

>> No.1247522


I lol'ed

>> No.1247528


>> No.1247533

Degree 1 = Commerce
Major = Finance
Degree 2 = Business Systems

>> No.1248222
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, 1220517201090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God. I fucking hate my life. Im thinking of changing majors just so I dont have to take a 3 hour Public Speaking Class. It's bad enough my Composition class has us doing "writer's workshops".

>> No.1248274

American studies should equate to watching American television.

>> No.1248278

since it hasn't been said yet

why are YOU so boring that you'd major in accounting, OP?

>> No.1248290

accounting = easy as fuck compared to other real major like law, architect, medicine, engineering, teaching, and so on but also guaranteed easy job opportunity compared to other major since all company needs accountants.

>> No.1248312

porn video?

>> No.1248319

Accounting is boring but it basically means instant well-paid job. I don't see how you can look down on people for taking accounting, they'll be making money while you work at burgerking.

>> No.1248331

I'm going into Aeronautical Science.

>> No.1248339


I have a lot of classmates from senior year in SFSU. Lol at you and them for having to stay in Shit Francisco.

>> No.1248471

Because even accounting is more fun than being a Japanese salaryman.

>> No.1248505

Because Accountants believe this shit.

I Asian. I be accountant. I make rot of moneys while you work Burger King you shit person. Me Asian me superior. Fuck off.

>> No.1248590

It's not as if accounting is a hard course to get into faggot. Engineering major here, you all disgust me.

>> No.1248591

Accountant = McDonals employee

same thing, different label

>> No.1248594

I love how they always claim they are going to be making big money the second they graduate. They also infer everyone else is shit. This might be one reason Accountants are held in low esteem by many.

>> No.1248597

wow you should seriously kill yourself

>> No.1248605

My accounting classes have been fratfags, dumpy white chicks, Asians, and one token black per class

>> No.1248606

Accountants do get paid alot in the long run though, because they know all the shifty dealings of the company, and they know how much other people around them get paid, thus the owners pay them more than other people so they would keep their months shut

>> No.1248611


>suggestion that teaching is more complicated that accounting


>> No.1248613


>> No.1248616

You must be a faggot who wishes they were Asian.

Kill yourself.

>> No.1248661

I'm an accountancy student. It's a safe bet for the future, and you get 3-4 months summer vacation a year in my country.

>> No.1248665

I'm an Buggery student. It's a safe bet for the future, and you get 3-4 months of good buggery a year in my country.

>> No.1248673

Could be worse, You could be taking Law.

>> No.1248690

I'm a car mechanic

>> No.1248697

I am a NEET. I get 12 months off every year.

>> No.1248699

How does one apply to be a NEET?

>> No.1248703

I fell into it.

>> No.1250490


>> No.1250502

I'm a leech on society. It's a safe bet and I get money for being insane.

>> No.1250513

ITT people shit on accountants because they are now in a major with too much competition in the working world and it's too late to switch out.

>> No.1250621

Don't listen to them. You are not insane. Kind of dirty and annoying. But not insane.
