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12462941 No.12462941 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up kiddos. It is time for my favorite bed-time story so shut the fuck up and listen! It's called "Gib Donations Plz" and it was made by me a couple of months ago for a friend who previously commissioned me to make it for him. Since he's gone now I have no one to tell it to but you guys. And since you guys love 2who so much i'd thought i'd give you guys a little present. I haven't read through it yet and honestly I don't remember what its about but I imagine it being completely lewd.

Without further adieu..

>> No.12462949

The Hakurei Shrine. A symbol of all things sacred. The building itself is so small and run-down no one would dare venture yet alone live behind it's wooden walls. Any who go near it get a foreboding mystical sensation of wonder, the faint odor of fresh ginseng which is often times preceded by an awful skin rash. The shrine has become a popular hangout for all sorts of youkai as of late. However, because of this, very few regular humans come to the shrine, and even fewer (if any at all) leave donations.
Despite being a termite infested shit hole, there is but one lonely individual who claims It as it's home.
Reimu Hakurei stepped outside for the first time in 20 hours. She was very smelly. She had just finished her chores, as if the shrine wasn't dirty enough, there were muddy footsteps and Twinkie wrappers everywhere. Should she hire a guard dog or something? As if a dog could keep Suika out.
She stepped over a bucket filled with dried Sake. Must've been some party, she thought. When rummaging through the garbage she had come across a pink journal with a neat floral pattern around it. Behind the cover, was written the words "Property of Patchouli Knowledge".

As she came around the corner of the outer walls she hardly did a double take. As she neared the enormous gash in the wall, she peered through it and could see the inside of the shrine as if someone intentionally took a big bite out of her wall in spite. That's when she thought she'd had it.
She had decided to go over to that mansion and give the Scarlets a piece of her mind. As she passed through the shrine she tripped over something blunt; hitting her face on the cold wooden floor.
"MOTHER FUCKER!!" She stood up and picked up the half-eaten Super Twinkie Deluxe and ate it.
"That's it, I can't leave this place once without there being some wild party." She said.

>> No.12462955

Beyond the Forest of Tomfoolery lay the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where Remilia ruled with an iron fist as it's ruler and owner. The mansion was taller and bigger than what Reimu had remembered. The shining walls of raw material were of the finest in all of Gensokyo. No one would get in looking for a shortcut, the front entrance was the only available path even for the non worthy visitors. She knew that the only way in, was passed the guardian dog. Some people know her by the name, Hong Meiling. But you may call her China.

As she passed by she noticed China's flabby behind and regular sized bust. 'Would not do', Reimu thought to herself. 'A kindred and pure heart like mine would not waste one ounce of pleasure on the likes of the local city dog'.
"Welcome, to the Scarlet Mansion miss!" She said.
"Oi, you know you're supposed to be keeping intruders OUT right?"
"Oh.. pssh that. Okay yeah another time, but mistress Remilia is expecting you."
"She is? Then why not fetch me?"
"Because Reimu. No one likes you! KYAAAA-"
And with a flick of her wrist the shrine Maiden had made mince meat out of what was left of China. She eagerly stepped through the gates as she was very much expecting an apology or perhaps even some sort of compensation. Knowing the Scarlets, it was probably some sort of elaborate trap.

>> No.12462961

She knocked on the door twice before the servant, Sakuya, came to open it for her. Her demeanor was unnerving as she stood barely wearing any clothing. Her back strewn with a saddle, cowboy hat and reign, which was all that completed herself, exposing her bare breasts upon the maiden.
"What's with the get up, pardner?" Reimu said.
"What is it now, I am very busy.."
"U.N. Onion and the mutant are expecting me?"
She extended her arm back towards the inside. "Right this way then." Her breasts jiggled with excitement as she did so.
"I'm impressed Sakuya, no pads at ALL."
"Just keep walking miss."

>> No.12462965

The pair stopped at a large dining hall. The chairs and seats were skewed with confetti and other party related paraphernalia. The meat and Tentacle Grape Soda© littered the table as if someone had started eating but gave up half way. The stench of candy and chocolate was overwhelming and filled Reimu's nostrils with chocolatey goodness and delight, a stench she was familiar with whenever she woke up after a night of binge drinking. On the floor, scuttling about, were giant African cockroaches. Each hissed silently across the floor in search for new kinds of snacks they could get their grubby little legs on.
Sakuya let out a hiss of her own. "Ahem."
Out from under the table, came the largest roaches yet. Remilia, dressed in an elegant light purple dress, and Flondre, dressed in red as usual. Despite the mess, they were both spotless; perfectly clean.
"You found us!" Said Remilia.
"Now I get to count and YOU go hide!" Flondre added.
"Mistress, you have a guest. She says you were expecting her." Said Sakuya.
"Yes thank you for reminding me." Remilia stood up and brushed off the invisible dust covering her person and a condescending frown covered her face as she approached Reimu.
In a brooding voice, she said. "Welcome to my home, miss Hokira."
"Hakurei." The maiden said.
"Whatever. It seems that my sister, on account of that crazy ass party we had at your estate, had propagated a bit of property damage, and I'm willing to give compensation for my sisters' trouble."
"A BIT of damage?"

>> No.12462971

"Correct. The shrine is paneled with some kind of cheap timber right? Well I'll take care of it. Not to worry."
"Now hold on just a moment you lolicon. Do you have ANY idea how much time and effort I put up with to keep a sociable, sanitary and stable shrine? I demand more in addition to fixing my hole. Also, nice try, but you forbid your sister from ever leaving the mansion."
".... You seem upset. Do you wish to break something of mine in return?"
"Very well. Sakuya, your hymen will be a suitable target towards this breaking of mine. See to it that miss Hakurei's shrine is fixed as well."
Sakuya let out a low sigh. "Kill me."
"Oh yeah, and Patche wanted to see you as well. About some kind of book or something."

>> No.12462978
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Should I continue?

>> No.12462992
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Yes of course

>> No.12462997

Reimu had been escorted out of the mess hall and into the large scarlet library, home to many of thousands of books, novels, poetry, on just about every subject you could think of. At least that's what everyone else thinks, since most of the books were off limits to outsiders. The gargantuan size extended upwards towards the ceiling, where the rows and book shelves almost touched the skylight. Simply looking at the top made Reimu dizzy.

On a high stack of books, high up in the canopy of paperbacks stood Patchouli. She floated silently to the ground to meet Reimu and the two exchanged glances. Reimu had noticed the plump breasts poking at Patchy's gown. In her mind, she was imagining herself tearing off Patchy's dress and doing a motor boat. The contents of her figure had always confounded Reimu. Was she fat? Thin? Was she actually three blind mice? Or was she in actuality, a he? Either way, she couldn't help but to smirk at the cute, pouty face that Patchy made.
"Do you have my book?" She says.
"What book?"
"Stop messing around and give it back."
"I seriously have NO idea what you're on about."

>> No.12463003

She let out a sigh. "Last night I accompanied miss Remilia to some kind of shindig you were having at your little shack."
"Hey, It's not a shac-"
"Continuing on, there was a journal in my possession. It is my belief that I had dropped it there yesterday and would like it back please."
"I cleaned the whole place up and didn't find any journal alright?"
"You're lying. I can see it in your face. You're smirking."
"Sorry. My mind is completely blank!"
"Reimu.. that book contains secrets that weren't meant for mortal eyes. Who knows what insatiable evils would be unleashed if it were found by any undesirables. The existence of that book, is more valuable than the existence of life itself. It could even mean the end of everything! So again, i'm asking as a friend.. please return it to me this instan-"
"I know it's your diary."
From her robes she retrieved the floral journal and held it up high. "Not so fast, Patchy, not so fast. One wrong move and the book gets it. You know i'm capable"
"Okay okay I'll do anything.. just don't hurt it."
"Alright. Take off the dress then."
With reluctance, Patchy slowly unrobes herself, revealing a thin nightgown.
"Er.. okay take off the night gown.."
Again, with another pout, she takes off the night gown, revealing some really neat floral pattern pajamas.
"How many clothes do you actually have on Patchy?"
"Fine I'll just take them all off."
With that, a mountain of clothing was formed as Patchy's fully naked body was exposed. As Reimu eyed her feverishly a drop of sweat had run down her forehead. Her privates were swelling with anticipation and desire. She could see Patchy's nipples were erect, as if begging to be picked and sucked on. In her mind, she was celebrating silently as her initial thought of her being pudgy but big breasted was fulfilled. Even though she would've gone further, she didn't and when Reimu approached Patchy, she handed her the journal.

>> No.12463017

"O-okay, you can put your clothing back on." Reimu said.
"Oh? That's it? I was honestly expecting something else too."
"What were you expecting then?"
The book that was handed to her fell to the floor. She then reached over, took Reimu's hand and placed it on her breast.
"This." Patchy slightly cradled the hand around her breasts in a polishing motion. More sweat had accumulated over Reimu's forehead, obvious that what Patchy wanted was more intimate, she took over and caressed both breasts. Patchouli began to moan softly as her tender breasts wobbled back and forth, side to side in a rhythmic motion. Reimu took the hint and pushed her to the ground. Without hesitation, she knelt down and smooched Patchy's genitals. Flailing her tongue violently at her sensitive clit.
"Ahh. MNOO! Reimu what if Remi or anyone else sees us?"
She ignored her and took her wardrobe off, making both of them nude now.
"It can't be helped.."

Reimu lifted Patchy's lower torso and positioned herself over her pudgy frame until their privates touched. In a swinging motion, started thrusting her pelvis. Each push and nudge filled with delight as both yelped uncontrollably with each one. But suddenly, SONICHU! THOUSANDS OF THEM!!

And they all died because Chris-chan is a faget. The end.

>> No.12463029

I added this last bit because I now see I didn't finish it after all. Oh well.

>> No.12463095

If you guys want me to continue I will. I wont like it but I will.

>> No.12463192
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do it or I will bully you

>> No.12463244

But daaaaaad..

>> No.12463268
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>> No.12463360
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