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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1245380 No.1245380 [Reply] [Original]

An actual conversation I overheard while on the train:

*Man A is reading newspaper and discusses the Iraq War with Man B, then the Vietnam War then World War 2/Adolf hitler*
Man B: "Yeah, things were pretty fucked up back then"
Man A: "i agree with ya there, things coulda been worse tho if it weren't for our boys fightin for our freedom"
Man B: "man that hitler is 1 fucked up dude hey"
*typical "zomg hitler is evil" conversation continues*
Man B: "and what's with the japs? why would the gooks be on the same side as hitler?"
Man A: "i dunno man, but its a good thing we bombed the fuck outta them! twice!"
Man B: "hahaha yeah, if we didn't we'd probably all be speaking japanese! fukken japs"

And this is where I felt offended.

What's wrong with America being a japanese-occupied and japanese-speaking country?

Think about it.

Anime, manga, video games, hentai anime/manga/games, J-adult videos (JAV), japanese cars, japanese cell phones and other gadgets, morning musume, sushi, etc

we couldve got those stuff DECADES earlier! but no, we had to blow japan to pieces and ended up playing shitty ameriKKKan video games until japan finally rebuilt themselves and the american video game industry was saved by Nintendo, a JAPANESE company.

what did people have to pass time before the rebuilding of japan? country music, inferior white whores (apart from lexi belle [who stars in JAV] and magibon [who is practically japanese anyway]) and proving their masculinity by shooting harmless small animals into small bloody chunks of flesh with a shotgun.

fuck america, japan is superior.

does anything else feel like a japanese person in an american (or america/canadian in my case) body?

>> No.1245395

Japan lost. And Gooks are koreans. Japs are Japanese.

>> No.1245402

>Japan lost. And Gooks are koreans. Japs are Japanese.

americans can't tell the difference so gooks equally apply to the coreans, the japanese AND the vietnamese.

>> No.1245403

You can't recognize ISM? Report, hide and continue browsing /jp/.

>> No.1245405

>Japan lost. And Gooks are koreans. Japs are Japanese.

americans can't tell the difference so gooks equally apply to the coreans, the japanese AND the vietnamese.

>> No.1245417

Halfway through your rant, you sounded stupid, so I stopped reading.

>> No.1245418

Good to see you made parole ISM.

>> No.1245424


And I thought you were a nice guy, with your loli policy and all. Fuck you dirty chink.

>> No.1245427

>†Invisible Sky Magician† http://invisibleskymagician.baywords.com/

>> No.1245432

It took you half of the rant to notice he's stupid?

>> No.1245434

>Invisible Sky Magician
Didn't read, reported for ban evading.

>> No.1245435

My dad fought in the Vietnam war. He can tell the difference. Guys talking about history sound like they are just reciting what they remembered in highschool history.
And the OP idea is dumb. If Japan won, then Russia would have sided with Japan and then pushed the US out, and with the remaining nazi forces, the world would be under imperial Japanese rule.
...actually that's not so dumb.

>> No.1245438

It's a troll and you must be new here if you don't recognize him.

>> No.1245443

Don't care, I just spent the last three hours proving a Switzerlander wrong. You must be a faggot if you think I read tripcodes. Oh wait, you actually sage threads thinking it helps! Haha, what a dumbshit.

>> No.1245445



I dont see Estonians speaking Russian and i dont see anyone except the Russians speaking Russian... some people in the USSR didnt speak Russian as their primary language...

>> No.1245465

Different policies. Taiwanese, Vietnamese and a few other smaller asian countries speak Japanese because they inserted it into the school curriculum during the war. They changed the educational system. Russia didn't give a fuck about schooling. They cared about workers. Ask any Native American, they will reply to you in english. Because we painted their asses white then taught their children english.

>> No.1245474

Shut up ISM.

>> No.1245496

>Don't care, I just spent the last three hours proving a Switzerlander wrong.

what's up with the swiss and their passive-aggressive "huuurrrr i am superior, look at my swiss watch and swiss bank account and my governement's officially neutral foreign policy stance"

Unlike americans, swiss people don't actually say to your face "SWITZERLAND, FUCK YEAH!" but it's like instead, they just sit there knowing that you know Switzerland is superior. and that's enough to make them smirk.

fukken swiss, we need to make up some derogatory racist terms for them.

how about neutrons? or neutrogs?

The above racist terms are based on their government's official neutral stance on world affairs.

>> No.1245502

>Russia didn't give a fuck about schooling.
We have history expert here.

Go read up on some things boy before babbling crap.

>> No.1245506

Shut up ISM, do us a favor and post some delicious loli with your other trip.

Trolling = BAD, pseudo-CP = GOOD. Get moving chink, post some lolis!

>> No.1245510

You're an idiot. I remember when you actually TRIED months ago. Now you're just spewing random shit. Reported, enjoy your further ban evading.

>> No.1245511

Sure is /n/ around here.

>> No.1245515


>> No.1245521

You couldn't have stayed b&

>> No.1245523


butthurt swiss?

what's the problem? sad that i'm not kissing your superior swiss-made ass?

>> No.1245524

Sounds like we have a opportunistic faggot here! Good choice for a counter point, except you're still wrong. They didn't impose any curricular change on any of their allies. They did not require the learning of Russian nor did they try to form any political ties through diplomatic exchanges.
What? You're going to argue about numbers of the Russian schools literacy rate or some other dumb shit? Their imposition of different theologies inside Russia?
THAT IS THEY DIDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SCHOOLING. Good lord, look at the point you're arguing against instead of going off on a tangent stupid fucker.

>> No.1245528

/n/ is dead, dead, dead. Get over it.

>> No.1245530

Shut up ISM.

>> No.1245531

>does anything else feel like a japanese person in an american (or america/canadian in my case) body?

>> No.1245534

Ah I see. You're that faggot that couldn't understand speechism. Are you here trying to prove another point you're absolutely wrong in again?

>> No.1245539


>> No.1245541

There are more sages and trolls in this thread than actual posts. Take the hint.

>> No.1245546

It's like you're thinking you're accomplishing something by using sage. lol noko tiem.

>> No.1245557

Shut up ISM.

>> No.1245559


I'd see sage as more of a symbolic "fuck you" in this case. Also, fuck you.

>> No.1245567


>> No.1245569

It's sad you don't understand the actual usage of referring to a person as an ism. :3 But thanks.

>> No.1245572

>There are more sages and trolls in this thread than actual posts. Take the hint.

I'ved used up all my lifelines unfortunately.

Lock in C: 1 single major butthurt sagefag please.

can it be win my mirrion dorrah time nao?

>> No.1245573
File: 18 KB, 468x352, 1220472554538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is an eyesore, here, have a sage.

>> No.1245584

Shut up ISM.

>> No.1245593

You're forgetting about the opposite affect.
There would be hardcore japaboos. Hoarding comics and marvel action figures. It'd then be nothing changing except the majority minority.
I'd also be out of a job.

>> No.1245594


Believe or not, I don't samefag.

>> No.1245609

>You're forgetting about the opposite affect.
There would be hardcore japaboos.
There could be.

>Hoarding comics and marvel action figures. It'd then be nothing changing except the majority minority.
Think for a moment here. You're comparing american comics (neon-clad superheroes who wear their diapers on outside) with superior japanese manga which can be read by all ages.

and Action figures? Japan is the KING of acting figure collecting.

>I'd also be out of a job.

>> No.1245615
File: 158 KB, 478x661, 1220473093430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to improve an ISM thread the only way I know how, sage and delicious Akiha.

>> No.1245620
File: 11 KB, 200x605, 1220473141868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1245628
File: 102 KB, 480x480, akiha3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1245633
File: 102 KB, 670x525, akihabirthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to celebrate her birthday every year.

>> No.1245639

No no no, I'm not comparing American comics to Japanese Manga. I'm comparing obsession. Xenophilic people would emerge like they are in the US, Europe, etc. It's not that it's better, it's that it's foreign. With Japan owning the US, they would force enormous lopsided trade. The comics would be dirt cheap, but still foreign, hence sparking collection.

>> No.1245647


>> No.1245649

>TYPE-MOON daily message
I feel like raging but i'll fap instead.

>> No.1245660
File: 366 KB, 1200x1719, 1220473618575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

????????(???)?????? !!!!!

>> No.1245665


>> No.1245667
File: 250 KB, 598x845, 1220473670774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to kick me in the face


>> No.1245670
File: 29 KB, 296x357, 1220473682678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Akiha can make this thread better, but it is good to try

>> No.1245673


what's that fish called? I want one...

>> No.1245685

>No no no, I'm not comparing American comics to Japanese Manga. I'm comparing obsession.

What determines the level of obsession?

American comics:

Japanese manga

Since japanese comics are foreign AND superior, there'd be greater obsession with it as you'd expect.

>Xenophilic people would emerge like they are in the US, Europe, etc. It's not that it's better, it's that it's foreign. With Japan owning the US, they would force enormous lopsided trade. The comics would be dirt cheap, but still foreign, hence sparking collection.

>> No.1245686

ahhhhhh; fukken japs.

>> No.1245687

forgot your uguu~

>> No.1245681

Is this the real ISM?

Come back to /n/ damnit

>> No.1245700
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1220473934114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1245708

>a good president

No such thing exists.

>> No.1245718

>54 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

oh for christ's sake

>> No.1245732

>oh for christ's sake

god doesn't exist, and jesus christ died a few thousand years ago.

spoilers: he never reserrected before. when he died, he stayed dead and still is. he ain't coming back.

>> No.1245752

Jesus loves you.

>> No.1245761

What? American comics are foreign in Japan. Hence the Japanese would collect them because they are foreign. Japaboo.

>> No.1245770
File: 274 KB, 600x916, 1220474769482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what an original point! I really wish someone would notice this binary and write a book about it. You know, explaining why the West is so paranoid of the East, how we constantly sexualize it, how we tend to put it in female terms. Hell, we could even link it to a form of Cartesian Dualism.

That would make a really good book, don't you think?
