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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12437859 No.12437859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the political views of /jp/ users?

>> No.12437869

Conservative, pro-gun, anti-fag, spiritual leaning, fuck changes.

>> No.12437889

What about the Mexicans?

>> No.12437892

How am I going to get my neetBUX from conservatives?
truNEETs are pacifists, guns are for bullies
who cares if you're gay
>spiritual leaning
If there is a god, i'd rather go to hell.
>fuck changes
what does that even mean

Go back to /pol/ you normie scum

>> No.12437893

Considering they still think they are mexicans even in Americana, they should just stay in Mehico.

>> No.12437909

>How am I going to get my neetBUX from conservatives?
Ask your mom for these hand-out, government is not supposed to be your mom.
>truNEETs are pacifists, guns are for bullies
Guns are anti-bullies. Bullies bully you, you shoot their fucking ass.
>who cares if you're gay
I don't care but I don't like them parading. I don't like anyone parading their sexual activities.
>If there is a god, i'd rather go to hell.
Really now, who cares where you would go after-death?
>what does that even mean
Truotaku traditionalist hate modern progressiveness.

>> No.12437913
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>> No.12437914

No party affiliation and I'm against whoever is in power because they always fuck shit up

>> No.12437924
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politics and religion is for idiots

>> No.12437928

1. politics are /pol/ this is not politics
2. all money to neets
3. whaito pigu go homu

>> No.12437929

Said a youkai.

>> No.12437930

How do you decide who to vote for /jp/?

>> No.12437931

Chaos/world of strength.

>> No.12437936

Flip a coin or study the side which gives you the better benefits.

Of course, this either means more rights in some areas and less rights in the other areas, no perfect choice.

>> No.12437941

Vote liberal.

>> No.12437945

I was going to say the same thing. I doubt it'd work well for me but I would like to at least try.

>> No.12437946

my political view is to not waste my time with politics - everything may converge to a relatively "good" policy in time

>> No.12437948

i think this is pretty accurate

this guy trying too hard

>> No.12437950

I cant really give myself a label. Maybe a Right wing libertarian who thinks that freedom and science are the most important things?!

>> No.12437956

An immortal dictator will ensure a free democracy.

>> No.12437968

Doesnt it suck for you americans to be only able to vote for 2 parties? Here in germany we can vote for a fuckton of parties theres even a old people party. Despite that the people here vote for the same shit over and over and get disappointed againg and again while some parties with good ideas never get to govern

>> No.12437970

whatever gives me free money is good

>> No.12437972
File: 1.21 MB, 960x720, Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden(OHBS, OHBL 07) - Central Anime.mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2014.04.02_04.23.03].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12437974

As you said it yourself, it doesn't really matter because people keep voting the same shit over and over again. and the only changes are for the worse.

>> No.12437975

same as this anon. i'm politically incorrect and opinionated

>> No.12437978


Americans can vote for more than two parties, it just winds up the same as the situation you described. It's the same everywhere, democracy is inherently flawed.

>> No.12437996

>Byakuren: From now on, why don't we refer to it as "convicting youkai for their crimes", instead of "exterminating youkai"?
>Reimu: You're saying you'll create laws, and judge the people who break them?
>Byakuren: That's one example.
>Miko:Huh? Gensokyo's completely lawless?
>Kanako: It seems so. The Human Village and the tengu have some simple regulations, though.
>Reimu: Are you stupid? Who's going to protect those laws? Whoever makes them, they'll just write them in a way that benefits themselves, and if they break them, they'll just ignore them and go unpunished.
No laws are going to protect you, keep your IRL spellcard (aka guns, knives, whatever usable weapon) handy in case some IRL danmaku happen.
Do not trust the Byakuren's lies.

>> No.12437999
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Hikikomorist here. I wish to ensure neetbux under a socialist regime, in which the majority system of functionals release a small portion of their accumulated wealth to humanely euthanise (perma-anesthesise, as it were) the rest of us in our chosen states of perpetual pseudo-blissful dysfunction. Also, it means they leave us the fuck alone and we do them the same favour.

>> No.12438002

Nothing ever will change with that attitude. While I understand your feelings and know that that what you say is true for our current governments you must never stop fighting for the things you believe in.

>> No.12438012

As long as I keep the force to protect myself, voting doesn't matter.

Of course, I'd still vote for the one who gives me the right to keep self-defense weapons and rights, it's just the general trend that people don't want to defend themselves, at least not anymore.

>> No.12438012,1 [INTERNAL] 

I hate kikes.

>> No.12438012,2 [INTERNAL] 

is this the monster girl thread

>> No.12438012,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm from le pol i must discuss politics everywhere i le go

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.12438012,4 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to warosu, mr. tumblr/reddit.

>> No.12438012,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's not.

Nice one Trevor.

>> No.12438012,6 [INTERNAL] 

It looks like one.

>> No.12438012,7 [INTERNAL] 

gays, chicken-fuckers and the like, who can't keep it in their pants, deserve their aids.

I think you mean the Swiss.

>> No.12438012,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12438012,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12438012,10 [INTERNAL] 

Cute post.

>> No.12438012,11 [INTERNAL] 

Don't careism.

>> No.12438012,12 [INTERNAL] 

my favorite meme is where people who have never worked in their lives support an ideology of the working classes

>> No.12438012,13 [INTERNAL] 

My favorite meme is when teenbros on the Internet support the ideology of the ruling class they're being exploited from.

>> No.12438012,14 [INTERNAL] 

My favorite meme is my favorite meme is

>> No.12438012,15 [INTERNAL] 

my favorite meme is "janny" personally

>> No.12438012,16 [INTERNAL] 

Marxism is trendy among uneducated youth.

>> No.12438012,17 [INTERNAL] 

Humans succumb to their primal instincts such as any other animal. This is why we must have someone to watch over us, and be above us in authority so that we have something to look up to and aspire towards. This person must be born and raised into such a life while learning how to properly run a country, as any leader voted in by the public is doing it to feed his own ego. The commoners should always be properly educated and have the right to take up arms if the current leader becomes corrupted.

The leader is not here to provide a socialist utopia, but as a power to protect our rights and freedoms and assure that peace and prosperity lives throughout the nation.

>> No.12438012,18 [INTERNAL] 

Epicly illogical.

>> No.12438012,19 [INTERNAL] 

That kind of leader could only exist in an utopia. Or a fantasy novel.

>> No.12438012,20 [INTERNAL] 

libertarian monarchy

>> No.12438012,21 [INTERNAL] 

just like socialism :^)

>> No.12438012,22 [INTERNAL] 

Like Putin?

>> No.12438012,23 [INTERNAL] 

Remove humans altogether. Earth has enough time to produce a more rational sentience.

>> No.12438012,24 [INTERNAL] 

*literally tips fedora*

>> No.12438012,25 [INTERNAL] 

It's already happened. Why do you think so many autistic children are born each day?

Eventually you normalfags will die out and be replaced by a hyper-logical intelligent master race of autists.

>> No.12438012,26 [INTERNAL] 

autism and aspergers are different

actual autism is full on drooling retard

>> No.12438012,27 [INTERNAL] 

Spectrums are evolutionary form.

>> No.12438012,28 [INTERNAL] 

my dick in ur ass is evolutionary form

>> No.12438012,29 [INTERNAL] 

Radical anarcho-syndicalist.

Having to share the board with some schizophrenic and insecure Nazis sucks balls but VN threads are here so whatever.

>> No.12438012,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12438012,31 [INTERNAL] 

national socialist

>> No.12438012,32 [INTERNAL] 

Socialism can work without leaders. In fact, it's the way it works best.

>> No.12438012,33 [INTERNAL] 

what clothes do you wear while using the computer?

I don't wear clothes

>> No.12438012,34 [INTERNAL] 

just the top of my pajama

>> No.12438012,35 [INTERNAL] 

both parts of my pajama unless i had something to do that day

>> No.12438012,36 [INTERNAL] 

the same pajama for like one month because i'm a truhikkineet

>> No.12438012,37 [INTERNAL] 

Democrazy is the worst thing ever. Most people are fucking stupid.

>> No.12438012,38 [INTERNAL] 

I think truhikkineets are always naked but with maybe a blanket draped around them

>> No.12438012,39 [INTERNAL] 

atruhikkineet could dress any way he wants try not to stereotype ppl like that

>> No.12438012,40 [INTERNAL] 

but no clothes allows for maximum movement and you can easily throw away a blanket or put one on

*thrwos away his sleeping bag which he is using instead of a quilt since he washed his quilt but then nobody took it out of the washing machine and it starting smelling like mold and he hasn't washed it again yet since his mom never buys detergent and he ran out of the detergent stock he was using that he bought for himself a long time ago, because he was getting a bit sweaty*

>> No.12438012,41 [INTERNAL] 

Are you saying that leaders are any better?
