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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1243570 No.1243570 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the difference between otakus and hikkis?

>> No.1243575

You know, thats a clever idea. I never even though of putting my monitor like that.

>> No.1243574


here you go friend. Arm yourself with knowledge

>> No.1243580

I've tried, only works if you have an ear infection

>> No.1243579

I think NASA trains their astronauts like that

>> No.1243584

Otakus still have some semblance of responsibility.

>> No.1243583

Wondering if there is someone out there with all the different monitor setups

>> No.1243587


I don't think it's a very good idea to do that

>> No.1243589

Buy a fucking laptop you losers.

>> No.1243614


But I need a lot of porn in my computer.

>> No.1243641

Hikikomori is obvious mental disorders.

>> No.1243644

Hikikomori = Social Withdrawal

>> No.1243648

Otaku = Obsessive Hobbyist.

Not all otaku are hikikomori, but we assume most hikikomori must be some kind of otaku in order to keep themselves occupied in their rooms all the time.

>> No.1243654

Laptops burn your lap

>> No.1243679


>> No.1243683

but that blocks the fan outlets and can cause overheating.

>> No.1243685

I actually like to keep my balls warm, that way they sag more and it feels better when I masturbate.

>> No.1243684
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>> No.1243686
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>> No.1243687


Too much info anon. Too much info.

>> No.1243688
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>> No.1243690

I've set my laptop like that before while reading manga. It works ok.

>> No.1243691

No really, you should try it.

>> No.1243692


I remember hearing about hikikomori who would eventually get bored of their activities, and they would just stare at the wall all day and do nothing.

I guess that there's only so much a person can take.

>> No.1243694

In 2 hours and 10 minutes I have to go outside for the first time in fucking ages. I'm thinking of actually stabbing myself in the leg so I don't have to go.

>> No.1243698


How come? Do tell.

Also, polite sage.

>> No.1243699

Do it. It'll be a good case of, "He's fucking insane, I don't think we should even let him go outside."

>> No.1243697

Hey, man. Walls are pretty cool, especially when they're painted.

>> No.1243752

I was a hikki for 1 and a half years after school finished.
Spent all my time playing MMO's and fapping to Anime, ever only went out late at night to get food when needed.

>> No.1243758

>was a hikki
>went out

>> No.1243759

Or they might take him to the hospital.

>> No.1243760

I wouldnt do that with the CRT monitor as pictured.

I have a CRT monitor here that says "Low Radiation" like its fucking proud of it, that only makes me wonder about the other monitors i've had in the last 10 years.

>> No.1243773

...you have CRT? Why?

>> No.1243787

Because the best color comes out in CRT, LCD fucks everything up in photoshop.

>> No.1243789

It's hard to be one without food...

>> No.1243801

That's why hikki usually live with their parents and are common in Japan rather than the west. A hikki wouldn't stand go outside, even less talk with a vendor.

Claiming being a hikki when you're clearly not, is like the people claiming to have a psychological problems.

>> No.1243802

Enjoy you radiation.

>> No.1243803

Enjoy your radiation.

>> No.1243810
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Nuh uh, already told you mine says "Low Radiation"!

>> No.1243812

Low radiation is still radiation.

>> No.1243835

i hear you, i got a dual screen setup, my 2ed screen is a CRT

browsing 4chan on it now

>> No.1243840

[ ] Computer monitors thread
[ ] Hikikomori/Otaku thread

pick one.

>> No.1243842

macs are used for artistic work
macs use LCDs

>> No.1243851

[ ] Computer monitors thread
[ ] Hikikomori/Otaku thread
[x] None

I am going back to bed now

>> No.1243856

Computer monitors are of high interest to both hiki and otaku.

>> No.1243859

Both wrong.
People with extreme cases of Social Anxiety Disorder do still go outside, usually very late at night when noone is around, they will usually still be heavly dressed probably trying to hide their face with a hood or something.
I know, we have a family history of it, my Mother had lapses of it, both my cousins have been shut ins for years.

Macs are used for artistic work due to misguided assumptions (based on Mac marketing) that Mac's are better in the areas than PC (has not been true since the early 90's.)

>> No.1243863

Social Anxiety Disorder != Hikki

>> No.1243865

good thing i'm tri-wielding LCDs

also, i've tried turning my CRT on it's side back in the day, which made the colours distort

>> No.1243906


>> No.1243985

↑original post↑

↔thread direction↔

>> No.1243998

Damn, I'm such a Hikikomori.
I spend all day inside when I come home from school. I never actually go meet my friends.

>> No.1244003

Hikkis = Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training

>> No.1244005

NEETs and Hikkis aren't actually the same thing.

>> No.1244006


quiet, you.

>> No.1244015


>> No.1244029

Kids aren't allowed on these boards.

>> No.1244044


>> No.1245411

What about it.

>> No.1245431

>Damn, I'm such a Hikikomori. I spend all day inside when I come home from school.

Damn I'm such an AIDS victim. Sometimes I catch a cold despite my working immune system and I don't die from it.

>> No.1245580


>> No.1245610


>> No.1245645 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 654x917, SoRonery FleshLc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a hikikomori sucks.

Currently I'm waiting for my mother to leave the house so I can access the hot water tap to heat up my fleshlight insert - if I was a normal person with a job this kind of thing wouldn't be happening.

>> No.1245652
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>> No.1245692


>> No.1245758

I've been going through a hikki phase for a while now.

I stayed inside for about six months and loved it. After that, I tried going to the mall to see if I'd like going outside for a change of pace. I didn't. Now I've been back in my basement for two months since.

>> No.1245862

It really depends on your definition of a Hikikomori. On either situation, a Hikki is either somewhat forced to make base social contact with their parents, or simply forced to go outside to procure food for themselves. In Japan, due to strong family structures, the former is more common than you would see in the West. Here in Amerikka, parents are MUCH less likely to support such tomfoolery, so it's more likely that a "American Hikki", if there is such a thing, is at least required to go outside (or order take-out) once in a while.

So far as the LCD/CRT thing is concerned, LCDs are NOT that bad with colors nowadays- that applied as early as two years ago, but more modern LCDs are just fine at replicating gradients and large swaths of color. I'm a graphic designer/web designer and my main PC uses a 24" Gateway LCD- and it works just fine (I made damn sure it did). Trust me, you will have infinitely more issues working with different color palettes on other computers (i.e. other people having older shitty LCDs) than you actually do replicating the color on your own computer.

The only real exception to the above that I've encountered is doing huge prints (Like when I've had to design 5'x5' signs), which you get so anal about you basically check it in every sense. Still, even then, I made my printing company send me samplers- so it wasn't THAT big of a deal.

>> No.1246132

Do not do this at home kids!
it will make your CRT monitor show colors badly, just turn the screen in the options for the graphics card (not on all computers)

>> No.1246181

I use a CRT because that's what the progamers all use

>> No.1246189

I use a CRT because /g/ told me to.

>> No.1246192
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>> No.1246197

Enjoy your instant death one night.

>> No.1246222


At least he will die doing something he likes.

>> No.1246237


>> No.1246244

Hikikomoris are just shutins, really. The protagonist of EXTRAVAGANZA was a hikikomori for a while, but never an otaku.

>> No.1246320
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x960, mystuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the point of having dual monitors? Just to make you look cool or what?

I want to be cool like that /jp/.

>> No.1246327

You can double your screen size and browse two webpages at once. Or put the same screen on both and cross your eyes to pretend it's 3-D.

>> No.1246361
File: 319 KB, 1024x768, 1217490638707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effectively doubles your fapping abilities.

>> No.1248158


>> No.1248181

most work that require computers also requires a lot of windows. Thus having a double screen really does double efficiency. And I always question the real efficiency of macs when they don't have a taskbar for all the windows needed for real work.

>> No.1248187

not double but at least 30% for me
Sometimes, the amount of stuff out is just insane.
12 windows are open constantly and it just adds on from there

>> No.1248189

oh u

>> No.1248192

I personally like the dual-computer approach. I can always switch my secondary monitor over to the primary computer's secondary display if I need to go dual-headed though.

>> No.1248202

Virtual desktops, when you have that many windows open it's better to leave them open and grouped together for various tasks.

>> No.1248215
File: 49 KB, 998x562, 1220517060245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my set-up, I call it the chairbed.

I line my chair up with my bed and just lie down on them my side with pillows/sheets as cushioning on the sides of the chair with the monitor facing towards me.

It works with a CRT but an LCD would make it complicated with crappy viewing angles.

>> No.1248229
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1220517278808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice art skills, bro

>> No.1248233

What the FUCK is that in your image? All I see are scribbles.

>> No.1248250
File: 21 KB, 998x562, 1220517686872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a scientist, not an artist. I pride myself on my crappy handwriting.

A desk, a chair, a monitor, and a bed.

>> No.1248481

Your monitor is about to fall

>> No.1248482


>> No.1248557
File: 93 KB, 500x375, 1220524657590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: alt gr + direction keys (left or right).
