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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12427320 No.12427320 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12399831

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12427336

Does she want the D?

>> No.12427353
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I miss NatsuYuru. The game crashed on me and I can't get it to work anymore, it's the first one that I've ever had completely shit out on me with no info out there on fixing it. Feels really bad.

>> No.12427399
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>> No.12427413

When do you guys think we will get できない私が、くり返す?
Iam really looking forward for it.

>> No.12427458

With all these fandiscs for Himegoto Union I should really finish the game. I was about 3/4 through Hijiri's route but dropped it for a reason I don't remember.

One thing I remember is that the ero was meh and sparse but with FDs I should be satisfied.

>> No.12427468

I never understand why they censor the text. The actually voiced lines sure, but it's not like that ん they replace is going to rape and murder someone.

>> No.12427469
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the last thing i got thru was wanko to kurasou and i'm a faggot so i really want that yaoi vampire game to get translated

>> No.12427471

Some point in the next few months.

>> No.12428058

Soon probably. Might need to wait for a crack probably.

I'm not really looking forward to it though, I hate those sob stories where heroine's are going to die.

>> No.12428077
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Next year Akikuru!

>> No.12428093

Hey, /jp/. Do you have any guide on how to start on VNs? Like babbys first VN recommendation chart. Also, I'm not sure but I think I need to do some configuration on my PC locale to Japanese or something before playing.

I've been a NEET for 3 years now and I think it's now time for me to take on this hobby. Anime, manga, LN and regular games gets really boring for me now.

>> No.12428098


>> No.12428105

Set non-Unicode language and date format to Japanese. As for recommendations, I think the last time this came up we agreed that 信天翁航海録 is a good choice for beginners since it's not too long and written more like a standard novel.

>> No.12428123


Thanks. I didn't know that there's such a general on /vg/

>> No.12428348

Every time.

>> No.12428574

Sayonara wo Oshiete was mentioned in the last thread for its portrayal of madness. Are there any other VNs of a similar standard?

I've already read stuff like Jisatsu 101/Kusarihime/Subahibi. Looking for something that's hopefully a bit more obscure.

>> No.12428578

Broadcasting rules are strange. The makers of a certain doujin title said as much, saying that if it were to get a voiced remake they'd have to rewrite some of the script to comply with those rules.

>> No.12428634

So, anything worthy this month?

>> No.12428643

the mermaid one from alcot is the only possible hit of this month if you're not into nukige/moege and it's a low chance

>> No.12428651

I'm going to try out Parasol's new title, though I don't have high hopes for it.

>> No.12429450

So I've been out of the loop since Memoria/Rance. Have there been any noteworthy releases since then? Anything to look forward to?

>> No.12429472

Not really.
Some relatively decent moege/renai/comedy, but nothing great.

>> No.12429509
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Maro3&4 is still getting updates. At least it's not completely dead.

>> No.12429528

Damn it, I was hoping that boring bitch wouldn't be in the new game.

The redesign must mean Ichikawa was one of the staff who left. Not surprising since almost everyone left.

>> No.12429603

>not completely dead
Right. ELF is fucking gone.

>> No.12429607

Serves those NTR shits right

>> No.12429612
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Not quite. If that was true, ELF would have been on decline well since Kakyuusei 1, what with a heroine that was pretty much a prostitute.

The difference here is that Tamaki was a slut. An unlikable slut.

>> No.12429617

Yuno did have a proper prostitute heroine and one of the characters was an admitted client.

>> No.12429621
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Yu-no came before Kakyuusei? I always thought it was far more polished than any other game done before.

>> No.12429623

I was under the impression they were forced into making NTR-exclusive games after the kakyuusei 2 fiasco with the childhood friend that loses her virginity to another guy, gets dumped and then shouts his name during sex.

>> No.12429627

Yuno came like half a year later, it's funny it was so popular when it has literally only one virgin heroine and the rest are fucking/have fucked older men.

>> No.12429629

Aside from the girls in the epilogue, I mean.

>> No.12429631

The most important heroine, the only one the protag actually loved, was a virgin so it wasn't much of a problem.

The problem with Kakyuusei 2 was that she was the main heroine AND childhood friend.

>> No.12429635
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They kind of were. They had one of the oldest and most loyal fanbase, who were expecting a Renai game, not a NTR game. If you ignore Tamaki and make Nanase the actual main heroine, the game is quite good. Quite the decent effort, good story arcs and catchy music. But the NTR removed any chances of ELF making any games that did not involve NTR. Some people believe that the director just shoehorned it into the game because he wanted to shock people.

The old fanbase made every effort to boycott ELF no matter what. Sales for the (shoddily done) anime were dismal, and not even the ero episodes sold at all. After that, ELF just kept plummeting into the abyss faster.

>> No.12429641
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Man, it's been 8 years already and I can't get over it either.

>> No.12429644

>If you ignore Tamaki and make Nanase the actual main heroine, the game is quite good.

As far as anime goes, they made Nanase like an afterthought, so it wasn't a surprise it bombed. I agree Nanase would be better as main heroine but that wouldn't get the NTR shock value which was intended. So it's hardly surprising people came to believe ELF just want to stuff NTR in any way.

>> No.12429648
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Where can I find more slut like her?

>> No.12429649
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But at least I have some good memories of old ELF.

ELF is dead. Long live ELF!

>> No.12429704

Should I read Umineko?

>> No.12429717

>the only one the protag actually loved
Sayless? but she was raped...

>> No.12429719
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Did you enjoy Higurashi?

>> No.12429737

Why so dead.

>> No.12429742

There isn't much to look foward, most notable probably are Tsuriotsu 2, Venus Blood Hypno and Hello Lady FD.

>> No.12429750

Haven't played that.

>> No.12429754

Only 3 people remained right?
Personally I think Silky's Plus will fail, they don't have a niche and the reactions for their upcoming game is lackluster.

>> No.12429769
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>> No.12429770

Any suggestions for VNs with good plots?
bones points for them being H-VNs

My favorites are kamidori, MGQ1-3, katawa shoujo, and Rance.

Also does anyone know when dungeon meister will be english translated?

>> No.12429772


>> No.12429775

>Armored E ghost village is
>Mantra divinity of God yue
>Albatross sailing record
>Red shell cho Natural History
>Xia mind staying outside the cage
>Flowers scattered valley Hermit test

Do these all have english patches or will this be a Japanese learning lesson?

>> No.12429777

And don't forget to get hyped for 帝都飛天大作戦!


>> No.12429778

Speaking of Liar-soft. How was their latest game? The one with Nikola Tesla or something.

>> No.12429781

>7 Kanji
It's shit.
Unlike those 6 character masterpieces.

>> No.12429782

Why there would be "english patches" for games discussed in JAPANESE VNs thread?
For plebs theres >>12409378 and >>>/vg/vn

>> No.12429789

1/10 made me respond

>> No.12429795

WOW there's no reason to be rude. You're not better than me simply because you understand japanese

>> No.12429804
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Back in my day trolling meant something.

>> No.12429824

>latest game
>one with Nikola Tesla
EOP detected.

>> No.12429847

あ! 取れた! どうしお?

>> No.12429870


>> No.12429885


>> No.12429913



>> No.12429917

Holy shit just stop. You're only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12429919

Your Japanese is horrible/terrible.

>> No.12429920


>> No.12429923

>Albatross sailing record
Wow, google actually got it right.

>> No.12429926

It was actually pretty straight forward combination though.

>> No.12429993

Is there any place where you can find no-CD cracks for older titles? Sometimes they come with the torrent, but sometimes they don't. Keeping all these DVD images on my hard drive is just a massive waste of space.

>> No.12429997


Some blogs, like http://uranourainformation.blog21.fc2.com/

>> No.12429999

Share and Clubbox. That or just crack them yourself.

>> No.12430005

There was one but is is kill.


That is what it was called.

>> No.12430159


>> No.12430293

Please tell me Sakimi is not getting a redesign. I don't think I can accept a Sakimi with different artstyle.

>> No.12430386

Most likely, she will. At least the new artist tries to be faithful to the original art style, which is a plus in this case. Let's hope for the best.

>> No.12430415

I still wonder who is her CV..
Elf never revealed that, fuck them.

>> No.12430420

Cracking old games can't be too difficult. Usually it boils down to using replacing one or two jump instructions. I mean, I cracked the latest comiket catalog, and it was pretty easy so cracking old eroge can't be more difficult, right?

>> No.12430458

do I use notepad++ for that?

>> No.12430478

Isn't a hex editor the appropriate tool?

>> No.12430479

Only 27 days left until 閃の奇跡2

>> No.12430491

are there a lot of people here that don't use machine translations, sorry if I'm a little off topic but how long did it take you to get to the point where a dictionary wasn't necessary anymore?

>> No.12430492

Go back to tlwiki. This is the chinese porn game general.

>> No.12430511

This question is stupid. I'm using a dictionary now and then and everyone who says he can understand everything in a Japanese game plays either only moege, lives in Japan since 30 years or is flatout lying. Fuck, I even use dictionaries for English language literature. That's however is different from using machine translation.

>> No.12430523

Wow that's fucking terrible.

>> No.12430527

Depend on what you mean by "not necessary".
Learning japanese is an ongoing battle, I've "known" the language for quite a while now but I still need a dictionary sometime, quite rarely but it happens.
But you can say the same about english, both language have a HUGE vocabulary so going back to a dictionary sometime is inevitable if you read a lot

Anyways I stopped using agth or any form of "automatic" translation after the first VN I went through mostly because I read a lot of LNs/novels at the same time and agth obviously don't work with these, that was about 6-7 months after starting to seriously learn japanese, I guess that was around that time I stopped looking at words every 2 minutes

>> No.12430531


Anyone recognize who Maher's voice is?

>> No.12430541

Hopefully it will be as good as Princess Witches

>> No.12430543

alright, I'm quite a beginner with Japanese and haven't read any LN's yet, but I've heard they're quite easy because there's less slang, would you say that's correct?

>> No.12430553

And as fun as Twinkle Crusaders.

>> No.12430554

is the english title of できない私が、くり返す gonna be oops i did it again?


>> No.12430558

They're basically Japanese YA fiction.

>> No.12430560


Not ashamed to say that I had a hard time understanding the letters in Chusingura.

>> No.12430564

Depend on the writer/publishers.
Honestly a lot of contemporary novels are also pretty easy while some LNs can be deceptively hard
If you really are a beginner I would suggest something like Orphen, it's one of the LNs I used when I started and one of the edition has full furigana so it's perfect for someone learning the language, it's also pretty good

>> No.12430566

I use Ollydbg. I was joking when saying you should crack games yourself because it's nontrivial to a person that doesn't have any assembly knowledge.

>> No.12430570

Yes, it's another Britney Spears eroge, right next to White Album 2.

>> No.12430572

Based on the writing staff, if anything it'll be more like Twinkle Crusaders. Shigeta isn't involved, unfortunately. Still, as long as the gameplay is fun and it has good comedy, I'm in.

>> No.12430577

Orphen is originally a novel? No idea why I never looked into it.

>> No.12430641

Which title completes the Britney Spears trilogy? Kira Kira?

>> No.12430662

Go back to your blog, green guy

>> No.12430732


>> No.12430797

Guys does シャッフル!エッセンス worth of reading? I have read the original one 7-8 years ago, And I just realized that I have never looked into Essence version. I know that it adds 3-5 new heroine but does it really worth of playing same thing again?

I'd like to ask same thing for D.C.II and D.C III too, I never looked their extended versions. ( Plus Communication - X-Rated)

>> No.12430805

Anyone considering reading Da Capo should consider suicide as well.

>> No.12430811

Why? While they doesn't deserve the milking they got for sure, I think they are not so bad as moeges.

>> No.12430816

It's not really worse than all those moege getting feverishly discused every month here.

>> No.12430817

If you have already read the original, it's a waste of time, to be honest. A large portion of the game is the same, but with new characters being shoehorned pretty hard. If that wasn't bad enough, the new routes I read were short and weak.

>> No.12430822

D.C series are not that bad, The only problem with them is they made too much games for just a average moeges.

>> No.12430823

If the "new" heroines interest you do so if they don't then don't. Pretty simple

>> No.12430826

I see, thank you very much. I guess I'll just play this month's moeges instead of them.

>> No.12430827

>feverishly discused
I wouldn't go that far, some get some discussion and that's about it, it's not like people go a hundred posts talking about one.

>> No.12430835

The series kind of formalized the whole generic moege concept.

>> No.12430838

oh my god primalxhearts is the pinnacle of literary writing.

>> No.12430843

It's probably hot, if koiiro marriage is anything to go by.

>> No.12430856
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Yes, I agree.

>> No.12430862


Why does he talk like a homo?

>> No.12430870

Since we're talking moege anyway and I'm bored as hell and running pretty much dry: What's the best moege of the year in your opinion? Not a big fan of the genre but I'm grasping at straws here.

>> No.12430873

Hoshimirai probably.

>> No.12430875

Hello lady

>> No.12430882

I agree with >>12430873 it stood out a lot for me even if it's pretty standard for the most part, after stories sell the game really well and a couple of routes were particularly great.

>> No.12430883


Thanks. Was Hoshimirai that game with the absurd high (for a non-nukige) H content? I guess that would help.

>> No.12430887

Considering how long the game is, around 10 scenes per heroine doesn't stand out much.

>> No.12430891

Not really? The game is long enough so it doesn't feel like a H-scene avalanche.

>> No.12430893

I honestly enjoy H scene avalanches if you can tell the couple is horny as fuck and excited to have as much sex as possible because they just discovered it.

>> No.12430898

I'm not sure about "best" but I think those 4 stand out pretty much; Hoshimirai, Clover Days, Hikoukigumo no Mukougawa, AstralAir.

Hoshimirai is famous with its after stories, Clover days is just a pure happy game with too moe characters, Hikoukigumo's main route is really the best route in the year but other routes are suck and AstralAir is classic Favorite title. All of them are really worth of playing so pick whichever fits your tastes.

>> No.12430900

To be frank i think the routes were too long, upwards of 7-8 hours per route is a bit much.

>> No.12430931

Does anyone know where to get a crack for 魔王のくせに生イキだ?

>> No.12430947


>> No.12430951


>> No.12430964

Anyone able to give me an opinion on how good Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road is? It looks pretty interesting, and I've heard that the text is actually somewhat easy, but it's obviously a very long read.

I've only fucked around and read nukige titles for the most part, to build up a bit of a vocabulary base, so I'm not exactly confident in my Japanese. Just looking for something fun or interesting to finally break out of the nukige cycle with, so it caught my eye.

>> No.12430974

I disliked Tsujidou and her route, so it leaves me with a route I enjoyed (Rena) and a somewhat decent route with a shitty end (Maki). Also I couldn't stand the MC half of the time but he gets insultingly bad at times, especially in Tsujidou's route.

>> No.12431034

Oh, that's a bit disappointing. Were the rest of the characters at least decent? I can handle a bad MC if the rest of the cast are fun.

>> No.12431047

Rena's gang is fun in general, Azusa especially, Yoiko/Ryoko is nice too, and that's all for side characters worth mentioning.

>> No.12431071

The side characters you did mention have routes in the sequel so there is that as well

>> No.12431076

Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Might as well give it a try. Time to spend 250 hours to read 50 hours worth of text! Thanks anon.

>> No.12431081

90% of routes are just h-scene anyway, if you can play nukiges without a problem I'm sure you can play this too.

>> No.12431086

I more or less agree with this guy. >>12430974 I didn't really dislike Tsujidou, but her route was kind of shitty and didn't develop her all that well.

There are worse charage out there, for sure. I enjoyed it a lot more than Majikoi, for instance. If the concept appeals to you, go ahead and give it a shot, but be warned that it's full of slang and silly kanji puns, so if you're not confident in your Japanese you might struggle a bit.

>> No.12431093

What's ChuSingura like? I'm thinking about reading it next but if it's really awful for some reason then I won't. The bestiality tag on VNDB worries me as well, not a fan of that at all.

>> No.12431098

Think a girl getting licked by her cats into cumming.

>> No.12431105

awful? I think its one of best game from 2013. Its not perfect and there is a couple of negative things about it but I'm pretty sure its not awful at least.

>> No.12431111

Loved it. Great comedy and I love the cast, with my favourite being Renna. I definitely recommend checking it out.

>> No.12431112

Gotcha, that shouldn't be too bad then. It's sorta funny, I learned more from reading nukige for 2 weeks straight than I ever did from 4 months of vocab lists and Anki.

That's one of the reasons I was really looking it, I enjoyed Majikoi a lot before I started learning Japanese, and the voice actor jokes/references were fun. I mean, Shuichi Ikeda, holy shit.

Kanji puns are definitely going to be difficult for me, but if they're all I really have to worry about aside from slang I should be able to manage. Thank you as well, anon.

>> No.12431133


It's really good, but some anon here said only the first three chapters are worth playing, so I'm reluctant to play the rest. The bestiality only means the shogun likes to get off on here puppies but she isn't even a heroine and you won't care about her at all most likely

The only real minus point for me iwas the whole SAMURAI wanking in some routes.

>> No.12431135

Whoops, really looking at it*

Wow, seems like everyone really likes Renna, huh? Now I'm really curious. It's good to hear that the cast is great though, thanks for your input as well.

>> No.12431136

Well unfortunately its not as good as majikoi, doesn't have a true route and have a shitty protag but wont bore you at least.

I'd recommend Tsuyokiss instead of this, its definitely better than this and more smiliar to majikoi (I think tsuyokiss even better than it).

>> No.12431165

>seems like everyone really likes Renna,

Not everybody, shes my least favorite

>> No.12431171

>True route
How is this relevant ?

>> No.12431177

Best part of majikoi is its true route, character routes are pretty underwhelming when you compare with it. Without it most likely it'd end up as a a little better than average moege, like tsujidou.

>> No.12431181

>true route

I hope you didn't just say Agave is the best route out of all the routes in Majikoi because that would be silly

>> No.12431203

The game itself is pretty silly anyway. The agave route tidy up the entire game and was a nice finishing touch, at least for me. As I said without agave it wouldn't better than an average moege, the routes are nothing but h-scenes anyway. For example I just finished lovesick puppies, and if I "just" compare routes with majikoi lovesick handled it better than majikoi for sure.

>> No.12431270 [SPOILER] 
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For those people who are wondering about できない私が、くり返す ; MC cant save her and she dies in the end But instead of it there is a threesome route,and one of those heroines wears Gothic clothes, bear with it.

>> No.12431281

It WAS the premise of the game, after all.

>> No.12431486

I really don't like it when games kill off the only decent heroine and force you to choose someone else.

>> No.12431488

Sakimi won't get a redesign.

The art for the Maro series works like this:
Sakimi was drawn by Sakagami Umi, who did all of the art for the first game.
In the second game they introduced a new heroine Yukina, and her CGs/sprites were drawn by Ichikawa Saya. Sakagami still handled the Sakimi-related art.

Sakagami is a contract artist, not an elf employee, so she never left. She's still working on Maro (she even tweeted about it) and I'm pretty sure she's the one who drew >>12429509.

There isn't a "new artist." At least not so far. They just lost Ichikawa.

>> No.12431589

At least it isn't Flutter of Birds kind of story.

>> No.12431697

If you like majikoi it could be a good read, since the humor is similar and the character interations are pretty good.
On the other hand, the drama sucks, as does the MC.

>> No.12431772 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 732x1142, Miyako Soundboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop what you're doing and think about Miyako and how perfect she is!
[achoo] [ano] [arigato] [bathmoans1] [bathmoans2] [chiii] [coming] [congrats] [cry] [ehem] [fufu] [fuuuuhh] [giggle1] [giggle2] [glad] [happysqueal] [hidoi] [hiphiphooray] [humming] [iloveyou] [kissu] [kuku] [kukuku] [makasete] [mattematte] [moan] [moanyamato] [nani] [nyuuun] [ooh] [oohhh] [ooohhhh] [owhidoi] [peace] [pout] [ragechanneling] [ranranruu] [sadpout] [shivermoan] [sob] [squeal1] [subtlemoans] [sugohh] [trulysorry] [loveyouu] [urusai] [uuunn] [uwa] [wakuwaku] [wanwan] [yada] [yamatokiss] [yamatomatte] [yamatooo] [yamatoyamatooo] [yattaaa] [yeah] [yesmyhusband]

>> No.12431918

Its right,but killing same heroine over and over again just to see she will die no matter what you do is not really my thing, it feels like too forced.

>> No.12431991

>8GB RAM recommended, but not guaranteed to run on Windows 64bit

>> No.12432014

Are the assets actually 4K native, or do they just scale them up?

Also, that website design is super obnoxious holy shit.

>> No.12432067

LOL. They have gone mad.

>> No.12432082 [SPOILER] 
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, 1409374237520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those people who are looking forward to 晴のちきっと菜の花びより, here a spoiler about Nanoka's (main heroine) route She gives birth and dies in her route I'm not really sure why the fuck they decided to make some shitty route like this.

>> No.12432102

Shit, really? Is there some sort of true end where that's avoidable?

>> No.12432109

Why is that girl saying "Penis" over and over again?

>> No.12432115

because impure slut

>> No.12432124

She's trying to summon the dark lord.

>> No.12432136

That's good to hear. Thank you for stopping my panic attack.

>> No.12432138 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1409374925431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, there is no true route in this game. The routes goes like this ; They get married, Nanoka gives birth, dies, MC becomes mad a little at her grave, her sister comes and saves him, they raise the child together

>> No.12432149

Well then. Thanks for saving me from wasting my time.

>> No.12432171

I wish someone had saved me from it too, Now all I can feel is rage. Seriously why the fuck are they making shits like this, even a fucking some icha scenes with a shitty ending would have been better than this. They are trying to go bankrupt I guess.

>> No.12432193

At least they didn't make you choose another heroine right after.

>> No.12432195

Those "recommended" requirements are absurd for a porno picture book. We are not playing Skyrim, here.

>> No.12432201

Thats really insane, wtf scenarists were thinking?
Looking forward to shitstorm at EGS/2ch

>> No.12432206

Yeah, even crysis have lower requirments.

>> No.12432207

All of you got baited. The staff is laughing themselves all the way back to their office.

>> No.12432209

I think Skyrim only has 4GB as recommended, holy fuck.

>> No.12432216

Well I'll laugh to their next game sales too.

>> No.12432218

Welp, at least it's better than some lousy dragon ball-like explanation and bringing them back like it was nothing, when the whole point of the route was that she was dying

>> No.12432219

I used to mod Skyrim, have .NET, Unity and Maya all running at the same time, and I never got beyond 4GB. Something smells foul here, or it's just the japanese who can't into optimization.

>> No.12432227

Open world moe RPG confirmed. Needs headpatting and pantysniffing as skills.

Not him, but I pushed my graphics card to it's limit with Skyrim, and I don't think I ever went over 3.5GB physical RAM usage. Typical Nip optimization skills.

>> No.12432248

Why should they care? You pirated it anyways.

>> No.12432251

I'd play it.

>> No.12432259

If it doesn't require mods or hotfixes from day one to be playable because Bethesda can't be bothered until they do so, then it's already a good game to me.

>> No.12432261

its not about me, just wait a couple days and there will be a fucking huge shitstorm at EGS / 2ch. If they dont even care about it they can do whatever they want.

>> No.12432266

The nips are bigger pirates than us, though.

>> No.12432272

They make up for it by buying character goods if they like it so it all balances out in the end. Not the case for pig gaijins for obvious reasons.

>> No.12432292

Ah, I suppose that's true. The filthy otaku love their merchandise.

>> No.12432310

>make you choose another heroine right after.
Is there a game that do this? I've been wanting something like that for a long time.

>> No.12432319

I wouldn't really recommend reading anything beyond the first route and Saeko's route, but that's pretty much the premise.

>> No.12432333

Thank you!

>> No.12432406

What the flying fuck? Is August depression month in Japan or something?

Thanks for the warnings guys. That's two games NOT to download this month.

Guess I'll just wait for pic related to pop up on the Internets.

>> No.12432408
File: 175 KB, 650x400, 617161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.12432417

Well, Sweet Light's game is up and it's probably depression-free. Hope you have 8 GB of RAM and 32-bit Windows Server to make use of it!

>> No.12432420

> https://twitter.com/SQLiNairb/status/505524669446119424
> hacks a website
> actually registers on forums to apologize
> actually uses a twitter account that was previously suspended for clearly criminal activity

Should we bet on how long the cops will take to get him or should we just go after him?

>> No.12432432


Absolute garbage.

>> No.12432436

holy fuck, what a quality art

>> No.12432438

Don't know about American law, but it probably sucks like everywhere else. Anyway, that sounds like something that the victim has to show initiative, not a police matter. Sorry if I can't write this in American legal terms.

>> No.12432550

Speaking of which.

>17. November 2011
The PS3 version of Skyrim is found broken.

>6. April 2012

Wow, only half a year to fix their game, Bethesda sure is a nice company.

I guess if someone's foolish enough to buy the PS3 version of Skyrim, they might as well deserve it.

>> No.12432577
File: 52 KB, 400x300, sample03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone.

I wish to play Kanosora (カノソラ) Download Edition but I can't find it anywhere on the internet, so I'm thinking of purchasing it legitimately. Would someone kindly help me find a website from which to digital download? It seems I can only download the trial from Milksoft's website, which doesn't interest me.

>> No.12432592


>> No.12432607

I've downloaded one thing from getchu but it was an awful experience.

So you can download it from getchu but expect to muck around a bit trying to download it.

>> No.12432638

Is share and perfect dark all of what it's cracked up to be? There are obscure games I want to play that I can't find by my typical means.

I tried doing the port forwarding and all that but I can't access the router's web page because the router is my ISPs. And my upload speed is pretty slow.

>> No.12432663

Should I play Higurashi if I already saw the anime ? I watched it long before I get into VN, I didn't even know it was a VN adaption at that time. Since higurashi is a mystery/suspence VN, will I be able to enjoy it even if I already know who's the bad guy and how it end ? I'm asking this to people who watch the anime before playing the VN like me.

>> No.12432679

I played it after watching the anime and it still ended up being one of my all-time favorite VNs. Higurashi got insanely popular because it does so many things so well, not just mystery.

>> No.12432716

Share, not really. PD maybe. Depends entirely on what you're looking for. I don't think speed is much of a concern since I ran both on my ADSL just fine. Clubbox is still pretty good if you don't mind installing their retarded adware. 2djgame's forum has a section for old games not indexed in Google, you could try this too.

Give me a few titles and I'll see what I can do if they super fucking rare.

>> No.12432726

What exactly was bad about it?

>> No.12432741 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1023x577, ss+(2014-08-30+at+12.23.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are giving wrong spoiler retards. She doesn't die, or more like she is not even human. She disappears, and respawn as her own child, and regain her memory.

I think its even worse than dying though, now what the fuck is she his daughter or his wife, even mc doesn't know it.

>> No.12432748


This game sounds like a clusterfuck, picked up so hard.

>> No.12432752

Can all of you please be more careful and use more spoiler tags? This isn't nice.

>> No.12432760

Its not that confusing actually, Nanoka is not a human and her body wont last more than a little, so she uses her body and makes a children with MC, then respawns in her child's body when she becomes 3 years old. She hides it first and acts like she is his child since she thought that he cant become with her (since he is her fucking father now), but then some side character comes and reveal every shit, in the end they are saying that they'll be together forever regardless of bodies, and it finish.

>> No.12432766 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1023x577, 1409391580539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12432082 (You)
>>12432138 (You)
You are giving wrong spoiler retards. She doesn't die, or more like she is not even human. She disappears, and respawn as her own child, and regain her memory.

I think its even worse than dying though, now what the fuck is she his daughter or his wife, even mc doesn't know it.

I'm sorry, I'm reposting it.

>> No.12432787

I'm picking it up now. I expect nothing.

>> No.12432792 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 1023x577, 1409392292226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are giving incorrect spoiler retards (or maybe just trolling I'm not sure). She doesn't die, she is not even a human. She just disappears and respawn as her own child, and regain her memory when she becomes 3 years old. In short she just switch a little more loli body.

Well its pretty fucked up though. Now is mc father of her or husband of her, even himself doesn't know. I explained a little more detailed in >>12432760

Sorry I deleted and reposted it.

>> No.12432793

>I expect nothing.

I generally find that's the best mindset to have regardless of which game your playing

>> No.12432794

>or maybe just trolling
>>>12432082 (You)
Wtf are you trying to do?

>> No.12432811

So now that that's resolved. Can we get a correction for >>12431270 too please?

Pretty please?

>> No.12432818
File: 20 KB, 1313x204, ss+(2014-08-30+at+01.07.33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did a wrong copy paste, its all. here a screenshot.

I dont think its uploaded yet, and most likely that one is truth since the game's premise is going against destiny even though you cant change it.

>> No.12432841

Wow, meme arrows and surprise boxes everywhere. I knew that the quality of these threads had fallen in the last couple of months, but it's worse than I thought.

>> No.12432968

Hi /jp/. I'm from /a/ and I just started playing Visual Novels yesterday. I already dropped every anime that I'm watching this season besides Barakamon. This season is really terrible so without anything to do, I went ahead and tried playing a VN.

I'm currently playing Imouto Paradise and I'm loving it. It's light, fun, and it's uncensored. It's probably on the generic side but it's fine since I'm just starting anyway. I'm enjoying it so much that I'm kind of anxious to finish it. Because of that I wanna have more VN to play right after finishing it. It's my first VN so I don't know much but I think Imouto Paradise is pretty quality work. Good art, voice acting, music and it's uncensored.

Can you guys throw me some titles that is just like Imouto Paradise? Just light harem fun eroge. I'm already checking vndb as I type this but the number of titles overwhelms me so might as well ask you guys who already played a lot. I might play 4 more titles like this before checking out other popular VN that actually has plot and story like FSN and Higurashi.

>> No.12432992


>> No.12432994

What is wrong with using the spoiler and quote function for the right reasons? Did playing too much moege melt your brain?

>> No.12432997


>> No.12433025

Da Capo I and II, maybe Shuffle (haven't played it but it's an archetypal harem game).

>> No.12433038



>> No.12433041

>Yuri shit and yaoi shit

Yeah, that's what I thought. I might start with those generic harem anime that were adapted from VN.

I'm already getting used to the website and the searching process so I might just look for other titles on my own.

>mfw there are a LOT of interesting shit but are not translated.

>> No.12433062

Yep, if you really want to get into the medium you pretty much have to learn Japanese, though there is enough translated to give you a sense of whether it's something you want to dedicate that much time to.

(People are about to yell at you for greentexting.)

>> No.12433063

Why are you shrek texting?

>> No.12433069

There are lots of new titles every month that fit your description perfectly:
>just light harem fun eroge

They don't really translate those, I think, but almost all games have harem and plenty of light, mundane scenes. Maybe you will like Hoshimemo. It has a decent story too. Please write like a normal person.

>> No.12433294
File: 311 KB, 1293x758, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Root double.
Overall it was a pretty interesting read.

The first root set a lot of mysteries that got a great explanation by the end of the 4th root.

The characters are nothing special.

The sympathy system was interesting at first but I thought it was pointless by the end because you're pretty much forced to use a guide if you want all the relevant endings.

Also in the 3rd route memory recovery there were a ton of scenes that told absolutely nothing new and should have been skipped.
Luckily there is a skip scene button that is really useful.

No idea what the pic is. It was in the CG menu.

>> No.12433305

>The first root set a lot of mysteries that got a great explanation by the end of the 4th root.
I thought most mysteries were kinda boring since they were so easy to guess, I got to route 4 with 2-3 things I needed confirmation and that's about it. I honestly expected bigger/more mindblowing twists.

>> No.12433579
File: 396 KB, 1040x635, sanarara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfway through playing Sanarara R. Girly tears were shed.
I plan to play Nekoneko Soft's "120 yen no haru/natsu/fuyu/aki" after this.

>> No.12433606

>I plan to play Nekoneko Soft's "120 yen no haru/natsu/fuyu/aki" after this.
Aren't 2 of those 4 PS2 exclusives?

>> No.12433610

Sadly, it just goes downhill from there, and to be honest, I wouldn't recommend even bothering with anything after Yuriko's story.

>> No.12433616

A PC version just came out this year. Pretty sure they're also included separately in the Nekoneko Soft fandiscs.

Ah damn. But I can't help but finish reading it.

>> No.12433641
File: 657 KB, 1000x510, tumblr_nb2e5btPDy1trfk66o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that... can technically be called a "progress", right? We'll still be getting it this year, right?

>> No.12433646
File: 39 KB, 426x426, 1079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though considering that the best they could come up with on their 15th anniversary is this I'm a bit anxious...

>> No.12433664

I'd like to know what's the experience of /jp/ with the writer himself. He seems to have made a bunch of military + high school LNs.

>> No.12433677

Sukebei down.

Panic time?

>> No.12433707

You can use the magnet links on 2djgame for now, I suppose.

できない私が、くり返す。 is up, by the way.

>> No.12433729

Shoot me if you will but according to Diaz on /a/ it's just some downtime

>> No.12433742

How is this so far, overall? I've been interested in it for a while thanks to Aoki Ume's art, but that isn't enough to carry a VN.

>> No.12433744

She only did two of the characters if I remember correctly.

>> No.12433761

Does anyone knows what happened to Doqura Q? Is it still under development?

>> No.12433766
File: 825 KB, 1284x724, capture_003_30082014_103008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it when they make lines too long to fit in the text box and just handle them like every other one.

>> No.12433768
File: 825 KB, 1284x724, capture_004_30082014_103158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess it automatically changes once the voice line catches up.

>> No.12433773

Can you people actually read that many kanjis? I think I only got 40% of them from your screenshots.

>> No.12433780

Reminder that it's already been almost one year since it's been announced.

It came up last year in http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/special/yaroze2013/
Here's what Haganeya had to say about it:


Just give up.

>> No.12433788

They're all pretty common, so I don't see why not.

>> No.12433789

We're making up our own stories to the pretty pictures.

>> No.12433802

Learning kanji is easy, the hard part come after.
If you can't instantly recognize everything in these pictures you need to step up your game

>> No.12433803

>it's already been almost one year since it's been announced.

>> No.12433812

So two years between the announcement and actual release date, huh.
Necromancer confirmed for late 2015.

>> No.12433813

Th-that's not how a proper young lady should behave! The hell is wrong with her?

>> No.12433816


Does anybody else hate this font? It bothered me to no end when I was reading &, and the game doesn't let you change the font despite having a budget the size of Jupiter.

>> No.12433817

It's slow mellow VN that's heartwarming at times and heartbreaking at times. If you're the kind that craves excitement, you might find it boring.

>> No.12433828
File: 609 KB, 1284x724, capture_005_30082014_105406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed it right after I took those screenshots. I was just checking to see if it actually fit in the default font.

>> No.12433830

Well.. at least its a new product, look at etude

>> No.12433837
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, The Pokémon font proves to be quite useless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12433840

Maybe it is actually time to start playing games which have been installed on my computer for years.

>> No.12433845

I got most of them, and I haven't been reading native materials for very long. I guess it's just a matter of how good your retention is from immersion?

>> No.12433854

I never really pay attention to what kanji I know. I just think of "oh, I don't know this word", or "I know this one".

>> No.12433878
File: 732 KB, 2560x1440, sumitooruback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I feel that the "you must know X number of kanji and X number of vocabulary before reading anything" mindset is really toxic and brought on a lot by DJT and similar learning methods. Since when did learning a new language become less about comprehension and more about how many words you can say you know?

>> No.12433896

What's the point of even learning a language if you can't let everyone online know how many words you know?

>> No.12433902

I have an entire external HD filled purely with hundreds of eroge, including things like WA2 and DI and other supposed kamige, yet I just keep playing the new releases each month. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.12433911

Easier to play titles that are fresh in your mind than titles you randomly picked up months ago

>> No.12433918

>and the game doesn't let you change the font
But it had an option to.

>> No.12433930

I feel your uncalled off-topic is more toxic.

>> No.12433939

I don't think people should take anything DJT says seriously.

They advocate grinding vocab in completely isolated instances with no context, and dismiss reading as pointless if you haven't finished pounding 2-6k arbitrary words into your head through the mind numbing torture known as Anki. It's basically the blind leading the blind.

>> No.12433947 [DELETED] 

Looks like it's back up

>> No.12434201


I'm looking at the menu right now, it doesn't have any option that allows you to change the font. Unless you somehow changed it with regedit or something I have no idea how you did it.

>> No.12434213

I could swear it had something similar to >>12433837
the rest of the games by akatsuki works have them iirc.

>> No.12434223


It has that option as well but it still will not change the font in game. Maybe it's just that none of the fonts I have are compatible with Akatsuki Works' engine or something. Oh well.

>> No.12434251

First when I tried to download in firefox it didn't work. I can't remember the exact error now but I couldn't download. So I emailed them and told me to download in internet explorer. So I did that, still didn't work. So I emailed them again and they replied that I had to install something then follow the links to download. In the link I follow were several different games, but I had previously bookmark the download page of the game I downloaded so that was fine. Every time I start the game it comes with with 'checking the contents' and then the game runs. I'm not sure if this is something with illegal downloaded games. You can not enter the game folder while the game is running.

But it works in the end.

>> No.12434314

How can you say you've learned kanji when you haven't even overcame the hardest parts yet? Learning kanji is when you've mastered all aspects.

>> No.12434317
File: 430 KB, 800x600, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like something is wrong with my PC, this game doesn't make any sense...

>> No.12434323


>> No.12434347

It's supposed to be like that. Keep reading.

>> No.12434453

Speaking of Subahibi, I'm on July 14th of It's my own Invention how close am I to the darker sex scenes?

>> No.12434457

There aren't any black people, so pretty far.

>> No.12434461

My desire to continue reading has dropped considerably

>> No.12434464

oh you card

>> No.12434467

Not my fault scaji's a fucking racist.

>> No.12434521

As far as I can tell, this thread turns into japanese general every day during SEA hours.

>> No.12434855

As expected of sub-humans.

>> No.12435119
File: 260 KB, 1277x681, wordplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I grabbed this and it runs fine so far on my laptop with 4gb RAM and mid range graphics card. It's really pretty and the emote looks good, I'll probably play this just for the art.

>> No.12435162
File: 392 KB, 1361x762, ss+(2014-08-30+at+10.48.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also a large portion of this game is unhookable since the text box changes for each character, so don't even waste your time downloading it if you're still heavily relying on one.

>> No.12435178

I know too much games which changes text box for every character and can hook pretty fine.

>> No.12435194


Well not this one, the hook changes for each text box so you end up with a new string every time someone talks. You would have go into ITH and find the right string each time yourself or wait for someone to figure out a way to make it do it automatically which I really doubt will happen. I've yet to look anything at all up though. There is no difficult language in it so far at all and a lot of the kanji it uses is furigana'd so its not like hooking it is really all THAT necessary unless you're just starting out.

Just figured I would try and save someone a few hours and 6gb disk space.

>> No.12435201

Those tits are awful. They should've been flat chested instead since the artist can't draw.

>> No.12435211


That seem to be a problem with the e-mote games I've played. It looks much better when it's just one character standing normally on screen but you get a lot of shots with weird anatomy like that. I don't know why that is.

>> No.12435220
File: 199 KB, 638x658, ss+(2014-08-31+at+06.17.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest ITH hook pretty good, It just doesn't get punctuation marks but if you are not playing with machine translation you wont need them anyway.

>> No.12435231

Man, this game really looks like something different. But fucking 6GB.

>> No.12435270


Its pretty good man first scene is you spanking your imouto on the school rooftop in front of the other club members. Best use of emote I ever seen.

>> No.12435367

That anatomy.
That overused pun.

Doesn't seem worth 8GB.

>> No.12435476 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1296x778, fucking dropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the game is dropped.

>> No.12435481
File: 1.18 MB, 1300x782, fukindropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the game is dropped.

>> No.12435566
File: 62 KB, 512x512, 1332736365810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you learn to read japanese?
What was your motivation?
Was it worth it?

>> No.12435588

Porn; porn; sure.

>> No.12435606

>How did you learn to read japanese?
Couple years of classes+eroge every day.

>What was your motivation?

>Was it worth it?

>> No.12435619

Anki, DJT, online guides; my waifu; yes, I will be able to read all the novels soon

>> No.12435627

Noticed this mentioned earlier in the thread too. What is it?

>> No.12435633

Anki and eroge erryday.

I originally used Subahibi as my motivation. Once I finally played that I switched to Albatross.

Turned out to be far more worth it than I ever imagined. Learning Japanese is pretty much the best thing I ever did for myself in terms of my hobbies.

>> No.12435676

Daily Japanese Thread on /a/

>> No.12435844

Can you upload the last ITH and TA pls?

>> No.12435886

Search ITH_2014-07-09 on the archive

>> No.12435890

Nyaa is still down?

>> No.12435960

Different anon, but there are a few old-ass games I've been looking for that nobody seems to have anymore.

晴れた日には天使が見える ~Angel Report~
きすみみ Kiss! Me! Me! (this one was available a few years ago, but now I can't find it)

Any leads at all would be highly appreciated.

>> No.12436004



>> No.12436007


Why drop the game?

>> No.12436009

Tae Kim/other internet resources and then just looking up words I didn't know as I read through stuff (games, lns, comics, etc).
Video games.

>> No.12436026

Text there is self-explanatory. Or you cannot ATLAS it, EOP?

>> No.12436046

You know "dropped because not blood-related" is an /a/ meme right? You should go back there.

>> No.12436088

I'm playing Flyable Heart, and there's a line at the start that goes 俺はなによりもご飯が好きだ。Is the phrase なにより actually supposed to be written as 何より? I'm worried that there might be a fault with my language settings or something.

>> No.12436100

Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.12436105

Sorry, it's my first untranslated VN.

>> No.12436110

>You know "dropped because not blood-related" is an /a/ meme right?
What? Why would blood relation even matter in anime/manga? They aren't ever going to have sex or any significant romantic development anyways.

>> No.12436115

What are you talking about? Obviously no one is having sex in anime, but there are plenty of series where the protagonist has significant romantic development with his little "sister."

>> No.12436133

Examples? I'm talking a real romantic relationship, not just she has a crush on her oniichan.

>> No.12436147


>> No.12436155

You could at least say Yosuga no Sora, but it's from eroge anyway.

>> No.12436190

It's an /a/ meme.

>> No.12436270

Would play if it had vertical text.

>> No.12436321

I bet it was just a coincidence. The question is how you even know it's an /a/ meme.

>> No.12436330
File: 151 KB, 960x544, 2014-05-18-191044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's written however the writer wants to write it.
Using Kana for words written with easy Kanji, using obscure Kanji for words usually written in Kana, Using Hiragana for Katakana words or vice versa....the japanese don't care about whatever you thought were "rules".

>> No.12436356

>I bet it was just a coincidence.
Just read >>12436026
The dude clearly expects that his reason for dropping the game is obvious to anyone reading his post. He intentionally spouted a meme and then had the gall to deride someone else for not getting his epic joke.

>> No.12436362

I didn't know about the meme, and I understood from the context of the picture. But okay, if it's a popular meme I guess you are right.

>> No.12436370

>I understood from the context of the picture
How? How are you supposed to link "dropped" with "not blood-related"? Why would them not being actual siblings be a reason to stop playing the game?

>> No.12436395

>How are you supposed to link "dropped" with "not blood-related"?
When I see "not blood-related" and "dropped" in the same post I assume that the poster has a thing for blood-related sisters. And that he is serious. I don't find it funny at all.

>> No.12436413

But he didn't indicate anywhere in the post that the lack of blood relation was his issue. For all anyone reading it would know, he could have an issue with pink hair or slutty lolis.

>> No.12436414

What happened to nyaa?

>> No.12436418

Being ddosed by jap government.

>> No.12436430

The "not blood related" cop-out has been a common eroge complaint for years. Though not as much recently since more and more imoutos are blood related (which makes the presence of a non-related little sister in this day and age even more egregious).

People who want incest want real incest, not stepsiblings. This shouldn't be hard to understand. Maybe it's because I'm into incest but when I saw >>12435481 I understood exactly what he was talking about. And I haven't been to /a/ in many years so I had no idea it was some sort of meme over there.

>> No.12436495

I honestly prefer non-blood related to related most of the time, development-wise the romance makes more sense since they are strangers whose parents just married instead of girls who feel for their brothers for behaving like brothers.

>> No.12437021

Who cares, it's not like incest is ever done decently in VNs anyway. I can remember of like... two or three VNs with halfway satisfying incest drama. Most of the time it's no different from childhood friends.

>> No.12437062
File: 840 KB, 800x450, 1409267144397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /jp/ been reading this? I'm waiting for a torrent.

>> No.12437064
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, fca6f1c6-bed6-425d-aecb-0c04f5f26d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started closing chapter. Even though I knew everything that would happen because of the anime, it managed to be pretty great, and it made me feel a lot more simpathy for Setsuna and even Haruki, and notice how great of a guy Takeya is. So far the experience has been great, I was getting a little tired of moege. I really want to play Setsuna's route soon and hopefully make her at least a little happy.

>> No.12437080

>I really want to play Setsuna's route soon and hopefully make her at least a little happy.
You will, then you'll take that and shit on it.

>> No.12437198

>晴れた日には天使が見える ~Angel Report~
From 2djgame's forum. The host is shitty and very slow sometimes. Click on the download button and then on the grey one on the right. Also on Clubbox.
There's another link found through Google too: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gSCSV

>きすみみ Kiss! Me! Me!
Clubbox. Got to search.clubbox.co.kr and see. If you want me to download and upload this for you it's going to take time because my upload is slow and Clubbox is slow too.

It's on 2djgame's VIP FTP, but I got it for you somewhere else. Enjoy.

>> No.12437241

I could never figure out how to get Clubbox to work. Is there some sort of a guide? I found one but it was obviously really out of date.

>> No.12437464

I'm not sure what your problem is exactly. It's been a while since I set my Clubbox up, but you need to register an account here: http://client.clubbox.co.kr:8002/capp/join_abroad.cgi and download the setup and install it: http://www.clubbox.co.kr/neo.fld/ClubboxSetup.exe

Then you go to search.clubbox.co.kr, search, click on a file that interests you and click on the blue arrow on the left in the popup window. You need to use IE as your browser, that's why I advise to install this thing on a virtual machine.

Oh yeah, sometimes it complains about adult content or files with Japanese names or something. This thread has a solution: http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_14132_4200.htm

>> No.12437485


I fucking hate what these threads have become so much.

>> No.12437507

You should save Setsuna's CC route until last.

>> No.12437560

Are there any softcore porn VNs? Or does such a thing not exist?

Everything seems to lead up to sex

>> No.12437562

What's your definition of softcore porn?

>> No.12437563

Define "softcore". Key games have pretty weak ero.

>> No.12437642

Some all ages VNs basically have H-scenes sans R-18 CGs and lines mentioning dicks and what not explicitly cut out.

>> No.12437846
File: 239 KB, 882x656, 4123121511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a general idea of the reading difficulty of 大帝国 compared to most VNs?

Until now everything I've read has either been manga or 3DS games, so I don't have much of a point of reference for VNs. I think I've gotten through a little over a quarter of the story. Hitler has invaded the Soviets, the Battle of Britain is over, I've pushed up to Arabia on one front and Hawaii on the other. The reading difficulty is pretty overwhelming though, hundreds of new words each day, tons of difficult political talk, etc. I think I should take a temporary retreat and go to something closer to my level, but if the reading difficulty of 大帝国 is about what you could expect to see in most VNs then I'll keep pushing through.

>> No.12437878

I still don't understand why most people have a huge hate boner for this game.

>> No.12437885

You make this post every time someone mentions incest.

>> No.12437902

夏空のペルセウス had surprisingly good incest drama given it's basically a high quality nukige.

>> No.12437904

>You need to use IE as your browser
Apparently this was my problem. Thanks.

>> No.12437949

It's probably the most pro-Axis game that I've ever seen. Most of the complaints that I've seen were about how the story "would be offensive if it wasn't so stupid", but it's actually one of the more accurate portrayals of the war.

>US funding the Chinese nationalists and Soviets funding the Chinese communists
>Japan intentionally provoked into war by the US through embargoes and outrageous demands.
>Prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, carriers pulled out of Pearl Harbor before the attack to minimize damage of essential assets and use Pearl Harbor as a political tool to manipulate the population into supporting entry into the war.
>FDR portrayed as an impotent figurehead ruled by four plutocrats, two of which are named ロスチャ and ロック, clearly a play on Rothschild and Rockefeller
>The plutocrats are behind almost everything in the war.
>Germany and Hitler portrayed in a generally positive light.
>France portrayed as cowards. Italy portrayed as incompetent morons that forced Rommel to waste the war fucking around in Africa.

It all would sound ridiculous and possibly even offensive to people who only know about the war through school textbooks and history channel specials.

>> No.12437986

I really hate the main character, who is a giant Gary Stu with no flaw that can submit any female with one dicking session. In addition, the combat system encourages savescumming of the worst kind.

>> No.12438001

It was literally unplayable on release. I am not exaggerating. There is no attrition in the game. You either brought the right units to the battle and win without taking a scratch, or lose everything and get a game over. And yes, it's a game over if you attack and lose a battle. On release, you also couldn't see what ships/gimmick the enemy had, so there was no way to know what to use besides save scumming. Save scumming was a required gameplay mechanic. They eventually patched that to show you what the enemy had, which means that it's just an exercise in following directions. It goes "Weak against beams" and waits for you to bring only ships with beams because otherwise, game over. Then goes "Okay, now weak against missiles" and that is the entire game, not counting the holy shit bloated cutscenes that drag on forever every single fucking turn. Also, the story is a joke with a protagonist who is just a dick on a stick

>> No.12438017

*subdue instead of submit

>> No.12438022

>not counting the holy shit bloated cutscenes that drag on forever every single fucking turn
So the dialog actually is bloated? That makes me feel better. It was bothering me a lot, but I assumed it was just my slow reading speed making me think that every single scene dragged on way too long while it actually might have been normal to people who can read at a better speed.

>> No.12438141 [DELETED] 

Has anyone else noticed that the new movie "Edge of Tomorrow" blatantly rips off of muv-luv?

-time loop
-mech suits fighting against aliens
-have to kill the "brain" that controls all of the aliens
-aliens use the name beta as well

>> No.12438164

It actually rips off a Japanese LN that rips of Muv-Luv.

>> No.12438165

You might want to do some minor research on what the source of "edge of tomorrow" is and do some comparisons of release dates between it and the Muv-luv trio.

>> No.12438211

>but if the reading difficulty of 大帝国 is about what you could expect to see in most VNs then I'll keep pushing through.
Your average moege is easier, but overall I didn't find daiteikoku hard and its definitely far below stuff, say, Hino writes.

>> No.12438245

Playing Imouto Paradise 2 right now, and for some reason all of the H scenes that are animated have strange bugs. The animation starts, then not half a second into it it just restarts back at the first frame, stays paused for a second then does it again. Same thing happened in 1 so I'm not sure if it's intentional or not.

Anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.12438257

Mess with your video splitter, try disabling the one that comes with CCCP/KCP

>> No.12438305
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 904f4e7f-1620-48ab-8482-46739bee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going Koharu-Mari-Chiaki-Setsuna, which someone recommended. Just got past Koharu's first H-scene, it's kinda sad to see Haruki ruin everything he touches. I almost never play stuff with this much drama, specially one where there's no specific source for it(or better, everyone is the source), so it all feels new.

>> No.12438351

Thanks. I had no idea how to disable it so I just deleted it.

>> No.12438394
File: 641 KB, 2840x1413, Image 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm reading Higurashi Kai and I just finished the 6th arc. ZERO is the song used in the end credits for Tsumihoroboshi-hen but it's not on the "Game OST" I found on Nipponsei (and many other tracks are missing). Does anyone know where to find them?

>> No.12438410
File: 20 KB, 336x387, notice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know how fix this problem? I tried downloading old eroges from clubbox and quite a few of them shows this notice.

>> No.12438482

>きすみみ Kiss! Me! Me! (this one was available a few years ago, but now I can't find it)

This was on PD. Enjoy.

>> No.12438724

>Most of the complaints that I've seen were about how the story "would be offensive if it wasn't so stupid"

Where did those complaints came from?

>> No.12438743

Hongfire. I was googling for some information about when/how the research tab would unlock and one of the search results was a thread on Hongfire. It was the only place I've ever seen anyone talk about this game, but that was the main complaint that I saw.

>> No.12438746

Certainly not in Visual novel general thread.

>> No.12438752



>> No.12438781

運命線上のφ and 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム for me. Lass' game looks tempting as usual, but I won't be fooled this time.

>> No.12438789
File: 2.75 MB, 1024x576, kwaii.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably only going to be picking up the Sprite game. The text in the trial wasn't very well written and a lot of the lines felt kind of wonky, but it still managed to be fun and cute, and I don't see it being worse than koichoco.

>> No.12438790

well, it's eye porn at least

>> No.12438807

Nanairo Reincarnation because folklore and that art.

蒼の彼方のフォーリズム, might be cool.

Only one route of Tropical Kiss was worth it, so Tropical Vacation is low priority. And the cup sizes are all over the place again, what the hell is the artist's problem?

And finally, 女装学園. Gotta taint this soul black.

>> No.12438808
File: 352 KB, 1024x576, 黒人に犯された少女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how it is porn, I'd hope that would be the case.

>> No.12438817

>It was the only place I've ever seen anyone talk about this game
No, it wasn't...
Why did you even look for opinions about the game in English?

>> No.12438936

The september game I'm looking forward to is a download of Michiru's game.

>> No.12438968

Holy fucking shit, thank you! Sorry to make you go through all that trouble, but I really appreciate it!

>> No.12438973

I'm sure plenty of other places have talked about it, it's just that was the only place I saw it talk about it. I liked the theme of the game when I first saw it, so I never really looked into opinions about the game. I was just looking for a quick answer to that ingame question when I stumbled upon the historical rants they were having in that thread while I was in the process of looking for an answer to that question.

>> No.12438988

Looks pretty good to me. At least 5 VNs I'm interested in.

Fuck, I might have to buy one more external HDD.

>> No.12439071

Change your regional options (NOT locale though that might be required too, don't remember) to Korean. Your time and date should be displayed in Korean and it won't block the files anymore.

>> No.12439633

>Nanairo Reincarnation because folklore and that art.
I want to read it because of the netoge otaku hikki zashiki warashi mostly. Fucking tease of a trial in that regard.

>> No.12439726

I was kinda interested in jaeger this month, but it seems it was a kusoge, shame.

There are two, three things I want to check out, not bad I guess. Did the re-release of senshinkan even add anything beyond being all ages?

>> No.12439774

The first file for Puni Moeru doesn't seem to be working for me, but that might just be my shitty connection. Props for uploading it nonetheless.

>> No.12439785

No, it's an "port of the vita port", with gutted h-content

>> No.12439900

Really, why would they even port it back to pc then?
Who would buy a censored version that adds nothing?

>> No.12439913

Who knows? Selling on whatever main stream media they want? I don't work there.

>> No.12439980

Green guy needs to find another hobby.

>> No.12439988

Not that guy but thanks. The OP for game was one of the first to get me into eroge so I'm looking forward to reading it.

>> No.12440300

I found it after more searching. For anyone else:


>> No.12440558



>> No.12440936 [SPOILER] 
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, 1409593136631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Nanoka's route in Harenochi. Now that I have read those spoilers posted previously, I think they are a bit misleading.

"Nanoka" was bound to die no matter what happened. She's actually Ayana, Konomi's dead sister, who had her soul "infused" into a short-lived fake body. Eventually, Nanoka gets pregnant and gives birth, then disappears. Years later, the child turns out to have Ayana's soul in it, but since it was too much burden for a child body, her memories were sealed. Now they are together forever, as parent and child. With some incestual undertones.

To sum it up in an hilariously out of context way, Nanoka gave birth to herself. But honestly, all things considered, the ending was happy, and certainly not a stupid bad end coming out of nowhere. I was glad to see that they didn't just do a cheap time skip and the process from pregnancy to the epilogue where they meet again was heartwarming to see.

Either way, I'm not going to go through any other route because it's really clear that Nanoka is the true heroine. The poor guy turns out to be broken inside. After he regains his memories, he desperately clings to the idea that Ayana is out there waiting for him and clings on to "Nanoka" after finding out the truth.

Not sure I'd recommend this game. Nanoka is lovely and Jun is a great guy, but I didn't like the rest of the cast. The game also feels kind of sloppy and "cheap" overall.

>> No.12441107

New thread >>12441103
