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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12425701 No.12425701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

time to make some friends with your fellow /jp/sies!!!! Talk about idolm@ster, talk about your fav TOUHOU!!! talk about your gay homo fantasies!! Please post your age, fav anime and contact details (such as SKYPE or EMAIL!)

Don't be a nerd!

Thread Rules:
Don't bully anyone you add
If someone is brave enough to post, don't insult them
This is a safe zone
Try to make friends
get out of your room for once and talk to your aunt, she came 200 miles to visit you
dont be shy

>> No.12425706


>> No.12425707

My favorite anime is bleach and my contact is fatestaynight@gmail.com

>> No.12425709 [DELETED] 

Wrong door homo, /ota/ is two blocks down

>> No.12425716

I'm gonna add everyone and bully all those who are neo/jp/ shitters and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.12425722

Hi, I'm looking to make new friends, my skype name is candynyanko and i'm the cutest girl in the world.

>> No.12425726 [DELETED] 

You mean /gnfos/

>> No.12425739

Is this the normie thread?

>> No.12425748

Want friends? ITS ALL ABIUT EMOTIONS, pick a personality with emotion that makes people feel good around you.
Examples. The decemberist is God and calm, Picaresque album is made for this.
For something sexy, jlJustin Timberlake Futuresex/sound album plus all 3 Jason Bourne movies, sexy as HELL.

NOW THE MOST EPIC ONE, I don't like to use that word, but this one is trully perfect, Archer from the FX show by the same name, the show is literally ENGINEERING THE MAN.

Archer is the way to go, he is just so charming, its all about emotions, people don't even realize this, as long as you have the right emotion you can be an asshole and get away with it.

More shows with good emotions, dragon ball and d frag.

Archer is the perfect fit for /jp/, funny assholes.

You will need to watch Archer like 12 times but its fucking worthy.

>> No.12425752

I cheat at Touhou and other games, I browse other boards besides /jp/ and I have low self-stem if I get bullied I'd probably kill myself.

>> No.12425773

but cheating in 2hu is shit tier end yourself

>> No.12425778

Hello I need lots of friends! Email is hayysuz@gmail.com

>> No.12425786

Is this going to turn into one of those infamous and wicked parties you guys call /jp/ meetups?

>> No.12425790

pls do

>> No.12425794
File: 2.93 MB, 345x262, 1355433597349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please unblock me

>> No.12425795

real jp knows how to party

>> No.12425795,1 [INTERNAL] 

>and I have low self-stem if I get bullied I'd probably kill myself
look at this fucking baby
waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah

>> No.12425795,2 [INTERNAL] 

these 2 posts deleted

while shit like >>12425794 >>12425773 and >>12425752 are left unmolested because they represent the ultra-neo-/jp/ ideal

>> No.12425795,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,4 [INTERNAL] 

try joining the /jp/ steam group or something

>> No.12425795,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's my birthday on the 30th. You're all invited to the party at /gnfos/.

Brigs and milk not allowed, FYI. BYOS.

>> No.12425795,6 [INTERNAL] 

thanks can i bring my gf??

>> No.12425795,7 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry I don't go to nerd parties

>> No.12425795,8 [INTERNAL] 

I can't exactly stop you from bringing your imagination...

We all know you're just saying that because you're too shy to go. You need to break out of your shell.

>> No.12425795,9 [INTERNAL] 

uhhh...last time i checked my loli gf was real dude...

>> No.12425795,10 [INTERNAL] 


"I actively seek out her videos, and regularly jerk off to them.

Of the things you've listed there, I'm pretty sure I've seen all of them except fisting.

Honestly I watch my sister's videos more often than other porn, so that's kind of my go to. If I'm looking for something else it's usually for specific girls so it's not really like a minefield."


>> No.12425795,11 [INTERNAL] 

Whos his sister

>> No.12425795,12 [INTERNAL] 

Your mom.

#buttblasted #boomroasted #majorownage

>> No.12425795,13 [INTERNAL] 

"I'm not going to reveal any identifying information, no matter how often/nicely you ask either in a comment or in a message. I know for a fact she browses reddit at least occasionally (even if she doesn't go to this sub), so I'm not gonna risk it. Other than that, ask me anything!

Edit: "her work" as in her videos. I've never watched her as she was being filmed."

nobody knows

>> No.12425795,14 [INTERNAL] 

Do you watch porn that isn't of her? How often?

[–]sisterwatcher[S] 12 points 17 hours ago
Yeah, but I'd say about 90% of the time I watch my sister's videos.

What now, incest deniers? This guy obviously has a thing for his sister.

>> No.12425795,15 [INTERNAL] 

Outlier associated with sexualization of sister through exposure to her porn at a young age.

>> No.12425795,16 [INTERNAL] 

So what happens if someone sees his sister's butt at a young age?

>> No.12425795,17 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing if they're not scrolling through porn videos with their dick out while going through puberty.

>> No.12425795,18 [INTERNAL] 

I have a /jp/ friend. We play video games and chat on Steam. We both have terrible sleep schedules so it works out.

>> No.12425795,19 [INTERNAL] 

WHY WON'T YOU ADD ME GEORGE/AMY/FUKUNE/dont bully meormyfriends-chan !avY8p6wIiQ !?!?!?!

>> No.12425795,20 [INTERNAL] 

Dude George Melbourne is dead.

>> No.12425795,21 [INTERNAL] 

No he isn't.

>> No.12425795,22 [INTERNAL] 

any up for a skype sesh

>> No.12425795,23 [INTERNAL] 

His steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/2monthsleft
Screenshot from 30th June: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278914520
"Candynyanko" using same image with same filename as Fukune: >>/jp/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=1297108137605.jpg&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post
And there's a bunch of other shit that I'm too lazy to post.

>> No.12425795,24 [INTERNAL] 

Funny just last night I was scouting out /r9k/ and /soc/ to see if I could sift out any primo otacool friends. They actually have a weeb thread on /soc/ but then I remembered how unsatisfying it was to make friends from /jp/ and figured it wasn't worth going through all the trouble again with people I had even less in common with.

>> No.12425795,25 [INTERNAL] 

I read /adv/ to look at girls talking about their relationships...

Why was I born broken?

>> No.12425795,26 [INTERNAL] 

doesn't he mean transgender boy

>> No.12425795,27 [INTERNAL] 

Fukune is now a tranny attending York University, yes.

>> No.12425795,28 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit.

>> No.12425795,29 [INTERNAL] 

He may as well be dead then.

>> No.12425795,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,31 [INTERNAL] 

Gross dude.

>> No.12425795,32 [INTERNAL] 

uhh i get redirected to 4chan leech?

>> No.12425795,33 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever happened to that /jp/ meetup map?

>> No.12425795,34 [INTERNAL] 

seriously why the fuck this hasn't happened in ages
I even made a post right now and it still goes to leech, moot is a retard

>> No.12425795,35 [INTERNAL] 

George "Amy" Melbourne (A.K.A Fukune) getting blasted the fuck off by some faggot nerds LMBO: http://pastebin.com/pavGatDP

>> No.12425795,36 [INTERNAL] 

what is this shit? do you expect me to read all your personal skype chat logs or something?

>> No.12425795,37 [INTERNAL] 

fucking subhuman irc fags

>> No.12425795,38 [INTERNAL] 

moot has some really wonderful friends...


>> No.12425795,39 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking haughty chink

>> No.12425795,40 [INTERNAL] 

Further proof that all chinks need to be exterminated.

>> No.12425795,41 [INTERNAL] 

i just got done playing sonic racing and some guy came in saying that he was streaming and he really sucked and i kept shit talking him and i hope that i made him embarrassed when i made him not able to finish because im too fast lol fuck that guy

>> No.12425795,42 [INTERNAL] 

I see a guy with 1 viewer and then another with 2

>> No.12425795,43 [INTERNAL] 

i dont stream

>> No.12425795,44 [INTERNAL] 

I was talking about the other guy dickass

>> No.12425795,45 [INTERNAL] 

what were you using? i like AGES and Vyse because i'm a hyper faggot

>> No.12425795,46 [INTERNAL] 

i was using reala on seasonal shrines and he was using ages the dude just really sucked a lot

the character i play the most is meemee because she reminds me of akaza akari and then after her vyse or metal sonic

ages feels too long to play

>> No.12425795,47 [INTERNAL] 

You have to boost a ton with ages, like whenever you can. It has really good configs for challenges.

>> No.12425795,48 [INTERNAL] 

had some real good nuts today

one was hot and creamy like you could see the cum lumps and they were huge!@!!1

might nut again later tonight before bed

>> No.12425795,49 [INTERNAL] 

what are you nutting to

>> No.12425795,50 [INTERNAL] 

that sounds nothing like nuts

>> No.12425795,51 [INTERNAL] 

this was a cute thread, why was it deleted

>> No.12425795,52 [INTERNAL] 

Janny didn't like the tone

>> No.12425795,53 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,54 [INTERNAL] 

august 28 is my birthday

>> No.12425795,55 [INTERNAL] 

Cool mine is 11 days before that

>> No.12425795,56 [INTERNAL] 

wow cool

>> No.12425795,57 [INTERNAL] 

mine is october 17th

>> No.12425795,58 [INTERNAL] 

Is anyone else doing no fap December?

>> No.12425795,59 [INTERNAL] 

what's the point...

>> No.12425795,60 [INTERNAL] 

Me but if I am successful then it'll be no fap Life

I want to stop masturbating because I realized that cum is vital life energy and if I want to escape the fate of being a loser I'll have to cultivate it in order to carry out my will

One year ago I was a directionless NEET ejaculating multiple times a day but now I'm still a NEET but this year some SHIT went down and I have a different "perspective"

>> No.12425795,61 [INTERNAL] 

Just to see if I can. I'll also be able to welcum in the new year with my very own special "fireworks"...

>> No.12425795,62 [INTERNAL] 

Has anyone actually succeeded with the "No fap month" thing?

>> No.12425795,63 [INTERNAL] 

let me know if this makes you want to cum because of the words or maybe because of the sounds


>> No.12425795,64 [INTERNAL] 

vital fluids...

>> No.12425795,65 [INTERNAL] 

precious body fluids...

>> No.12425795,66 [INTERNAL] 

[I meant bodily please read it like that]

>> No.12425795,67 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going 2 days strong ;)

>> No.12425795,68 [INTERNAL] 


I think I did it 3.5 weeks involuntarily a while back

Btw I just got an urge to look at ms incest so I'll just breathe heavily

>> No.12425795,69 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't fapped for 3 hours now, doing pretty good so far

>> No.12425795,70 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,71 [INTERNAL] 

it's been weeks since my last fap
haven't had the drive for a while now
this is my longest streak without fap so far i think

>> No.12425795,72 [INTERNAL] 

i came home from thanksgiving and had my best fap in recent history

i literally screamed and moaned really loudly

>> No.12425795,73 [INTERNAL] 

What did you fap to?

>> No.12425795,74 [INTERNAL] 

he had lolis climbing all over him and sitting in his lap so he just masturbated to that

>> No.12425795,75 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis think I'm gross and throw rocks at me

>> No.12425795,76 [INTERNAL] 


i really hate having this fetish

but also i just spent like an hour looking at stuff from it and i didn't touch myself once. this is an accomplishment. hopefully i can further and further distance myself from these things because i just spent an hour looking at people having sex and it was pretty pointless.

the next time i cum will be with a girl :)

>> No.12425795,77 [INTERNAL] 

why are you gross

>> No.12425795,78 [INTERNAL] 

He's a sick degenerate pedo freak, of course he's gross.

>> No.12425795,79 [INTERNAL] 


Come snuggle with me under my kotatsu. I have no weapons, just love.

>> No.12425795,80 [INTERNAL] 

Leave me alone

>> No.12425795,81 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love me because I am kind, gentle, and want only the best for them and they can see that. I am also quite attractive, but that doesn't really play a factor into it. I guess that is why cats like me too. In fact, they sometimes bring me dead animals when they see that I am sad, whether I admit it through body language or not. Lolis are like cats too: cute and made to be loved like the precious little girls they are.

>> No.12425795,82 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis and cats like me too.

>> No.12425795,83 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,84 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna snuggle? I have a couch and a blanket and a sub to Crunchyroll through PS4. Granted, crunchy is shit but they do have some gems here and there. We could have tea or whatever you want. I would much rather treat someone else to my bux than figs because I already have too much of them (that is a partial lie) and the boxes take up too much space. We could confide in eachother and laugh or cry together or just say nothing and feel eachother's pulses of our hearts.

>> No.12425795,85 [INTERNAL] 

I only snuggle with lolis.

>> No.12425795,86 [INTERNAL] 

If you would just take my hand, I could also mind meld with you and we could become a powerful archon, training ourselves to be better than those pleb normies and rise against.

>> No.12425795,87 [INTERNAL] 


welp, time to kill myself

>> No.12425795,88 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it's true, karma does not exist. The only reason abusive, vile, perverted, overconfident and overprivileged Chads are allowed to exist is because nerds are not allowed to kill them.

>> No.12425795,89 [INTERNAL] 

>rised at stree't.. hard ass fug
>Drammen, Buskerud
"You're only alive because it's illegal to kill you"
>░░█▒▒░░░░░░6░0░9░░░░░░░░░█ 2cool4skool ?__?
>░░█▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▀▄ MongolPride ( ̄ω ̄)
>░░█▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ 2hc4u
>░░█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀▀ JustEpic! ༼ ຈلຈ༽
-░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ GetRektNerds :__:
-▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ _██_
<█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▒░░░░░░░▒█ (°ᴗƪ)
<░█░▒▒▒▒▀▄▄▄▄▄███████▄▄▄▄▄▀ GetALodeOfThisnogga

>> No.12425795,90 [INTERNAL] 

My mom is one of the higher-ups in the education bureaucracy and she always tells me about the nice meals she has at her meetings and sometimes brings home cupcakes or other sweets from them.

Feels good living in an upper-middle-class white christian suburban family ;)

>> No.12425795,91 [INTERNAL] 

Sweet dude.

>> No.12425795,92 [INTERNAL] 

Does she ever bring you loli?

>> No.12425795,93 [INTERNAL] 

No, lolis are disgusting

>> No.12425795,94 [INTERNAL] 

How does it feel to literally be gay?

>> No.12425795,95 [INTERNAL] 

You're the one that isn't attracted to proper female features, homo.

>> No.12425795,96 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong again, queer boy.

>> No.12425795,97 [INTERNAL] 

Nope you're just attracted to assless, breastless, hipless children.

>> No.12425795,98 [INTERNAL] 

How are lolis any of those things?

>> No.12425795,99 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself chink.

>> No.12425795,100 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis have those things, they're just much smaller and underdeveloped. A loli butt or loli chest or loli hips are still recognizable.

>> No.12425795,101 [INTERNAL] 

uh oppai loli is a literal genre y ou fucking 馬鹿

>> No.12425795,102 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a literal retard?

>> No.12425795,103 [INTERNAL] 

You are

>> No.12425795,104 [INTERNAL] 

Oh I figured you might be.

>> No.12425795,105 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,106 [INTERNAL] 

thinking of a loli vagina wrapped around my penis and squeezing it makes me feel weird

>> No.12425795,107 [INTERNAL] 

thinking of a squishy loli vagina thats slippery in the middle makes me feel weird

>> No.12425795,108 [INTERNAL] 

its been too cold to jack it lately and dat really bums me out cos well i picked up soem hot new pics

>> No.12425795,109 [INTERNAL] 

Post them I'll jack it

>> No.12425795,110 [INTERNAL] 


Made it 2 months somewhat involuntarily when I was going thru bootcamp.

>> No.12425795,111 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12425795,112 [INTERNAL] 

feelio day 17 of nofap

>> No.12425795,113 [INTERNAL] 

today was a great day someone noticed me!

>> No.12425795,114 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off, Australian.

>> No.12425795,115 [INTERNAL] 

my big dick still hurts and it still big

>> No.12425795,116 [INTERNAL] 

today was a great day, I didn't even have to use my AK

>> No.12425795,117 [INTERNAL] 

i had 2 cereals today

>> No.12425795,118 [INTERNAL] 

i used an ak a lot today

>> No.12425795,119 [INTERNAL] 


its not found wtf
