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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12424700 No.12424700 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking, /jp/?

>> No.12424705

ur mom's piss

>> No.12424706

I like Cola

>> No.12424771


>> No.12424783

lol dem chinks man

>> No.12424786


>> No.12424809

Vodka and Red Bull.

Ugh, university flashbacks. I don't believe this used to be my favorite drink.

>> No.12425021 [DELETED] 
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I ordered some cheap oolong loose leaf tea from some chinese ebayer. I paid about 4 dollars for a 100g bag. Am I in for an unpleasant surprise or is it going to be decent? I can't help but feel like I'm going to open the bag and find nothing but unbagged bagged tea leaves, stems and fannings.

>> No.12425607

looks like swamp water

>> No.12426322
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>> No.12426395

Whats a good way to make tasty cold green tea

>> No.12426439

Ito-EN had free shipping, so they raised the prices on all the ready to drink stuff.

>> No.12426520

actually I've been wondering about that myself
if I just brew up hot tea and let it cool in the fridge over night it just becomes bitter

>> No.12427891

green tea lattes are pretty good

>> No.12428055

I'm a water otaku myself.

>> No.12428059

Maeda-en sencha, it was the only one at the asian grocer in my town written in a language I could read.

>> No.12428185

If you're going to use racist slurs at least use the right one retard.

>> No.12428198

I'm not a racist like you to know them all.

>> No.12428365

You can do cold steeping, but it takes much longer. I usually let it steep for an hour per each minute that I'd hot steep it. The taste doesn't turn out exactly the same, but it works nicely with some tea. I didn't enjoy cold-steeped mugicha though, so hot steeping, then cooling would probably work better in that case.

>> No.12428393

Cheap whiskey and soon a few beers.

>> No.12428401

I'm drinking coca-cola.
I usually drink coca-cola.

Since I'm outing myself as an obstinate plebian, let me go ahead and say that Rooibos is the best tasting tea.

>> No.12428427 [DELETED] 


>> No.12430211

koreans are gooks, that's common knowledge.

>> No.12430430

So are Vietnamese

>> No.12434683
File: 34 KB, 450x297, matcha-green-tea-set-450x297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee in the morning
tea in the evenings, I have a ton of different varieties. Love good matcha powder though

>> No.12434695

Ayataka Nigori green tea when it's hot, my stash of Kukicha I got in Yanaka Ginza when it's cool. But since I live in LA, it's always Ayataka.

>> No.12434754

Arizona iced trea.

I like drinking hot tea in winter, recently bought a multi-temp electric kettle on amazon, havent really tried it on tea yet though...

My favourites are genmaicha and chocolate chili chai.

roibos looks like rusty water and tastes like boiled testicles. Do yourself a favor and skip the testicle juice

>> No.12434759

If you have decent roibos it tastes a bit like tobacco. Or at least that's the closest comparison I can give.

>> No.12436615
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Bellarom espresso coffee. Very good for its price, around here anyways.

>> No.12437612

for mugicha I boil it with less water than I'd normally, then throw in ice to reach the proper water amount and stick it in the fridge.

>> No.12438915

Coffee with no sugar or cream
cause baby, I like it raw.

>> No.12442037

I'm having some Teavana gyokuro that is over a year old by now because I got it on clearance and never opened it. Tastes a little old but still decent. I haven't decided on the best way to brew it yet. It might work better if I just treat it like sencha.

I also have some unopened shincha in the refrigerator that I probably could have waited to order. I'll get to it once I finish this bag.

>> No.12442304

How many of you open bagged tea and put the dust directly in the water?

>> No.12442380

Just regular bagged tea with 1tsp sugar and a little lemon juice. This coffee and beer are pretty much all I drink.

>> No.12445587

Cold steeping/brewing works wonders. I've heard brewing hot then pouring over ice (a la japanese iced coffee) can work.

>> No.12445717

A cup of Earl Gray.

>> No.12445770

I had Kokeicha for the first time a while ago and it easily became one of my most liked teas. Iit tasted more like a winter kind of green tea that warms you up when it's cold outside so I'm going to buy it again when it gets a little colder.

It makes me want to try matcha now as well.

>> No.12445799

can anyone unironically like green tea

>> No.12445805


>> No.12446130

I bet you over heat the water it and tastes like boiled weed.

>> No.12446648

I had a Stella Artois a bit ago, but now I'm drinking a Honey Ginseng green tea from Republic of Tea.

I had a little oatmeal Nature Valley bar a bit ago as well. It hit the spot.

>> No.12446659

>not drinking the objectively superior Aquarius for your ion supply needs
That aside, pocari's pretty good. Also, that looks Korean maybe?

>> No.12446667

I like hot green tea, but anything green tea flavored is shit.
I particularly despise green tea cookies.

>> No.12446697
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My favorite over the summer for some reason was Irish black tea, as both barebones and sweetened milk-tea. Just can't get enough of it. Also pic related has been my ideal brew this summer. Sorry for not being japanese enough; I really like Asahi though.

Don't treat gyokuro like sencha, the leaf is too delicate. Brew it at 140ºF for 2-2.5 minutes with an open lid, and use twice as many leaves as with sencha (attention to detail is important). Move it around if the steep seems weak, which it will.

Brewing it like sencha just leaves you with an underwhelming flavor that doesn't justify the high cost.

Finish up the old gyokuro and import some fresh ones directly from Japan (Teavana quality kinda sucks, some people even say they don't even sell real gyokuro)

When you achieve that exact point of correctly-brewed gyokuro your taste buds will reach nirvana.

Also I don't recommend buying gyokuro with roasted rice mixed in, the rice flavor kind of overwhelms and defeats the purpose of gyokuro's flavor.

>> No.12446724

I've been making roasted barley tea (mugicha for you weablords) recently. It's good for hot summer days.

I want to get my hands on unhulled barley so I can roast it better, but it works with just hulled barley.

>> No.12446737

I can't drink tea without a slice of pie. Although I prefer green to black.

>> No.12446747

Glass of rum and coke

>> No.12446756

What pie is your favourite for tea drinking?

>> No.12446763

I tried mugi once and couldn't stand it personally. Was only able to get halfway through it because I was hot and thirsty, had to stop because I could hardly swallow any more. Out of curiosity what makes it appealing? The flavor just doesn't do it for me at all, but my peers seemed to like it.

>> No.12446792

What did it taste like to you? When I make it, it tastes like some plain cereals I've had (I can't quite put my finger on it).

I know that the way I make it comes out different than buying pre-roasted unhulled barley, it's possible they taste different.

I like it because of the simple, grainy flavor. I like how grains taste, and if you don't, you probably wouldn't like a grain tea. Drinking it, it feels like a thick liquid, like a syrup but not that thick. It didn't look really any thicker than water, so I think that's just my mouth fooling my brain, but it gives it a very nice feeling when drinking.

>> No.12446861

I love how grains taste actually. Lots of green/rice teas give me that simple, almost bread-like taste that's really pleasing.

I wouldn't say my experience with mugi tea reminded me of how grains taste when eaten. I'd say maybe it was more like a heavily concentrated bitter extract, almost like coffee, or like black tea that's steeped way too long. Hard to describe.

I probably just need to try different types at different temperatures and different flavor amounts. The way you describe it makes me think I would enjoy it if piping hot and not too strong; i.e. a short steep time.

>> No.12446901

Not him but unsweetened granny smith apple pie with Louisiana black tea is pretty based.

With any other tea though I prefer bitter chocolates and salted sweets or some kind of cake. Pie goes better with rich milk imo.

>> No.12446995

>I'd say maybe it was more like a heavily concentrated bitter extract, almost like coffee, or like black tea that's steeped way too long.
That's not at all what mine was like, mine had a light and smooth flavor, not very bitter at all. The color is a nice golden brown, not like the coffee color I hear store or restaurant-bought can be.

For what it's worth, I steep mine for a long time (in simmering water ~10m and then as it cools) and drink it cold.

Summer is no time to be drinking hot tea !

Unroasted barley water is also good, it pairs well with lemon and rosewater.

>> No.12447023

Haha, I like hot tea in the summer every now and then (mornings), but yeah, I will definitely have to look into your ideal product!

>> No.12447357

I drink coffee more often than tea, but I have been drinking genmaicha lately.

>> No.12447372

I drink it every day.
I still think I'm doing it wrong because I barely taste anything, but maybe my taste buds are just fried from years of drinking shitty coffee black.

>> No.12448354

Mostly oolong these days, with a couple of coffee and sencha sessions interspersed.

>> No.12449901

Hey, nothing like a cold coke after a hot day.

I just brewed myself some jasmine green tea. It's pleb level in bags and it's the Stater Bros brand and supposedly organic. It's not very good but that's why I want to finish the box so I never have to suffer like this again.

>> No.12452325

enjoy yr diabetes ;)

>> No.12452394

Did anyone else wean off soda after it became free? I got a job that has soda fridges, and after a few weeks, got tired of the sugar water. Now it's just coffee, tea, or water.

>> No.12452430

I used to drink a lot of soda, and I mean a lot of soda at least a liter a day.

One day I just went cold turkey. I found out that as long as I have flavored drinks now and then I don't really care if they're soda. It wasn't hard to quit at all, it just sorta happened with no effort.

>> No.12452940

I usualy drink redbull or ice tea. Sometimes I make my own tea but I have no clue what I am doing so it does not work too well.

>> No.12452958

I used to drink allot of fizzy pop as well, but I just got sick of it. It's just to sweet and bland now, I will drink it when I can get it for free but even then most the time I can't even get through a cup especialy if it's coca cola.

>> No.12453426

>Teavana quality kinda sucks, some people even say they don't even sell real gyokuro
I didn't mention it, but that and the age are the main reasons I've been playing around with it. I also didn't pay very much for it. If it's just kabusecha then it should hold up to sencha style brewing from what I've read.

I only recently started buying good sencha from Yuuki-Cha and I haven't had much gyokuro or matcha before so I don't have a good reference. It still stays surprisingly sweet when brewing it gyokuro style, with a little bit of a matcha-like base to it. One interesting thing is I had another bag before I got a kyusu and I never got it to taste anywhere near as good as I'm able to now. I can't tell if it's just placebo.

>Finish up the old gyokuro and import some fresh ones directly from Japan
I'm going to move on to the Uji sencha I have after I finish this up. I'll probably try a good gyokuro eventually.

Right now I'm just drinking some incredibly cheap loose Lipton with milk. Mostly for the caffeine. It still has that muddy Lipton profile, but it's surprisingly passable. I'd rather drink a common brand CTC breakfast tea though. This was an overly long post but I drink a lot of tea.

>> No.12453445

Henry Weinhardt's Root Beer.

>> No.12453445,1 [INTERNAL] 


Don't people on /jp/ have kyusu from Tokoname? I wonder how many of them are made like this.

>> No.12453445,2 [INTERNAL] 

