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File: 65.00 MB, 2560x1920, japaneseNavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1242299 No.1242299 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1242304


>> No.1242307


>> No.1242308
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Oh hi

>> No.1242314
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>> No.1242321
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...You nips keep it down

>> No.1242324
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These prints are awesome

>> No.1242332
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>> No.1242335
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Sup guys

>> No.1242340
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>> No.1242347

When the Nips fought China I wonder how they could tell which men on the battlefield were on their side.

>> No.1242366


By looking at their uniforms?

>> No.1242389


Lol stupid white man got owned.

China will always win. We can summon like Lu Bu, Bruce Lee and Guan Yu and shit. What does Japan have? Kamen Rider? Godzilla? Ha!

>> No.1242415

>pursue lu bu

>> No.1242416

Competent administration, better trained armies, more industrial power, advanced equipment, fanatical devotion, bushido code, an XBOX HUEG fleet, the list goes on.

Back then anyway, all those things have been reversed now.

>> No.1242424

If any bigger, self sufficient country fought like Japan did in WWII they'd be unstoppable

>> No.1242445

>Lu Bu, Bruce Lee and Guan Yu
I'm pretty sure they all died pretty pathetic deaths.

>> No.1242456

True, except China doesn't have competent administration

>> No.1242481


For the $64 question, what are the names of the vessels in the picture (actual names, not BB, CV, etc)

>> No.1242509

Everyone always rag on Lu Bu saying he's treasoness, stupid and shit, and it pisses me off. He's not a grand strategist but I don't see anything wrong with what the motherfucker did.

Okay what did he do? Kill his adoptive, tyrannical dad who happens to be holding the emperor hostage and molesting the girl he's seeing, the fuck is so wrong with that?

>> No.1242519

All hail to the combined Chinese and Korean forces, together with our Southeast Asian and Indian brothers!! We shall never forget what the fucking Nips did to us more than 60 years ago! We shall not let them to oppress us once again!

中韓統合軍万歳!! 鬼畜日本人!!

>> No.1242533

The battleship in the foreground is a Kongo class battlecruiser

The carrier closer to us is the Akagi

Further out is another Kongo, and then the one beyound that is a Fuso class battleship (you can tell from the funny curve shaped superstructure)

The carrier way out is too far to be identified but most likely Kaga, as Kaga usually operates with Akagi in the 1st Carrier Division

>> No.1242552

Shot in the dark here-IJN Akagi far behind, HIJMS Kirishima in the middle, and I have no idea about the sub, but it's probably a Kaichu type because it doesn't have a seaplane hangar. The planes are A6M Zeros

>> No.1242567

I didn't see those really far away ships btw, also the guy above me nailed it because the Kirishima was a Kongo class

>> No.1242583

>Further out is another Kongo

Battlecruiser Haruna I think

>> No.1242585

Japanese navy was fuckwin

>> No.1242595
File: 79 KB, 470x599, 1220417252797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1242600


Although that's what they're supposed to be they look more like N1K-2 Shidens to me.

>> No.1242604
File: 65 KB, 736x495, 1220417377072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at midway Haruna and Kirishima (BatDiv 3, 2nd section) was assigned to First Carrier Strike Force (which included CarDiv 1, ie Akagi and Kaga) for protection, so it makes sense that those four ships are seen together

But I have don't think there ever was a time where Fuso was operating with the carriers. Fuso was a full blown battleship rather than a battlecruiser like the Kongo class so it would be too slow to keep up with the fast fleet carriers.

Hence this picture wasn't based on a specific historical event and therefore it's impossible to identify for sure what the ships are.

Btw, the Fuso class battleship is Fuso itself, only Fuso have that really wierd superstructure, her sistership Yamashiro had a relatively normal looking (but still rediciously oversized) superstructure similar to the Ise class

Note the picture, from closest to furtherest are Yamashiro, Fuso and Haruna (Fuso class, Fuso class, Kongo class)

>> No.1242605
File: 119 KB, 740x610, 1220417379518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ironic

>> No.1242611

Wasn't Midway during when Yamamoto threw out every ship in the Navy because he could?

>> No.1242609
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>> No.1242625

More like he underestimated and under-utilized carriers and arrayed his ships in fucked up overcomplicated positions and his shit got wrecked.

Also what's with Japanese battleships looking like they played fucking Jenga with the superstructure? How could you ever need it to be so goddamn tall?

>> No.1242634
File: 72 KB, 740x600, 1220417784584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! US NAVY>Imperial Japanese Navy

>> No.1242648

This image perfectly defines why Japan could never win WWII, they could have won Midway and every other fucking engagement and sunk all the US carriers and BBs, yet there'd be 20 times more to replace them in 6 months.

>> No.1242652

No not everyship, there was 11 IJN capital ships at midway, 4 fleet carriers and 7 battleships/battlecruisers

Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu

Yamato (new flagship), Mutsu, Nagato

Haruna, Kirishima, Kongo, Hiei

The two Fuso and two Ise class battleships were in the Aleutian Support Force launching a diversionary attack else where so they weren't at midway, although it was a part of the overall operation

IJN actually had a 5th carrier at midway, the Hosho, but it was so tiny (21 planes, as opposed to 60ish for a fleet carrier) that it made no real impact.

>> No.1242654


Should've just listened to Genda and Fuchida.

>> No.1242666


They could've at least slowed it down if they had only launched that third wave at Pearl Harbor.

>> No.1242669

Yeah Japan had a fetish for those massive pagoda superstructures

Compensating I say

>> No.1242673

What were the two American planes name that fucked up the Zeros?

>> No.1242689



F4U Corsair and F6F Hellcat, if I understood your question right.

>> No.1242698

Oh Japan, quantity always prevails over quality, which is why the USA whipped your ass

>> No.1242699
File: 43 KB, 623x479, 1220418605428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah after Pearl Harbor FDR was all like "fuck this shit, CARRIER HAS ARRIVED!"

Next thing you know it was Essex class carriers EVERYWHERE

>> No.1242701

Which one has the famous shark teeth paintings at the front?

>> No.1242706

That's P-40

It's a land based fighter, it's not carrier based

>> No.1242711


Now you're opening up a whole new can of worms.

I think you're talking about the P-40 now, which is generally associated with the 'shark mouth'. However, I know of a few F6F that featured 'cat-mouths' which also had very sharp teeth.

>> No.1242726


Nah nah, the shark-face thing only look good on aircraft with inline engines, because the pointy noise looks like a shark

All American naval planes in WW2 use radial engine, which means a big gaping round hole on the front. Teeth would look shit on those.

>> No.1242736



>> No.1242743
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 1220419655000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it looks pretty awesome on the Hellcat. Then again it's a 'cat mouth'.

>> No.1242744


>> No.1242751
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>> No.1242754


Fuck, I lol'd

>> No.1242760
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You're trying too hard copycat

>> No.1242773
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Hay guise

>> No.1242802
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>> No.1242810


Post-WWII Corsair is Post and WWII...

F4U-5, correct?

>> No.1242822


Lu Bu was a faggot. He killed his adoptive father twice, the second time just because he was blinded by the pussy. Finally, he tries to steal Liu Bei's castle, only succeeding because Liu Bei is one of the few people who was an even bigger loser than Lu Bu was, and then his own men betray him to Cao Cao because he was up drinking all night and beating his own troops.


>> No.1242836

Yep. Couldn't find any F4U-4 pics I liked.

>> No.1242849


I like the F4U-1 more than the others. Unless it has a birdcage canopy. I fucking hate the birdcage canopy.

>> No.1242900

>because he was blinded by the pussy

I think it's called 'love'

>> No.1242925

In the novel, Lu Bu is pretty much a huge brute and Diao Chan is does not give a shit about him and is just manipulating him. Lu Bu has just met her a while before, and he considered her his concubine, she was just very, very beautiful. Not love, just a hormonal infatuation he was willing to kill/get himself killed over.

>> No.1242943

how ironic that most of what Starcraft has relates to things and events during World War 2

>> No.1242985

That's the novel writer's moral showing up in the story. If she really did stay with him afterwards all the way till his death, i don't think it's just infatuation.

Whenever he attempts any one person break out he always wrap Diaochan in a cloak and tie her to his back so she would get out with him if he succeed, that's pretty fucking GAR compared to people like Lu Bu, who abondons his wife and kids whenever he needs to run.

>> No.1243015

WW2? ever heard of sappers? Starcraft relates to war in general.

>> No.1243018

>compared to people like Lu Bu

people like Liu Bei I mean

>> No.1243027


Sun Shang Xiang wasn't worth it.

>> No.1243032


Don't blame Liu Bei. I'd much rather die for a hotty like Diao Chan than Sun Shang Xiang.

>> No.1243047
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>> No.1243056
File: 250 KB, 600x800, 1220423216020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 20 year old waifu who's been taking good care of your son?

Let's face it, Liu Bei is just a faggot

>> No.1243186

>A 20 year old waifu who's been trying to kidnap your heir?

Zhao Yun should've let her... Liu Chan was fucking inept! Even the RTK games agree by giving him single-digit stats.

>> No.1243209

Liu Chan was pretty inept, but the guy was his son. You're not suppose to abandon our own son and run for safety yourself

>> No.1243231

Liu Bei is no faggot. I'd rather suck Liu Bei's penis than feel the anal of Cao cao with my tongue.

>> No.1243237

Attention all cigarette smoking faggots:

although cigarettes are very cool, just know that each time you smoke a cig, you die a little each time. Also, you increase the risk of anal cancers.

>> No.1243289


Don't forget how he started blubbering when he was about to get executed so much so that his own chief general, right next to him on the chopping block, told him not to be such a pussy.

>> No.1243295


What? I thought Lu Bu was tricked, betrayed, and hanged.

>> No.1243307


Oh, maybe he was hanged. I just remember that he was being a big pussy right before he died, begging for his life and all. I mean, I'd do that, but coming from a guy like Lu Bu it's just pathetic.

>> No.1243319

I think that's perfectly human

>> No.1243323

Liu Bei is a little bitch who couldn't do shit except run away without Kongming. Cao Cao was a man's man, he fucking ruined some old ass warlord to avenge his father, was scheming 24/7, and wrote some bad ass poetry on the side. Being able to even come near Cao Cao's anus was the fucking wet dream of every other Chinese warlord.

Smoking doesn't make you cool. Smoking does make you look cool, though. But if you're on /jp/, you're not cool, not mater how much you smoke.

>> No.1243349

Yeah, but his two other subordinates, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were pretty ballsy about it and died silently (Gao Shun died, Cao Cao recruited Zhang Liao), they both even told Lu Bu that he was making everyone else in his army look like a bunch of pussies.

>> No.1243352


Sure, but Lu Bu constantly put up this tough guy front when he had the advantage. Once he loses it, he turns into a coward. Maybe that's perfectly human, but human doesn't always equal good or honorable.

>> No.1243388


I never took Lu Bu as a manly man or a symbol of righteousness. He was simply LU BU, like a force of nature. You don't pursue Lu Bu. Among men, Lu Bu, among horse, Red Hare. I can't imagine having that much notoriety and power and how he must have felt when it was all taken away and he was powerless and death was inevitable. It was probably the only time he honestly felt the fear of death -- I bet his supposed bravado and arrogance is actually how he really saw others since he was, in fact, the strongest man in China.

Hell, I liked Zhou Tai and Wu the best up until DW6, where Wu got fucked up bad. Zhou Tai no longer has a weeaboo giant katana and has a weird blade, and the only redeeming features for Wu now was Sun Shang Xiang's tier status as an overpowered archer and the two cool white haired guys. Shit, my friend is a Shu and Zhao Yun fag and I'm tempted to defect since they have Ma Chao has a sexy unhelmeted look and Guan Yu has a badass pirate thing going on that previously was reserved for Wu.

