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1240540 No.1240540 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1240542

Just memorize the damn pattern, you, you

>> No.1240544

Learn to graze more.

>> No.1240549

Because you suck balls

>> No.1240556


why is this game so difficult!?!

>> No.1240563

probably because you're on hard mode

>> No.1240569

Even in FUCKING EASY it's difficult to me

adn fucking Zun doesn't know how to draw Cats

>> No.1240573

>an fucking Zun doesn't know how to draw.

>> No.1240579


>> No.1240593

Because you don't play shumps, only follow touhou for the porn and are somehow surprised when you can’t play it very well. Touhou is very tame compared to most games in the genre, you unfortunately need to spend more time playing games and less time jerking to SDM orgies and wondering what fangs would feel like.

>> No.1240603

>jerking to SDM orgies and wondering what fangs would feel like

>> No.1240643

I don't follow Touhou for the porn, i do it for the music.

But, fuck... it's difficult to me, so what?
can't you teach me how to graze or something like that?

>> No.1240651


don't get hit by bullets.

>> No.1240661


>> No.1240663

Gah, stupid cat.

>> No.1240674

The bullets? They have hitboxes, too. They vary from shot to shot. You can't see them. Make sure your hitbox doesn't hit theirs.

>> No.1240690

This is true. Imperishable Night Hard mode says "Arcade Difficulty", but if you've played any modern arcade STGs you'll know that they are all Lunatic level or higher. Keep playing, NEVER CONTINUE, and you'll improve.

>> No.1240725

Don't see why everyone says SA is so hard. Seems pretty easy to me. Then again, maybe I'm getting a lot better.

>> No.1240757

The easiest way to get a high graze count is to stream correctly, when bullets are aimed directly at your loli you only need to move a little for it to sail past harmless. Streaming correctly is worth learning because erratic movements will send bullets everywhere and you’ll be squished against the side of the screen.

If you need to double back make a sharp movement in the direction your streaming, then come back on yourself – but this is rarely needed in touhou on easier difficulties(stage 4 PCB spell cards are the only thing I can draw to memory). ReimuA can also just loop around the screen to trivialise he process.

You don't need to graze in SA anyway, it's purely for score and isn't tied to extends.

>> No.1240763

MoF and SA are still the best games in the Touhou series.

>> No.1240766

You do not like the fighting games?

>> No.1240773

There are people who like the fighting games?

>> No.1240786

People exist?

>> No.1240788

I'm sorry, but you don't exist.

>> No.1240781

I like the fighting games.

>> No.1240792

I have a really fucking hard time with SA myself. I can finish the rest of the games on Normal, but I can't even get past Stage 5 on Easy in SA.

>> No.1240803

IN is the worst Touhou, because of Spellcard Practice. If spellcards can be practiced then spellcards must be practiced or the feature is wasted, and the way to demand practice is to require meticulous micro-memorization. I've got nothing against memorization for scoring, but if you're only playing for survival than you should be able to improvise. Extra Stage is especially bad, with cards like Fujiyama Volcano completely impossible unless you have an exact route planned in advance, and if you stray from that route even bombing won't save you.

>> No.1240812

I suck at STG's too, but I still play on Normal, and use my Continues, so there.

>> No.1240813

SA feels gimmicky

>> No.1240815


Read this before continuing again.

>> No.1240816

Stage 5 is easy if you know how to play it. I usually play Reimu A. Just always fly across the screen slowly. Then, use her special ability to teleport to the other side and repeat the whole thing. That's pretty much how you beat stage 5 without problems.

>> No.1240821

Hey I'm playing EoSD for half a year and only passed level 4 once.

>> No.1240834

What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.1240835

The Touhou games are intended to be played for score.

>> No.1240852

Having problems with MoF/SA?
Just play something with the Windows Media Player or other equally heavy program.
Run SA in windowed mode, then switch to fullscreen mode.

>> No.1240857

I don't know I'm playing on normal why do I sucks? ;___;

>> No.1240869

Play on Lunatic with one life, it helps you get better faster.

>> No.1240878

My computer is too awesome.

>> No.1240897

Try CPUkiller

>> No.1240901
File: 56 KB, 465x379, 1220395580066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh /jp/ thx to remind me...
ill go to play some iamp translated
thanks again

>> No.1240909

Go pirate a copy of CRYSYS then try running that while playing MoF/SA.

Guaranteed to play at 5 FPS!

>> No.1240970

I can't get past first level on easy mode ;_;

Can complete all the others in the series on normal-hard.

>> No.1240998

Seems to me that lunatic SA is easier than the lower difficulties once you get used to HOLY SHIT FAST.

Stage 6 boss keeps making me cry and alt-f4 though.

>> No.1241014

>Go buy a copy of STALKER: Clear Sky. Guaranteed to run at 5 FPS!

>> No.1241041

Long rant is long.

>> No.1241044

im 45% through it

>> No.1241157

Why are Reimu's eyes so fucking CREEPY?

>> No.1241174



>> No.1241175

Reimu, zombie, so yeah, etc.

>> No.1241176

Why do all Westerners suck so much at Touhou? Wait, I just answered my own question.

>> No.1241184
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1220399683365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1241217

korean/japanese Bloodlines...

>> No.1241237

because of ADHD

>> No.1241244


See >>1240815

>> No.1241340

to be honest with you that guy sounds like a total faggot. an arcade game fanboy bitching about console fanboys. awesome

>> No.1241366

> shumps

> shmups

>> No.1241375

i wonder, can zun beat his own games on their hardest settings?

>> No.1241384

If he actually playtested his own games, the Marisa B glitch in MoF would have been spotted immediately.
He probably can't beat them on normal.

>> No.1241407

when he's drunk

>> No.1241410

He's so good once he gets to full power, he stays there. You don't stay between 3 and 4 power for very long, and you won't notice glitched power against cannon fodder.

>> No.1241414

I missed that entirely until someone told me.e

>> No.1241427

The demonstrations in each game are ZUN playing. People didn't even know how to tackle stage 4 lunatic in MoF until they watched ZUN do it

>> No.1241430


So that's why he created EZ modo. He probably orchestrated iosys's downfall after they inadvertently made fun of him.

>> No.1241435

No, that was a simple mistake. He usually plays through the games as Marisa, and probably made her that strong so he could blaze through the game and spot any real glitches. When it came time to send it out, her forgot to reprogram Marisa.
