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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12394409 No.12394409 [Reply] [Original]

Namu amida butsu.

>> No.12394510

What role does religion play in the life of an otaku(Slang for obsessive person)?

>> No.12394515

basis for 2hu religion wars

>> No.12394527

a religion of post structural irony pervades otaku thought

>> No.12394616

Namu Myouhourenge-kyou!

>> No.12394629 [DELETED] 


>> No.12394634


>> No.12394650


none. unless you consider obsessive belief in the importance of a particular idea or object "religion," than everything.

>> No.12394665 [DELETED] 


>> No.12394672


>> No.12394678
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>> No.12394683

It is a metaphor to how people follow their fandoms in select sub sections such as a specific anime, idol etc. similar to how people follow religion and they fight each other based on what they think is the best. sorry if my words dont make complete sense

>> No.12394686


>> No.12394703

>Namu Amida Butsu
>Not Namo Amitabha

Get out, weeb.

>> No.12394994

>tfw parents are buddhists and I can tip my fedora without them hating on me

Why is buddhism the most based religion again?

>> No.12395003
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So I hear that the Pure Land sect is more popular than Zen in Japan because Zen is seen as being elitist.

>> No.12395007
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I like to think that Amitabha's domain is filled to the brim with bald dudes who shout nothing but this and that the poor buddha can't even get sleep anymore. Kind of like these votive statues from Middle East which you were supposed to put to your god's temple, not as an offering but to keep watch over the god and remind him to do you favors.

Imagine waking up one day and finding your temple covered with these things. All staring at you. Waiting.

>> No.12395010

Reminder that Haruism was a thing.

>> No.12395017

>Why is buddhism the most based religion again?

Because you don't fucking know anything about Buddhism?

Being generally non-theistic doesn't equate to being "the only good religion" as trendy white kid pop orientalist pseudo-Buddhists and know-nothing edgy Fedora tippers like to believe.

Buddhists are as susceptible to twisting their faith for bad reasons as everyone else, you idiot.

>> No.12395080
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Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo.

>> No.12395197

So Buddhism still condemn those who don't believe or strictly follow Buddhism to hell like other religion?

>> No.12395222

It probably happens in the niggerlands equivalent of Asia. There are buddhist priests who call for violence on musulmans in some places because they know their influence is declining. I don't care about the latter (or any religion for that matter) but it's worth noting.

>> No.12395227

No, you just get downgraded.

>> No.12395244

It's not, it's a watered down version of Hinduism and Jainism, plus some animism and shamanism to keep it interesting

>> No.12395315

You're already in hell by that belief. Buddhism is how you escape hell, so yes, you're condemned to hell in that sense.

>> No.12395322

Actually all Buddhism tells you is that life sucks and that existing is supposedly a bad thing.

If you're not convinced, not being enlightened is not that bad.

>> No.12395332

I think all otaku are nihilists

>> No.12395347

Nah, some are lolicon. Their reverence of youthfulness, icons and symbols of youth, and the near deification of young girls has got to qualify as a religion.

>> No.12395374

You must overcome nihilism to become an Übermensch. Once an otaku decides that what he does is the way to go, he is one.

>> No.12395591

I'm in favor of mysticism/occultism side, but not the philosophical side of religion.

I guess I'm a TRUchuuni.

>> No.12395620

Buddhism is in no way a water down version of Hinduism, it's in direct opposition to Hinduism. A core tenet of Hinduism is that everything has a defined rank and place in the cosmic order, Buddhism states that everything is equal until people begin to rank and define the world due to their obsessions. It borrows terms and concepts, but not to say anything remotely similar.

>> No.12395641

Freaking communism religion man.

Taoism is by far the most pro human religion since it encourages training for immortality.

>> No.12395652

Taoism and Buddhism are pretty much the same, only Buddhism was communicated through a language meant to understood by people used to the cosmic concepts of Hinduism. Take that away and you get Zen Buddhism, which is basically Taoism. The Taoist Immortal is the same as Buddha, he has removed his obsessions, he has stopped defining the world around him.

>> No.12395660

Different sects of taoism exist though, the popular form of taoism is chinese mysticism, which is not about harmony and peace and love shit but training yourself spiritually and physically to conquer evil, set right to wrong, and be actually immortal by breathing techniques or some shit.

>> No.12395667

Nietzsche's philosophy is like the epitome of ''b urself ;P" you know

I think otaku is actually more of a Last Man, completely opposite of the Ubermensch

>> No.12395669

Chinese mysticism plain misses the point. China's always been full of people trying to sell wares by calling it Taoist this and that.

>> No.12395674

Who cares, chinese mysticism is way more useful than taoism since it teaches people to strive forward and be strong instead of some harmony oh love bullshit.

>> No.12395724

You have a point. This is still an answer to nihilism though.

>> No.12395773

>The last man's primary appearance is in "Zarathustra's Prologue." After having unsuccessfully attempted to get the populace to accept the Übermensch as the goal of society, Zarathustra confronts them with a goal so disgusting that he assumes that it will revolt them.[1] The last man is the goal that Western civilization has apparently set for itself. The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, strong over weak, supreme over the mediocre, let alone political exploitation. Social conflict and challenges are minimized. Every individual lives equally and in harmony. There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas. Individuality and creativity are suppressed.

>The society of the last man would go against the theoretical Will-to-Power, the main driving force and ambition behind human nature; as well as all other thriving life, in the universe. Nietzsche said that the society of the last man would be too barren and decadent to support the growth of great individuals. The last man is possible only by mankind's having bred an apathetic creature who has no great passion or commitment, who is unable to dream, who merely earns his living and keeps warm. Alternatively, the last man would also be brought upon by a league of strong individuals; who somehow are coerced into corrupting their own power structure. The last men claim to have discovered happiness, but blink every time they say so.
Otaku, particularly NEETs, are not last men since they do not comform to society.

Being normie is more last man than otaku since otaku believes in something, their hobby, rather than pointlessly living for living sake.

>> No.12395798

Nah man, otaku are quite comfortably within the scope of the men.
>social conflict and challenges are minimized
Your parents nagging at you doesn't count as social conflict, otaku can't handle real social conflict at any level. Otaku aren't creative, they just gobble up shit others present them with. Otaku aren't individualistic, they find a place to belong like an anime club, an online community dedicated to a specific fandom etc., where they can be like others. The otaku has no great passion or commitment, they don't dream (they merely fantasize about stuff fed to them by pop media). Normalfags are of course also last men, but that doesn't imply that otaku aren't also.

>> No.12395807

>(Slang for obsessive person)

>> No.12395812

My counterpart:
Otaku can't handle social conflict, true, but they do not conform to them either, they say fuck the world, leave me alone.
Otaku are creative, just see the shit otaku comes up within pop culture.
Otaku are, particularly truNEETs, are very individualistic because they don't go anywhere but stay at home, arguing with people on the internet, whom they don't even know. If they are conformist, they wouldn't bother doing this but sucking up to other people in their comfort zone.
Otaku does a passion for their hobby and some might dedicate their lives to said hobby.

And how is fantasizing not dreaming? Shit's the same, you are always inspired by something.

>> No.12395843

>sits on his lazy ass lapping up pop media while avoiding anything frightening (such as anything that comes with a chance of failure)
>argues about unimportant shit with people he'll never meet
The latter does not negate the former. Saying "you're shit" or "no you" on 4chan doesn't amount to being non-conformist.

>> No.12395895

Now we're getting into opinion here, the non-conformist fights, the conformist conforms. That is the essence, whether the thing is "unimportant" or not doesn't matter..

>> No.12396012

>Otaku are creative, just see the shit otaku comes up within pop culture.

Coming up with something that is within pop culture is not what Nietzsche meant by creative d00d, it's more like "making a new culture". Also Pop culture is a culture of the herd, of the Last Men

>> No.12396020

Well then you have to argue there is such a thing as a "new culture" when everything "new" is built upon a solid foundation, not everything is bam, wham and just become to exist.

>> No.12396038

That's the point, make a thing firm enough but not built upon ``solid foundations'', the only solid foundation is you. Ubermensch is Nietszche's solution to this, that's why it is impossible to attain.

>> No.12396045

I believe you miss the point rather than Nietszche, after all, the concept is Over/Uberman, not Original man.

Over implies there is something to surpass, which implies there are foundations/things to compare again, an Original man might be original, but his originality does not necessarily mean he's "over" anything.

>> No.12396238


>> No.12396458


What happened?

And what was it like during its peak?

>> No.12396498

>So Buddhism still condemn those who don't believe or strictly follow Buddhism to hell like other religion?

First of all, the none of the major religions are so exclusivistic as to actually maintain that non-believers are automatically damned. Invincible ignorance and so on and so forth. Full-on exclusivism in a fringe thing, as in the case of the extreme traditionalist Catholics, whom the Vatican officially considers heretics.

And secondly, yes, hell is a Buddhist concept too (although not a universal one), and bad Buddhists will inevitably find themselves there. The thing about Buddhist/Hindu hell is that people will eventually reenter Samsara however, it's not permanent.

>> No.12396504

>white middle class buddhist

top lel

>> No.12396505
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>discussing Nietszche

>> No.12396511
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Posting memes

>> No.12396533

It would be awfully bigoted to maintain that people of any ethnicity aren't free to become Buddhists if they want, but there is something about Buddhism which is awfully appealing to trendy white kid pop-orientalist hipsters, who know fucking nothing about Buddhism.

Their type is easy to spot because they're always spouting bullshit like "Buddhists never use their religion to incite violence."

Because, yeah, China and Japan's warlord temples never existed apparently, and neither did Tibet's extremely oppressive Buddhist theocracy. And monks in SE Asia aren't leading riots against non-Buddhists right now either.

>> No.12396541


They're "may-mays" anon. You have to be ironic about it.

I'll bet you still say "lol" instead of "lel" too, don't you.

>> No.12396544
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Philosophy is just a way to rationalize your lifestyle, if you were secure in taking it easy you wouldn't need to look for justifications.

>> No.12396559

Nice philosophy

>> No.12396564


>> No.12396569

Just like not atheism is also a religion, right?

>> No.12396576

Taking it easy is a philosophy, friend.

>> No.12396578


>> No.12396580
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>Just like not atheism is also a religion, right?

>> No.12396586

Actually it's a lack of belief in an objective truth.

>> No.12396592

This is what I've always found as well. Why do you need philosophy to tell you that your way of living is the "correct" way to live, if it's what you enjoy? It's the difference between someone who actually takes it easy and someone from /r9k/ who is only here to complain about normies.

>> No.12396625

Uh, no.

Nice philosophizing right now.

>> No.12396639

They are just systems you can refer to when you want to avoid square one while discussing about advanced concepts. I doubt anyone thoroughly use any of those systems.

They are good to have a new perspective on things you may have overlooked too.

>> No.12396643

That would be just a cycle of things comparing themselves, being outside that cycle would be an act of surpassing itself.

>> No.12396686

>I doubt anyone thoroughly use any of those systems.

Never been to /lit/?

>> No.12396689

Nice circular logic kiddo

>> No.12396693

Well, they may exist (ore they may be hypocrites). But I doubt they are a significant portion of philosophy enthusiasts.

>> No.12396732
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there's nothing circular about it

atheism isn't a religion and you can't weasel out of being philosophical by "taking it easy" which is in itself a philosophy

also fun fact: some Hindus believe that the Buddha and Jesus are both incarnations of Vishnu

>> No.12396752

Lacking an interest in philosophy isn't a philosophy, just as lacking a belief in God isn't a belief, it's the lack of one. Fuck off retard.

>> No.12396758

It actually is a philosophy. Your philosophy of life is ignoring things and taking a slow, relaxing life. That comparison fails because these two concepts don't work the same way.

>> No.12396759

>Lacking an interest in philosophy isn't a philosophy

I never claimed otherwise. Having no interest in learning philosophy doesn't prevent people from philosophizing though.

>lacking a belief in God isn't a belief, it's the lack of one

it's both

>Fuck off retard.

try to contain your butthurt anon

>> No.12396764

Read a fucking dictionary.

>> No.12396778

Lack of belief is not a belief. You cannot lack a philosophy, however, since a philosophy is a sum of reasons for personal actions, i.e. a way of viewing the world which is the sum of your thoughts.

You can only lack a philosophy if you are brain dead, but only the brain dead would hold the opinion that lack of belief is a belief.

>> No.12396780

"I do not believe this belief" is a belief.

>> No.12396890

Lack of belief could only be if everything you believe are justified and true which would then be knowledge, but then again you cannot kno nuffin.

>> No.12396904


You're confusing denotation with connotation. If you have any more questions, I'll be around a bit more to answer.

>> No.12396912
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Something is a belief if you don't have proof of the contrary, meaning that one can have a belief of there not being a god, intelligent life on other planets, Gensokyo doesn't exist, and that gay homo love is perfectly normal.
