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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 600x497, Cirno_pond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12385419 No.12385419 [Reply] [Original]

When I grow up and have children in the future, I want to tell them about Touhou. But not directly, I don't want to indoctrinate them or force them to like it.
I will probably make the CD and game stories into children's books, or arrange some themesongs into musicbox versions. They don't have to like it though.

Will you let go of Touhou when you start a familiy, /jp/ ? Would you consider something like this, or something more extreme like name your kids after Toehoes? People don't actually do that right?

>> No.12385428

I don't want to start a family because I'm afraid I will beat and abuse them like my father.

>> No.12385441
File: 88 KB, 600x570, Rinnosuke_marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think like that, anon...
The person I love had the same kind of past, but we're not giving up. You shouldn't either, don't let your parents run the live you might have.

>> No.12385450

She's just lying for sympathy.

>> No.12385485
File: 80 KB, 1023x576, ohohoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12385500

Wasn't this ever proven fake?

>> No.12385532

>When I grow up and have children in the future

First of all, you are as grown up as you are going to be if you are on this site and secondly you are never having children if you are on this site.

>> No.12385564
File: 491 KB, 1200x879, 03d053ac1fe505f109d43bb7549cf713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already started a family, and feel no need to "let go" of Touhou. I still enjoy the fanart, music and the games. In fact, my child will gladly hold down Z and press X when asked, as I play the arrow keys, on any number of games.

In short: don't worry about your powerlevel but don't completely spaz out and you and your family will be just fine.

>> No.12385591

By fake you mean people checked the hospital records and discovered it was real?

>> No.12385597

You need a real woman to make a family and I don't think it's worth the trouble.

>> No.12385611

And don't take people posting stupid shit about themselves seriously, either. See these guys' original effort over at >>12380097

Just tune it out.

>> No.12385639
File: 1.92 MB, 1600x1091, Group118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
Relationships are messy. I don't want that.
I think I'm still a bit too young to think about starting a family, but I do like the thought of becoming a father some day. For now, I procrastinate the obvious conflict of interest.
I also don't think that I'll "abandon" Touhou any time soon. It feels like home to me, as does /jp/, for some odd reason.

>> No.12385647

Have any of you ever lived alone before? It's amazing. Why would anyone want to give that up? I never want to live with people ever again, family or no.

>> No.12385656

The birth certificate is a fake one someone made up when Obama was running to try and show he was born in Kenya. There's a generator out there where you can make your own.

>> No.12385664

>It's amazing
See you in 15years.

>> No.12385674

if I have the money I'll just pay for testosterone treatments when I hit manopause

>> No.12385706

I won't have familly nobody's gonna love me.

>> No.12385708

not with that attitude you won't

>> No.12385785

you could tell bed time stories about them maybe or something
you could just think about it and talk about touhou characters how you want
you could talk about the relationships of the touhous and talk about the battles and stuff or whatever

>> No.12386253

I don't expect to like Touhou forever.

Soon, I have to move on from weeb activities. I don't even plan to start a family, either.

>> No.12386274



What about you?

>> No.12386304

I really hope this is true

>> No.12386312



>> No.12386319

having sex sounds awkward and uncomfortable

>> No.12386326

I'd love you

>> No.12386342


No. You don't really.

>> No.12386347
File: 166 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking virgin neckbearded loser. Get a life, grow up you're pathetic. Where do you live? Tell me right now so I can go over and beat your ass then have a bunch of niggers rape you.

>> No.12386364

Epic post. But please refrain from posting ugly girls.

>> No.12386376

that is not how you make a person want to fuck, woman

>> No.12386406

This is the Otaku Culture board. Please post your pictures of cows on >>>/an/. Thanks

>> No.12386446

Usually when people talk shit, I just brush it off, but now, it's gone a little to far. Assclown, you talk as you know me but in reality you don't know shit about me. I'm guessing you've never been in a situation involving a real live thug that was born and raised in the ghetto/hood(me). Yes i've turned my life to good, but i will throw all that out the window if you continue to talk shit about me. I've killed a few people back in my banging days and Just remember next time before you open your mouth, you better be praying that i'm in a good mood, or else you'll be in for a rude awakening when the thug in me unleashes.

>> No.12386456
File: 29 KB, 294x300, 1368145468701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you measure manliness by whether someone can bang a woman or not?

I could be virgin and also lift, have a job and socialize, just without sex and think women as nothing more than different species of human.

>> No.12386461

>I could be virgin and also lift, have a job and socialize, just without sex and think women as nothing more than different species of human.

But you're not. Are you?

>> No.12386467
File: 710 KB, 1000x1031, 1333148516865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want a family one day but I need a 3D woman for that....

>> No.12386480
File: 29 KB, 559x367, 1313618667446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because women feel both threatened and offended when men do not want to actively go out and fuck women, as they lose their social dominance in such situations. The knee-jerk rebuttal is typically to try to insult the man by insinuating that his social status and/or masculinity are poor due to lack of sufficient association with women.

>> No.12386483
File: 11 KB, 320x320, 317873-warriors03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I socialize and my life is fine.

Your logic makes you looks like a dumbass controlled by opinions of society.

>> No.12386508


[citation needed]

>> No.12386509
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 65476578.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12386511


General question not just for you but seeing how it seems to be a theme in this thread:

>Why do you guys want to start family?

>> No.12386537

I'll never get the infatuation of holding non-virgin as high social status.

>> No.12386546


Not him, but I believe its not so much of non-virgins holding high social status BUT the notation that virgins hold low social status (especially in the eyes of women?)

>> No.12387435
File: 235 KB, 663x855, Reimu_traditional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing video games with your kids sounds cute...

I'm too young now as well, and I'd rather have a family a bit later than way too soon.
Relationships can be messy, yeah, but I think it mainly depends on your attitude and compatibility with that person. Don't give up.

Go and be mean in someone else's thread. Or at least post a cute girl instead, anon.

If you just dislike the idea of having a girlfriend, you could always opt for adoption. You're not sure what you'll end up with but you might be doing some other family a great favour. I don't have any experience with that though.

This isn't true for everyone, bud. I prefer guys who don't give you the feeling like they're in it for the lewds. Or just guys with a sense of self-control.

I'm not sure why. Actually, I lived with a young family in Japan for a few months and it was noisy as hell. I can't stand baby-cries, so I'm kind of anxious for the future. It's still kind of an future option to start a family, but some aspect of it seems nice. I don't know.

Me too, anon.

>> No.12388344


Wait you're a girl?

>> No.12388523

>we're all little girls

>> No.12388574

Maybe he's not serious, but I also don't want a family for reasons like that. growing up I discovered sadly that I inherited all the sociopatics traits of both my mother and father families- and not only, they manifest in a much more intense manner in me than in them. I thought for a long time my strange behavior was caused by my retarded parents and their immaturity in bringing up a child, but now that I've put the past away, I can tell it wasn't their fault. in fact they're the ones with a nonexistant willpower and personality, that got probably influenced by me not being able to keep up
its so depressing. sometimes I see families at the park, or I peek inside people's windows walking around, and I want a family for myself so fucking badly. but at the same time I feel acid rising up in my stomach thinking how I would eventually scar for life both wife and son with my batshit crap. I'm the sum of two atrociously cancerous bloodlines, and its bettet for everyone that they stop with me.

>> No.12388612


You know what, the simple fact that you recognize these things put you miles ahead of those who do not.

I used to be a family consultant and all I can tell you right now is that if you ever get in a relationship, tell your partner and offspring about this and how to recognize your triggers and how to put you at ease. Best wishes anon.

>> No.12388704

I was typing a long answer, but in the end I want to believe you. so thanks

>> No.12388748
File: 142 KB, 350x530, 23125745_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read them this book and Kaaragetarou's picture books

>> No.12389212

>Touhou Children's Books

Brilliant, simply brilliant. It will make Touhou outlast Kancolle by being cross-generational!

>> No.12389338
File: 135 KB, 800x1118, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already did long before Kancolle came.

There's even some horror.

>> No.12389359

You're implying I'm going to have a family in the first place.

>> No.12389372
File: 152 KB, 558x600, Alice_forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I am. You might have, who knows.
Do you prefer being alone?

>> No.12389572

If you're so lonely what the FUCK are you doing on /jp/ you fucking LOSER.

>> No.12390130


Anon please stop.

I can't handle these feels.

>> No.12390146
File: 295 KB, 1000x800, 36596408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer being with you jp.

>> No.12390474


>> No.12390495

I will never tell a soul that I even know what touhou is, much less my children, wife or family. You have to be a a seriously degenerate and extroverted person to tell other people about your hobbies

>> No.12390515


Sharing is caring.

>> No.12390785

I told a friend once and we became Toubros.

>> No.12390907


Whats that like?

>> No.12390996

Like cigarette

>> No.12390999



>> No.12391035

This was made by an obvious publicly-accessible online generator. The anon wasn't even trying, really

>> No.12391065

>publicly-accessible online generator.

link then

>> No.12391233

You suck them and they slowly kill you.

>> No.12391238

Me too. There needs to be a service to put down those who didn't have good parenting so that they don't harm society.

>> No.12391246

I didn't really mean this but you can kind of get the idea of the self-loathing torment that goes on in my soul every day.

>> No.12391257 [DELETED] 


wow so edgy

>> No.12391301

It was meant to be gay.

>> No.12391326

It's all in your head, anon.

>> No.12391467

I'm not starting a family, faggot. Don't assume such bullshit or I will kill you, fucker!
