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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.82 MB, 1262x794, fuji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12367014 No.12367014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /jp/, is Fuji going to go off?


>> No.12367017


I seen various sources saying that for the last few years with the 2011 earthquake generating the most attention to this.

Seems we should know by 2015 if its true or not....

>> No.12367038

Payback time for Pearl Harbour.
Karma is a bitch, you slanty eyed zipperheads.

>> No.12367053

i hope to be at ground zero and get wiped out by something like this.

>> No.12367064

Try again.

>> No.12367111


This is how you enter Gensokyo.

>> No.12367252

>The term ground zero (sometimes also known as surface zero[1] as distinguished from zero point)[2] describes the point on the Earth's surface closest to a detonation.[3] In the case of an explosion above the ground, ground zero refers to the point on the ground directly below the detonation (see hypocenter).

So Gensokyo is filled with arabs?

>> No.12367260

Sure, why not

>> No.12367294

Irrelevant colonial scum should shut up.

>> No.12367313
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Still more relevant than you will ever be

>> No.12367350


Detonation of a sacred volcano not a man made explosive device.

>> No.12367354

Volcanoes don't detonate.

>> No.12367363
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_Yama_no_Susume_Second_Season_-_01_(1280x720_Hi10P_AAC)_[3A784C41].mkv_snapshot_09.06_[2014.08.12_20.46.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared

>> No.12367417
File: 304 KB, 2036x1140, etnatrip4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can be explosive eruptions when pressure builds up due to gas dissolved in the magma.

I was at Etna last week and the side of the mountain blew up, sounded like a shell going off. Pic related.

Imagine what would happen if the magma chamber of Fuji vented after being capped for 300 years?

>> No.12367420

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.12367437

That's like saying your money doesn't whore because she accepts goods an services instead of money

>> No.12367449

Pretty sure anything where the shock is supersonic is a detonation.

But this is a topic for /sci/. All I want to know is whether it will stop the Japs from making my crap.

>> No.12367452
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Probably not.

>> No.12367461


You sure about that?


>> No.12367478 [DELETED] 

>being the dog of the jews
good goyim

>> No.12367482

CTRL+F "detonat"
1 result
"roughly four times as powerful as the Tsar Bomba (the most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever detonated)"

>> No.12367482,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully it goes off during the Olympics and buries it, thus sparing us this shitty spectacle ever again.

>> No.12367599

See >>12367449

>Big ass stratovolcano
>Magma chamber at 16 times the eruptive pressure
>Within 70 miles of the largest metropolitan area of Earth

Eh, it's probably fine.

>> No.12367620 [DELETED] 

>deleting the truth
JIDF please

>> No.12367620,1 [INTERNAL] 

If Fuji erupts, /jp/ will be flooded with shit like in 2011. And I honestly don't know if I should fear or await that day.

>> No.12367813

Only 300 years? It'll be fine for a few hundred more especially considering the size of Mt. Fuji

>> No.12367816

This is still just another one of those 'disasters' where nothing will really happen.

>> No.12367823


>> No.12367823,1 [INTERNAL] 


I sure hope some washed up musician dies so we can get a sticky about it.

>> No.12367874
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>> No.12367905
File: 50 KB, 960x594, 10271577_4629873442414_8482526412499509715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some nips I know climbing fuji on August 1st

>> No.12367913
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>> No.12367923 [DELETED] 


>> No.12367930
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>> No.12367949
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>> No.12368359

Every time.

>> No.12368445

what the hell guys, somebody copy/pastes wikipedia and you all autism over it.

>The point [...] at which an atomic or nuclear bomb detonates
>(by extension) The location of any disaster

the next fucking sentence on wikipedia:
>The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs, but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction.


>> No.12368454

fuji has been 'imminent' for decades

>> No.12368454,1 [INTERNAL] 

nobump is not a downvote.

>> No.12369228

>Imagine what would happen if the magma chamber of Fuji vented after being capped for 300 years?

Sorta like what happens when males don't ejaculate after 3 years?

>> No.12369232

I am going up there for military training in a few days. Hopefully it erupts so I can save lots of Japanese people and possibly die a dramatic death.

>> No.12369235


citation needed

>> No.12369239

r u a muhreen?

>> No.12369241

Hmm, I wonder what the fengshui masters say about this.

Omen for war, or anything?

>> No.12369271


I'd rather see a 9.0 quake in Seattle cause Mt. Rainier to pop its top. Rainier has much more potential for a spectacular lahar wiping out town after town as it roars toward southern Puget Sound, followed by a massive vertical eruption, covering the already quake devastated Seattle metro area with many feet of ash.

It is one of the Decade volcanoes after all, Fuji is not.

>> No.12369279

/jp/ - Volcano Culture

>> No.12369284


>> No.12369287


Suck my volcano, dude.

>> No.12369293 [DELETED] 

Fucking weebs trying to force their stupid Japan shit.

>> No.12369317

when you are in place, please confirm the rumors whether or not muhreen sell their issued firearms to the yakuza/japs for a fee

>> No.12369326


This is a Canadian/Australian/UK false flag if I've ever seen one.

Also, "zipperheads"? I've never heard that in my life.

>> No.12369340 [DELETED] 

Are you like 10 years old, how the fuck haven't you heard that term before?

>> No.12369344

It's not possible. You are accountable for your rifle 24 hours a day unless it's the armory, or a temporary armory (a gear watch).

I suppose you could abandon your unit and take your rifle with you in attempt to sell it, but that is an international crime, and they will send NCIS after you to recover the rifle and haul you to the brig, probably for at least 15 years.

>> No.12369349

What happen if you lose your issued rifle for a valid reason?

Every systems have a loophole, especially when money can be made.

>> No.12369374

I can think of a handful of valid reasons to lose a rifle, the most obvious one being killed.

Even if your rifle is blown apart in an IED blast, you are still responsible for bringing it back to the armory to verify that it has been destroyed beyond repair.

If you were on a ship that happened to sink, along with your rifle, you would probably not be responsible.

You're overestimating how much a select fire M16A4/M4 actual is though. There are many more easily concealable firearms that would be more desirable for mobsters. The effort to acquire a service rifle wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.12369384

Boating accident eh?

In Okinawa.

More likely than you think.

And if they can't get a M16, they can get a M9, huge ass pistols but a gun is still better than no gun.

>> No.12369392

Sorry, great-grandpa, I've never fought in the Korean war.

>> No.12369393

You watch too many movies. You are not allowed to take your rifle out of the armory without a reason. Simply because you want it is not a reason.

You're trying too hard to find a loophole when there isn't one. If you're genuinely curious about this, you should probably migrate to undernet/onion, because I really don't want to discuss this any further.

>> No.12369398

Okay, man, never mind then.

Just saying boating accident IS a legit way to make a firearm disappear.

>> No.12369761

I'm always amazed at just how big Tokyo is.

>> No.12369765


Thats because its not a city its a "metropolis" of like hundreds of other cities combined.

>> No.12369839

Can anyone point me to the "Otaku Culture" in this thread?

Guess I should email moot and ask for a new board. Japan Fearmongering/Tabloid.

>> No.12370055

Illegal gun trading is pretty otaku culture.

>> No.12370649

Japanese economy will be saved with all the sakuradite that is contained in this.

The whole point of this thread is: "will the nips stop making nukige for me?"

It can be applied to:
- Chinese/korean being angry chinese/korean with missiles, will they bomb Comiket?
- Japanese can't make babies, will 60+ years old in 2048 buy so much hentai featuring gramps that we will only get that shit?
- Will a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Tokyo destroy all our beloved Virtual On cabs that we dream to buy one day?

And so on...

>> No.12370652

I wonder if muhreen trade their guns for nukige.

>> No.12371538
File: 210 KB, 600x390, justkilltomoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that middle one. Probably the most likely, too.

>> No.12371889


or you could look up the design documents for a sten submachine gun, which is made out of stamped metal parts and can be built with minimal tooling in your fucking basement and/or kitchen table WOOP WOOP
