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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12337969 No.12337969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the mood for a /jp/ feels thread.

>> No.12337971 [DELETED] 

I am in the mood to report you.

>> No.12337972
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I'm so lonely.

>> No.12337973

that feel when /jp/ is shit

>> No.12337973,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck gigs just got owned

>> No.12337979
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SMT > Persona

>> No.12337980

Hi sugu

>> No.12337981

It's win, bitch.

>> No.12337982

tfw no fat gf

>> No.12337983
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that feel when no money and gotta live off chicken and rice til next check

>> No.12337992

feel when fucked up my shoulder somehow and can't go to the doctor

>> No.12338015

>no cute /jp/sie whose cock to suck

>> No.12338018

I'm quoting those words forming in my brain.

>> No.12338038

BAAAWWWWW ;___; Let me cry a river for you

>> No.12338048
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Skypekit is no longer functional, so any third party programs that could log into Skype no longer can.
I am not going to install Skype, it's far too invasive and bullies me like a girl.
Good bye skype friends.

>> No.12338055

At least you had friends.

>> No.12338058

that /jp/ when no Otaku Culture to snuggle or hold hands with and wear cute skirts and orally stimulate their penis or vulva.

I'll never feel the warmth of someone's shuddering belly on my forehead. ;_;

>> No.12338060

Show us your mouth

>> No.12338061

not him, but do you mean the inside or just the lips? the inside would be too dark (and wet and warm) to see anything (and would probably feel really nice).

>> No.12338067

Lips. You want to show us your lips too poof?

>> No.12338072

Tfw shitty /a/ mod forces shit generals full of Gaia posters he doesn't want on us yet religiously clears the threads instead of letting us self moderate and chase them away.

>> No.12338074

/jp/ was given ample chances to self-moderate and finally failed for the last time

>> No.12338075

don't use words like that, please bully me with your penis, faggot.

>> No.12338079

Any community that gets its laughs, right?

>> No.12338081 [DELETED] 

I deleted that post and I will delete this one.

Check your privilege, Warosu

>> No.12338086

Show us your lips baby

>> No.12338081,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12338088

>feelio when pubes are longer than your dick

How do you guys shave? Tips/tricks/advice?

>> No.12338090

that feel when the girl you gave counter strike global offensive to was playing it this afternoon by herself
that feel when you haven't spoken to her in 8 months

>> No.12338097 [DELETED] 

Ruh oh! Someone is gonna have to buy a girl some flowers and a nice dinner! Oh boy, I wouldn't want to be in this fellows seat right now.

>> No.12338101

Electric depilator. Have fun.

>> No.12338110


just trim and, if you're inclined, you can use wax/depilatory/pluck/epilate the pelvic and inner thigh, but shaving right up against the skin anywhere near your genitals just causes the worst itch.

I'd urge you to just buy a nice pair of entirely stainless steel scissors. they're hella easy to clean (and disinfect if you're worried about bacteria) and they're very sharp.

>> No.12338112

she's probably not even a girl.

>> No.12338113

>and they're very sharp.
sounds dangerous.
I just use safety scissors to cut my pubes.

>> No.12338121

But I'm a boy!

Maybe if you're so uncoordinated you can't operate scissors I suppose that'd be a good idea. Once they wear out a bit though, you'd be pretty much ripping your pubes rather than cutting.

>> No.12338124

Yes my boy, baby

>> No.12338125

Sharper tools are better. Assuming you're careful and know what you're doing, sharper tools are actually safer. I cut myself less with sharper razors when shaving and people are hurt less when using sharper knives in the kitchen. Sharper is better, if you're careful.

>> No.12338132

Can I shave my inner thigh instead?

>> No.12338139

Sure. You can shave just about any part of your body should you want to. However, it is just as the other anon said. Shaving can lead to irritation but it will subside eventually. Ultimately, it's your decision. I personally don't shave any part of my body except my face. It's irritating, time consuming, and sharp objects near my genitals freaks me out, but do it if you want. The decision lies solely with you, dear anon.

>> No.12338147

When I mentioned the inner thigh area, I mean that area where your sack starts to connect with your upper/inner leg, still kind of the groin I think.

I'm just advising against getting a very close shave - a razor with two blades doesn't tend to cut as close as those with more, so maybe start with something like that and if you want it smoother later you can use a different razor.

I guess you can shave the whole lot or whatever, give it a go and see how it turns out for you. In my experience, it's just too itchy, so I trim instead; it might be different for you.

>> No.12338152

But barbers use a single blade and it gets close as hell.

>> No.12338157

I know her in real life but I don't know if she is not a drop

>> No.12338165

He was referring to disposable razors. You're thinking of a straight of cut-throat razor. They're a completely different type and require a lot more maintenance and skill to use, but are generally considered to provide the closest shave. However, they are very tricky to use and are sharp as all hell, so don't go and buy one for shaving your pubes.

>> No.12338166

A drop? Why would you even buy a succubi something?

>> No.12338169

i'm talking disposable safety razors/cartridge blades dude, a straight razor is completely different.

>> No.12338173

>I personally don't shave any part of my body except my face. It's irritating, time consuming, and sharp objects near my genitals freaks me out
That's why I use an electric depilator. It can pluck up to 80K hairs a minute and it will take a long time before they come back.

>> No.12338189

>80k hairs a minute
Nigger you got like 3 mustache hairs and 2 sideburns ones.

>> No.12338195

Agreed. Have cut my fingers way too many times trying to cut with dull knives. With a nice sharp knife, I can do all sorts of cool things I only dreamed about with my dull knife. It really does make a difference.

If you really want to shave, then do it right. A nice sharp double-edged razor always has worked best for me, coupled with nice warm shaving cream. You'll want to shave after a hot shower, and remember to get the shaving cream between the hairs. One of the purposes of shaving cream is to also hold the hair up, not just to provide lubrication for the razor. Keep that in mind. If you're concerned about irritation and/or ingrown hairs, don't shave against the direction of growth. Shave with and across the direction the hair grows. Then when you're finished remember to rinse with cold water and put some kind of moisturizer on the shaved area.

Personally, I also have a seperate shaving brush for applying shaving cream to my balls. It's too weird to use one brush for everything. Warm shaving cream being brushed on feels really good.

>> No.12338198

I meant to say trap, I don't know why I typed 'drop'

>> No.12338199

so in theory he could epilate everything in less than 4 milliseconds, right?

>> No.12338201

I could just never be bothered shaving my body. People see my face, head and clothes, which is why I take pride in the appearance of said parts. No one sees my body besides me and I don't much care about it. Seems like a lot of effort for something so minor. I don't really get why people do it.

>> No.12338203

you've never experienced the pleasure of rubbing cum all over your smooth belly.

>> No.12338206

Your own cum or someone else's?

>> No.12338207

Oh a tranny gross. Good riddance bro

>> No.12338207,1 [INTERNAL] 

>With a nice sharp knife, I can do all sorts of cool things I only dreamed about with my dull knife.
slit your throat faggot

>> No.12338207,2 [INTERNAL] 

That's really mean.

>> No.12338215
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i have to do my budgets tonight but ive managed $3 a day for 4 months. Its not hard if you know what youre doing, and you can eat fairly well if you get the right meals.

>tfw outcast at work
>ftw no social skills
>tfw youre becoming an alcoholic
>tfw partner left you
>tfw in debt on car thats broken down.

Ive tried to kill myself 4 times but i, i just dont have the force of will. I end up reduced to a crying in the fetal position. I guilt myself into staying alive.

>> No.12338216

Sound like your instinct/body is keeping yourself alive better than your will.

>> No.12338224

I really want to buy both an epilator and an onahole, mainly because I hate beards, shaving, and masturbating into socks.

>> No.12338226

>With a nice sharp knife, I can do all sorts of cool things I only dreamed about with my dull knife.
slit your throat faggot

>> No.12338227

My nigga, smooth sex in silicon things is where it's at.

>> No.12338228

I>Ive tried to kill myself 4 times but i, i just dont have the force of will. I end up reduced to a crying in the fetal position. I guilt myself into staying alive.
Boy, do I know how that feels. I've felt depressed for so long and I don't know why. I'm intelligent, I get on with people, I have a loving family and good friends, I'm decent looking and I also have a fairly bright future. Despite this, I still hate myself. I just feel rotten inside and guilty over the fact that I have nothing to cry about. It just keeps snowballing up inside and I feel so guilty when there are people like you, dear anon, who actually have problems in their life. I wish I could help people like you but I just sit here, feeling useless. It hurts inside and I don't know why.

>> No.12338228,1 [INTERNAL] 

thanks lol

>> No.12338228,2 [INTERNAL] 

No, thank you. I thunk someone would've posted it
