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1232570 No.1232570 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the governments in Planetarian built any contingency options before nuking each other?
I want to believe anon

Pic related

>> No.1232658

Nope. They are all done for.

>> No.1232666

Their plan was to spend people to outer space, it failed, and they nuked eachother.

>> No.1232667

Probably something retarded like putting teenagers in cryosleep for a couple ten thousand years so they can wake up and repopulate the earth because teenagers are really good at fucking.

>> No.1232671

If it works, it's not retarded

>> No.1232673

>teenagers are really good at fucking.
For real?

Any more info?

>> No.1232675


>> No.1232688

Perfect eroge plot.

>> No.1232696
File: 148 KB, 1159x849, 1220263470045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that?

>> No.1232797

There must be an eroge like that

>> No.1232806

fund it, etc.

in b4 we start typing out the plot but someone ruins the idea because they suck at writing

>> No.1232807


>> No.1232816

Just have it be like that, but with sex.

>> No.1232818

Evangelion ReTake
go read it now it's really good

>> No.1232903

I actually thought over how a story like that could be made before and this is what I came up with:

Mankind is hit by an extremely infectious and 100% lethal virus, everyone’s infected and in a matter of year or so everyone would be dead.

You the protagonist have Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome and have been living in a sterile environment (read, a bubble) since birth. You and a handful of others like you are the only non-infected people in the world.

The story begins when all this people including your parents suddenly come to visit you one day, put you in a space suit and show you this similarly dressed loli. Everyone is trying to do their best despite their crippling illness to make the two of you comfortable but it only makes you to nervous. One day the two of you decided to sneak out of a compound and you see in the distance countless people dismantling buildings in the city and building a spaceship out of the material, some of them falling over dead in the process.

The two of you realize what’s going on, suddenly feel connected by a common purpose. Bawwwwww ensures as the two of you are ushered into the ship. Ship takes off, cyro-sleep for a few thousand years in orbit, ships lands and two of you inherits the world.

Not quite sure where the ero-scene would be but I guess we could work it in somehow.

>> No.1232967


Would require serious suspension of disbelief in order to justify the survival of the immunity defiency people over the distances, times and energies required in the traversal versus the technology required to bio-engineer a retrovirus or cure them.

As much as I love Boichi's Hotel, Charles Stross elaborates the impossibility of space travel rather well in this essay:

A better version that would suspend the immense retardation of your plot, would be just have the two persons be the only survivors due to having lived in the bubbles. Have them somehow be cured of the defiency and reinstate earth itself after the disease has eradictated humanity and died to starvation itself.

Also, people assembling a spaceship is just fucking stupid and in itself counterproductive to the success rate of the mission - even more so with timescales presented by you. You'd have to a bit into singularity and have machines construct it, perhaps a friendly AI.

How about freezing the protagonist and the loli and having them be woken in an orbital colony by the AI that has finally folding@home'd the cure to ID and the virus, then return them to earth as per instructions left by the people that chose to froze the last healthy remenants of the human race.

Which of course in itself would be retarded, since the AI could have folding@home'd the cure for sick people too, so they could have frozen themselves and ensured better potential gene pool than inherently disabled people immune-system wise.

>> No.1233000

post-apocalyptic is just too much of a downer setting for sex

>> No.1233006

You're a faggot.

>> No.1233008
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Swan Song is pretty cool.

>> No.1233010
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There's just one problem.

>> No.1233018

Benn playing Pandemic 2 recently?
Start the disease in Madagascar. Problem solved

>> No.1233020

>>1232967 Would require serious suspension of disbelief in order to justify the survival of the immunity defiency people over the distances, times and energies required in the traversal

Ah, sorry, actually, correcting myself, you weren't suggesting anything as retarded as interplanetary travel. The first post was Hotel, so I automatically assumed that.

But returning to planetarian, anyone else who immensely liked the portrayal of Reverie? 'She' seemed like a genuine, incomplete AI that only had a rudimentary understanding of anything - speaking like a broken record, until the end of the world (or at least as long as she segfaults).

AI representations in fiction that are not singularity-oriented (see: Iain Banks) tend to be poorly portrayed, mostly to humorous effect. Planetarian might be the only story wherein I've seen an incomplete 'broken' intelligence. Even if Reverie was just aimed to be moe, at least she felt plausible assuming you could swallow it.

Feel free to point me somethign else in a similar vein though. Anonymous would appreciate.

>> No.1233043

What are some apocalypse/post visual novels?

>> No.1233048

Even so, Reverie is amazing from an engineering perspective. As far as I'm concerned she's self-aware and can adapt to problems not encountered before. That's actually the most difficult part, the whole "rudimentary understanding of anything" is actually not a very large problem - suppose we get our hands on her, all we need to do is increase her harddrive, fill up that space with alot of knowledge about society, her history and upgrade her CPU and she'll be as smart as any person.

A real primative AI we might see in the future would probably have heaps of useful information stored, be very fast in searching up that information and thus be able to answer alot of simple questions from the user, beat everyone on the planet in chess but it will still be dumbfounded if you ask a question like "how are you feeling?"

But then I guess that doesn't make very interesting stories

>> No.1233079


The best part about Planetarian was that Reverie actually responded very poorly to new information and new situations and failed to produce meaningful actions when existing protocols and programming did not fit the mandates that already existed in her memory. She clearly possessed a subhuman level of reasoning and adaptation ability.

And THAT is what made Planetarian great. I cannot sufficiently underline this, but nowhere else have I seen as good a portrayal of an AI/robot.

>> No.1233085

>>1233048 [A real primative AI]

Very true, but as you said, it wouldn't make very interesting stories. We have chess-playing AIs already, and they do beat everyone on this planet easily. That's not the issue.

Let's assume that we actually want to create an intelligence that rivals or simulates our own, that is, it isn't a bunch of search algorithms slapped together and told to solve non-NP problems in finite time.

It's pretty far-fetched to assume anyone can single-handedly program the intelligence and slap on rules on top of rules until they create a coherent enough structure that the result can start modifying itself and still end up in states wherein it doesn't accidentally make itself dumber or loop forever. It's impossible for a program to analyze it's own behaviour, a direct result of a real information theory issue called a stopping problem. Wikipedia gives some hints of this, it of course doesn't rule out analysis altogether, but it tells us that a program cannot perfectly simulate itself and 'understand' it:

>> No.1233088

Continuing from >>1233085

So if we wanted an intelligence, we'd have to go with copying whatever we can. Assume we built a network that simulates the human brain (note: this is not a 'neural net' as information teory describes it, consider it as an artificial clone of the human brain). The number of neurons and their connections within human brain is easily simulateable by a computer, as their number is by no means unreachable by current computer technology. The massive out-of-order parallerism is (for now), but we could simulate it just by running the emulation process really, really fast.

While we have no ability to program in the responses generated by our DNA or the like, we could plug in some rudimentary mechanisms and hope for the best. Start with a really simple mechanism that works, introduce random chance and 'natural' selection, then leave it running for millions of generations while rewarding the result of successful decisions with being considered the basis for copying and random mutation. Then wait.

Of course, if that thing worked (which it probably would not, in ways that actual information theorists could explain much better than I), there'd be no real reason why it wouldn't produce an itelligence that rivals or exceeds human equivalent assuming it could run the evolution loop indefinitely and we could determine a good enough heuristic to achieve the desired result.

But even so, this kind of thinking makes - as childlike and unrealistic as it is - an AI like Reverie much more plausible than a chess supercomputer capable of making real-life decisions would be. Strap in humanity that nukes itself and it's progress before they could reach a singularity, and Reverie is just one of the cornerstones of what could eventually have saved the human race if we didn't fuck it up.

Which is why I consider Planetarian all the more awesome.

>> No.1233105
File: 520 KB, 500x500, 1220272390617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute? uynuu~

>> No.1233143

Back on topic

for the Planetarian situation it doesn't seem too bad, certain not runaway greenhouse effect bad like Hotel. So they have a corrosive posion rain. But rain needs solar energy to drive continous, and a global raincloud cover is getting close to nuclear winter that they should be losing heat from the atmosphere. Whatever process that's driving The Rain will eventually run out of steam and The Rain will stop.

>> No.1233156


Alternately, the Earth could turn into Venus II. The sun is still shining, it's only a matter of how much energy is absorbed versus how much is radiated by the clouds. The rain might stop, but only because the entire planet has become so hot that water boils everywhere.

>> No.1233162

I think one of the drama CDs does say it eventually stops.

>> No.1233166

But clouds are white and therefore high albedo, it would reflect solar energy away.
