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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 206x191, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12320440 No.12320440 [Reply] [Original]

Whats it take to get a Nakata general going around here?

>> No.12320469

is he gay. he's always drinking when he has fun.

>> No.12320511

kimochi warui

>> No.12320514

those teeth

>> No.12320544
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 15695_kyary-with-capsule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i guess since the perfume thread is still going, we talk about KPP and capsule?

hey uh KPP's good
capsule's good too


please remember to use a less putrid fucking disgusting pic when the next nakata thread starts, thank you!!!

>> No.12320591

what even is capsule at this point with toshiko being relegated to chopped vocals on two fucking songs

>> No.12320686

According to my valid sources Wikipedia , she hasn't even done any interviews since Caps Lock came out. Feels like Capsule's gonna become a solo project one of these days.

And if Toshiko walks out and Nakata keeps heading in the "avante garde ambience" (a.k.a shit) direction, then I'm probably gonna' drop Capsule.

>> No.12320902
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>> No.12321109

a fucking dentist

>> No.12321116

she's also on 12345678 and SPACE, so, 4/8 CAPS LOCK tracks

>> No.12321199
File: 87 KB, 467x700, 94fc7a94-c010-45b7-8cf4-290babec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12321583

she looks funny (nakata does too) in their early album inserts

>> No.12321748

Is that a boy or a really ugly gril

>> No.12321756


"He likes girls"

>> No.12321993

a really ugly boy

>> No.12321996


yea, she looks pretty good nowadays. it almost (almost) makes me forget about how scary she looked back in the day


>> No.12323388

Has anyone met him? I saw him in Tokyo but as soon as i spoke English he ran away.

>> No.12323395
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I have a sudden mental image of Nakata doing some sick parkour to run away from the filthy gaijin trying to approach him.

>> No.12323403
File: 52 KB, 419x248, 1407092237639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12323495


>> No.12323595

I seriously hope nakata has broken kyary in because when I get to japan I don't want to have troubles not being able to fit it in her. If you guys understand what I'm trying to say here.

>> No.12323598

as in I want my huge western D to be able to fit inside her.

>> No.12323876
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, 1f3a79e5-430c-4070-ace5-43dda562c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man who can pull off any outfit

>> No.12323960
File: 94 KB, 600x800, nakata_telling_kyary_about_all_the_things_hes_going_to_do_to_her_cunt_when_they_finish_performing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12324673
File: 833 KB, 250x250, 1371000543631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time until Nakata starts using trap elements in his works?

He was pretty late to the dubstep party

>> No.12328557

HA! you wish mutherfucker.
Nakata looks like waifu material here

>> No.12328573

BTW, Kyary HAS a boyfriend.
But still; HA YOU WISH!

>> No.12328580

>Kyary HAS a boyfriend.

>> No.12328678

I'm glad Nakata is choosing to go back to Shibuya-kei's proper roots instead of all the electropop/french bossa nova shit. CAPS LOCK was probably one of the best albums I've heard in a long while, Minekawa is supposedly making a return too.

>> No.12329008
File: 41 KB, 468x624, satoshi fukase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat. I can't even imagine that happening, Nakata is like 30+.
Her BF is actually this punk from a shitty band called Sekai no Owari.

>> No.12329018
File: 520 KB, 493x409, kyary-satoshi-lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp

>> No.12329927
File: 146 KB, 313x294, superhotchickstemplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy is plowing Kyary

>> No.12329983

Does that make you gay? Oh shit no I've been living a lie.

>> No.12330057

Aren't these photos super old?

>> No.12330062


>> No.12330063

What makes you think so?
Like how old?

>> No.12330073

I follow a Kyary fan blog on Tumblr and I thought I had seen that photo on there saying it was an ex from years ago.

>> No.12330940

Isn't it the guy that played in Shirashi's Cult movie?

>> No.12331380

i kinda just figured every young female jpop artist was forbidden from having boyfriends like all those idol group members have to to make them more desirable to fat fag fans like me ;_;

if shes going out with him now then i am very upset!

>> No.12332490

does Nakata have Assburgers Disease?

>> No.12332514

She was a JI as well so some old guy probably broke her in years ago

>> No.12332533

why do japanese people take these types of photos?
those eyes are fuckin creepy
i've seen some way weirder ones on interpals though

>> No.12332543

Because her gimmick is lol so randum and goofy

>> No.12335110
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 7858c061-383f-48a2-95ad-6096bafdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad as well. CAPS LOCK is a good album.

>> No.12335254

Thry have a thing for full round eyes
Kind of like your American women have a thing for brown leather-like skin and bleached hair

>> No.12335282

he's a monster!

>> No.12335769
File: 63 KB, 475x566, oh lawdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12338963

So, did pika pika fantajin flop at the end? Sadly, as much as i like kyary she doesn't have the staying power such as perfume, i don't see her lasting long...

>> No.12338974

Charted at 1 during the first week, 7 for the month.
It's doing well.

>> No.12339504

While the whole "child-like" thing is part of Kyary's appeal, I think songs like Yume No Hajimarinrin (as well as its MV which actually gave me some... feels ;_; ) showcase a more mature side to her, so I think there's a possibility she'll be able to stick around for a while, hopefully as long as Perfume have.
I've also always wondered about the possibility of Kyary replacing Toshiko in Capsule, since her involvement in Capsule has felt very minimal lately, and Kyary did a good job on the Capsule covers, so there's another option.

>> No.12341661

it'd be interesting but all the capsule covers she's done have been old songs. nothing like the current style of capsule.

>> No.12341943

Overall her profile seems to be dropping in Japan.
She's looking to change her image into something more mature, however, so maybe she'll be able to revitalise her career a bit.

>> No.12342455

I was expecting something amazing after Yume No Hajima especially after dropping clues how her style matured... but after that she just release that mess that is kira kira. The MV/song/ styling EVERYTHING is screaming classic Kyary. I think people are getting tired of her schtick and so i am? A shame since the album had so much better songs.But yeah she doesn't have the novelty that Perfume has and her stage presence is just lacking so she can't focus on this. I can't see Perfume performing in their 30's but Kyary?

>> No.12342584

Umm, what?
Have you even been to Japan?
Her face is EVERYWHERE, you basically cannot walk through the subway without seeing her

>> No.12344096

They said their profile was dropping not that she disappeared?

Pika Pika sold 1/3 of Nanda Collection pls.

>> No.12344204

Her profile isn't dropping, she's more apparent in media than she was half a year, even a full year ago.

>> No.12344788

I can't @people thinking pika is some kind of success. I wonder how she is going to sell now that her quirky tumblr fanbase hates her ass for *appropriating* cultures.

>> No.12345024

>her quirky tumblr fanbase hates her ass for *appropriating* cultures


oh well... theres always next album ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
as long as she doesn't "mature" in the sense that she'll just start wearing dresses and do artsy MV's, and all the songs are ballads, then i'll be happy.

i think she could realistically head in the perfume direction music wise, songs like Tokyo Highway showcased shes probbly pretty capable

>> No.12348277
File: 539 KB, 720x1280, 7853-9875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Highway is my favorite from this album, Serious Hitomi was also a nice departure from her usual sound. I can't believe her team choose Kira Kira as a lead single? haha i'm just extra disappointed... As for the tumblr part, i guess they're talking about one of her shooting when she was wearing hindi clothing.

>> No.12348485

those comments. dear lord no.

>> No.12348567

KKK is the strongest song off the album, retard

>> No.12348676

She looks so fucking dumb.

>> No.12348798
File: 235 KB, 800x1152, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur jst ミドリ with envy

>> No.12348873

kira kira killer is the best off the album but tokyo highway is a very close second

i think once kyary stops working with nakata she will revitalize her career. she's supposed to be doing some songs with the uk producer sophie who has been dropping some really great dance tracks on soundcloud lately. kyary has the ability to be the first really big jpop artist to crossover in the western market (much more so than perfume). she's already seen some success in america but i think within 5 years she's going to be getting charting on billboard's top 50 pretty consistently- if she doesnt fuck things up and makes smart career choices

>> No.12348907

ponponpon is the best/most important pop song written in the last five years. it gained initial success for being "quirky" but once the influence of kyary really spreads, people will credit the song and video for bringing harajuku's maximal style to a mainstream audience. the production is also among the best anything nakata has ever done. there's so much happening in the music and its so incredibly cohesive

>> No.12349061

Perfume will always stand out as his most outstanding bidy of work

>> No.12349077

Hello. My name is as you already know. I have had sex many time with all. Many time.

>> No.12350006

>wanting generals

>> No.12350023


>> No.12350048

OP here, I really just think it'd be a nice idea to have a general to talk about KPP, Perfume, Capsule, etc all in one comfy place ᕙ(ಠ‸ಠ‶)ᕗ

>> No.12350220

don't worry about him anon, he just doesn't enjoy fun

>> No.12350291

You do know that no one gives a fuck about Kyary outside of Asia? Her international fanbase is really small. Outside of that, the rare people that acknowledge Ponponpon call her "the chinese lady gaga" and when i look at PSY's joke status i rather her staying in Japan.

>> No.12350358

pretty good conclusion.

>> No.12351150

remember when he was accused of raping a woman

>> No.12351217

I remember PSY being on some american talk shows being treated like a novelty joke, and he was trying to get them to take him seriously.

Koreans are so fucking stupid.

>> No.12353361

PONPONPON is nearing 70m views. The most viewed perfume song on their official channel has around a few millions.

I think that goes to show that she has quite a large fanbase because despite Perfume constantly being at the top of the lastfm charts for Japan (http://www.last.fm/place/japan)), Kyary still has more views on YT.
I mean it's common knowledge that she's the most internationally successful of Nakata's projects.

>> No.12353379

What's the biggest venue Kyary's performed at in Japan? Budokan?

>> No.12353401

China and SEA retards combined can reach 70m easily.

>> No.12353425

Which is of course -- foreign.

>> No.12353594

are the bags under her eyes natural or is it something they do?

>> No.12354063

Any kpop video have more than 70m views mate (SNSD, 2NE1...) and trust me it's not like they had any chance to succeed in America too. The whole weirdo "schtick" is over, see Lady GaGa and her Artflop if Kyary had any chance to make little money overseas it was 2 yrs ago.

>> No.12354092 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 640x480, tumblr_lz7wjnJmK21r0bykto2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's called "aegyo sal" and they usually perform surgery to obtain this effect. But i don't think Kyary undergone any ps so it's probably just makeup.

>> No.12354122

both of her international tours have sold out
have fun being a dumbshit

>> No.12354287

So much delusion in this thread, it's like i'm in a sales thread on /a/. Who gives a damn if Kyary is not popular outside of Japan? I don't give a fuck as long as she put out some good music.

>> No.12354670

Getting off the Kyary hate train, Nakata announced a new album yesterday at ROCK IN JAPAN FES.

I'm hoping it won't be CAPSLOCK 2, especially considering how poorly it sold. hard to get my hopes up too high though.

>> No.12354782

I have set my expectations really low so i won't get disappointed. I wonder if he's going to the trap route since it's getting pretty popular.

>> No.12359462

so have i gone nuts or did i hear rumors that nakata is gonna be producing music for a "perfume replacement" featuring su from babymetal in a few years time? i might have been dreaming

>> No.12359542

That's Amuse's current plan

>> No.12359782

aw sweet, any ideas when this is set to happen?
not that i won't miss perfume and babymetal or anything, but the prospect of this sounds pretty exciting

>> No.12364662

I think I heard it was about 2 years time, but that seems a little short considering Babymetal have just started to get pretty big - unless they're just gonna' be one of THOSE groups that casually replaces members after a certain time/they reach a certain age.

>> No.12364662,1 [INTERNAL] 

He is a gay boy
