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12319733 No.12319733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Realistically what are my chances of finding a wife material girl by moving to japan? American women can go die in a fire. I'm mexican but look white. M-my mom says i'm h-handsome. Currently studying medicine so money won't be a problem.

>> No.12319737

Holy nigger fucking shit get the fuck out of the big J you sack of shit faggot.

>> No.12319740

I'm sorry! I just couldn't think of a better board to ask, please don't hurt me! I just want opinions.

>> No.12319744

I think you have a pretty good chance. Go and spread your seed.

>> No.12319748

A more typical case is probably my former student Masahiro, who’s an executive at a famous beverage manufacturer. He works from 9 a.m. until to midnight, six days a week, with a 15-minute lunch break at his desk. He has Sunday off, which is when he studies English.

“I have it easy,” he said, “since I work at an international company. Japanese places are a lot worse.”

“Do you ever see your wife?” I asked.

“I see her on Sunday,” he said.

“But Sunday’s when you come here to study English,” I pointed out.

“Ah, good point,” he said.


Recently, a friend of mine got married to a man through an arranged marriage. She used to get drunk and try to kiss me whenever my girlfriend ran to the bathroom. She was awesome like that, actually.

“Do you love him?” I asked.

“He does train maintenance,” she said. “That’s a stable job.

“I’m pretty sure you just answered a different question,” I said.

“Well, I will eventually,” she replied.

I’ll try to put this in the best light possible, but Japanese social relations . . . um, well, they’re terrible. Okay, that didn’t come out so well. Abysmal? No, that’s worse, not better. [*Note to self: insert more nuanced term before posting this.]

The society functions with robot-like efficiency because your boss tells you what do—or your parents, or your teacher—and you do it. There’s a hierarchy. If you work in a ramen shop, you don’t say, “Hey boss, how about if, instead of two pieces of pork in the noodles, we tried three?” Are you insane? That’s not how things work. The fact is, you don’t challenge what you’re told, you don’t offer up original ideas, and you don’t initiate conversation with strangers. Which presents a koan-like riddle: If you don’t talk to people you don’t know, how do you get to know people?

>> No.12319750

Actually I don't want any kids. I'd be a terrible father. I'd just like the companionship. Coming home from a hard days work to a loving wife.

>> No.12319753

I get a gaijin free-pass on all "japanese society norms" don't i?

>> No.12319755



Running to the station in the rain with two umbrellas, I wondered when my life came to be ruled by Japanese women. It’s like the Australian guys I met over Japanese beers at an Irish bar a month ago. Men with Japanese wives spend inordinate amounts of time in Irish bars, I don’t know why. Probably it’s just an Aussie thing.

“Look, they’re really sweet at first,” said the one guy to me.

“But once you’ve got married, mate, that’s it,” said the other. I wondered when they’d started completing each other’s sentences.

“Yeah, wait till they take your entire paycheck and give you an allowance.

“And good luck getting sex ever again.

“Sounds great,” I said, “where do I sign up?

“Anyway, I gotta go,” said the first guy, downing half a pint of beer in one gulp. “Wife’s gonna be mad.

“Yeah, me too,” said the second guy. “Mine’s been angry since the day we got married.” And they both laughed nervously.

They stood up to leave, when suddenly the first guy turned toward me and leaned in, like he had something vitally important to say. “You’re working for her,” he said desperately, “for the rest of your life. Remember.”

“It’s worse once you have a kid,” said the other, then they ran out the door giggling like schoolgirls.

>> No.12319756

So that was a bit unsettling. I thought maybe I’d order a gin and tonic, just to calm the old nerves, but then I remembered Yoko might be at her apartment waiting for me, so I decided to just grab a can of chu-hi and hurry to the station.

So last week, I was talking to a couple of schoolgirls who were students of mine at the junior high.

“Ken Sensei,” they chuckled, “do you like Japanese girls?

“Sure,” I said. “And Russian girls, and Kenyan girls, and girls from Antarctica. Seeroi Sensei does not discriminate.” It’s true, I’ll take anything.

“But Japanese girls are spoiled,” said the first girl.

“I thought you were supposed to be sweet and loving.

“Oh, we’re neko kaburi,” said the other girl.

“What’s that?” I asked.

And they tried to think of how to say this in English.

“Cats over?

“Putting on cats?

“Maybe, cat costume?”

The thought of hot Japanese girls in cat costumes was sounding pretty excellent, until they explained it further.

“Ah, you mean a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” I said.

“That’s right,” replied the first girl. “You should be careful, Ken Sensei. We can lie to you, you know.”

“Honestly?” I asked.

“It’s true,” they laughed, and ran away, giggling like Australian men.

>> No.12319756,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm mexican

Kill yourself subhuman

>> No.12319764

It's true everybody lies. But what i'm asking is if i'd have a better chance finding a good wife on japan than in America. From your story apparently it's about the same deal?

>> No.12319767


>> No.12319768


>> No.12319792

If you're too awkward for an American woman, you're probably too awkward for a Japanese one too. People from other cultures are actually even MORE judgmental towards outsiders for the most part.

My advice? Just try to start actually fitting in where you are.

>> No.12319797

I, too, like using anecdotal accounts to make sweeping generalizations about entire nations.

>> No.12319800

Don't. Seriously. If you think american women are bad, wait until you get stuck with a passive agression professional that will use tradition as an excuse for not getting a job while having full control on your paycheck and giving you a monthly allowance just high enough to let you drink a beer with your coworkers. Your working hours will be a wonderful time for her to get gangbanged at some love hotel, because you'll have to grind the hours to sustain her 60K+$ a year expectations so you can both survive, yet she will be mad at you for not being there.

There's a reason why nips just don't care about women, ever.

And I am not saying that to make bad light on japanese women: they do that because that's the only sane way of living in a country where the working world is fucking harsh with them.

>> No.12319804

Looks like we got ourselves a badass over here.

>> No.12319805

OPs second post in this thread.
>I just want opinions.

>> No.12319820

Sounds true
Watch this OP http://youtu.be/Zf2--TJYuxc

>> No.12319842

Forgot it's Chinese, but the point still stands as Asian women have similar mentality.

>> No.12319847


Notice the older man giving the guy a thumbs-up.

>> No.12319848

Been married to my Japanese wife since 2009. They can be pretty intense individuals, and like all women they tend to change after getting married.

However, I'm an Aussie guy and, despite having frequented the odd Irish bar or two while in Japan, my experience is different from >>12319755. We have a 3 year old daughter and I still get sex from the wife, including blowjobs, analingus etc. so those guys must fail in some respect. Best way for a woman to deny you sex is to be a failure in some way.

But don't marry a Japanese girl expecting a simpering, masochistic wife. They're all made in the same factory in Yokohama and look cute on the outside and are tough as iron nails on the inside.

Also, I would question the loyalty of a lot of them. Pick the right one. I had sex with so many guy's girlfriends/wives when I was living in Japan that it made me very, very selective of my own partners.

As always, your mileage may vary. Good luck, OP.

>> No.12319850

kusothread grandprize

>> No.12319855

>then they ran out the door giggling like schoolgirls
>and ran away, giggling like Australian men.
Wait a second...

>> No.12319859 [DELETED] 

>So last week, I was talking to a couple of schoolgirls who were students of mine at the junior high.

Get the fuck out of here Gaijin Smash

>> No.12319860

I hope you told those guys about it, right? You're not a scumbag who just let those whores cheat on their "loved" ones without consequences, are you?

>> No.12319892

Im an A+ plus Honors student and im like the nicest polite person ever but you'd never guess that Im listening to the Death Grips as I walk through campus ^.^ Get Get Get Get GotGot Got Got Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

>> No.12319915
File: 133 KB, 437x128, 44a9ac339b5debc2296ffa6bc3f8fc1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit em jan

>> No.12319920

from what book or article you grabbed these?
>everyone in lies, women specially. japan is actually a bunch of hypocrites!

>> No.12319928

Join the Marine Corps and request Okinawa when you finish your schooling. It's easy. Probably 25% of Marines have Japanese wives that they meet either in Okinawa or on the mainland.

>> No.12319945

Calm down, nerd. Or I'll wipe the floor with your ass.

>> No.12320000

>kono thread

normies gonna norm

>> No.12320020

0% chance that any women will ever touch you, especially if you shitpost on /jp/

>> No.12320029

OP, your problem is that you have no friends. You can find cool people and babes anywhere you live, but quite frankly- you're a faggot.

>> No.12320176

I think the better question is whether you'd want a Japanese wife.

I'm actually genuinely curious about this. Is the married lifestyle in Japan particularly desirable?

>> No.12320196

Brother..men and women are the same all over.
Men go for looks, women go for financial stability (or anything you could exchange for it that is a valuable trait for a man to have).

I think you should move to Japan only if you want to live there for yourself.
However, if it's just for a wife or girlfriend, then I wouldn't do so.

As a side note, I hear that Asian women (or at least Japanese women) have a thing for tall handsome white dudes. As someone put it, you're "set".

However, don't just go all over the place to search for your wife.

Sincerely, a "semikissless" virgin who probably knows even less than you.

>> No.12320197

>I'm mexican but look white


>> No.12320493

>has been semikissed before
GTFO, chad

>> No.12320493,1 [INTERNAL] 

josh destroyer of threads and pangolin janitors
