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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12301686 No.12301686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/ someone made these two identical threads over on /lit, it looks to me like the first was a setup and reused for some reason.
Any idea what that's about?

>> No.12301692

there's some wannabe NEET author or some shit who lurks /lit/ he came here a few times too

he should write about what he knows about

>> No.12301700

Can you link to it? I don't think it's the same person, this one looks like someone trying to spread rumours about /jp/. Whether they're true or not I don't care, I'm just curious about the motivation.

>> No.12301901

why does /lit/ treat this place like a zoo

>> No.12301918

It pretty much is a zoo.

>> No.12302005


I feel like the guy talking about the neet threads was pretty much spot-on. Remember how much praise that one JAV with the guy dressed as Momiji got?

>> No.12302031

That was a JAV?

>> No.12302080

I think that's exactly what he was looking for. He wants to bitch about NEETs to /lit/, so he makes the OP as an excuse for posting that rant.

I don't really know why he goes to such trouble. I don't think he's saying anything controversial (or maybe the NEET thread people would take offense at it?).

>> No.12302600

Please link it.

>> No.12302629

Link please?

>> No.12302632

Why should I?

>> No.12302644

Cause this is /jp/, not /b/, and we're all in this together.

>> No.12302646
File: 141 KB, 1251x700, 1397454784200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post videos of men cosplaying as touhous having gay sex


>> No.12302647

Okay, I've posted the link in a random thread on the board. You have 10 minutes to find it before it expires.

I'll allow one hint but it will cost you 5 minutes off the allotted time.

>> No.12302673


Because I'm a spoonfeeding faggot, I'll give you a title. 咲椛コスックス

>> No.12302676


Where the hell are these newshits coming from?

>> No.12302684

It's just funny how that guy treat /jp/ like a fucking cannibal settlement in the congos

>> No.12302686
File: 273 KB, 400x500, 4b9e4ee382dad9dbe4499fed22115e80.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is summer, anon.

>> No.12302732

Probably a guy fucking around in the archive, found that, and wanted to repost it and see what others would think
A lot of people talk about /jp/ the same way. /jp/'s culture and habits are much different, somehow a bit more esoteric but easy and nice once you get the idea. Other boards just have people jumping in and biting at a each other's throat, here you just need a hang of it and know what you're doing. Same could be said to any board that tries to be alright, but lurking here is just a bit more enjoyable.

>> No.12302750

>how much praise that one JAV with the guy dressed as Momiji got
You're over exaggerating, fag.

>> No.12302900

It definitely got a lot of attention for that whole week or so

>> No.12303874

I want to read a happy story about a shut-in pedophile otaku who finds true love.

>> No.12303890

The FYAD maxim died 2 years ago along with this board

>> No.12303911

Does he commit sudoku at the end?

>> No.12303911,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the guy who wrote the funny response in the /lit/ thread. I was not the OP, but just wanted to write a creepypasta-esque story about /jp/ (hence phrases like "Do not... Do NOT post..."). The rest I got from casually browsing /jp/ and from a guy I know IRL who shitposts and tells me about gay shenanigans (said videos, saten, that high-res photo of the shaved cock, etc). I originally thought the OP was pretty ignorant for thinking he knew anything about being a NEET, so I started off sincerely wanting to tell him my thoughts on the manner, but then I thought it would be funnier to write it the way I did. I think /jp/ is pretty chill. Sometimes I flirt with the meek posters. I haven't been on /lit/ in ages--they really don't know how to be humble about having read a few books. Anyways, I check warosu sometimes to see if my post still gets talked about. Good shit, thanks guys. plape.

>> No.12303911,2 [INTERNAL] 

>pretty ignorant for thinking he knew anything about being a NEET

And you'd think you know more about it from casually browsing /jp/ and from a guy you know IRL? Fuck off you fucking pretend, you might as well make a "Do your worst" thread on /jp/.

>> No.12303911,3 [INTERNAL] 

What's a "Do your worst" thread?

>> No.12303911,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's a /b/ meme, when memes used to be systematic routine from coordinated by collective consciousness and not some forced phrase or image macro.

>> No.12303911,5 [INTERNAL] 

Well when you read a lot of books you start to assume you actually can know everything from skimming. Sorry to uh make you guys mad lmao. Also, I've attended a /jp/ meet up in Japan, in IRL, with people who have been on /jp/ long enough to know you're taking it way too seriously. Peace out.

>> No.12303911,6 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, I've attended a /jp/ meet up in Japan, in IRL

Those guys are fags and fakes just like Danny Choo and you except you're even more fake

>> No.12303911,7 [INTERNAL] 

but true /jp/sies don't attend meets or leave the house etc, etc.

>> No.12303911,8 [INTERNAL] 

(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) whudda buncha phonies!

>> No.12303911,9 [INTERNAL] 

>in IRL

No stuttering!

I enjoyed your post in that image, btw. /lit/ could be a nice board if its userbase was 25+ years old, but as it is, it has reeked of teenage from the beginning and seems to only discuss a couple of dozen different books.

>> No.12303911,10 [INTERNAL] 

You made the second thread too?

>> No.12303911,11 [INTERNAL] 

testing bbcode so I can play with the big W boys

sick-ass bold writing
