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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12300106 No.12300106 [Reply] [Original]

>Mob@AS blows up (IM@S CG)
>Touhou artists starts drawing CG doujins
>sells IM@S doujins in Touhou-only events
>This is only acceptable if they're selling leftover stocks from other events
>Few artists abused this and printed newer stuff anyways
>not a huge issue, people are easily forgiving
>one of the TH doujin artist draws this as a joke
>Becomes a joke between Touhoufans, it's no big deal


>PMMM blows up
>rinse and repeat, no big deal
>Kancolle blows up
>fandom expands at speed of light
>random Anon in 2ch decides to post "Betrayal List" on Naver, spreads at speed of light on Twitter
>It's not even serious list, some bullshit list compilation of Pixiv artist who drew both Touhou and Kancolle some time in their career
>Other fags declare THfags dangerous, "THfags have no life, making lists like this and bullying artists"
>Some artists make stance, "why bully us for drawing Kancolle"
>shitstorm slowly brews
>then >http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36015380 gets brought up again
>ZUN suddenly says "Kancolle fans and Touhou fans should get along"
>there was no fight in the first place
>now there really is a fight
>TH fandom starts disintegrating
>THPolice still doesn't exist.

This rumor is spreading around right now.

Is any of it true, /jp/? Or did someone just post his fanfiction and claimed it as fact?

>> No.12300115

Sounds like everyone involved has some sort of autism.

>> No.12300207

Touhou is reclining

>> No.12300540

Considering the absurd viewcount on fuckma's comic, I'd assume some of it is true.
Comparing KanColle to Mobamas and Madoka is pretty pointless though. Imas has already been a well-established franchise by Mobamas' creation, and Madoka was a highly successful anime. I'd say both are more easily accepted as opposed to the completely "new" KanColle, and neither blew up in proportions KanColle did, at least on the doujin front.

Therefore, because KanColle pulled a lot more artists away from Touhou than Mobamas or Madoka did, and gained enough doujin popularity to appear a rival, it's only natural to assume that it would cause a lot more discontent to Touhou fans than the other two.
So I'm going to guess there really was a fight brewing between the two, the guy who made the list just didn't realize it/was making fun of it.

You just need to understand how young/immature some fans of Touhou and KanColle are. You'd probably notice how both factions in a Touhou vs. KanColle thread on /jp/ are so easily trollable. Well, it's the same, if not worse, on the moon net...to the point that there are fans young enough to misunderstand an obvious joke and raise arguments about it. It's not something to be upset about, it just means Touhou and KanColle have become big enough that there are enough hot-headed youngsters to cause a ruckus about them.

>> No.12300555

Good writeup

>> No.12300687

>You'd probably notice how both factions in a Touhou vs. KanColle thread on /jp/ are so easily trollable.

Have you ever been to /jp/ before? Someone tries to start this shit every other week and the most replies he can get is one "faction" not understanding what the big deal is. The other doesn't even respond because they never leave their general.

>> No.12300731

Why can't we just listen to ZUN and just all get along?

>> No.12300740

kancolle is the holocaust of the 21st century

>> No.12300747

Does that mean Touhou is the Jews?

If so, then who's Hitler?

>> No.12300749


That's what you get for cheating on your 2hu. Now people are genuinely stuck with the sluts of Kancolle. Truly Dark Ages.

>> No.12300793



>> No.12301239

It's probably debatable how much is "Shitposting" but 2hufags get incredibly buttblasted when you say their franchise is dead and KanColle has taken over.

>> No.12301636

Everything comes to an end.
Touhou had its high, but time to give place to the new generation.
Or do you want to end up as those sorry losers stuck in the 80's?
Embrace Kancolle already, 2hu is old and busted.

>> No.12301641

Kancolle is a fad. By the next four years nobody will give a shit about it. Also, the anime spinoff might not do well.

>> No.12301649

I'm sure you'll be saying that every year.

>> No.12301651

Kancolle has been going strong for years.
Touhou didn't even try anime, because ZUN knows it has no plot and would fail.
Sour grapes.

>> No.12301653
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how can kancolle go on for years if it's only been out for 1 year

>> No.12301655

Stop living in Gensokyo?

>> No.12301659
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don't stop crying :)

>> No.12302010

They're probably just offended because it's 1. retarded 2. a bad attempt to fabricate a shitstorm out of thin air.
