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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12292107 No.12292107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the chance of getting laid at an anime convention? I want a qt girl with a loli voice to have sex with me and cosplay as pic related

>> No.12292110

There isn't a single woman that participates in this hobby that isn't a gigantic cock sucking attention whore, so as long as you can provide the attention and look half decent I'm sure it will work out. That aside, only literal subhuman degenerates attend conventions please kill yourself immediately you disgusting freak.

>> No.12292111


Very high. Chances of finding a loli... not so high

>> No.12292115

But im only doing it for the sex anon

>> No.12292124

Like anon said, you will get herpes for having sex with any con girl as they get around alot

>> No.12292126

Yeah fucking right kid, get fucked you trailer trash con going faggot.

>> No.12292131

Another anon here. Are there any cute boys who are cosplaying as girls that would have sex with me at those cons?

>> No.12292134

I've never been to a con or interacted with people who go to cons. However, I would speculate that boys who nonironically dress up as girls and go to cons are probably huge normie sluts, so yes.

>> No.12292140

Kill yourself queer.

>> No.12292141

So why do you guys hate cons? Im new to jp I came from /r9k/
im not OP by the way

>> No.12292143

So what if I went to a con cosplayed as a cute girl? Would there be any cute boys that would have sex with me?

>> No.12292148

I would imagine so.

>> No.12292150
File: 331 KB, 680x684, tfw Lenin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I need to do this weekend.

>> No.12292151

I've never been to one, but I assume there's a 5:1 guy girl ratio, so why even bother. also I don't think there will be any stalls selling alcohol so they will be sober and cautious, have friends around them, etc.

>> No.12292156

OP here, have any of you been to a con?

>> No.12292160

I've never been to one either, but from some stories that I've seen around 4chan, apparently there are "afterparties" in the hotels where lots of "things" happen (including alcohol drinking, presumably) and I imagine that for someone normie enough to go socialize in such a setting, they could probably manage to initiate sexual intercourse pretty easily.

>> No.12292161


>> No.12292164


> QT girl
> At an anime con

You'd have better luck manning the harpoons.

>> No.12292194

This thread is fucking stupid. Nothing happens at the cons themselves. Get invited to an afterparty, get shitfaced and maybe you'll get lucky if you aren't an overweight loser and know how to dress.

Cons are just like festivals, pep rallies and other normie shit like that. In any large group of young people, there will always be fucking.

>> No.12292199

Fuck off con going faggot.

>> No.12292201

That's not very nice

>> No.12292202

I'm sorry there aren't any cons near where you live

>> No.12292203

I don't have to be nice to freaks like you.

>> No.12292206

I've never even been to a con you permavirg august. This is common regurgitated knowledge

>> No.12292208

Yeah I don't believe you faggot.

>> No.12292210

You keep saying faggot but I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you

>> No.12292213

best thread in /jp/

>> No.12292214

Cum sticks to rubber. Believe me, I know.

>> No.12292226


>> No.12292228

In AX at least, the guy girl ratio is more like 3:2.
In social events however, the guy girl ratio is more like 10:1, gets worse every year, and all of the girls are kind of afraid to get in there so they all just stand at the walls.
Which was entirely predictable.

>> No.12292301

How to get laid at a convention:

> Buy a stick of deodorant. 9/10 people who attend conventions have never bought or used or even heard of deodorant, so this will give you an edge.

> Walk up to a girl of your choosing. Be sure to stand really, REALLY close to her while you talk, that way she'll be sure to notice how your armpits are slightly less rancid-smelling than those of the other 900 lb weeaboos in attendance

> Initiate conversation by quoting an obscure line of dialog from your favorite VN/eroge. Bitches love references.

> Now that you've got her hooked, ask her what her favorite anime is. Whatever she says, tell her it's crap and give her a detailed explanation as to why it's crap. Bitches don't know shit about anime, and they all secretly wish a knight in a sweaty, ill-fitting t-shirt would come along and tell them what they should be watching.

> Once you've said your piece, stop talking and stare at her for a while. Try to breathe heavily so she knows you're still interested. Don't worry about the twelve or thirteen seconds of awkward silence; by now she will probably be so overcome with sexual desire that she will having a hard time finding words to express just how much she wants your creamy weeb-sausage.

> Girl is now your 3D waifu. No further action is needed on your part; you may now feel free to wheel around abruptly and leave without saying another word to her.

> Go upstairs to your hotel room, remove your pants and begin masturbating furiously. This way, when she inevitably bursts into the room weeping in her cute loli-voice about how miserable she's been for the last fifteen minutes without you, you'll already have your penis out. Bitches love it when you have your penis out.

Hope this helps, OP

>> No.12292307

Kill yourself.

>> No.12292312

Seconding this.

>> No.12292361

Seconding this.

>> No.12292363

Thirding, is what you should say.

>> No.12292368

I'm sorry, no, I wasn't "seconding" his "Kill yourself." post, I was "seconding" your "Seconding this." post, which nobody had seconded yet, so I think I was right to say "Seconding this." in reply to your "Seconding this." But I will also third that post. Here:

Thirding this.

>> No.12292369

Seconding this.

>> No.12292370


>> No.12292466
File: 187 KB, 879x1199, 1389641127635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at a con
>going up the stairs, pretty far away from the crowd
>there's a group of girls in some simple cosplay halfway up chatting loudly
>muster up the courage to walk past them without any trouble and without looking at them
>as i approach closer to them their chatting gets more silent
>sense trouble
>try to move a little faster
>they move in to block my way
>they say "hey, boy, where do you think you're going?"
>i look down and avert their gaze
>one says "you can't go up here without permission you know"
>i know she's full of shit because i've been up and down here before in the last con, though i'm not 100% sure if anything changed
>i say "e-excuse me i need to go through"
>a girl steps down to the step just above mine and tells me to look at them when i talk
>i say "please let me through" still looking down
>they start giggling devilishly
>a girl says "what's the hurry, why don't you have some fun with us first? don't worry, it won't take long"
>i look up for the first time, surprised at what she said
>the girls are nearly all 7-8+ out of 10, which is extremely rare at a con
>their beauty just makes me more nervous and i start sweating and stammering
>they start whispering to each other and i hear some words like "he's shy/you scared him/he's cute"
>the girl who was nearest to me grabs my hand and smiles at me
>"come to our hotel room, we'd really appreciate the company"
>they start moving and the girl drags me along, i'm too confused to do anything but follow


>> No.12292468

people at cons probably have lowers standards so your odds improve

>> No.12292482
File: 132 KB, 807x800, 7012322f4b13a542fe9d2473d72f920b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the only reason I occasionally attend conventions is to meet up with some online buddies and /jp/isies. I pretty much only go to AX though.

American conventions have sunk so incredibly low, no one is even into otaku culture and just plays / cosplays league of legends.

It's honestly pure cancer all the way through, getting your picture taken is fun for a while if you are a good looking cosplayer, meeting up with my friends across the globe is probably the best part. At night there's tons of parties, but they are all just filled with more faggots, like an even deeper level of faggotry than at the actual con. I've pretty much stopped going to the parties, since I've never really liked anyone there.

If you want to get laid just make sure you're a hopeless normal and attend after parties. If you aren't in the loop already for the parties then you are fucked unless you run into someone who could get you in.

I'm kind of a typical /jp/ btw despite sounding like a faggot; moon reading guy who just likes to attend cons to meet up with friends and some cool people, hung out with Makoto for a bit this year, nice guy.

>> No.12292485
File: 202 KB, 700x700, 1395273095158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kind of a typical /jp/ btw

>> No.12292488

I really don't see why people would want to attend the sort of parties that take place at cons, which, I will remind you, are populated by (obviously) the people who voluntarily choose to attend anime conventions in real life IN PERSON.

Even for a sexless virgin like me, imagining the stench of unwashed bodies is enough to make me lose my appetite completely. Just imagine how many diseases (and I mean regular ones, not venereal ones) get passed around.

>> No.12292493

i don't have a sense of smell

who knew my defect could come in so handy

>> No.12292496
File: 168 KB, 325x343, 1337212946971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason why I said that was so people didn't think I'm just another cross boarder. Everyone here hates conventions and I agree they are complete cancer, but meeting up with online friends makes them worth it, once a year at least, for a day.
Mostly everyone who attends parties leaves the convention with the flu the next day.

>> No.12292515

I just don't understand normies, man.

>> No.12292516

am i the only one with enough self respect to not go to cons

>> No.12292520

>meeting up with online friends
Do you know where you are?

>> No.12292524

I'm sorry, do you not have friends dude?

>> No.12292530

here in /jp/ pretending not to have friends is a requirement

out of consideration for those incredible losers who actually have no friends

the most pitiable of all being those who had friends but stopped because /jp/ made that into an ideal

>> No.12292533

You really don't know where you are after all.

>> No.12292534
File: 199 KB, 500x666, 1391961243722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day i will cosplay as sheepneet

>> No.12292537

>here in /jp/ pretending not to have friends
For the records most /jp/ users didn't have friends and this is why they came here. You guys just took over.

>> No.12292540

I don't think it's possible to go to a convention that has lots of cosplay and not have sex at some point.

>> No.12292543

Very first reply said exactly what I would have. You should heed this man's wisdom.

>> No.12292544

most people had at least one friend online or off

the people who literally don't speak to anybody for nine months at a time were always an (idolized) minority

>> No.12292551
File: 1.74 MB, 1500x1488, 059cfe1dadf7d2bbe49afa5f474c308f9bb036c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the postage stamp?

>> No.12292553

>most people had at least one friend online or off
And this is why people call you names with that mindset.

>nine months
I've been living all alone for like years and I sincerely doubt that I'm the only one.

>> No.12292557

yeah but there aren't like, fifty of you or anywhere near enough to comprise a fuckin majority

>> No.12292559

would you like to be my online friend

>> No.12292566

And this is why I'm telling you that you're delusional. Just because you have friends doesn't mean that it's the norm.
Or actually, I guess it is in your world. It's a waste of time to try to explain things like this to people with lives like you anyway.

>> No.12292575

you are completely full of shit if you think at any time in the last six years /jp/ contained an absolute majority of people whose sum total of interaction with other human beings online for an entire year consisted entirely of unidentifiable 4chan posts

>> No.12292580

I'm your friend now and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.12292584

Who are the shitposters, those with friends or those without?

>> No.12292589

You can interact with people without being friends with them, you know.

>> No.12292590

Not really. It's just that they're quiet and don't spam threads about anime convention or epic memes. Loudest people doesn't mean majority.

>> No.12292594

if you talk about things with each other more than once without being obligated to you're friends

>> No.12292599

You're kidding, right?

>> No.12292602

you're not TRUDEEP friends but if you make small talk with the cashier every month you're acquaintances who talk, which is what passes for a friend these days

>> No.12292603

ITT: fat americans

>> No.12292604

there's always krautchan and /bun/

>> No.12292607

The only conventions worth going to are Comiket and Comitia (and Reitaisai as well, I guess). Everything else is an absolute waste of time.

>> No.12292610

No. That's an acquaintance, if you think it "passes these days" then you're completely wrong because it's just between those two people, there's no friend judge here. Who gives a shit if the lady behind me thinks we could pass as friends? We're not friends, simple as that. Also I could not be obligated to talk to someone but FEEL obligated to talk to someone often, which under your definition would fall as friendship but it's clearly not, showing common courtesy and talking to someone is not friendship. Just because you normies add everyone on facebook after one 10 second conversation doesn't make them your friend.

>> No.12292612

you sound like one of those people who has acquaintances but insists they're not actual friends so you can continue to claim friendless status

back in the melty days i would run into the same people a few times and we'd chat to each other for a few sentences after games because we recognized each other = online friend oh no

never mind that we haven't talked to each other in four years and i don't even know if he's alive

>> No.12292613

>Just because you normies add everyone on facebook
Wow, I'm not that guy but you just sound like a projecting asshole now

>> No.12292616

Yeah, you caught me, all along I wanted to tell people on the jay that I have no friends for the anon points. I guess if you want to count acquaintances as friends I have my mother because she's the only person I've talked to for the past 2 years.

>> No.12292618

acquaintances =/= friend.
In fact, you're even assuming that we have acquaintances in the first place, which is wrong. Just because I know how to say hello/goodbye when I'm going out to buy my food doesn't mean that the seller magically becomes an acquaintance.
I don't know where you're living but knows that in cities most sellers don't give a damn about your existence, they just want to buy or leave.

That guy isn't me but I can understand why he's getting pissed considering how much you're trying to force the friend thing.

>> No.12292619

had you ever typed a username into a field

if not, congratulations, you're one of the special few, but most of /jp/ has, at some point in time, played a game over the internet

>> No.12292622

So where can I find a cute loli who wants to do exciting things with a boy that only a girl can do?

>> No.12292626

if the cashier says "hey" to you might say "hey" back but that's pretty much a social obligation, so sure, go ahead, discount those on a technicality - the remaining people still won't compose an absolute majority of /jp/

>> No.12292631

Are you trying to say by signing up on an online game I made a friend? Most online games anyways don't promote socializing anyway. Usually in MMORPGs nowadays if you need to group up the game does it for you, you do your business and split up.

>> No.12292632

That's precisely what I said, you guys just took over, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.12292636

I've been here since the beginning. /jp/ is my guilty pleasure for when I don't want to be with friends or interact with the outside world in general.

I guess I'm part of the smallest section of /jp/ users, aside from female posters.

>> No.12292637

if you put enough time into the game eventually people will exist who recognize your username; right now i have one friend in an online game and we added each other because we were anonymously matchmade three times in a week (we don't talk or party, we just say hi when we are anonymously matchmade again by sheer chance)

and for games with smaller playerbases - like, any of the /jp/ fighting games - you're just going to recognize people because there are a double-digit number of players anywhere

>> No.12292643

>if you put enough time into the game eventually people will exist who recognize your username
Are you doing it on purpose or what? You can't be that dense.

>> No.12292644

are you talking about a single-player game, then? why are you online?

>> No.12292646
File: 68 KB, 337x268, 1404741038746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of female posters, where are they right now? Are they here?

>> No.12292649

See? This is why the other guy got mad at you, and I'm getting mad a bit too to be honest.

No, you can spend 2 whole years in a MMO without anyone noticing nor caring about you, unless you're doing stupid things like farming the same spot for weeks or spamming the group channels or something.
Also, if you're really implying that getting into a group is easy just because it's a MMO I'm going to get seriously mad at you. The entry level is exactly the same as any normal social status, which is why I avoided them from my experience.

>> No.12292652

well sorry for not having played MMOs before

i thought they would be more social than instanced games, but i guess i was wrong

>> No.12292656

Please respond.

>> No.12292657


>> No.12292667

I can't afford that. My mom will only give me like $10 without a reason.

I have about $400 saved up though.

>> No.12292668

im a female poster.
i bet you wish i was on your wall. ;)

>> No.12292672

You freaking idiot.

>> No.12292677

Most MMO's are basically like matchmaking multiplayer games except the matchmaking takes place in game and you have to actually search for players yourself. Outside of guilds and such, though, in my experience, most MMO's are basically the same as any RPG except there are always a bunch of players stealing all of your grinding mobs and also there almost always lag. You generally don't talk with anyone unless you want to trade, and usually you ignore those players because their trades are probably shit. If you want to socialize, then you should play something more like Second Life which is just a chatroom + interior-decorator/fashion-designer simulator, but I also heard that weird stuff goes on in that game.

>> No.12292683

Don't play Second Life. Play IMVU.


Please watch all of it to get a good sense of IMVU.

>> No.12292693 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 257x227, 1406190913167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click my picture!

>> No.12292739

Long ago i had that stupid idea like you OP so I attended convention.I found out that girls are attention whores there.They showing everybody on face that they are 4channers and big Otaku.Their Otaku knowledge is Sebastian Michealis.I talked with many people out there and I can say they are all normies I met there only two people that I can talk.One annoying brat that followed me in convention (Cause i am unable to tell him fuck off) he told that he don't have interest in any of this and he is here is just to "TROLL STUPID WEEBS" and for fucking 20 minutes he get to know all girls and guys there and they act like best friends.

Only good thing there is to spend money and go fucking home.Cause people like we don't get anything there only normies can fuck normies.

>> No.12292749

You should go to a conventions and just blow the whole place up I mean that figuratively of course. That'll be sure to teach those normy scum.

>> No.12292768

Too much green in this thread.

Too much normality...

Predictable to say the least.
