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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12291045 No.12291045 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12284434

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12291062
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, 1406123982698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trial for ALcotハニカム's new game is out.
Title is サツコイ ~悠久なる恋の歌~. It's written by one of their comedy writers but it's supposed to be a little bit more serious this time.

>> No.12291072
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>> No.12291076

Holy crap that is edgy

>> No.12291083
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>> No.12291086

The official genre is even more edgy:

>> No.12291091

This has to be parody

>> No.12291093

ALcot's more serious games have a pretty strong tendency to be crap, so I'll let other people be the guinea pigs.

>> No.12291101
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>> No.12291105


>> No.12291112
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It'd be hilarious if they pulled out now with the countdown at 1日.

>> No.12291117
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>> No.12291122

Either way, we can't count on 2dgf to upload it. Unless Girlcelly or someone here is buying it, get ready to wait for a month or more.

>> No.12291126

>get ready to wait for a month or more.
Remember how people said the same thing about last month games?
I'm betting on day one release for it since it's actually anticipated.

>> No.12291130

Hope Yukiyuki gets a proper route and isn't shafted like Mare. Doesn't look like it, but still.

>> No.12291131
File: 385 KB, 800x600, capture_020_22072014_184547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Himeo's route in Damekoi. Much more enjoyable than Kaya's bitchiness and especially the ending was extremely heartwarming. I really liked the "twist" of how Himeo's father was also trying to just save Mitoko. The Christmas phone call almost had me in tears.

>Have any of you ever bought actual eroge merchandise?
I have a really bad habit of doing impulse purchases at my hometown's local yearly con. So far ended up with Daiteikoku and Daitoshokan tapestries and this year I bought Ayano (from Tototo) dakimakura cover plus some other shit even though those games are still in my backlog, or dropped in case of Daiteikoku. After experiencing once how much postal, taxes and handling services cost in my country I've been reluctant to order my favorite eroge merch online and thus have settled for secondary interest stuff.

>> No.12291134

Himeo was great, so was her route, now you're set onto love triangle mode.

>> No.12291136

too fucking bright

>> No.12291138

Lower your brightness to minimum and download something like f.lux.

>> No.12291139

I decided to buy a few eroge and went through the same problems as you. I think I'll just buy VN ports through online stores like PS Network.

>> No.12291142

Put on some sunglasses when you play or something.

>> No.12291144

Worst case, wait for the fandisc. Mare had a nice route in that.

I don't think she'll get shafted, though. If anything she'll end up like Yume with a short "true" route, but there's no sign of a hidden mystery heroine so far, so she's probably it.

>> No.12291147

>If anything she'll end up like Yume with a short "true" route
Yume had the longest route in the game, especially so since she had only one sex scene which was quite short.

>> No.12291148

How is that possible unless you have some sort of uber-bright monitor set at max brightness? I can stare at a fully white screen without it being too bright.

>> No.12291154

Did she? I remember it being shorter than the others, but Hoshimemo was a long time ago, so maybe my memory is faulty.

>> No.12291156


Which one looks the most interesting, /jp/?

>> No.12291160

Wins by quite a margin in linecount and since she has only one H-scene compared to her closest competitor by 1000 lines, Komomo who had like 2-3, she has the most read time, probably to make up for the fact she isn't in the main game, or the op beyond less than one second.

>> No.12291166
File: 17 KB, 629x131, hinakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there's no sign of a hidden mystery heroine so far
I'm kind of hoping Yuzu ends up actually being the main heroine, but I doubt that would ever happen.

>> No.12291173

Huh. I stand corrected, then. Maybe it just felt that way because she was basically absent for the rest of the game.

>> No.12291181
File: 172 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_trial 2014-05-14 20-11-32-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main heroine is obviously Marimo.

>> No.12291188

Girls with names that retarded shouldn't be allowed to be heroines.

>> No.12291212

I'm guessing that Yuzu will get focus at some point if Marimo goes bananas like Shiina did in the trial but nothing more, at least in the main game. AstralAir will likely sell well enough to justify a fandisk, and then maybe she will get her chance.

I'd be okay with that.

>> No.12291231

All most anticipated titles get uploaded within a week after release day by other people, don't worry too much.

>> No.12291234

Girls that retarded shouldn't be allowed to be heroines.

>> No.12291244
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, nohomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls shouldn't be allowed to be heroines.

>> No.12291245

pls dont bully

>> No.12291246

All those posts comparing Pulltop to Circus, I mean, it's only konozora's SECOND something.

>> No.12291262

Any one know where I can get my hands on 世界でいちばんNG(だめ)な恋 PC? Or is PD the only choice for a broke man going on a Maruto binge (my internet sucks)?

>> No.12291265

Still nyaa.

>> No.12291267


>> No.12291271

AstralAir is first. Then Qualia, for the art and because I'm curious as to what the hell they've been doing for so long. Change! for my nukige needs. The rest will depend on reviews.

>> No.12291272

It's pretty much 1 kb/s for 90% of the download, but I'll have a go with that.

>> No.12291278

Sometimes you just have to be patient. There have been times when I've been in a torrent that took weeks to finish, but it eventually did.

>> No.12291279

So go to anime-sharing and ddl, with depositfiles you should get at least a steady 200kbps.

>> No.12291290

Thanks for the help.

>> No.12291295

Astralair and hoshiroi, then qualia and the new parasol beacuse the op song is so, so soothing.
Change for nukige if it isn't just boring yuri and the MC gets properly fucked as a girl and escalayer maybe for gameplay.

>> No.12291301

>the new parasol
Delayed. Otherwise it'd be on my list, too, for the same reason.

>> No.12291308

Talking about this month's titles
>Gangster Arcadia - Hipparchus no tenshi
I just can't fathom what was going on the writer's mind when he thought of this title. Can anyone who read the original tell me what the fuck this means?

>> No.12291334

what's a VN with simple language?

>> No.12291338
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That's one reason why I am interested in it too. Chata has a fantastic voice, and nice opening songs are an excellent way to grab my attention. This has backfired more times than I wish it did, though.

The other reason is that I've recently realized that I really like Chikotam's art. Has a severe case of sameface and the lead heroine brings to mind a certain heroine from a recent ALcot title, but you know, don't fix what isn't broken.

Started the trial a while ago. Haven't got far enough to make any real judgement, but Konomi seems to be tripping yandere flags all over the place.

>> No.12291341


>> No.12291347

Blame japan for that http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%92%E3%83%83%E3%83%91%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B3%E3%82%B9

>> No.12291354

Japan's the one who got it right. It's not like it's the first time, of course.

>> No.12291388
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>> No.12291408
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Gomenasai, /jp/

Is there a VN I can share with my family? Not FSN or Demonbane. Something that's really funny and heart-warming.

>> No.12291423


>> No.12291449

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
天ツ風 ~傀儡陣風帖~

>> No.12291456


>> No.12291488

Shiyouchuu WC, Wanko to Kurasou and Planetarian.

>> No.12291489


中出しの悦び ~ 永遠の単一言語者

>> No.12291491

Thanks, I was missing my daily dose.

>> No.12291509


Man, I loved Tsubame.

I'll pick this up when it's released simply based on the fact that the heroine looks like her.

>> No.12291559
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x526, 1404770582656.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished grisaia no kajitsu, amane's route like 20 minutes ago.
God damn, how are the 2nd and 3rd games? Where do they pick off into the story? Because in the 1st they wrap up MC's whole life and shit..
So I'm guessing it's between the 1st game and the ending of the 1st game?

Also, webm is my reaction of the ending.

>> No.12291569

They scrap off the parts that wouldn't mesh with other routes and create some vague harem route where Yuuji fucked them all and solved their issues to a degree.

>> No.12291583

The 2nd has after stories to the routes in the 1st, so if you wanted to see more of what happens after then give them a read.

I only bothered reading Makina's though, since her Kajitsu ending was fairly unsatisfying, so I can't really say how good the others are. The main route which has Yuuji's past is the main thing to read Meikyuu for.

>> No.12291618

First game is like collection of not-good ends. Yuuji failed to complete the Asako's task and had to suffer for his whole life.
Meikyuu and Rakuen go on from would-be "good" end, where he did all 5 girls of Mihama.

>> No.12291718


Did Yuuji's sister survive?
I can see her in the cover art but I'm afraid it's just memories of the past

>> No.12291731

Yes. She is main heroine of Rakuen.

>> No.12291883

What's the latest unofficial translation patch on subahibi? I think about reading this vn, but don't want to waste time on machine translation.

>> No.12291885

why are you asking us?

>> No.12291903

Well, its only natural that someone who was using machine-tl for a long time stopped comprehending natural English and his brain de-machined VN General into VNTS somehow.

>> No.12292075

its not like a non machine translation would be any better lol

>> No.12292532

It's not like everyone here's reading without using full machine translation, mecab, jparcer or whatever. Why can't i ask partial translation?
I still would like to try, though i have a patch with about 75% translated.

>> No.12292555

>Why can't i ask partial translation?

It's not that you can't, it's the VNTS general is not only better but the best thread to ask. It has a work-in-progress list and faster traffic rate than this thread, so you are likely to get a response about it.

>> No.12292570

>Why can't i ask partial translation?
Because we don't discuss translations here. We don't even care about them or know anything about current state or whether and what kind of patches exist. There's thread dedicated to VN translations right at this very same board, why would you ask here instead there is a mystery for me.

>> No.12292583

Looking at what's considered a "moege" and what's "actual plot" is pretty hilarious. Who made this shit?

>edited to reduce the level of snark
Holy shit kill yourself you pussy.

>> No.12292588

>Who made this shit?

>> No.12292608

Some of the choices are kind of bizarre, too, like Monobeno. I mean, it's not hard exactly, but with all the weird dialects and cultural shit I imagine it'd probably be a massive headache for a beginner. Not sure about recommending Maruto to a beginner, either.

>> No.12292627
File: 189 KB, 1200x673, 75836453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This imouto boom won't end anything soon, huh? I kind of want Tsundere to make a comeback...or maybe even Kuudere?

>> No.12292638

I'd prefer if we didn't have archetype personalities/roles in the first place

>> No.12292639

>Tsundere to make a comeback
Please, no. Anything but that.

>> No.12292641

Neither of those are mutually exclusive with imoutos, though.

More kuuderes would be nice, yeah. Tsunderes would be okay, but only if they're the "classic" type. The "modern" kind can burn in hell forever.

>> No.12292647

People are always gonna label something no matter what personality a character has. there's an archetype for everything.

>> No.12292651

>This imouto boom won't end anything soon, huh?

I don't really have a issue with this, the increasing amount of Brocon imouto's is great.

>> No.12292658

There are more archetypes than characters

>> No.12292659

No, 'we' did. In the VN General Thread, here on /jp/.

>> No.12292661

Ya, I actually like those MCs too. But there's so many imoutos nowadays, it's insane.

>> No.12292665

The only issue I have with it is that 99% of the time they're just treated as osananajimis that happen to live in the same house as the MC. Touching on the taboo aspect at all is extraordinarily rare, and doing it well is practically unheard of.

>> No.12292666

Most of that shit was inserted by pic authors w/out any kind of discussion. Altho I remember I've already argued that monobeno isn't something suitable for newcomers but they didn't listen. "Plot" section is almost entirely retarded.

>> No.12292669

Well, if you think it's so important, you make a new one.

>> No.12292673
File: 120 KB, 640x960, mashiroiro symphony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touching on the taboo aspect at all is extraordinarily rare, and doing it well is practically unheard of.

You just reminded me of this abomination of a route.

>> No.12292675

Is there ever a time when two people have to hold hands back to back in that way? It just seems unnecessary.

>> No.12292680

When they're feeling melancholic, of course.

>> No.12292682

When you think about it, it's kind of weird for two people to stand back to back like that at all.

>> No.12292694

It's a good way to compare height

>> No.12292696

Its perfect stance when you are encircled by some angry mob.

>> No.12292703

So the full picture >>12292673 has all the leftover heroines surrounding them, ready to pounce?

>> No.12292705

Any moege with particular good / memorable art / character designs?

I liked the designs of Koikishi but the common route is a high-caliber sleeping pill. The character designs and art are nice, though.

>> No.12292715

Are there any VNs that aren't pretentious, meaning no dumb sob stories, that are also not an overload of moe or cuteness or happiness? Something that's also not edgy and dumb, too. Do VNs even try to be good in this fashion or should I not even bother getting involved with this entertainment medium?

>> No.12292716

You sound like a person capable only of enjoying books; I'd suggest you give up now.

>> No.12292717

The thing I don't understand is if you actually expect to get a serious response like this.

Read a book or something.

>> No.12292720

You should avoid it and this thread at all costs.

>> No.12292721

Basically there's 4 categories:
1. Pretentious or edgy
2. Moe
3. Fap stuff
4. Fujoshi stuff
So if you dislike all of them, yeah, wrong medium.

>> No.12292725

You sound like a fucking asshole. Fuck you

>> No.12292729 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm kind of a cunt.

How are Japanese books? Any better than English/American literature?

>> No.12292730

Wouldn't fujoshi stuff go into the other three categories, but for girls?

>> No.12292732

Does thread title looks like "Book General" to you?

>> No.12292733

Try asking the literature board.

>> No.12292736 [DELETED] 

This isn't /lit/. You might as well ask us what Japanese brand of car to purchase.

>> No.12292756

For you, I'd suggest Muramasa, White Album 2, and Daitoshokan.

>> No.12292765

Muramasa — edgy and pretentios
WA2 — dumb sob story
Daitoshokan — moe overload

>> No.12292769

I finished Daitoshokan, the side story and now I'm reading through Dreaming Sheep.

I can't help be feel something is wrong with Senri's voice in it. I am just crazy or something? Was she sick while doing the voicing for this?

>> No.12292770
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>> No.12292786

Fureraba, Clover Day's , Daitoshokan ,Loverable and Tsujidou/Majikoi series . Anything made by alcot and SMEE is usually hilarious so it should keep you from getting bored.

>> No.12292790

What do you suggest?

>> No.12292797

None of those are anything to write home about art-wise, but
Really? That's really your idea of good/memorable art? Well, I guess you could say that it's memorable in a bad way.

>> No.12292806


Not him but Kindly fuck off

>> No.12292832

LovelyxCation 2 had pretty nice art. It's not too different or unique, but it's done very well and the girls all look fantastic. The artist (Iizuki Tasuku) also worked on LxC1 and both tone work's games, the second (Hoshiori) being released tomorrow.

Favorite's games have Shida Kazuhiro, who does some very colorful artwork. Some people find it a bit too saturated and bright, though. AstralAir is coming out tomorrow, if you want to check it out.

Some others you could check out:

>> No.12292839

I've always thought Katahane's artist does some great work.

>> No.12292841

Fue? Yeah, love her art, shame most of the games it's used are so... so.
Qualia better be good considering the delays.

>> No.12292842

The art for LC1 bugs the shit out of me for some reason, there's somethin about it that looks so dead somehow.

>> No.12292846

Yes, Fue. Of the games she's worked on I've only read Katahane and AiryFairy. I liked both, though the first was a lot better than the latter.

I hope the atmosphere of Qualia will resemble Katahane's. It was so soft, sweet and relaxing.

>> No.12292856

I've read those two+vanitas no hitsuji, hinata bokko, which were quite mediocre, and bokunatsu (which isn't really her style as of now so I don't think it counts).

>> No.12292867

Huh, Light? That's surprising.

>> No.12292885
File: 81 KB, 250x400, tokuten_medio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yuri game by former Tarte members" was all I needed to hear to preorder it.

Katahane was so long ago that I never thought there'd ever be a game like this again.

>> No.12292887

Was Vanitas as generic as Hinatabokko? I thought I remembered reading that Vanitas had a great fantasy setting that it built up and unfortunately didn't do much of anything with.

>> No.12292890

The yuri relationships were almost the worst part of Katahane though, especially the one in kurohane.

>> No.12292902

But Katahane is shiet.

>> No.12292918

Yuri is shit

>> No.12292921

yura shit

>> No.12293058

I love yuri, yet Katahane's yuri was so tiring, with them apologizing to each other all the time and generally walking on eggshells around each other.

>> No.12293095

I want to write a VN, any tips?

>> No.12293097

Have a good story.

>> No.12293104

What's more important, a good story or good characters?

>> No.12293108

Its those eyes. Also Tasuku didnt know how to draw puffy pussy yet.

>> No.12293109

Good characters with a bad story makes you feel like it was a waste of a cast, but it's probably worthr reading for the cast.
A good story with bad characters I find it hard to read because if I can't really give a shit about the cast the story just loses its effectiveness.

>> No.12293118

I think Kusarihime did a really good job at portraying the taboo aspect.

>> No.12293123

It looks too sugary. That's some Sakura Trick tier shit.

On a related note, FLOWERS is getting both PSP and Vita ports. Seems like a random choice.

>> No.12293126

How did it turn out? Was it basically marimite or did it have some substantiona plot?

>> No.12293142

I liked it for the yuri and character interactions, but it was ridiculously uneven when it came to the 'mysteries'. One chapter had the MC find out someone's name, and there was emphasis on a particular novel throughout. Instead of it being the name of the novel's MC, it was a bullshit name practically thought up on the spot. It was difficult to follow the MC's reasoning as well, but yeah, most of the mysteries were of the same standard with the same puzzling logic. Absolutely terrible stuff in that aspect.

There was no real plot to speak of. Mostly a kyarage, and the main mystery about the girls disappearing isn't really a big issue either. If you're willing to overlook how bad the mysteries are you might like it. It reminded me more of Aoi Hana than Marimite, honestly.

>> No.12293169

Now I feel like picking it back up, I kind of dropped it because the intro was pretty boring, even though I liked some of the characters. How much does the atmosphere change later on?

>> No.12293291

Quite a bit.

Suou eases into herself more and for a while things are nice; the closest to Marimite FLOWERS will ever get. But the drama starts once the girls become more forward with their feelings, and that last third is suffering central. It does stay fairly serious all the way through, though.

>> No.12293349
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>> No.12293357

/jp/, what can you say about Gangsta Republica?

>> No.12293363

One word: it's shit

>> No.12293370


For once I agree with >>12293363, I read it, and won't be trying the FD.

>> No.12293430

How gangsta was it?

>> No.12293470
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, MGYqzq-0d74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very gangsta motherfucker

>> No.12293487


Does he wear a "Real Nigga" shirt? Please say yes.

>> No.12293497

Is he kawaii in the streets and senpai in the sheets?

>> No.12293504

Too kawaii to live too sugoi to die

>> No.12293505

Wearing those colors together. It's like she's asking to get a cap in dat ass.

>> No.12293517


It just shows she's down with all homeboys.

>> No.12293595

I wish it was all gangsta, that would've been fun. I do recall one of heroines' drama was she has nothing wrong going for her - she's well-off, her scholastic achievements are good, looks well, talks well, friends around, no past trauma like people dying. She was very seriously unhappy about lack of suffering. The routes themselves are fairly light in fluff as well, basically very few things happen. Not much else to be said.

>> No.12293603
File: 1.04 MB, 1360x768, edgemaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm already in love.

>> No.12293672

Ah, I'm at a loss. How do you stick your dick into that pink thing?

>> No.12293680
File: 3 KB, 83x125, S A D B O Y S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any VNs that involve the protag doing shitloads of drugs?

>> No.12293685
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>> No.12293686

No. Why?

Because Japan.

>> No.12293690

I asked the same thing like a week ago. Apparently Japanese hate drugs and stoners.

>> No.12293692

With love.

>> No.12293694
File: 117 KB, 453x435, 1371598926988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's no fun.

>> No.12293698

What do the Japanese do to escape their problems then? Alcohol and anime can't really be enough can they?

>> No.12293701

Pachinko, also they are dead inside.

>> No.12293703



>> No.12293704

Why do you think there's so many suicides

>> No.12293705

Even Japanese girls?

>> No.12293706

Well that's just sad

>> No.12293710

Oh. I suppose that's one way to do it.

>> No.12293712

Those have prostitution, which nets them money so they can buy stuff. Women have different ways to feel fulfilled.

>> No.12293720


Still better than doing drugs in Japan, which would kill you in a way more painful way. Doesn't help that they lump every drug into the same category and think marijuana is the same thing as crack cocaine.

>> No.12293752

Who doesn't?

>> No.12293756

People who live in this small European country are apparently all drug addicts.

>> No.12293762

Hemp actually has a very intimate relationship with prewar Japan so that's a special case, but whatever.

>> No.12293778

>crack cocaine
Stop, it makes you sound retarded. Just say crack.

>> No.12293782


These cowards don't even smoke crack. You guys really don't know what you're missing.

>> No.12293790

Not /jp/. Go 420sohighXD elsewhere.

>> No.12293791

how terrible was the kana imouto tl and should i prioritize a reread (in japanese) of it or is it pretty pedestrian as far as the writing is concerned?

>> No.12293793


Will the cool kids now laugh at me?

>> No.12293800

lol this is what happens when every general is just a ghetto and they dont even leave it

>> No.12293810

Addicts making as much sense as usual. Still not /jp/, by the way.

>> No.12293824

You should never read translations as they are always inferior to the original due to things getting lost in translation.

>> No.12293838

i read it like 8 years ago. just wondering how terrible the tl was.

guess ill eventually find out but figured others have read it in japanese since it was such a big vn for the western scene

>> No.12293844

I'm will try not to sound "elitist" or moogy-ism but translated version will always be inferior to original no matter what. Also add the facts that most fantl are amateur without any writing experience . For example , Just look at any of ixwreck translation which never sustain the original prose.

>> No.12293853

Kana wasn't a fan tl though. Also, ironically enough, at that time fan tls were better than the official stuff.

>> No.12293864

>Girlcelly: Um...Lately, my connection is unstable and not really good, I also have some matters in life need to care about so it is a bit hardly for me to stay around...So I used that chance to take a break and enjoy my life ^_^
Goodbye releases

>> No.12293866

only stuff i can think of that was coming out in 2002 was shitty porn games and kana.

were there even fan tls releases of anything good back then?

>> No.12293869

suck this shit

>> No.12293871

The change in tense makes that statement rather confusing.

>> No.12293877

Does it really matter? All girlcelly releases was from share/other sources and 2dgf uploads them anyway.

>> No.12293891

Not really, anything "important" (like hook codes and late release patches) that appears in the AS threads will just posted be on the Flower's threads instead of GC.

>> No.12293893

So instead of splitting the seeds between the original torrent and his re-releases, all of the seeds will be on the original torrent instead? Sounds good to me.

>> No.12293900

You do have a point, but it's nice to have two people releasing torrents. Share is a pain in the ass, to be honest.

>> No.12293904

do you mean cracks or just patches you can get on holyseal?

>> No.12293905

>Sounds good to me.

Generally having more than 1 active torrent for any said release is a good thing.

>> No.12293912

Holyseal has it's moments and having people reuploading them to mediafile and such was rather useful, the cracks get posted on 2DGF if it needs one regardless.

>> No.12293923

No it's not. All it does is make things harder to reseed and slower downloads for unpopular releases.

>> No.12293930

Why everyone hate Gircelly?

>> No.12293952

More like we just don't care considering he is just a reuploader

>> No.12293963

In the light of chinese re-selling scheme, if not for him, we will not get any games at all.

>> No.12293972

But girlcelly only reuploads games that are already publicly available. He doesn't have access to the games past the chinese paywall.

>> No.12293977

Did you hibernate for entire year or what? Remi2 was uploaded by girlcelly first, for example.

>> No.12293988

Remi2 wasn't purchased by girlcelly. Someone else provided the file to him. Source is girlcelly's own blog.

>> No.12294005

Point still stands. If not him, we wouldn't get it for another month at least.

>> No.12294019

but there is another person who uploads so the person who bought it would have just provided it to the other guy......

>> No.12294024

Those are the chinese

>> No.12294026

"Other guy" is chinese scum who is reselling.

>> No.12294153
File: 217 KB, 1286x748, kns2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started 虚ノ少女. The beginning is pretty slow, but I enjoy it a lot.

I can't recall much detail from the previous game. Hopefully it doesn't require that. I think I'm getting old.

>> No.12294166

It's mostly the last chapter that is connected to the first.
Also you should have read the trial if you didn't, the beginning of the game kind of follows directly from it.

>> No.12294172

Did anyone read 恋ではなく?

>> No.12294178

>you should have read the trial
I think I'm too far for that now. And why should I need the trial when I have the full game.

>> No.12294180

>And why should I need the trial when I have the full game.
Because the trial is the prologue of the game that isn't actually included in it, similar to the first game. Follows the cast and shows the first victim and how she's murdered.
If you've read it, the first scene with the suicide actually makes sense from the get go and you can actually see why he's suspicious.

>> No.12294190

>the trial is the prologue of the game that isn't actually included in it
Okay, that's pretty annoying. I didn't look do any research about the game. I just installed it from my backlog. Thanks.

I guess I'll have a look at it when I'm done with the 過去篇.

>> No.12294196

>when I'm done with the 過去篇.
It's actually a nice point, with chapter 3 it goes back to the investigation again and the trial is actually short. That said, you aren't done with it yet after it 'ends'.
Brings back memories of playing through it without the 'the game will stop running like utter shit' patch where it took like 5 seconds to change an expression or tachi-e.

>> No.12294199

Why didn't they include it?

Do a lot of companies do stuff like that? I almost never read trials so I'd never know if they did.

>> No.12294207

No idea, but they did the same with the first kara no shoujo, which makes a certain part of the investigation where people get stuck way easier.
I guess it's to make people read it or rewarding those who do?

>> No.12294222
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x768, NemuAndHaruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12294226

The Virgin Who Leapt Through Time ~Deflowering Eternal Chain~


>> No.12294239
File: 143 KB, 300x225, Nagisa_Furukawa_Key_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually playing Clannad for the first time. I've had it recommended to me countess times, and I just started the other day. I hear it's 50+ hours of play?? Crazy stuff, I'll be occupied.

>> No.12294292

More like 100+

>> No.12294294

That long??

>> No.12294298

I think it was like 70-ish for me when I played it. Granted, I played it in "English" (please no one attempt this; I didn't know better and had no other choice at the time anyway) so my reading speed was faster than it would be in Japanese.

Regardless, it's pretty long.

>> No.12294318

Is there a list of companies that usually include extra materials on their games' websites (e.g. Seiyuu's and/or writers' commentaries?)
I was pretty surprised to find some additional materials/thoughts related to the characters expressed by the creators, like in White Album 2 for example.

>> No.12294389

Why shouldn't anyone attempt it?

>> No.12294395

I can't force myself to read through Clannad, the faces are way too high on the uguuuu spectrum

>> No.12294402

Because it's guesslated.

>> No.12294406


Because the translation is garbage. They've come out and outright said that parts of AS are machine TL. Not only that, it is also full of bugs that render the second half of Fuuko's route with no BGM and changes Okazaki's name to "string not found".

This is one translation that nobody should touch. Clannad is very easy to read in Japanese anyways.

>> No.12294408

The translation, if you can call it that, is horrendous. To the point that even I could tell that things weren't quite right, at a time when my Japanese knowledge consisted of little more than "konnichiwa, kawaii neko-chan."

>> No.12294409

Now you mentioned it, i'm curious why Key didn't hire a better artist or change their arstyle. Just look at>>12294239 she looks like fucking female cockroach.

>> No.12294423

Hinoue is one of the founding members, so that's not really an option. I wish Maeda would go freelance or something, because he's the only one in the company with any talent at all.

>> No.12294433

Also most hook code were from Hongfire anyway.

>> No.12294447

Same reason Nishimata is still with Navel.

>> No.12294449

Moving a founding artist up to full time management and hiring another one to take their workload is an option. Now that I think of it I'm not sure how good of an option but it's been done.

>> No.12294450

Have you ever considered the fact that they might not wanted to?

>> No.12294457

The answer to that is obviously to set a development schedule that makes them want to.

>> No.12294459

Look, they're co-founder, they're friend.

Treating your friend like that IS not an option. Especially when they work WITH you and not just leeching you off.

>> No.12294464
File: 202 KB, 500x679, 567a0d158ab6ffd9e942e8bafe9432ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key does do that half of the time with Na-Ga nowadays.

>> No.12294472

For those interested, Fraternite is up on Share and Qualia is on Freenet.

>> No.12294475

I think you've hit the roadblock in the wrong place, the fact they probably don't think their friend's art is complete shit or they wouldn't have started a company with them is where things break down in the first place.

"Hey what if we make your job easier while growing the company" isn't really a dick move depending in the environment.

>> No.12294486

All these complaints about VN's read in this thread just reaffirms my viewpoint that the medium is strictly not accommodating to Western gaijin values.

Or at least I think so. Wouldn't you be better off reading and talking about the ones you've nothing but praise for?

>> No.12294491

>Wouldn't you be better off reading and talking about the ones you've nothing but praise for?

And how am I supposed to know which game that is without reading it first, Moogy?

>> No.12294500

your moogy

>> No.12294510

Plot synopses, staff rolls, genre preferences, reviews etc. Plenty of ways to judge a value of a product without having to go the "down and dirty" route of personally trying it.

>> No.12294514

Despite being one of the key (no pun intended) players in the industry, I very much doubt the company is as hectic as the average Japanese business.

We don't personally know the guy, but artists are a sensitive bunch and they can easily pick up cues when they're being sidelined. The only scenario I can think of where all parties involved still end up in good terms is if Hinoue himself retires willingly.

>> No.12294526


A good synopses is often still badly implemented.

>staff rolls

Granted. I'm also reading mostly stuff from writers which I like. But if I limit myself to that, I'd have 3 - 4 games per year at most. Also, you'll often discover new things by actually trying them.


Oh please.

Most things are crap, why should VNs be an exception to that rule?

>> No.12294532

>Despite being one of the key (no pun intended) players in the industry, I very much doubt the company is as hectic as the average Japanese business.
Not with Key's release schedule I'd hope.

>> No.12294537

>Most things are crap, why should VNs be an exception to that rule?

Sturgeon's Law aside, I personally don't go into VN's having uber high standards. I almost always get something good out of them, be it nukige or otherwise. Plus, I live longer that way.

>> No.12294549

Same. It's nice being able to enjoy things.

>> No.12294558

Damn, the cross Qualia set doesn't include the soundtrack. I am disappointed.

>> No.12294605

What do you guys think of Rui wa tomo wo yobu? Iam thinking of reading it before translated comyu is released.

also Iam on chapter 5 chitose route in gleam garden no shoujo. It has been a great game so far, the mc is fun, all the heroines are likable, the art and the music are beautiful and the plot is interesting.
But nothing till now topped the 2nd chapter with that chitose event

Based Akabisoft and all it's franchise.

>> No.12294615

Everything Hino writes is cool.

>> No.12294619

>the art and the music are beautiful
>the art

>> No.12294661

Well indeed the cg drawing has QUALITY all over it not to mention the spirtes and the extra large boobs but I find it really refreshing and unique. It must be the Colors.
We can at least agree the art in the op is plain beautiful though.

>> No.12294665

I've seen worse VN art. Ruitomo's is decent at worst.

>> No.12294666

He's talking about Gleam Garden.

>> No.12294669

I think he was talking about Gleamgarden, which was pretty bad. But most people overlook it because of the shiny coloring.

>> No.12294676
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 63105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then. I still stand by my case of the matter. The only thing that's a bit off-putting are the distance between the eyes. This is coming from someone who can tolerate art as bad as Higurashi so take that with a fistful of salt.

>> No.12294697

Speaking of Gleamgarden.. Did Cosmic Cute announce a new project yet?
Akabeisoft2 released nothing but ultimate landmines on it's spin-offs after Cosmic Cute games.

>> No.12294722
File: 12 KB, 368x80, english is hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed this on the Qualia site, made me chuckle.

>> No.12294749

Qualia and Fraternite are on nyaa already.

>> No.12294754


jellyfish is active on Twitter again,it seems they'll be releasing an illustration at comiket 86.

>> No.12294797

Is Escalayer R out on it too?

>> No.12294817 [DELETED] 

Do you eat shit?

>> No.12294827 [DELETED] 

Where the hell did that come from? God forbid I can't ask something I want to play.

>> No.12294833 [DELETED] 

This is the tasteful Vn general take your shit to the nukige general

or get >>>/out/

>> No.12294841 [DELETED] 

I sincerely doubt the likes of Fraternite could be remotely tasteful, but whatever King of VN's.

>> No.12294856 [DELETED] 

We Reddit now.

>> No.12294861 [DELETED] 

And don't you forget it, plebeian.

Enjoy your little testicle rape simulator.

>> No.12294862

Change! is out, too.

>> No.12294898

Personally I'm waiting for CG set to see if it has the good genderbender stuff aka getting fucked, or if it's just "let's switch with this hot girl and touch her boobies and do boring yuri things".

>> No.12294912

For once, the mod deleted things unworthy.

>> No.12294927
File: 3.11 MB, 1280x1965, ev_kyoutu_14a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally liked it, and yep, this op >>12294661
is one of my favorites

>> No.12294947

>if Hinoue himself

>> No.12294949

Am I the only person that has absolutely no interest in Japanese culture and only come on this board for these threads?

>> No.12294959

To shitpost in them?

>> No.12294960

How would you understand VNs if you don't know japanese culture? Youkai stuff in monobeno or history/religion stuff in Senshinkan or stuff in asairo/itsusora is much deeper "culture" than random weeaboo bothers to learn.

>> No.12294975

Not that guy, but now that I think about it, some VNs taught me quite interesting things about japanese culture.

>> No.12295238

A number of reasons. As already mentioned Itaru is one of the founding members of Key. But also many fans of the company actually like the art, and even besides that it's part of the company's image. The unique art creates strong branding, which might outweigh the loss of sales from those few people who won't play extremely popular and well-received games because of the artstyle.

>> No.12295359

Seems like girlcelly is still uploading shits

>> No.12295361

Of course he is, he was speaking in past tense about his silence and lack of uploads lately

>> No.12295381

There wasn't three guys that worked under girlcelly releases? I mean, there's the girlcellys and that flowertrades something that is actually in Japan or whatever?

>> No.12295382

Checkmate from AS buys a few games every month and GC posts the torrents he makes on Nyaa

>> No.12295409
File: 141 KB, 1100x627, kf2if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12295420

Girlcelly reuploads stuff from Share, PD and Freenet and sometimes uploads games bought by Anime-Sharing on the release day. He's just been doing it for so long people think he's the sole provider of eroge.

Flowertradewinds is affiliated with 2djgame whose staff funds games and buys them in Japan and they reupload from p2p too. They buy the majority of titles released each month, but they usually withhold release until three weeks have passed or someone else uploaded theirs (which happens for 3/4 of titles they bought, it just takes some time). You can download their games off their FTP, which is available only to VIPs, not to mention traffic costs forum points you can obtain only by donating or filling requests of other members. Whether they do it to earn money for themselves or to purchase games and pay for FTP hosting (which is near 100TB of content) is up to you to decide. One thing is for sure - they're aiming to become the #1 provider of Japanese cartoon porn in these dark times because they also scan all h-manga magazines.

There are two uploaders on Share who upload games every month - レイミtKKK0PdPr0 and ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)I9wKQCtfI0 and two on Freenet - Justice and Hs117. Back in the good old days you had like 10 uploaders on Share who didn't give a fuck about getting arrested and just uploaded everything on the first day.

>> No.12295424

Something to look forward to

>> No.12295453

アストラエアの白き永遠 Got uploaded.

>> No.12295454

Are people really interested in the Rehash version?

>> No.12295456

Why not? Never got around playing it and seems like they reworked most stuff.

>> No.12295457

Didn't they just touced-up the illustration a bit?

What else did they do?

>> No.12295460

Is it bad that I look up the saves for nukige online and just fap to the H-scenes?

It's the only moon I know.

>> No.12295463

see >>12291423

>> No.12295465


I do recall from the installation files mention the IF novel. How would this work?

Anyway I look forward to it.

Thanks for the heads-up

>> No.12295470
File: 32 KB, 178x178, 1334514811331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>error patch released on Day 1
Good job FAVORITE.

>> No.12295472


>> No.12295473

That's hardly anything out of the ordinary.

And it shows they continued to work on the game even after some build got sent to printing.

>> No.12295475
File: 299 KB, 2048x768, 69631418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an additional route, all CGs were redrawn, battle system was completely remade, there's additional ero and the existing ero was rewritten.

>> No.12295476

That's what almost every company does.

>> No.12295481
File: 21 KB, 208x272, astralair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12295482

As in improved, or modified?

>> No.12295520

Rewritten to be longer.
Like for the monster ero with two levels they combined the two scenes into one and wrote a new scene for the second level.

>> No.12295553

I want Ayano route, it should be crime making eroge with imouto without any option to give her some dicking.

>> No.12295564

But what if she wants to just be an imouto with her imouto stuff?

>> No.12295605

I actually like her for not being a brocon. Would be nice If she got a non-romance route though.

>> No.12295618

I remember when imoutos had their own lives which consisted on teasing their brother like a good imouto and not wanting his dick.

>> No.12295669

More reason to give her some dicking.

>> No.12295692

The imouto in Hitotsu Tobashi Renai was great because of that, she didn't have a route though.

>> No.12295706

>was great because of that
But she wanted the dick, hard, half of Aori's route is just that, they just didn't give her a route.

>> No.12295710

I wish she and the older sister had a root. Especially the older sister.

>> No.12295712

Route, obviously. Not root. I feel kind of off today. Must be the anticipation for the new releases.

>> No.12295713

Would defeat the point of the game.

>> No.12295719

Do you guys know of a good jp->jp dictionary that can be downloaded? I don't think I need TA anymore.

>> No.12295739

Already finished Hitori no Qualia, it was pretty damn short.
It was cute I guess, best thing about it is the soundtrack

>> No.12295742

I'll try Death March I guess, someone has to do it

>> No.12295747

Me too. It looks interesting though, I just hope the gameplay doesn't drag the whole game down.

>> No.12295760

It's not like any of us high hopes for it anyway, well, at least it can't be worst than one more of favorite titles.

>> No.12295778

Wasn't SMT's writer working on it? I don't have my hopes high but I don't think it'll be complete shit either.

>> No.12295784

The second trial was somewhat better, maybe it will be kind of playable once they're done making patches for it.

>> No.12295827

But astralair will probably be better than most of the month.

>> No.12295838

Only because this month is underwhelming.

>> No.12295938
File: 874 KB, 1024x597, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yume mirai just got uploaded

>> No.12295943

Forgot link


>> No.12295945

>6.63 gb
Does it simply have a better compression than hatsukoi 1/1 or is it actually smaller?

>> No.12295950

dibs on the redhead

>> No.12295961

So how scary is Fraternite?

>> No.12295966

Make it 5.6gb, the rest is additional content. About if it's smaller then hatsukoi, I dunno, it should have less cg/scenes for each heroine since it has more heroines, but it should balance I supose.

She's mine anon.

If you don't like ugly woman and scat you should avoid

>> No.12295969

>it should have less cg/scenes for each heroine since it has more heroines
They said 60 scenes, that's 10 per girl.

>> No.12295971

Dibs on blue.

>> No.12296029

Oh god my dick is ready, first Red then Yellow

>> No.12296038

1879 peers and 2 seeders. Damn.

>> No.12296040

We all want to do red

>> No.12296042

I'm starting with blue and doing red last, they were the best in the trial together with pink.
Boring Kazusa-clone was kind of annoying though.

>> No.12296058

And dropping Death March.
Prologue is far too long, the writing and characters are bland as hell and when I finally got to the gameplay I got bored of dragging shit 5 minutes in.
Fights are absurdity slow if you don't ctrl them too.

Anyways maybe it gets better later, I'll wait for actual reviews but what I saw was really mediocre

>> No.12296065

Also that Change! is far too vanilla for a gender bender game but I guess that was expected
Hopefully AstralAir will deliver

>> No.12296068

You are a lazy man.

>> No.12296069

At least there seems to be MC getting fucked from the CG set. Considering how little genderbend eroge there's in a year, I'll take it.

>> No.12296078

>I got bored of dragging shit 5 minutes in

Second trial added a menu during battles so you didn't have to use drag and drop for everything, did they remove that?

>> No.12296080

No please. If I wanted to be fucked I would play some shit otome

>> No.12296081

So you want yurishit which defeats the whole point of that stuff?

>> No.12296082

It's there but it's even slower, you have to click like a dozen time just for one enemy.
And then you have to click on the 行動決定 button.
Anyways the problem is that the gameplay is either too slow or too fast, there is no in-between.
Considering everything else bored me out of my mind I don't see why I should continue to suffer, the writing and characters are really, really dull

>> No.12296083

It's either vanilla sex or using his own body as dildo.
That's boring

>> No.12296085

Anyone reading Fraternite yet? Needs a serial key apparently, I don't know why eroge companies bother wasting money on DRM.

>> No.12296087


Demonion 2 is getting additional content next week.

>> No.12296089

I want him to fuck up girls out of nowhere like henshin, not getting fucked

>> No.12296093

But henshin was him turning into stuff, completely different genres.

>> No.12296094

Awesome i'm playing the first and i love it.

>> No.12296098

No, I mean like he change into a girl, sneak into girls only and them show his cock and fuck them going back to normal or futanari

>> No.12296109

This is body SWAP.

>> No.12296114

Getting fucked by guys is GAY AS HELL dude

>> No.12296131

It isn't if you're a cute girl.

>> No.12296134

Yes it is.

>> No.12296135

Huh, what happened to the pay wall? Did the Chinese scrap that idea?

>> No.12296140

Turns out there are always people who upload it from a different source.

>> No.12296146

It clearly says 2D.G.F in the torrent, which means the Chinese uploaded it.

>> No.12296150
File: 36 KB, 223x217, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12296158

Am I missing something? Hoshi Ori isn't in your screenshot.

>> No.12296163

More of a followup for >>12296140 than a statement to continue the conversation

>> No.12296169

It was on Share before the filthy chinks threw it on Nyaa.

>> No.12296171

Is this by the same artist that did Frill SeiShoujo?

>> No.12296177

Koizumi Amane drew 2 or 3 of the characters, yes.

>> No.12296178

Among others.

>> No.12296180


>> No.12296239

Yeah and now ask yourself why they decided to drop the idea.

>> No.12296342

anyone managed to get this to run on ith 3?

>> No.12296419

What the hell is the point of turning into a girl if he's just gonna use his cock anyway nerd?

>> No.12296446

Well ok maybe not use his cock but like he could do yuri stuff.

>> No.12296449

Going to start astralair now that I've skipped the trial stuff, glad to see they 'updated' some backgrounds like the class or the kingergarden and added mob people, I really like those.
Also 60 tracks, damn, I can really dig musical variety.

>> No.12296453

Escalayer is up now dude

>> No.12296462

Why don't you go suck a cock if you want to be fucked so hard?

>> No.12296463
File: 216 KB, 1024x640, this just makes me want to tilt my head sideways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's common for CGs to use an angled perspective, but isn't this getting a bit excessive?

>> No.12296531 [DELETED] 

You at least know why they do that, right?

>> No.12296541

Of course, but it still feels a bit weird when it's a full 90 degree tilt like this.

>> No.12296549

Why? To hide mistakes or to make it look more dynamic?

>> No.12296560

The latter, and in widescreen formats like this it lets you fill more of the field of view with the subject.

>> No.12296588

Why was this post deleted?

>> No.12296612

So is Fraternite shit? By that, I mean, does it involve shit? I must know.

>> No.12296622

It does indeed involve shit.

>> No.12296640

Even the ugly girl?

>> No.12296728

Make sure you never play senshinkan then.

>> No.12296777

I'm getting the serial key message too.

>> No.12297079
File: 493 KB, 819x1364, vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette released the results for Sakigake Generation's post-release popularity poll.
The rankings are the same as the pre-release poll except Yuria rose to 2nd and Ririko dropped to 3rd.

Pre-release poll:
Post-release poll:

>> No.12297100

Great list, though I thought Anon was significantly more interesting and fun than Natsume

>> No.12297105

So I'm not alone with thinking Ouka being the best girl. Though I can't understand how Yuria got the second place.

>> No.12297111 [SPOILER] 
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, 1406330494316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the Harenochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori trial. Congratulations, Parasol, my inner white knight has been brought into overdrive.

Nanoka's absolutely dreadful life conditions and positive attitude is a setup that easily grabs my sympathy and protective instincts. There's also some multiple worlds/fake world business going on in the background, and Konomi is clearly hiding something nasty. Geez, this sure was much more melancholic than I expected it to be.

All in all, though, I probably wouldn't be able to recommend this to someone who ends up disliking Nanoka or isn't interested in a destitute loli white knighting simulator. Jun (the protagonist's brother figure) is one cool motherfucker and I hope he gets a ton screen time, but aside from him and the flower-selling girl, my opinion of the cast varies between "indifferent" and "annoying".

There's also some awkward writing at points, in particular one part where it's pointed out that some (very minor) characters will be referred to as X and Y from now, as if this were a report instead of the protagonist thinking. At times, the way the dialogue flows is kind of "unnatural".

I'll start AstralAir sometime tomorrow. The trial was quite enjoyable, so I'm looking forward continuing it.

Jesus Christ, look at that gap between Yuria and Ririko. I can't agree with Anon being that low, much less below Natsume who I'd rank at the absolute bottom.

>> No.12297220

I can't agree with Natsumi being above Anon, and the gap between Yuria and Rirko is way too large.

Ouka = Ririko > Yuri > Anon > Natsumi

>> No.12297275

5 more votes for fucking Navico than Kiriha? So much for any faint hope of a fandisk.

>> No.12297278


There was never any hope for a FD.

>> No.12297289

thank god

>> No.12297296


You really rekt those Sakigake fanboy with that post. High five, bro.

>> No.12297302

No problem mate, though it's just the truth.

>> No.12297305

Clochette is already readying itself for another bunch of tits so no one is escaping it. Hope it's on sakigake's level.

>> No.12297312

Couldn't be easier... Personally all those useless gimmicks they put in both kamikaze and sakigake were just useless, I wish they had picked a more normal theme and used more slice of life and comedy parts than that shit brand vr...magicreality rpg

>> No.12297317


That would make it generic moege #2031345

I really like the game parts, I wish the whole game would be like that without shifting into "lol magic" at one point

>> No.12297318

They might suck at writing plots but I'd prefer their shit chunni over pure SOL/90% plots

>> No.12297329

Not like they aren't generic moege #insert number already.

Anon, face reality, they suck at both, at least this novel had some (two, maybe three) good characters but they were badly expent over this stupid setting, which they clearly didn't had the capacity of doing even remotly decent, and a lot of the design content, nabi, etc were shameless copies that it isn't even funny.

>> No.12297362

Agree with it, except Anon really should be over Natsume, who is by far the worst Sakigake.

>> No.12297406 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12297485 [SPOILER] 
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We Grsiaia now.

>> No.12297514

> I wish the whole game would be like that without shifting into "lol magic" at one point
I found the pull of the control key inescapable whenever that shit came up.

>> No.12297632

I hope Chikara gets better later on. He's annoying as fuck.

>> No.12298002

New thread >>12298000
