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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 312 KB, 1280x720, メイシャオ・シー・カオリャンチュウ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12284434 No.12284434 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12272501

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12284438

I am going to play this semen demon

>> No.12284443
File: 69 KB, 766x360, zTSvp7kIrKVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-minus 2 hours

>> No.12284455

Mind elaborating? I haven't been paying much attention.

>> No.12284462
File: 20 KB, 189x353, dtgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go check last thread.

>> No.12284491 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 650x514, 1339838347461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me source on this VN?

>> No.12284494 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284496 [DELETED] 

Stilgar's daughter can't be this cute!

>> No.12284500 [DELETED] 

10/10 troll post.

>> No.12284505 [DELETED] 

Tell me of your homeworld, Usul

>> No.12284509 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 798x599, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished G-Senjou for the third time, killing time until they release the final patch for Comyu.

Anyone else looking forward to the PC release of Total Eclipse?

>> No.12284511 [DELETED] 

>Anyone else looking forward to the PC release of Total Eclipse?
Why would you look forward to it if you can't read it?

>> No.12284514 [DELETED] 

>finishing G-Shitou for the third time
>actually managing to finish G-SHITOU for the THIRD TIME

>> No.12284516 [DELETED] 

I wonder, is it jealousy over our ability to read Japanese that drives EOPs to shitpost here, or are they simply mind-numbingly bored because of the minuscule number of VNs available to them?

>> No.12284520 [DELETED] 

EOPs are just retarded in general and cannot tell threads apart. After all, you have to be illiterate at English to read ixwreck works.

>> No.12284524 [DELETED] 

50% of every thread seems to be whining about EOPs. How about putting a link to /vg/ in the OP?

>> No.12284525 [DELETED] 

Certainly read better if your first language isn't english.

>> No.12284531 [DELETED] 

im going to play grisaia no kajitsu

just wish they had better english for it

cant into that jibber jabber language at all

>> No.12284532 [DELETED] 

For a while VN general threads have been only reason I browse /jp/ or whole 4chan anymore, but even these threads are turning shit...

>> No.12284535 [DELETED] 

That would only attract le epik trolls.

Is there any possibility we can get the mods to start deleting EOP posts?

>> No.12284536 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284543 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 800x600, capture_008_21072014_144156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual just report and ignore shitposters or other off-topic stuff. Worst thing you can do is give them more attention.

Proceed to discuss VNs and cute heroines.

>> No.12284547 [DELETED] 

But moege are kusoge -_-

>> No.12284549 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284556 [DELETED] 

I thought I accidentally entered /vg/ somehow.

What gives me the impression that the retards yelling EOP EOP at everyone else are 80% Rancefags from /vg/, 20% moogy and company...

How more disgusting and disappointing can you guys be?

>> No.12284564
File: 218 KB, 1288x766, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now, this is all kind of silly, but as long as fascist lolis are included I'm fine with it.

>> No.12284566 [DELETED] 
File: 656 KB, 1024x576, ,,,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illiterate EOP scum been ruining this thread lately. I think we need to put "No translated stuff" on the op.
I beg to differ, faggot.

>> No.12284573

Any new gamey vns that came out within the course of the year?

>> No.12284576 [DELETED] 

I agree with him in that moege are limiting themselves too much. It's either "she has the mental and sexual maturity of a 6 year old, isn't it kawaii XD" or "she looks strong and dependable, but if you get to know her you'll see she has the mental and sexual maturity of a 6 year old, isn't it kawaii XD". Retardation isn't the only thing that's moe, and until moege makers realize that, they'll never rise above a certain level of quality.

>> No.12284579 [DELETED] 

You know some pretty lewd 6 year olds then?

>> No.12284588 [DELETED] 

I assume you dodged the point so you can return to reading about a heroine talking about the hen na kanji in her asoko, and how it muzumuzus?

>> No.12284594
File: 167 KB, 1302x794, abesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still playing ChuSinGura46+1

>> No.12284599 [DELETED] 

I know, that there are recommendation charts, but what VN will you recommend for a person, who played Ever17, Umineko, S;G, C;H, FSN, Danganronpa?
I am mostly interested in mystery stories, so I dont like daily life focused novels.

I am spoiled about culprit of Higurashi, so I dont want to play this anymore.

>> No.12284601

How would a VN work with that amount of characters?

>> No.12284603 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284607 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284609 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284614

Its like 3 times longer than your average moege, so there's plenty of exposure and development for all of them.

>> No.12284636 [DELETED] 

Look man, the moment you put in a heroine that's anything less than the perfect waifu bait who never ever clashes with the protagonist and goes along with his every wish, disgusting japanese otaku will brand your game kusoge of the century or whatever. There's little hope of this medium going forward in the foreseeable future. It's a stagnant and bad because of the culture and audience surrounding it, so you should give up arguing that shit and enjoy the one or two eroge a year that have decent writing.

>> No.12284637 [DELETED] 


>> No.12284645 [DELETED] 

The audience does exist, it's just that nobody's willing to be the one who takes the first step.

>> No.12284663 [DELETED] 

>it's just that nobody's willing to be the one who takes the first step
Can't really blame them. Why change up the formula when it already sells more and requires less effort?

>> No.12284675 [DELETED] 

I think it's less that and more the nail-that-sticks-out mindset.

>> No.12284676

It's 22.7 now in moonland and no update for VBH site. I guess we have to wait till morning for the site update.

>> No.12284682 [DELETED] 

That wasn't me who answered about "lewd 6 years old"

I don't really understand your point. So what is your stand calling moege = kusoge ? Because they are lacking in "plot" department? Or you only consider moege a fap game? I also don't understand your analogy about 6 year old girl. Mind to explain?

I personally enjoy Fureraba and Clover Day which you can categorize as moege more than pretentious shit like G-senjou. Both have nice comedy to keep me off from get bored and their heroines is nothing like 6 year old.

>> No.12284685 [DELETED] 

If you actually need an explanation, then you're a part of the problem.

>> No.12284692
File: 215 KB, 639x243, topic_td12LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12284699

Japan strikes again.

>> No.12284703 [DELETED] 

Dodging the question eh? Well, fine. If you can't explain your point then i see no use to argue with you.

>> No.12284705

Oh it updated. Time to absorb all the information to my brain

>> No.12284707
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 500x500ch15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

トシぞー rehashing design again.

>> No.12284709 [DELETED] 

If you managed to miss it all the times it's been discussed, then you don't really belong here anyway, so there's no point indeed.

>> No.12284712

That's correct.. You should commit sudoku now

>> No.12284719

Well, it's イ in the original Greek pronunciation, and ハイ in the English version, so no.

>> No.12284728


Also look at this new and exciting story totally not being rehashed from previous VB at all.

>> No.12284729 [DELETED] 

You don't look smart like that anon-kun. Stop it.

>> No.12284740 [DELETED] 

Well, i don't see this thread 24/7 . By the way who the fuck are you told me i don't belong here ? Really, just say you actually can't even explain your random 6 years old "analogy" . I bet you pick it randmly just too look more credible.

>> No.12284741 [DELETED] 

I know you're angry that the semi-retarded heroines you love so much were insulted, but one post is enough.

>> No.12284743
File: 823 KB, 1000x500, 500x500ch08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guessed Genta leveled up even further and stop sticking to his tried and true loli stereotype alone.

>> No.12284751 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit how do you know are you a psychic!

>> No.12284805 [DELETED] 

Are you French, by chance? Just curious.

>> No.12284817 [DELETED] 

What makes you think i'm french?

>> No.12284819 [DELETED] 

The oddly spaced punctuation.

>> No.12284832 [DELETED] 

Weird? No, i'm not french .
I guess the faggot who call my waifu shit isn't here anymore ? Well, time to go finish my backlog .

>> No.12284834 [DELETED] 

see >>12284741.

>> No.12284843
File: 152 KB, 720x405, 720x405sample20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent designs although liked Gaias designs more. Gentas designs are again better than Toshis although the main heroine does look nice. Shame they didn't announce the VAs yet.
Will be looking foward to the brainwash/corruption scenes and the improved game system. It's also nice to have finally widescreen VB.
Anoela seems to be my favorite of the chara for now.
Trial when?

>> No.12284866

So no monster breeding this time?

Kinda disappointed they went back to hardcore corruption stuff. I kinda like GAIA's lighthearted mood.

>> No.12284985 [DELETED] 

Why would they delete it? There's nothing in this thread forbidding people from posting translated VNs. Now, if you make it clear in the OP only untranslated VN discussion is allowed, I would understand.

>> No.12285005

Still looking for a Baldr Sky Dive2 NoDVD patch here.

The crack I used for Dive1 does not work for Dive2, when I try to run it I get this error:

>[C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGA\BALDRSKY_DIVE2\reg.exe] The MD5 check-sum is being calculated...
[Error] The file contents of the older version is different (MD5 check-sum is not identical).
During applying of the differential file, an error has occurred

Then it gives me a link to visit which is, of course, dead.

I also finally got the NoCD rar file to extract, but it gives me an error saying that this program can't run on my system. Anybody had a similar issue that can help me out?

If not, I guess my only option is to just run a Dive 1+2 installer and import my save data and go from there. This is extremely annoying and literally the only problem I have ever had with eroge after installing over 40 of them.

>> No.12285020

According to this, it's simply a few hex values you need to edit from the executable.
If you still can't do it with the instructions, then upload the executable and I'll see what I can do.

>> No.12285045

Why didn't you combine dive 1 and 2?

>> No.12285050

Did you try?
(NoCD Patch) AlphaROM 3.2 ジャンゴ型汎用 rev2

>> No.12285054


Yeah, I was on that site earlier. It seems easy enough, but I have never edited an .exe file before and all of the explanations I've found are way over my head.

Here's the reg.exe file. You have my eternal gratitude.



I installed them both back when I was first learning Japanese months ago, and recently picked it back up. Now that I'm done with Dive 1, I've found myself in this situation.


Yes, that is the file that will not run on my system. Windows 8 (I know). I've ran it in every way that I can possibly think of and it just refuses to start.

>> No.12285079

Alright, try this: https://mega.co.nz/#!iFNU3KCT!ydWymgPOSvyV3r6Iip-nQs3sw6h0eeWykvfagmoXrXY

It's got a keylogger now but it should work.
I kid, but you should learn how to edit a file's hex values for certain cracks, the Japanese are fond of it.

>> No.12285095


You are a god amongst men.

Thank you.

>> No.12285137

Several threads ago I've seen someone say it's preferable to have a good understanding of the history of religion in Japan if one wants to read Senshinkan.

Is it the same for Dies Irae and Kajiri Kamui Kagura?

>> No.12285194
File: 661 KB, 1360x768, capture_028_09032014_194437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that necessary in my opinion. Sure, you might get more enjoyment out of knowing what people, historical events, religious stuff, old stories and legends some parts reference but you won't be missing any story bits or anything like that.

Also I have a feeling I'm saying this every time the series gets brought up but make sure not to touch KKK before finishing all routes of Dies Irae. Senshinkan is completely unrelated but has tons of blatant DI and KKK references and jokes.

>> No.12285198

>Also I have a feeling I'm saying this every time the series gets brought up but make sure not to touch KKK before finishing all routes of Dies Irae.

I am aware.

I guess I'll go for it anyway. The topic itself interests me as well.

>> No.12285395
File: 407 KB, 1920x1083, 651616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hikoukigumo no Mukougawa

Damn, this has to be one of the best epilogues I've ever seen. They basically throw a bunch of "sketched" CGs showing the couple's life after the ending.

>> No.12285463 [DELETED] 

>The illiterate EOP scum been ruining this thread lately. I think we need to put "No translated stuff" on the op.
Nope, scum like you who came over here from DJT in the last year are who have ruined this thread.

>> No.12285534 [DELETED] 

If something is obvious and long-standing trolling, and enough people report it, I don't see why not.

>> No.12285601

Seems to be another dry spell for VN's this month. What a shame.

>> No.12285610

Not really?

>> No.12285619

Tell me the upcoming hyped ones for this month and August please. I really wanna know.

>> No.12285633

For this month I have
Hoshiori, which could be incredibly good if they actually do what they promise to do well with relationships up till marriage.
Astralair, because I liked hoshimemo and the author for it is back and FAVORITE's art is something I dig.
Qualia, because Fue art is always so nice to look at and doesn't melt your eyes like the one above.
And Fraternite, because it may turn good and I have enough moeges to get over a potential depression from it.
So yeah, two titles and with some luck I'll finish the first two and some nukige.

>> No.12285636

Games I'm personally looking forward to:


>> No.12285637

> FAVORITE's art
I wish I could like it

>> No.12285640

Oh boy! Euphoria only with uglier girls.

>> No.12285644

Change - ano ko ni natte kun kun pero pero
VN of the year

>> No.12285650

I'm also looking forward to Make Me Lover, seems like it'll be pretty fun.

But it's completely different from Euphoria, although it still has the same foreboding atmosphere.

>uglier girls
They're cute except for that one monstrosity.

>> No.12285659
File: 26 KB, 250x300, c804105chara10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're cute except for that one monstrosity.
I hope she has a h-scene just so I can laugh at it. Or considering the genre of this game, maybe throw up at it.

>> No.12285660

She does have an H-scene, it's even in the demo. I've got to say it was quite traumatizing.

>> No.12285666 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 1148x712, 1405983224282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12285669

How is that bullying on her part? She's getting laid.

>> No.12285675

Anon, are you alright. Who the fuck said she was being bullied?

>> No.12285676

Nevermind, she's not the one being bullied. Silly me.

>> No.12285684 [DELETED] 

Thanks, mods, for deleting valid opinions and leaving /vg/ trolling and irrelevant posts around.

>> No.12285686

You can really tell what board they're coming from.

>> No.12285689

Thanks for bringing up shit that ended posts ago instead of adding relevant discussion.

>> No.12285694

If you cover up her face she has a decent body.

>> No.12285710

I'd rather Sonico's friends' gross body over that thing.

>> No.12285717

The state of the VN industry hasn't "ended".

>> No.12285739

What more do you want? It was deleted because it was a controversial topic that can't be discussed without shit slinging from both sides. The only thing that can be done is to try to read a bit of everything to look for promising looking titles, or stop reading VNs all together. Moege isn't going to stop selling any time soon.

>> No.12285744

See >>12285684 for what I (and >>12285686, and many others) want.

>> No.12285747

You want the whole thread deleted?

>> No.12285751

> 主人公レオンハルトは、帝国のもとで戦う部隊長であるが、いずれ帝国を自ら打ち倒し、己の国を創りたいと考える野心家。
> 帝国の破壊と自らの手による新たな支配を望む、レオンハルト。
> 敗北・隷属は死に直結する、人間にとってはまさに暗黒の時代であった。
This premise and setting are much better than what I've expected based on TG rumors.
With almost 5mb of text in scripts, this could be easily best VB.

>> No.12285752

Most of them have already left. If it bothers you that much, work on your backlog. No need to throw an autistic fit in the threads, you're part of the problem.

>> No.12285773 [DELETED] 

>valid opinions
>hurr all moeges are kusage why are you playing it retards

yeah sure

>> No.12285783
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 0e07b8ce-d29d-4083-9766-096476d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started witch's garden. E-mote is really nice, specially with boing turned on max. MC at least doesn't seem hetare, and the main heroine is pretty damn moe.

>> No.12285786

>MC at least doesn't seem hetare

Dropped before even picking it up.

>> No.12285790

who the fuck likes hetare protagonists

>> No.12285793

That guy and Japan.

>> No.12285796

Wait what? Who in the right mind would like hetare protaganist?

>> No.12285797

I see Japs complaining about hetare MCs all the time.

>> No.12285800

People who can connect with them.

>> No.12285801 [DELETED] 

How dare that guy have an opinion that differs from the norm!

>> No.12285802
File: 303 KB, 1024x576, such faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he's a trap/trans and that's a bad end reverse rape

>> No.12285803 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up.

I used to bully worthless little shits, I don't want to see them anymore.

>> No.12285807

This. Chucklefucks bitching about Japan not sharing their views clearly do not know what they're talking about.

>> No.12285808

I don't care what you want.

>> No.12285810 [DELETED] 

...he says, having thrown a bitchfit over facts (if facts anger you, go to tumblr) because they make his beloved semi-retarded characters look bad.

And thanks, mods, for deleting posts that show you don't do your job properly and leaving posts like these up.

>> No.12285811 [DELETED] 

So are you saying /jp/ is full of alpha assholes straight from bodybuilding.com?

>> No.12285813 [DELETED] 

What the hell mods how dare you delete my Rina and leave G-senshit post from EOP undeleted? I'm dissapointed on you.

>> No.12285815 [DELETED] 

Yes, but not asshole.

>> No.12285819 [DELETED] 

We are alpha but we are also compassionate and generous. As long as you don't start shit with us you will be left alone.

>> No.12285820 [DELETED] 

Are we being raided?

>> No.12285822 [DELETED] 

Its same EOP retard shitting up thread in "revenge". Not the first time he's doing it.

>> No.12285824 [DELETED] 


What is this alpha beta thingy?

>> No.12285825


>> No.12285828 [DELETED] 

Apparently you can only be the macho man, the bullied guy or the yasashii one.

>> No.12285830 [DELETED] 

>because they make his beloved semi-retarded characters look bad.
I was >>12285739 and that was hardly a bitchfit. It's a fact that those types of heroines are popular in Japan and they aren't going away any time soon. It would be nice to see some more mature heroines too, but I'm not going to cry that I'm not being pandered to because I'm not the target audience. You sound very much like tumblr in that aspect.

>> No.12285836 [DELETED] 

Are you the faggot who call my moege is kusoge lastnight?

>> No.12285838 [DELETED] 


>> No.12285840

>bullied guy

I don't encounter much of that in my VN MC's.

>> No.12285842 [DELETED] 

No, I like moege too. Just saying more mature heroines every once in a while wouldn't be bad either.

>> No.12285843 [DELETED] 


What the fuck is this shit. I do months of grammar and vocab, open up my first VN, and this is in the first sentence. Rikaichan gives a definition, but only for 巡る and 巡らす. What the hell is are the ”らせ”/”セル” for?

>> No.12285848 [DELETED] 

Does this look like a fucking grammar thread you little shit?

>> No.12285850 [DELETED] 

Even atlas can give you a definition for that, ATLAS.
Also you should have studied grammar.

>> No.12285851 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 229x173, daily reminder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12285852 [DELETED] 

I don't know, we can't read Japanese here. We only make up stories to go along with the pictures.

>> No.12285853 [DELETED] 

I'm the one who posted a fact and was met with bitchfits. The stagnation of the moege sector isn't an opinion. The angry reactions are opinions. Nice parroting, by the way, but crying because of inconvenient facts still belongs there.

And I'm the one who agreed, because of the above facts.

>> No.12285861

Well, apparently our lovely conversation deleted. I don't understand the janitor sometimes since i don't think that discussion is off-topic.

Mature heroine? For example?

>> No.12285864 [DELETED] 

Rikaichan explicitly tells you it's the causative form, you idiot. And if you don't know what that is, you shouldn't read anything in Japanese.

>> No.12285866

Maybe he dropped it before picking it up because it is apparently bad enough that "MC at least doesn't seem hetare" is one of the few good things that can be said about it.

>> No.12285869 [DELETED] 

Jannie is on her period today~

My post is so gonna get deleted.

>> No.12285870

What the hell janitor? I know i do shit post sometimes by pretending to be 2 different person. But mind tell us which part of the moege discussion deserve deletion?

>> No.12285875

No woman should be allowed to be moderate anything, let alone on a board where they don't belong.

>> No.12285879

And we all know who gets all the girls(it's not the first).

>> No.12285882

Even in real life, most girls don't go for the muscley beefcakes just like most guys don't really want the big boobed blonde girl.

>> No.12285883


I'd also love to know what His Magnificence deems to be acceptable. At least not any discussions as it seems.

>> No.12285886


What's everyone reading from their backlog? I started up Monobeno -happy end- recently and it's pretty good. Loli overload aside, I'm really digging the OST and the characters are all very likeable. I'm just now getting to the plot and I'm at least semi-interested to see how it turns out so overall I'm glad I picked it up. It will probably take me months to read since its fucking LONG, but that's ok. I like having something nice and light to read on the side of the more serious titles.

>> No.12285887


People who like to self-insert, I guess.

>> No.12285888

I don't think
>could you explain your opinion
>no fuck you
qualifies as a discussion.

>> No.12285889

I can't think of any at the moment, but a heroine that doesn't suddenly regress when you get to an H-scene would be nice. It's jarring to have a strong stubborn heroine, or even a normal heroine, suddenly turn into a naive girl who hasn't even heard the word sex before when they're clearly 14-15. It works for some characters, but most of the time it's annoying. Sometimes it's like they turn into a completely different character.

>> No.12285895

I read Tsujidou-san, then I dropped it during Ai's route because the MC's faggottry reached incredibly high levels and it made me uninstall it incredibly fast.
Renna's route was a blast though, Maki's not so much, too much retarded drama with Ai.

>> No.12285898

It's because otaku are obsessed with purity. If it's even implied the girl has associated with another man than the MC they go berserk

>> No.12285900

Renna is best girl so naturally she has best route.

>> No.12285903

I know why they do it. But somehow it feels like the heroine is putting on some sort of act, and it makes it seem less genuine to me.

>> No.12285904


Good to know, I actually have that installed as well. Maybe I'll just read Renna's route if/when I pick it up.

>> No.12285907

Just found forgotten Aiyoku no Eustia game data from my old computer. Currently continuing from where I left off back in the days when I didn't know moon (after Fione English patch).

>> No.12285908

Who the FUCK would like that???

>> No.12285909

I know, the moe-worshipping side's kneejerk reactions aren't exactly mature.

>> No.12285910

I really liked Azusa, she was really fun, but damn did Ai's route just kill my interest for both it and the fandisk, it all started with
>I love you
>so change your whole personality so it fits with mine
actual lines from the game. And it just kept getting more annoying.

>> No.12285912

This is contrary to established eroge wisdom. Best girls often have pretty stupid routes.

>> No.12285918

Why put undesirable normal sensibilities in what is essentially escapist fiction? There is a fine line to be drawn on what crosses as uncomfortably real and this is one of those.

>> No.12285923

I didn't bother reading the fandisc personally.
What the game really needed was a Kumiko route. Dumping Ai for Kumiko with the ensuing drama would've been great.

>> No.12285925

Escapist doesn't mean escaping from the realm of what is human. Idealized humans, yes. Lobotomized humanoids, nah.

>> No.12285927

I just finished with Alice's route and started on Sumi's. It's weird, lately it seems like every time I start playing something someone else on /jp/ picks it up at the same time. /jp/mind, I guess.

Anyway, yeah, the OST and art and production values in general are insanely good. The story/writing aren't especially interesting, but the OOH SHINY factor makes up for it. Also, I don't know how I'll ever get through all these bonus H-scenes.

>> No.12285932

You seriously wanted Ai being even more of a brooding and violent retard while Hiroshi wallowed in his depression because fucking Kumiko feels good but he totally still loves Ai and will keep loving her forever just as you'd expect from a week as lovers?

>> No.12285933

I don't understand japanese taste sometimes.
Both Ai and Maki(?) made it too getchu ranking while rena isn't. Ai personality just felt forced.

>> No.12285935

What the fuck.

>> No.12285940

Maybe it's because she has small boobs?

>> No.12285945

>Idealized humans, yes. Lobotomized humanoids, nah.

Pray tell what is your criteria of an "idealized human" and how can that translate into VN's?

>> No.12285948

I hate Ai so I don't mind her getting crazier. I don't remember the protag being so lame in the Renna route. As long as a Kumiko route was kind of the same I'd be ok.

>> No.12285953

My guess is because Renna is really violent sometimes like on the "shackles fighting scenes".

>> No.12285955
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That's definitely ironic. I'm about 2 hours into Sumi's route myself, how was Alice's? She's a great 幼馴染 and I'm really looking forward to her route. Her parents are neat too.

I was just more interested in the youkai aspect of the story so I went with Sumi first hoping for more of that, and it seems like it will deliver.

I also downloaded a 100% save data file for those extra scenes and I've been fapping to them a month or so now. I STILL haven't made it through all of them, it's almost absurd how many there are. Just counting the "extra" scenes, there are over 70.

>> No.12285957

>I don't remember the protag being so lame in the Renna route
Because the gang kept him busy with stuff and he generally had enough fun to forget about Ai. Her lack of screentime was a big point to her route.
Imagine dropping Ai for her best friend and the DRAMA with Ai beating the shit out of Kumiko by her route's ending.

>> No.12285958

But those were hilarious

>> No.12285960

Well, definitely not someone who does what >>12285889 said. That's pretty much the opposite of idealization, unless you're a purity-obsessed kimowota.

>> No.12285961

And then he still rejects her and Ai cries and kills herself. Ah it would be great. Then in the epilogue Kumiko and Protag have a baby and they name it Ai after her.

>> No.12285964

>have a baby and they name it Ai after her.
Then you'd have a fandisk where Hiroshi just fucks her daughter, who is actually the reincarnation of Ai.

>> No.12285968
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My opinion is the correct one then. I think Ai is the best girl, with the worst route due to MC and his yasashii to everyone+girls can't fight retardedness.

>> No.12285970


She has a nice voice though.

>> No.12285971

Isn't purity synonymous with idealization? Unless I've been living under a rock and standards have changed to equal a 3DPD bitch.

>> No.12285980

Oh boy, it's the usual "accuse someone of one extreme because you support the other" argument. I stand helpless before its might.

>> No.12285981

I just wish there were more delinquent type/ギャル type heroines. Like Kouda Ai in Oretsuba.

>> No.12285986

While being utterly clueless about sex right?

>> No.12285989

Nothing like a slutty girl who only has theoretical knowledge about sex.

>> No.12285990

I skip sex scenes so I don't really care. The best version of Oretsuba is all ages any way.

>> No.12285991

Please don't drag Sakura-sama into your infantile argument.

>> No.12285994

A heroine can still be pure and not act like the post he quoted. I mean, 99.9% of the time she's a virgin until she falls for MC, which I have no problem with. It's just stupid when she acts 10 years younger than she actually is and has no idea that sex exists, that babies come from the stork or some bullshit. It'd be nice if she cherished that time with MC and they both tried to make each other feel good, instead of acting like sex with the person you love is some shameful bizarre situation.

>> No.12285999

There were some aspects of Alice's route I was dissatisfied with and it was kinda boring to be perfectly honest, but you definitely get a lot of Alice and Tooru being ラブラブ, so that's good.

Sumi is the better character, and I have a feeling her route will be more interesting as well, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out. It helps that I'm also a massive sucker for Japanese mythology.

>> No.12286004

>It's just stupid when she acts 10 years younger than she actually is and has no idea that sex exists, that babies come from the stork or some bullshit.
What games exactly are you referring to? I haven't really noticed what you're describing unless I'm playing a lolige or something.

>> No.12286013

You really haven't noticed girls who don't even know what masturbation or fellatio are?
Those are annoyingly pure, not to mention they suck like pros anyway.

>> No.12286016

Based on what i've played, the only heroines that fits your description Rio from DracuR. Isn't that type of heroine is kinda rare lately?

>> No.12286026

I don't remember exactly since I'm reading a bunch of stuff at the moment, but things like Happiness or Chuablesoft, feng, and Circus titles.

Is it really? I've been reading late 2000s VNs lately so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.12286028

Yo I was trying to read that, are people deleting their own posts, is 4chan broken??

>> No.12286033

Being sexually knowledgeable is disgusting slut filth.

>> No.12286036

This. I don't need to be reminded of sluts outside my house in my escapist media unless it's a nukige about humiliating said sluts.

>> No.12286049

I believe there is a difference between not knowing what fellatio is and not knowing what sex is. In any case. The discussion was about moege right? Heroines not knowing/being clumsy about things like fellatio is not unique to moege.

>a heroine that doesn't suddenly regress when you get to an H-scene would be nice. It's jarring to have a strong stubborn heroine, or even a normal heroine, suddenly turn into a naive girl who hasn't even heard the word sex before when they're clearly 14-15.
Whoever the poster of this is, was making it sound like all heroines in moege turn into imbeciles who don't know what sex is, whenever in a sex scene. I simply cannot recall ever seeing this. Even if there was a game where a heroine didn't know anything about sex, I can't think of a time where it was the case for all the heroines.
If you're honestly playing games where all the heroines turn into retarded babies during sex scenes, then maybe it is time to stop reading kusoge.

>> No.12286051

If you're being serious, see >>12285980. (If not, appreciated.)

>> No.12286058


Well I'd mostly be reading Alice's route for ラブラブ and their dynamic together so I suppose I'll be happy. I'll report back once I get a little farther in Sumi's route.

Have you read anything else you enjoyed that features Japanese mythology? I've got Tasogare no Sinsemillia for after Monebeno but that's all I've been able to find that's pretty highly acclaimed all the way across the board. I find all that stuff really interesting and I'd like to read some more titles that have it as a main plot point.

>> No.12286061

I don't know what you're trying to say here but a slut is a slut.

>> No.12286066

>I don't know
That's the keyword. Try to.

>> No.12286069

just like u're mom.

>> No.12286073

Sinsemilla is kinda boring, the mythology itself is cool, even if the tennyo thing is overdone in jap media.
Meguri Hitohira is about mythology too and the game takes place in a temple, pretty SoLish even if the choice system is hell if you ever intend to do more than one heroine.

>> No.12286078

No go be smart on reddit

>> No.12286083

Escalayer Rehash

>> No.12286089

Are the WAB series outrageously difficult? or would I be fine with them if I was able to understand eustia without any problems

>> No.12286090

I forgot about that. I'm reasonably hyped since Alicesoft might do something else besides another shitty sidestory of Beat Blades Haruka.

>> No.12286093

Maybe you should play better games, because in most of the ones I play the girls turn into a(MC exclusive, not into NTR) sex fiend that can cum 3 times while screaming gimochii from a kiss after the first time. And I'm talking about moege here.

>> No.12286120

That's the other extreme, and just as bad. Losing their character and turning into an orgasm machine so they can make the insecure kimowota feel like a successful sex god isn't good writing either.

>> No.12286123

I'm not the best one to ask as I haven't played that many eroge. Basically the only ones I've read that feature mythology heavily are Sinsemilla (which was pretty nice) and now Monobeno. I've heard good things about Ayakashibito so I'll probably try that at some point.

>> No.12286125

What was that site that showed the staff for vns and had pages for them? I'm still astounded that vndb hasn't implemented something like that yet.

>> No.12286128

>make the insecure kimowota feel like a successful sex god isn't good writing either.
Isn't that the point of most moege? If you're looking for good writing, look to other games.

>> No.12286136

Again, why are you so hung up about this? You're rhetoric sounds like something out of a sexually frustrated feminist. It's clear to me you're not meant to read visual novels.

>> No.12286137

>Anoela seems to be my favorite of the chara for now

Feels like Genta went back to his old type loli designs completely.

I kinda missed design like Carmilla.

>> No.12286140

Which brings us full circle to my original point about moege being self-limited in quality.

>> No.12286146

You should see >>12285980 too.


>> No.12286147

Oh boy this definitely won't devolve into an argument pertaining to how "eroge could be so much more."

>> No.12286155

>Sperging over a typo.

It isn't /jp/ without any of these types.

>> No.12286158

I wish these people would just go back to playing video games

>> No.12286159

If you read the original argument, no it won't.

Epik greentext, /v/. I hope it helped distract you from your inability to respond.

>> No.12286165

Your complaints seem to be all based around the sex scenes. Maybe you should just read all ages titles.

>> No.12286174


Back to /vg/ with you, retard.

>> No.12286184

That...utterly fails to answer either of the extremes we pointed out.

>> No.12286207

>moege being self-limited in quality.
But 'kimowota feeling like a successful sex god' is the essence of moege. It's not self-limiting, it's the defining point of moege. If you take away that "limit" it's not a moege anymore.

>> No.12286211

Erogamescape or EGS for short. Though the site randomly bans and unbans gaijin IPs so you might end up having to use a proxy. Some anon said he managed to get completely unbanned by asking the site moderator but that's probably not a permanent solution to those who have a dynamic IP.

If you're just looking for voice actors then
is also a good site.

>> No.12286212

Reason with these /vg/reddit types isn't going to work out

>> No.12286213

The essence of moege is being moe, but even if it is as you say, that's proving exactly what I said as well.

>> No.12286219

see the second line of >>12286159.

>> No.12286228

Okay vg guy

>> No.12286230

Those extremes are not unique to moege and are present in any kind of eroge, so I really don't understand their relevance as a complaint against moege. There are tons of titles with normal H scenes.

>> No.12286248

So what are you trying to say? You want moege to stop being moege?

>> No.12286251

Well, the only titles with heroines who don't suffer a lobotomy that I can think of are clearly not moege, and my word is as good as yours. The fact is, moege are focused on moe, and moe=retardation according to the industry. (The sex god thing is another story.)

Your lack of arguments benefits me.

For the umpteenth time, read the original argument.

>> No.12286255

What I don't like about moege is the all the sameness. Pretty sure they could find different settings or characters with a bit more personality. But it seems there are people who like exactly this about moege and who am I to say anything about peoples taste in porn games. Let's just agree it's not for everyone.

>> No.12286256 [DELETED] 

Would argues on 4chan you just outed yourself though.

>> No.12286262 [DELETED] 

English, please.

>> No.12286265 [DELETED] 

Go back to where you came from theres english for you

>> No.12286273

If you're wanting fantasy or sci-fi moege. There are plenty of those.

>> No.12286275 [DELETED] 


>> No.12286282

I'm currently reading Sona-Nyl as my second vn after SubaHibi (which i'm guessing isn't that much harder to read than Eustia), nothing terribly difficult to understand so far and I think you could kinda appreciate the style it's written in even if you aren't exactly a moon master(tm); so far (-> not very far) the voice acting only differs from what is written to engrish-furiganaする random shit so it's probably nothing too terrible i guess (and Sona-Nyl is also the only WAB who does this iirc?). Though honestly I'm going pretty slow since i'm autistic and i like to check everything in a monolingual dictionary because fuck EDICT; I can already see this not ending well.

>> No.12286286 [DELETED] 

Arguing on 4chan is fucking retarded, the only people you see doing it are generally reddit people that don't understand this and constantly go "lol where u argument XD."

>> No.12286289

Sona-nyl has more voiced lines that are pretty much completely different from the written lines than pretty much any of the other games in the series.

>> No.12286295 [DELETED] 

So logic and arguments are for faggots, right?
Thanks for supporting me so fiercely.

>> No.12286297 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and quit bringing up reddit.

>> No.12286300 [DELETED] 

Yo what you talking about now kid the fuck

>> No.12286306 [DELETED] 

I am not Kid the Fuck, nor have I ever met him.

>> No.12286309 [DELETED] 

Epic dude, better throw that one up on your blog.

>> No.12286310 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder: report and ignore. Don't reply to them.

>> No.12286323

Cool. Guess ill save sona for later but start on the series after im finished with the current vn im reading.

Wondering now how much of a difference it will be to read inganock and sharnoth in jap versus ixrecs hyper literal tl.

>> No.12286329

So, when's the new Favorite game coming out? Was it delayed?

>> No.12286332

What? It comes out on the 25th. Like every thing this month.

>> No.12286338

Okay, thanks for the info.

>> No.12286359

Are the bad ends in Hello Lady! pretty fleshed out side routes or just a lol you died type of deal?

>> No.12286385

Neither of two. They are short but very rarely involve any dying. Anyway, they are fun to read and you get meido corner after them, so I advice doing them all.
Death march.
Gigai no Alruna

>> No.12286435

Hello /jp/, I just installed 海からくるもの and the .exe won't open. Did anyone have a similar issue? How did you get around it?

>> No.12286447

I wouldn't really recommend Sona Nyl for a beginner, mainly because of the voiceed lines. I'd say it's more intermediate territory.

>> No.12286454
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Speaking of Liar-Soft, what are your opinions of their earlier titles? This one in particular.

>> No.12286458

I've been meaning to get around to playing that, since it was one of the first liarsoft titles Sakurai was listed as a main writer for.

>> No.12286469

speaking of sakurai has anyone here played the games she wrote before she was with liar-soft?

>> No.12286474

I need to get around to those too, especially the nukige she wrote with Mareni.

>> No.12286494

>nukige she wrote with Mareni
Inform me of this?

>> No.12286495

Wild Wide West by Sakurai. Holy fuck, why didn't I notice it before, gotta play it now.

>> No.12286499

Pretty much all of the liarsoft writers have worked on games like this http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=3558#ad
They're most likely terrible, but I still want to play some of them for the sake of reading everything Sakurai has published.

>> No.12286505

Sounds p cool to me

Most of the reviews just seem mad it didn't have enough sex.

>> No.12286564

Why do you like eroge? Was it worth the effort to learn Japanese just to read them?

>> No.12286573

>Why do people enjoy things

>> No.12286576

Why do people like any form of entertainment? What are you even asking?

>> No.12286581 [DELETED] 

What's your favorite kind of pasta to eat while reading eroge?

>> No.12286582

>Was it worth the effort to learn Japanese just to read them?

>> No.12286587

The kind made by a Japanese bird.

>> No.12286590

1. Male-oriented romance (is there any other medium that does this regularly?).
2. Incorporates explicit sexual content even in stories that are not primarily pornographic (again, not usually done elsewhere).
3. It's a niche medium so creators can do crazy shit and sometimes it even works.

Also, yes.

Penne rigate.

>> No.12286593

I find it more than enough worth it just because of a few titles, so I regret nothing.

>> No.12286715

The only thing I know about this game is that it contains NTR, because of the torrent post on Hongfire saying WARNING!! THIS GAME CONTAIN NTR!!! in big red letters. Thanks, fhc.

>> No.12286735

Doesn't seem that bad. Just your standard "girl gets raped if you lose" and probably easy to avoid if you're weak to that stuff.

>> No.12286799

Jesus, people treating NTR as if it's some form of biohazard. Sometimes the overreactions can be too much.

>> No.12286885

wow they added extra h scenes if you lose instead of a black screen and people freak out about it

i still can never understand why people get so invested in these shitty eroge protags that the mere thought of ntr kills any interest theyd have in a vn

>> No.12286894

I bet you love playing as a rapist protagonist.

>> No.12286898

That, I do.

>> No.12287125 [DELETED] 

Depends on the type of NTR. If it's type C, it can be used for dramatic purposes (and for anyone who wants to fap to it). Type A/B, on the other hand, makes the heroine look like a weak-willed, shallow slut whose personality takes second place to her vagina. It destroys her character.

Sadly, type B happens far too often.

>> No.12287127

Depends on the type of NTR. If it's type C, it can be used for dramatic purposes (and for anyone who wants to fap to it). Type A/B, on the other hand, makes the heroine look like a weak-willed, shallow slut whose personality takes second place to her vagina. It destroys her character.

Sadly, type B happens far too often.

>> No.12287137

Type A is just the heroine being a cheating whore B on the other hand is just terrible
>I love you so much but I can't live without his dick anymore

>> No.12287145

Well, non-badend NTR is pretty much biohazard for me. Unless protag then kills both mesubuta and the fucker, but that would be badend for heroine route.

>> No.12287156

Too bad Type B happens the most IRL as well, it's either the D or the money.

>> No.12287160

>B on the other hand is just terrible
iknorite. No matter how interesting or complex her characterization was until that point, it throws everything away and replaces it with "moar cox pl0x". It's truly disgusting, and doesn't belong anywhere except for some NTR nukige.

At least types A and C are honest.

>> No.12287169


Hotting for the D is honesty, m8

>> No.12287173

That's what type A is, m8.

>> No.12287174

>Type B happens the most IRL as well
Are you sure you know what is type B?
I'm pretty sure A is most frequent IRL, and never heard any IRL stories about B at all.

>> No.12287176

Type B is just bitch be honest with herself.

>> No.12287185

Type B is usually housewife who enjoys the dick but doesn't want her family to be destroyed.

>> No.12287186

What are the most commercially successful VN's of the last 10 years or so?

>> No.12287202

The titles by the major companies like Key and Alicesoft.

>> No.12287207

10 years ago you have FSN and Clannad.
Busy year.

>> No.12287214

That's type A, m8.

>> No.12287227

Type A loves the dick.

Type B just enjoys the dick for what it is, it gives her pleasure.

I guess you can say one love something while the other is just addicted to it, so I might concede at this.

>> No.12287233

You said the same thing twice, both are A. B is "I have zero personality so my vagina does the thinking for me".

I suggest you brush up on what type B is.

>> No.12287234
File: 456 KB, 1500x1500, kurogane1500x1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSVita「クロガネ回姫譚 -閃夜一夜-」







・大包 平 CV:黒木太陽
・和泉天国 CV:久慈茜
・村雨伏姫 CV:沢田なつ
・石上虎徹 CV:遥そら
・船坂玉鋼 CV:橘桜

I guess this is the last of these Takahiro projects.

>> No.12287243

>Type B: Initially, the heroine is raped, blackmailed, drugged or otherwise tricked to have sex with someone other than the protagonist. However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.

This is not no personality, this is literally Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.12287247

Stockholm Syndrome doesn't happen after twenty seconds.

>> No.12287249

Yes, but it happens.

And it happens enough to be documented and called a syndrome.

And it's even "worse" considering people sympathize with terrorists/people holding guns to their head, that shit is way over rape.

>> No.12287255

>this is literally Stockholm Syndrome.
No, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't enjoy fucking for the sake of their families, especially since it goes
>suck my cock
>it's so much bigger than my husband's and it feels so good

>> No.12287259

Again, it doesn't happen after twenty seconds. Or a few hours.

And let's be serious, that's not Stockholm Syndrome, that's just fetishised "moar cox pl0x" or writers who don't have the guts to write a real rape scene.

>> No.12287260

That's literally the half the point of most affairs since their husbands can't satisfy them, that or they do it for the cash.

Reality ain't so kind.

>> No.12287264

It is based on Stockhold Syndrome, that the victim somehow grows to sympathize or even likes/works with the bad guy/rapist.

And while it doesn't happen every twenty seconds, type B doesn't specifically say it happens in the first couple of minutes either.

>> No.12287265

Stockholm Syndrome often occurs because "I guess you have a good reason for doing this." For example, a lot of terrorists may have fairly sympathetic backgrounds and actually would get sympathy for their cause and/or plight if they weren't, well, fucking terrorists.

Being mindbroken into a cockslut is not Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.12287268
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, Yukikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best example of NTR type B being little Yukikaze here.

>> No.12287270

Hotting for the dick is a good and very honest reason.

>> No.12287271

>It is based on Stockhold Syndrome
In the same way a scalpel is based on a pointy stick. Let's be serious, m8.

>> No.12287275

I'm serious here.

It is based on the same philosophy, the victim doesn't enjoy it at first, but because of a reason, the victim grows to sympathize or even works with the bad guy.

>> No.12287277

What the fuck are you guys talking about. Is it really that confusing.
Type A is a girl consenting to cheat from the get go, or if it is the protagonists 1 sided love, she simply falls for some other guy.
Type B is where it is forced in the beginning, guy rapes her or blackmails her, but eventually she falls for him. Whether it's because of his good sex or simply because she sympathizes with him or something doesn't matter.
Type C is not even actually NTR. The girl never falls for another guy, but does have sex with him beyond her control.

>> No.12287281

Stockholm syndrome doesn't happen with rape. Rape victims don't enjoy rape, and they definitely don't sympathize with rapers. Even in cases when victims are captured and held for several years, when released, they actively cooperate with police and court to get their assailant punished.

>> No.12287282

I agree. Most can deal with euphoria like content, but suddenly NTR is where people draw the line.

>> No.12287289

Umm, man, euphoria has shitloads NTR, so NTR is "euphoria-like content" too.

>> No.12287290

No it isn't. Mindbreak and "moar cox pl0x" has nothing to do with SS.

>> No.12287291

Eh, I don't think you can speak absolute like that.

Stockholm syndrome is just a case where the victim sympathizes with the bad guy is all. It's weird but it happens.

>> No.12287293

Does it? I haven't read the entire game yet. I guess I should've said torture or guro.

>> No.12287294

Well, since you don't argue even why, I'm not going to bother.

It's not mindbreak either since type B has the girl falling for just that guy, so it's a twisted love.

>> No.12287296

do girls get mindbroken into cocksluts in real life too

I always thought it seemed ridiculous

>> No.12287298

I'm sorry. It's not stockholm syndrome. A girl gets raped/blackmailed/whatever. Eventually she is like, "hey, sex actually feels pretty good once you get used to it" and starts to enjoy it. That's not stockholm syndrome.

>> No.12287299

I don't know about that but Stockhold syndrome exists.

>> No.12287302

You didn't read even half of any route then. Once your group leaves dungeon, there's stuff with bigger group, including males, who rape your heroine and turn her into nikubenki. That's where actual plot happens.

>> No.12287304

>Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.[1][2] The FBI's Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 8% of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.[3]
I'm sorry, but it kinda is.

>> No.12287305

I did argue about it, you just choose to ignore facts. See what >>12287281 said.

>falling for just that guy
You don't really know what type B is.

>> No.12287310

>lack of abuse
Constant rape isn't a "lack of abuse".

>> No.12287313

Dumbest argument on /jp/ award.

>> No.12287317

The definition from VNDB:
>However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.
If she consents, she fails for the guy.

>> No.12287318

Time to start reading again.

>> No.12287320

Actually in some African cultures rape is seen as a sign of affection

>> No.12287321

I've never heard about such cases. On the contrary, cases when victims manage to escape after 20 years of sexual slavery are relatively common and they retain relatively normal human emotions, including hatred for captor.

>> No.12287324

I know you would bring this up, but type B doesn't imply constant rape either.

>> No.12287326

VNDB has the entire definition of type C wrong, quoting them is self-defeating.

As is this.

>> No.12287327

So what's your definition then?

>> No.12287328

You don't really know what type B is.

>> No.12287329

It's not wrong

>> No.12287332

I'm sorry, but it kind of isn't. The physical pleasure of sex is not some psychological phenomenon only experienced in this situation.
Most of type B boils down to, "Well, the sex is really good, and sex with you kind of sucks, so I'm going to go with him." This is not sympathizing or identifying with their 'abuser'.

>> No.12287335

Look it up, m8. You know nihongo, right?

The "in front of" part is wrong and very restrictive.

>> No.12287338

Aren't you all virgins? How do you even know how real women experience sex?

>> No.12287342

If she starts enjoy the sex and consensually have sex with him, then that goes far above sympathizing and identifying with him, it boils down to work with him.

But Stockhold syndrome does use positive feelings as an umbrella term.

>> No.12287343

I could rape women on a daily basis and still not know how they experience sex because I am not a woman.

>> No.12287344

Well, there might be more than one definition, so it's better for you guys to provide your own definition first.

>> No.12287349

I suggest admitting you have no idea what you're talking about, instead of trying to hide behind your little finger.

>> No.12287352

Even if I admit it, it would be better if you guys to provide the definition for further understanding.

>> No.12287355

/jp/ - Education and Guidance

>> No.12287359

Fine then, it is about "culture".

>> No.12287398

Still that guy here, the wikipedia also explains the scientific rationale behind Stockhold Syndrome
>One of the "adaptive problems faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors", particularly females, was being abducted by another band. Life in the human "environment of evolutionary adaptiveness" (EEA) is thought by researchers such as Israeli military historian Azar Gat to be similar to that of the few remaining hunter-gatherer societies. "Deadly violence is also regularly activated in competition over women. . . . Abduction of women, rape, ... are widespread direct causes of reproductive conflict ..."[15] Being captured[16] and having their dependent children killed might have been fairly common.[17] Women who resisted capture in such situations risked being killed.[18]

>Azar Gat argues that war and abductions (capture) were typical of human pre-history.[15] When selection is intense and persistent, adaptive traits (such as capture-bonding) become universal to the population or species.

>Partial activation of the capture-bonding psychological trait may lie behind battered-wife syndrome, military basic training, fraternity hazing, and sex practices such as sadism/masochism or bondage/discipline.[6] Being captured by neighbouring tribes was a relatively common event for women in human history, if anything like the recent history of the few remaining primitive tribes. In some of those tribes (Yanomamo, for instance) practically everyone in the tribe is descended from a captive within the last three generations. Perhaps as high as one in ten of females were abducted and incorporated into the tribe that captured them.[6]
The study being made by a jew aside, yes, if type B NTR victims grows to like the victim and even chooses to have sex with him, it's Stockhold syndrome, or rather a primal form of it.

>> No.12287401

You're the moege=kusoge guy aren't you?

>> No.12287404

>hunter-gatherer ancestors
Over before it began.

>> No.12287406

We do have hunter-gatherer ancestors though.

>> No.12287408

Women were captured and made (raped) into wives into the second millennium. A lot of them just adapted to their new lives instead of plotting to kill their husbands indefinitely.

>> No.12287410


Do you even anthropology?

>> No.12287412

>the victim
The rapist

>> No.12287414

Dude, if you don't have anything relevant to say, don't.

What happened before civilization was established is irrelevant.

They had no other choice, which is the point here.

>> No.12287416

>explains the scientific rationale
It doesn't 'explain' anything, because it is entirely guess work.
Partial activation of the capture-bonding psychological trait? What is this bullshit? Scientifically prove the existence of this 'trait' before trying to use it as an explanation for why things work the way they do.

>> No.12287424

Well, it exists, and they use historical references for why it exists.

>> No.12287427

>What happened before civilization was established is irrelevant.
Hunter-gatherer society is already a civilization, bro.
>They had no other choice, which is the point here.
A good point, but type B NTR also faces the risk of being killed by their captor.

>> No.12287433

It barely counts as one, the point being that, again, they had no choice.

>the risk of being killed by their captor
Unless they follow their orders, not unless they start liking it.

>> No.12287436

These raped females grow from fear of being killed, then they grow to become their wives, and they might even live a happy life afterwards.

It sounds like acceptance.

>> No.12287440

>A good point, but type B NTR also faces the risk of being killed by their captor.
99% of the time the risk is that their lewd pictures will be shown to their boyfriend or whatever. Rape or be killed is pretty uncommon in NTR Type B.

>> No.12287443

If they can be raped, they can be killed in the first place.

>> No.12287444

Repeat: it doesn't happen after twenty seconds.

Also repeat: >>12287321 and >>12287281.

>> No.12287446

Well, to the dude who said he never heard of such cases.

The wikipedia article list a tribe that has those raped-turned-to-be wives thing, so it happened.

>Repeat: it doesn't happen after twenty seconds.
It doesn't happen after twenty seconds in VNs either, because that's rather fast training.

>> No.12287454

Extreme cases aren't enough to build an argument, m8. Also, I suggest reading more VNs.

>> No.12287456

The girls in my eroge are not tribe women.
The girls in NTR type B games are very rarely held captive in the first place.
And regardless, because it is entirely fictional, the girls aren't suffering from stockholm syndrome unless the author says they are.
I don't understand why you have such a strong desire to link Type B and stockholm syndrome. Dial back the autism a bit.

>> No.12287459

That doesn't sound like an extreme case to me, after all, that's an entire tribe. Anyway, the fact it exists is enough for me.

And no, I can rather say with confident that usually in VN, rape victims don't start liking the sex just after the first time they have sex with the captor, mostly, because it's not hot that way, she gives in way too easily.

>> No.12287462
File: 375 KB, 800x2266, IMG_2223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12287463

Tribe or not, it's still an extreme case.

I still suggest reading more VNs. And what >>12287456 said.

>> No.12287464

Well, if you don't think that's Stockholm syndrome, that's fine.

I'm rather content with the fact that rapes victim falling for the captor and become his wife cases exist IRL, so type B NTR is not out of the blue.

>> No.12287466

You can suggest me reading more VNs, but I think I have read enough VNs/NTR doujins to make that assessment.

And even if it's an extreme case, I'm content with proving that it exists, and it is documented.

>> No.12287470

Because doujins usually cover large periods of time in their ~20 pages, right? Thanks for removing your credibility.

>even if
That's the point of extreme cases, many odd things have happened at least once, that doesn't mean you can make an argument out of them.

>> No.12287471
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, cd5640fc-c413-44fb-846a-9bec79965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we stop talking about NTR and discuss cute girls?

>> No.12287474

I'm about halfway through Eiyuu Senki Gold.

It's really fun. I'm hooked. Soundtrack is amazing. Battle system is okay. Characters are fun. It's a very well done piece of work. I can see a lot of love was put into making the game.

Hentai scenes are utterly rubbish. Gawain is the sexiest from the front and yet MC does her anal. What the hell. I just fast forward through all the sex scenes because they are laborious to sit through and I'm not really aroused. (I only like Gawain anyway)

I looked at the Tenco website but it seems like they're content with sitting on their hands waiting for money to slowly trickle in. No other projects at all.

>> No.12287477

Doujins can cover a large period of time (months or years), even if it's just 10-20 pages, it depends entirely on the artist/writer.

And no, as long as something exist, I can make an argument out of it, especially when it comes to writing.

>> No.12287480

Very rarely, you'll see a timeskip in the last couple of pages. Actually covering a large amount of time happens often enough to be counted on your fingers.

And no, you can't. Just because someone did something extreme or achieved something unusual doesn't make it an argument that "this is what usually happens".

Cut back on the autism.

>> No.12287488

Witch's garden bored the shit out of me once the e-mote novelty wore off.
Is it too much to ask for moege to try some comedy here and there that isn't 'girl has a moe trait'?

>> No.12287492

Personally I was a little disappointed by the linearity of the game, and the over all plot. The characters were nice though. I liked Perry the most I think.

>> No.12287493

Even if it's "very rarely", the fact these doujin exist mean the opportunity is there.

And no, I didn't this say "this usually happens", I just said, well, this exists and it is documented, so type B NTR is not unrealistic nor outta the blue to say the least. A dude was saying cases like that don't exist, well they do.

>> No.12287499

If you've read "enough", you know (as you just admitted) that it's an extreme case, and again, can't be used as an argument.

People have been documented doing many insane and/or difficult things. That can't be used as a social argument either.

>> No.12287501

Again, this is not a social argument, it's a argument regarding eroge writing.

Some dudes complain about NTR type B being too unrealistic and that kind of thing doesn't exist, turns out it does, it happened with multiple people in a tribe. I basically do this to preserve the existence of type B "raped and loving it/accepting it".

>> No.12287502

Yeah it was very linear. Collect the black balls, MC gets his memory back, fight a final boss (I haven't gone that far yet but I predict that's what happens). Paian genuinely makes me angry. I think the character interactions are what stands out the most. I thought to myself, "Galileo and Copernicus should totally have a scene" and lo and behold, they do.
I can forgive the linear part though, because the nature of the game probably means giving each of the 60+ girls an ending is a nigh impossible task, so they'll just beat Paian and call it a day.

Each character felt really unique. The voice acting was better than I expected, how does Tenco get all those VA's without breaking the bank?

>> No.12287504

>regarding eroge writing
Even worse, because the way it's presented in eroge isn't valid. It doesn't happen after twenty seconds, or a few days for that matter. Not if you have a personality, anyway. (Repeat: extreme cases can't form an argument.)

You do it to avoid admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about and/or that you're trolling.

>> No.12287505

Nah, I do it to prove that type of thing exists.

You might repeat extreme cases over and over again, but again, the fact it exists IRL at all is enough to prove that type B can exist.

>> No.12287508

Well, I don't even mean the girls have to have an ending or something.
It's just the stuff where it makes it seem like you are choosing which country to attack/conquer, but in the end it doesn't really matter what order you do things in, that bugged me. It all falls into your lap the same way.

It also feels like you are the only one really warring. The world is just kind of sitting there waiting for you to take it over.

And most of the time, it doesn't even really feel like you are conquering countries. It's kind of just like 'Oh ok, we'll join you'.

In Daiteikoku for example, depending on how you play, you'll have different outcomes. If you're fast enough you can save the Nazis before they lose, for example, and go down that route. Though the game had other problems.

>> No.12287509

Nah, you do it for the reason >>12287456 pointed out at the end.

You can keep repeating that extreme cases can be used as examples of the majority, but it won't magically become true. Unless of course you can climb Everest while paralyzed, fight off a bear with your bare hands, and survive a steel bar through your head. Because people have been documented doing that.

>> No.12287511

Yeah I guess that was kind of apparent too. I really wished the Russians and the Macedonia-Mongols put more effort into fighting me. I was playing on Normal mode though, maybe stuff is different on Hard?

Speaking of Daiteikoku, I've been meaning to pick that up but just didn't. I guess I should. Translations be damned, I'll go in raw.

Eiyuu Senki was rather easy to read, is the Japanese in Daiteikoku hard?

>> No.12287516

I have no affection regarding Stockholm Syndrome, and if you guys don't like Type B being identified as such, I'm fine with it either ways.

Besides, I have never used this as an example of the majority (unless you count the post me mistaking type B with type A), I'm just proving that well, it exists, so it can be used.

And yes, if there are people who can do those feats IRL, you can put characters who can do those feats in your writing and it wouldn't be unrealistic to say the least.

>> No.12287517

It's not particularly hard, but the game has many problems, you could probably pick up better stuff.

>> No.12287519

>I have no affection regarding Stockholm Syndrome
Yes, I can see that from the autistic devotion you defended it with.

>it wouldn't be unrealistic
One or two characters, and if it was well written, maybe. But not all the time, and certainly not in such a contrived way that has nothing to do with actual humans.

>> No.12287525

I used Stockhold syndrome when I can, but when there are documented proofs that the cases exist, I have no need to rely on SS.

And how you put those characters into the story is none of my business, I'm just saying if IRL people can do, then fictional characters can too. That is all.

>> No.12287527

Those "proofs" of "Stockhold" you're talking about are a) extreme cases and b) completely irrelevant to the contrived manner presented in type B. They're different things.

>none of my business
If you don't care about semi-plausible writing, I suggest other hobbies, like fishing. Everyone else does.

>> No.12287528

Hmm I wouldn't say it was hard, but it might be more difficult than Eiyuu Senki. I honestly can't remember.
The game gets kind of a bad rap, and I agree with the criticisms for the most part, but still personally I enjoyed the gameplay of Daiteikoku more than Eiyuu Senki.

>> No.12287541

These so-called extreme cases do not mean they don't exist, and type B never specify any time, only the scenario and the result "the raped victim learns to accept the captor/loving him" which is the cases presented so far.

And really, how you do your writing is none of my business, I can criticize it sure, but if you can provide proof that the cases in your writing exist, I wouldn't call it unrealistic.

>> No.12287545

Your horrible syntax makes it hard to follow your posts, but I repeat: extreme cases can't be used as arguments, and they're completely irrelevant to the contrived manner presented in type B anyway. But either way,

>none of my business
from the moment you said you don't care about plausible writing, you lost any sort of credibility. Now you're just being a clown.

You can keep going in circles and denying the obvious all day, or you can drop the autism and/or e-peen and admit you're ignorant or trolling.

>> No.12287555

Since obviously we're just repeating ourselves here, I have nothing left to say but as long as something exists, it can be used to argue, especially when it comes to writing fictional stories.

I have nothing to deny since I have the proofs on my side in the first place, and really, how you write is none of my business at all, it's actually your business, as said, I can't criticize it, but that's all.

>> No.12287557

>I can't criticize it, but that's all.
I can criticize it*

>> No.12287558

You had nothing to say in the first place, since your "proofs" are
>a) extreme cases and b) completely irrelevant to the contrived manner presented in type B. They're different things.
And definitely not on the side of someone who doesn't even care about good writing, and has argued himself into a corner.

>> No.12287564

That's wrong though, because:
a) These so-called extreme cases do not mean they don't exist and
b) and type B never specify any time, only the scenario and the result "the raped victim learns to accept the captor/loving him" which is the cases presented so far.

But ad naseum, I personally don't care about the writing per se, just that the dudes said type B doesn't exist, I'm saying it does and there are documented proofs.

>> No.12287569

We can keep repeating ad "naseum" that
-extreme cases can't be used to make an argument about something that happens often
-it has nothing to do with type B anyway, which happens far too quickly and in implausible ways.

>I personally don't care about the writing per se
I read that the first time, that's why I'm saying that you have zero credibility. Self-destruction 乙.

>> No.12287575

>-extreme cases can't be used to make an argument about something that happens often
Again, I don't think I have said this is something that happens often IRL. I even take into account your deduction that these are somehow extreme cases even without your proofs.
>-it has nothing to do with type B anyway, which happens far too quickly and in implausible ways.
As said, the scenario and the result is the same, the victim is forced into having sex with the captor, then at the end starts accepting him. That is type B.

>I read that the first time, that's why I'm saying that you have zero credibility. Self-destruction 乙.
Well, I don't think my credibility has anything to do with the fact I care about something or not, more or less on how my strong my point is packed.

>> No.12287586

-I didn't say you said that, learn to read. And I don't need "proofs" to say that those are extreme cases, the burden of proof is on you there.

>the scenario and the result is the same
It's not, the scenario is presented in an implausible and contrived way, and the result is the same ridiculous "moar cox pl0x" which is just as silly. They have nothing to do with each other, and your non-argument falls apart.

The writing is the whole point here, and the fact that you admitted you don't care about it invalidates anything you write. I see you're still trying to hide behind your little finger.

Ease up on the autism.

>> No.12287590

Well, here's the original quote from the Wikipedia article:
>Deadly violence is also regularly activated in competition over women. . . . Abduction of women, rape, ... are widespread direct causes of reproductive conflict ..."[15] Being captured[16] and having their dependent children killed might have been fairly common.[17] Women who resisted capture in such situations risked being killed.[18]
>eing captured by neighbouring tribes was a relatively common event for women in human history, if anything like the recent history of the few remaining primitive tribes.
If anything, that means these cases were even common before.
>It's not, the scenario is presented in an implausible and contrived way, and the result is the same ridiculous "moar cox pl0x" which is just as silly.
In some VNs the reasons are blackmailing, some types it's a trick, sometimes it's straight out kidnapping and rape, but the scenario and the result stays the same, "the raped victim grows to accept her captor", which is like the cases I quote.

And no, the quality of writing isn't the whole point here at all, the point is that some dudes complain the cases in type B and another dude says this kind of thing doesn't exist. Well, I beg to pardon, it does exist in real life.

>> No.12287594

-As said above, they had no other choice in that matter, and it's irrelevant anyway because it's not presented anywhere close to that, as stated in the previous post.

>but the scenario and the result stays the same
Repeating, because apparently you need to read it twice: It's not, the scenario is presented in an implausible and contrived way, and the result is the same ridiculous "moar cox pl0x" which is just as silly. They have nothing to do with each other, and your non-argument falls apart.

>the quality of writing isn't the whole point here
Keep telling yourself that, the only way to keep your autism going after that self-destructive admission is to deny it's relevant. It is.
>it does exist in real life.
What's presented in type B doesn't exist in real life. It has nothing to do with it because they're
>a) extreme cases and b) completely irrelevant to the contrived manner presented in type B. They're different things.

>> No.12287597

The only legit thing left to argue is the "they had no other choice", but as said, if a girl can be raped, abused, she can be killed as well, that risk always exists. And not only her, but her family, so that can be taken into account.

The other points, since we're just repeating ourselves here over and over again, I think I'm done here.

Nothing can come from this.

>> No.12287605

That only applies to a some cases, and killing is much harder to hide than rape, at least in civilized environments. But it's irrelevant either way, because (repeat) it's presented in a contrived and implausible manner that has nothing to do with real life anyway.

The other points never existed in the first place, since you just kept going in circles and denying the obvious (such as admitting not caring about the writing, and trying to pretend it's irrelevant).

Autism 乙.

>> No.12287779

Who is that lovely lady? And where can I see more of here?

>> No.12287933


>> No.12287977

Does anyone happen to have コ・コ・ロ… Voice版? I know it's up on Share but I can't forward ports where I'm staying at the moment. Finding older games is nearly impossible sometimes.

>> No.12287990
File: 488 KB, 1280x720, EV504AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god even though this game really has great characters, dramas are too fucking LONG and makes it boring. It took 2 fucking hours until she could tell that she is from a mafia family, And when I thought that I'll finally see some ichaicha, this time it took another fucking 2 hours until MC could tell his real identity. If there is STILL some god damn secret which will take 2 hours until they can tell each other I'll delete motherfucking game.

>> No.12287995

That's why you aim for the other routes instead.
Shizuru has some similar drama but she has a better route and the problem doesn't exist in Hinata/Akari/Sena.

>> No.12287996

Btw does other routes like this too? If so I'll just play this route and Maid, then throw into backlog.

>> No.12288001

But Maya was the best girl, well until her route anyway and kotetsu is the only funny character in the game.

>> No.12288004

>That's why you aim for the other routes instead.
That's retarded. Why would you tell him to go for other routes when that's the girl he's interested in?

>> No.12288006

>Maya was the best girl, well until her route anyway
She's the exact same character in her route, a boring japanese ojou with a justice complex thing.

>> No.12288014 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 1280x720, EV203DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is still the best girl, But the route is so boring even it cant cover this shit. I just like the heroines whose cant make friends, but sena also pretty good so I'll definitely play her route as well.

>> No.12288021
File: 382 KB, 1280x720, EV203DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is still the best girl, But the route is so boring even it cant cover this shit. I just like the heroines who cant make friends, but sena also pretty good so I'll definitely play her route as well.

>> No.12288051
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>> No.12288060

What's the problem, /vg/?

>> No.12288065

I'm frustrated so I'm complaining about shitty things in eroge that everyone else has already gotten over. Like protagonists being falsely modest all of the fucking time.

>> No.12288068

It's just 照れ隠し. You make it sound like MC killed your family.

>> No.12288074

>Oh god even though this game really has great characters, dramas are too fucking LONG and makes it boring.
This is what I feel about all Yuzusoft games. I really like their art though so I usually end up forcing myself to play through them anyway.

>> No.12288161


There are some good cases of hetare, like the MC of 世界で一番NGな恋. Most writers simply don't know how to write a story which benefits from a hetare MC and just use it as a stupid excuse to be lazy.

>> No.12288172

Is there a Great Gatsby of VNs?

>> No.12288241

Probably not. I mean the best this medium has ever pissed out is chuuni stuff.

>> No.12288250


Does Romeo's stuff count as chuuni? Imo the best this medium has to offer.

>> No.12288269

It's not like the Great Gatsby is the best thing literature has to offer either

>> No.12288295

If we are going to be realistic an equivalent would be an nukige vn.

>> No.12288348

But I don't remember rubbing my dick while reading that book.
Though, I admit I could have been doing it wrong.

>> No.12288352

I don't even know what you mean. Gatsby wasn't a stellar sale when it was out but its still regarded as iconic years later.

If you mean an iconic VN that everyone considers common knowledge in Japan, that would probably be Kanon.

>> No.12288394 [DELETED] 

I can't believe you idiots kept arguing about Stockholm Syndrome for so fucking long.

>> No.12288414 [DELETED] 

It was one idiot arguing for it, with common sense against it. Congratulations on bringing it up again, by the way.

>> No.12288427 [DELETED] 

You can keep championing your perverted idea of common sense and logic, but your actions speak louder than your words.

>> No.12288428 [DELETED] 

Please don't mention it, it's finally ended...
oh god what have you done

>> No.12288429 [DELETED] 

Jeez, why don't you ever learn? Report and ignore.

>> No.12288440

Reading Fraternite trial at the moment, only about 2 hours in. Atmosphere is depressing in a good way and it seems like the writer has some nice ideas, but the writing is kind of bland. Maybe it's just me.

>> No.12288465 [DELETED] 

For a discussion you seem to have nothing to do with, you sure sound angry. Go to /b/ if you want to shitpost.

>> No.12288858

wouldnt family plan be a better comparison?

>> No.12288911

Can you guys help me remember the name of a VN involving insect-girl hybrids battling each other? The only other thing I remember is it supposedly had very gruesome descriptions of the battles they went through.

>> No.12288915

Chtulhu one?

>> No.12288925


>> No.12288928

That was it, thank you anon.

>> No.12289341

No, not really.

>> No.12289735

im tired of these shining games where you play as a faceless protag who has girls falling for you just by being near you

i want to read about someone who makes shitty choices in life and doesnt get any breaks, whose relationships go to shit no matter how hard he tries, whose only good route is the status quo

>> No.12289743

No one wants to read about your life.

>> No.12289769

I do...

>> No.12289824

White album 2

>> No.12289917

It had like three NTR scenes from what I recall. That's hardly a shitload, especially given the total number of scenes in that game.

As someone with an NTR fetish I would never recommend euphoria for NTR.

>> No.12290005


>> No.12290016

I want it to deliver shotacon scenes.

>> No.12290025

how are they going to turn Yuuji into a shota

>> No.12290031

They already did.

>> No.12290067

Well considering the Great Gatsby is basically NTR you could probably have some luck looking through that genre.

>> No.12290190

Even Circus doesn't do shits like this for da capo.

>> No.12290198

Beats http://vndb.org/v276 , but don't give circus ideas.

>> No.12290222

It does and did

>> No.12290225

Would've been nice if Frontwing just worked on a new project all together.

>> No.12290230

They are though
They are making an eroge about a WW2 pilot transported in a fantasy world or something

>> No.12290234
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>> No.12290240

>>They are making an eroge about a WW2 pilot transported in a fantasy world or something
E..Elfen Blaze?
Please tell me they bought the rights from age.

>> No.12290242

They already announced making two other games, one being a fantasy game by the Grisaia team, what more do you want?

>> No.12290243

No, its their own new setting.

>> No.12290244


>> No.12290245

A heist eroge? Looks interesting.

>> No.12290246

Doesn't change the fact they wasted their time working on a shitty spinoff when they could've had a full game out this year.

>> No.12290250

Only that useless guy is working on MGM, so I don't see how its "wasting their time". Fujisaki and rest of capable guys were working on anime during that time, most likely.

>> No.12290267

I can't help but feeling hype, I liked the hanachirutani artist too which is a plus and it kinda seems in line with gakhtun even if its not part of the steampunk series with the servant girl and the myserious guy with superpowers.

>> No.12290304

>1. サキガケ⇒ジェネレーション! (クロシェット)
>2. 大図書館の羊飼い -Dreaming Sheep- (オーガスト)
>3. 恋がさくころ桜どき (ぱれっと)
>4. 天秤のLa DEA。 ~戦女神MEMORIA~ (エウシュリー)
>5. Clover Day’s (ALcot)
>6. ハピメア Fragmentation Dream (パープルソフトウェア)
>7. レミニセンス Re:Collect (てぃ~ぐる)
>8. 銃騎士 Cutie☆Bullet (エフォルダムソフト)
>9. ランス9 ヘルマン革命 (ALICESOFT)
>10. PRETTY×CATION (hibiki works)

Company's products placement compared to 2013年上半期:
オーガスト 1->2
クロシェット 2->1
フロントウイング 3->23
エウシュリー 4->4
hibiki works 5->10
てぃ~ぐる 6->7
パープルソフトウェア 9->6
D.C.III 10->26

>> No.12290311

Juukishi selling more than Rance is appalling.
Well, at least Eushully seems to do pretty well.

>> No.12290313

>8. 銃騎士 Cutie☆Bullet (エフォルダムソフト)

>> No.12290317

>8. 銃騎士 Cutie☆Bullet (エフォルダムソフト)

My sides

>> No.12290351

I remembered Daiteikoku selling for a fuck ton on Getchu and yet Rance 9 barely cracked the top 10, below the likes of Juukishi of all things. Sometimes I just don't get these guys.

>> No.12290354

blame rance quest

>> No.12290358

Getchu isn't exactly representative of over all sales.

>> No.12290374

Have any of you ever bought actual eroge merchandise? Like those sets that some companies sell in comiket.

>> No.12290376

I have some tokuen tapestries and posters, but never bought merch specifically, as I'm not interested in anything but figurines and eroge makes don't have any decent.

>> No.12290377


>> No.12290383

What's wrong with that? I have it on my backlog atm. Is it shit?

>> No.12290384

You missed the eroge shitstorm of the year?
Basically the peopel who can prove they bought it will get the next game for free, that's how badly the whole thing ended.

>> No.12290388

Guy who was leading the project was fired and whole brand was disbanded because of that game.

>> No.12290392

It's 4/10 at best and only because of the great artwork, it's pretty much a disgrace in most other area. Go look it up in the achieve

Which according to a employee leak was a coverup for somebody else fucking up, i believe it was looseboy or something?

>> No.12290394

Even looseboy was affected, delicious kharma for trying to avoid responsibilities.

>> No.12290405

I have bought some, one daki, several artbooks and OSTs. Generaly there really isn't much merchandise for eroges unless its some realy big company, I would probably buy more if there was just something more apealing coming from my favorite companies.

>> No.12290410

Just checked archive and EGS comment. Well, time to uninstall that shit.

>> No.12290417

>Like those sets that some companies sell in comiket.
I've got a couple of those and then some other misc stuff aside from the tokutens from actually buying a given title.

>> No.12290426

>It's 4/10 at best and only because of the great artwork

Yes the artist was fine. They were just too pioneering on DLC route experiment which blew back at their face.

>> No.12290429

>on DLC route experiment
But they were free? I mean, they sold an unfinished game, but at least the supposedely new material was freely downloadable.

>> No.12290628
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, 71806cd9-5bbb-4571-b434-9150ff944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really worth it to do the first route in a game without walkthroughs or going after a girl on purpouse. This was one of the most natural common route transitions I've seen, it took me a while to even noticed I had gotten into Ririko's route.

>> No.12290714


Just the fact it was done deliberately unfinished rubbed the buyers wrong way (rightfully so). Also iirc the planned patch release after a month IMO is too long. Thus the earned shit.

>> No.12290759

>Also iirc the planned patch release after a month IMO is too long.
It was about 10 days.

>> No.12290776


Thanks, so much for iirc, I stand corrected.

Aside, I hope Fraternite doesn't disappoint, I feel the suffering and shock choo choo train should be read in one go (ok, may be a few days), so I held off on the trial.

>> No.12290781

Koikishi was shit too, good riddance

>> No.12290791

Don't expect much, otherwise, no matter how good the game it will be you will still feel disappointed and hear a lot of "muh this shit is not euphoria and has bitch ugly girlz", "where is nemu", etc

>> No.12290811

When I heard the news about Fraternite and the Euphoria HD Remake, since I haven't played Euphoria yet because I think I used to just be too squeamish for it, I decided to hold both off for the same reason. Now I don't know which one to play first...

>> No.12290846

I'm just saying don't expect much from any novel because hardly they overcame your expectations, it's always better to play blindly. I'm not a fan of Euphoria myself, but it had a good story and it's not like I've anything better to read in the next releases besides Yume Mirai and AltralAir, though the later will be more to bash it considering it will be shit.

>> No.12290867

>though the later will be more to bash it considering it will be shit.

>> No.12290868

>though the later will be more to bash it considering it will be shit.

>> No.12290902

Let me rewrite, the game won't be absolute shit, it will have good art, if you can ignore bug eyes and questionable choice in some characters, and have high sales, ratings/praising despite having average writing, sound track, system and comedy, which probably will be one or two characters being literally retard, and so on;

>> No.12290926

So you will bash it because it'll be popular?
Also the soundtrack should be good at least.

>> No.12290940

I will bash it because despite being average it will be regarded as something outstanding, which is not.

>> No.12290948

That's called being a hipster, especially since
>which is not.
it seems you will dislike it no matter how good it is.

>> No.12290949

I'm expecting it to be better than average, because, well, have you seen how bad the average eroge is?

Anyway, the trial was pretty decent. It's off to a better start than Hoshimemo, which was a solid 8 IMO.

>> No.12290953

I was under the impression average was, well, average.

>> No.12290967

I will acknowledge your second point, but the first one... Am I a hipster now for saying something is overrated just because it's popular? When something is overrated, it's overrated despite it's popularity. There's plenty of popular games that I like it and agree with them.

It was an six, slight about average because of the art, writing and comedy were about the average, and some characters were bellow average, half of the main cast to be precise, that's just my opinion though.

>> No.12290970

>When something is overrated, it's overrated despite it's popularity.
But something is overrated precisely because of the popularity, no?

>> No.12290971

The average shit sandwich is still shit. Point being, if they put any effort into it at all it'll still be above average.

>> No.12290981

There's plenty of "cult", in the lack of better term, hits that are highly regarded and I think some of them weren't as good as some people claim, again that's just my opinion, but it can be applied for any type, hit, normal or cult. Overrated is overrated, regardless of the amount of popularity it gathered and I consider Hoshimemo and Irosekai both being those types.

>> No.12291006

I have a really bad feeling about Fraternite.
The late master up, the addition of 5 artists and 3 writers announced one week before release and now the announcement of a patch on release day that corrects a lot of stuff.


I wouldn't be surprised if the game was released unfinished.

>> No.12291015

This isn't looking good.

>> No.12291049

New thread:
