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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12282756 No.12282756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the last time you left the house /jp/.

>> No.12282769

Im in the car right now.

>> No.12282771

How's life in a car

>> No.12282772

Where are you headed big J?

>> No.12282773

5 hours ago to get lunch at Wendy's. Homestyle chicken sandwich, hold the tomato.

>> No.12282776
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>> No.12282784

A quick walk down the road for some more snacks. Snacks may very but I never go too far.

>> No.12282787

On the 11th to Walmart at 6 am to buy some bedsheets.

Need to go out on Tuesday to get my car inspected. I really hate driving and interacting with people and this time I'll probably get ripped off too. Yay.

>> No.12282789

I'm in the boat at the moment.

>> No.12282791

I went to buy a pack of luckies and then a burger which I brought home to eat. The scenery and sky of the late evening were very beautiful.

>> No.12282792

sweet a blog thread

Last time I left the house was to get my hair cut because it had been over a year since I last got it cut and it was down to my shoulders

>> No.12282793

ur a faggot

>> No.12282796

I want a burger too...*sniff*

>> No.12282798

Wow rude.

>> No.12282800

Is this the burger thread?

>> No.12282802


I left the house and went to buy bread and sweets. When i talked to the baker he started yelling in italian at me and i got pretty scared and then i realized he wasn't talking to me but to a cute asian girl who asked which kind of bread i wanted.

It was weird.

>> No.12282803


>> No.12282804

Just got off work

Don't ever get a job /jp/ you will hate it

I wish I was a neet again ;_;

>> No.12282805

Walking with my dog an hour ago.
Also if she see someone she may stop and just stare at them that's so embarrassing. Sometimes she may even sit down in the middle of the street at stare.

>> No.12282806

I can't handle the summer! I hate flip-flops! Too many ladies showing off their lewd feet!

>> No.12282808



>> No.12282810

I bet you looked cute with long hair!

>> No.12282811

I was watching a movie with my sister. Got home about two hours ago.

>> No.12282813

She's waiting for you to give her le dick

>> No.12282814

Must be a bitch

>> No.12282817

is she hot?

>> No.12282818

I don't like burgers. Or even mcdonalds

I usually go to Arby's

>> No.12282819

But I need some money for my cute little onahole and stuff. I don't wana be a thief.

>> No.12282821

I would be lying if I said no but it's hard to say yes.

>> No.12282822

Nobody likes Mcdonalds burgers. Wendys is where it's at.

>> No.12282823

I went outside last night to carry some trash out.

The air smells good outside.

>> No.12282824

Either home or hospital/Drs
hospital in a couple weeks again

>> No.12282825

10 years approx~
I fell in a coma in front of my PC and just awakened, and it seems nobody helped me. I lost 150 pounds in the process, my hair and nails are fucking long, piss and shit everywhere.
So /jp/, what did I miss ?

>> No.12282827
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I went to the cinema to see that Planet of the Apes movie.

>> No.12282829

I'm outside right now and I'm terrified because these people are staring at me
send help

>> No.12282830


You have to watch madoka. [spoilers] mami dies in episode 3 [/spoiler]

>> No.12282831
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Consumer Reports July 2014 study of hamburger taste on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the greatest thing I have ever tasted and 1 being the worst ever.

>> No.12282832

maybe you should put on some clothes next time

>> No.12282833

Oh cool a blog thread. A few days ago I went to the store to buy some cake and tea and the cashier lady seemed really mean and the bagger was slightly retarded and kept telling me how much he liked cake.

Then when I went to take out the recycle bin to the curb I discovered that one of my neighbors had already done it and that they had also taken the other garbage bin (which was out for a week) from the curb to the driveway. I don't know who does this, but they've done it before. Last year someone would cut the grass out front too because I don't cut it and it gets really long. I bet it's the same person.

>> No.12282834

Your president is afro black.

>> No.12282835

have you fugged?

>> No.12282836


Nice, sounds like it has some class A babes. I wonder if they'd like the smell of my ass.

>> No.12282838


Burgs aren't very good.

Fast food places have nice breakfast menus though.

>> No.12282842

What the fuck? Smashburger is way better than Five Guys, and Freddy's is way better than Smashburger. I'm a burger otaku so you can trust me on this.

>> No.12282843

No but she did take a sip from my drink. Through the same straw.

>> No.12282844

Wow you should probably go see a doctor first

>> No.12282846

I was forced to race go-karts with family. I just wanted to stay home and read manga. That was 2 weeks ago, before that I hadn't left the house in a month.

>> No.12282847


>> No.12282849

I bet you sucked at it.

>> No.12282850

You want to obtain onaholes and stuff, but you don't want to work. So why don't you want to steal?

>> No.12282851

about a month

>> No.12282853

Did you win?

>> No.12282854

Why does sharing a drink with a straw seem way more lewd than just drinking from the same cup?

>> No.12282855

Because I won't get my cute onahole that way stupid.

>> No.12282856

it's called neetbux, bro

>> No.12282857

I came in second, go-karts are nothing like actual cars so I wasn't feeling it until the final laps.

>> No.12282860

>go-karts are nothing like actual cars

I guess this is why the best drivers in the world usually start off with go-karts.

>> No.12282862

I feel very tired, like I'm about to enter NEET hibernation.

Is this normal? How do I make a hibernation cave?

>> No.12282863

But if you stole money rather than working slave labor you would not only achieve your onahole, but you would get it with less work and time involved.

>> No.12282869

>spend a week as slave/spend a years in prison

>> No.12282871

Hey dude don't be afraid of something that doesn't exist. Laws aren't physical entities that you should be afraid of, however if you choose to be afraid of them I respect your beliefs and opinions.

>> No.12282874

Tell it to your Jahmal cell buddy.

>> No.12282878

Yesterday went to mcdonalds with my girlfriend after work, we ate burgers and they tasted like shit as usual.

>> No.12282880

I just quit my first job after 4 weeks, lots of lifting and moving heavy shit. I am just recovering now from all my torn muscles. If this kinda shit is all I can get I'd rather leech and be almost broke all the time.

>> No.12282883

your gf poop in your burg maybe?

>> No.12282884

I keep coughing. there's something wrong with me. I was hoping it'd go away on its own but it's been a week

>> No.12282886

The last time I was outside a loli hugged me and we played frisbee
That was nice

>> No.12282889


>> No.12282892

That's all I do all day. If physical effort isn't your thing then go back to school.

>> No.12282893

Don't think so, she was speaking all the time about the weeding party when we were waiting for the order.

>> No.12282894

My right knee still hurts from a job I had years ago and whenever I put too much weight on it there is a lot of pain.

I was only at the last job I had for a few weeks and my feet are still messed up from the boots they made me wear.

Every time I try working it's like a parts of me die physically and mentally.

>> No.12282897

Because sucking is involved

>> No.12282899

>My right knee still hurts from a job I had years ago

Did you used to be an adventurer?

>> No.12282903

Last time I left was on my birthday, I went to a doctor because I've had a pain for a very long time. He doesn't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.12282905

Please tell me more.

>> No.12282908

same here, I can't take it and I even exercise and stretch at home all the time. It just isn't worth selling the well being of my body for money. I been feeling like shit and hardly been able to sleep at night because of my aches after just the first week.

>> No.12282909

I got my first real job this year, in the first week there was an accident that left me deaf in my left ear but I also have tinnitus from it so all I hear is a very loud ringing noise constantly that will never go away as long as I live. I don't know if I can live with it and I feel cheated for trying to better myself. I don't know how I could have been any more unlucky. /blog

>> No.12282914

I just came back from my backyard collecting berries. Some of them had spiders on them, and there were plenty of mosquito in the bushes, but I happened to snag plenty of loot before running back in.

I wonder when they're going to run out completely if I keep up taking some daily. Oh well, at least I have the grapes to look forward to when they ripen. Assuming of course the birds don't get to them first.

>> No.12282916

You did sue them right? You can get disability now?

I'm such a lazy shit I would be willing to give up my hearing in one ear if it meant being able to survive as NEET forever.

>> No.12282926
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/jp/sie's life isn't easy

>> No.12282930

Seems to be the case with a lot of people here, feel really bad in yours. that's a horrible thing to lose. Like we are constantly pestered to go out and make our own money and by some miracle we actually do somehow and then our reward for even trying is just various degrees of life ruining pain putting us right back where we started but then even worse.

>> No.12282931

About an hour ago when I made some egg salad then realized I didn't have any bread so I went to ask my neighbor for some.

He didn't have any either, though.

>> No.12282933

No one's life is easy.

>> No.12282934


So long as it isn't some mom and pop business, I'd look into receiving some sort of compensation. Again, only if it's a big company that can afford it. These things are part of an industry standard (assuming you're not in a third world country).

>> No.12282936

I went out earlier to go on a walk. I'm really afraid of getting DVT so i'm trying to be more active. I bought a sandwich too from the store since it was on sale and it was delicious.

>> No.12282937

Yeah, but some got it easier than others.

>> No.12282945

Even if it was a mom and pop place I would expect some sort of compensation or at least have them cover medical expenses to get some of your hearing back.

Keep in mind even small stores are worth a few hundred thousand or more, they have money.

>> No.12282947

A friend of my parents needed to have someone watch their little girl on short notice-- so she ended up with me. Seeing as my apartment isn't the most neat or interesting we ended up walking for a bit, eventually going to the park and playing frisbee to pass the time. We eventually got a burger at a local place and her parents picked her up after a little while. 3d is never the same as 2d, however she was a qt and warmed up to me fairly fast so I enjoyed having her

>> No.12282948

Somali is a nice place to live.

>> No.12282951
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>You did sue them right?
I wouldn't do something like that, I'm a big gay idiot and I never liked that lawsuit mentality. It was an accident that could happen to anyone, it just happened to be me. Even if they gave me millions of dollars I still wouldn't have my hearing back and I won't be happy either way. If I could have it fixed then I would get them to cover the costs but there's currently nothing that can be done and maybe nothing will ever be able to fix it.

>You can get disability now?
I'm not sure, I'm still trying to find out if I can deal with it, it's been a few months and I'm not sure. It's impacted my sleep, my mood, and my attention pretty heavily but I feel like I can work on it and adapt, other times I just want the ringing to stop and I get extremely upset and consider suicide. I just want a single day where it stops.

>give up my hearing in one ear
The deafness I can handle it's the tinnitus I cannot stand.

>> No.12282958

I remember when my hair was down to my shoulders.
It's a dark brown and it gets all wavy and curls upward at the bottom.
I looked like a dumb thug.
I still have my driver's permit picture from those years ago.

>> No.12282960

What was the hug like

>> No.12282963

There a difference in suing someone for you being a retard just to get cash and suing someone because their negligence has negatively impacted your life. You may not want to take it to court now but in 10 years maybe you'll change your tune and regret it.

But if you aren't telling us the whole story then perhaps I could see your guilt in going that route.

>> No.12282964

On a side note I got some stares at the park we were at and this one lady asked me about how I knew her and was a bit of a cunt but eventually let off, people are cautious about that sort of thing

>> No.12282977

The lawsuit mentality is shit, but in this case it is well placed, particularly if it's a big company. You don't go to work expecting to get permanently disabled. There are laws workplaces must abide by to ensure that's the case, by employing a variety of safety regulations (finger guards on machinery, emergency off buttons, etc.)

Compensation isn't something like winning the lottery, the point of it is to provide you with money to spend on either healthcare for the injury, or for providing comfort for the handicap (like a wheelchair and ramp construction if that was the case).

>> No.12282992

I'm at work at the moment and I want to kill myself.

>> No.12282993

That's disgusting.

>> No.12282994

Soft and small
I felt like a bear in comparison, but honestly there was no arousal from it

>> No.12282998

What do you mean soft

>> No.12283011

I just don't understand it is all, the only thing I have to gain is money and I don't really care much for that, not to mention if this turns into a disability then I'm covered either way but I'd still feel guilty with that. It's just the way I am, I feel bad if I didn't earn it and it's as good as tainted money to me. I know it sounds dumb.

I can give you a brief of what happened.
I went on a job very early in the morning with this guy, we were starting up a machine, I went to hop into the back of the truck and the machine exploded. It was a gas powered power washer and I just happened to have my head close to it. There was nothing wrong with the machine or anything else it was a freak accident, we used the machine the entirety of the week and properly cared for it and never had this issues. I don't want the worker to get in trouble for hitting the ignition button, and it's not somehow the companies fault. Maybe the machine manufacture but still I have no qualms with them, these things happen and I've accepted it for what it is. Sometimes bad things have to happen and nothing can fix them.

>> No.12283060

Why would a machine explode for no reason? Maybe if you sue it'll cause the company to look into it and stop something like that happening to somebody else.

>> No.12283073

it's already been reported since they had to replace that machine. I don't know what could have caused it, the guy inside the truck seemed pretty upset about it too, I don't know if it was worse for him or not (because of reverberation inside the box truck). Either way he said that's never happened before and he's done that job a lot, I don't feel like he was trying to cover his own ass by just saying that based on the fact he was hit too. He may have made a claim himself but I'm not sure, an unrelated illness has prevented me from going back to work since then so I'm not actually sure.
