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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.19 MB, 2592x1944, DSC00146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12281036 No.12281036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A 16 year old Japanese Exchange student is arriving in the next few hours.

I am scared /jp/ do i reveal my power level?

Has anyone ever had one?

>> No.12281037


Is it a he or she?

>> No.12281039

she her name is Tomoko

>> No.12281043



Is she popular?

>> No.12281044

Give her the D

>> No.12281045

Thanks guys

>> No.12281049

I was thinking of opening with
Do your friends call you Mokochii?

>> No.12281059

You might want to rethink your approach here

>> No.12281061

Okay, what should i do?

>> No.12281068

Nothing, lock yourself in your room and wait till she goes away.

>> No.12281072
File: 474 KB, 1619x1725, Asuka and watermelon in harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you show her this image, she'll know you're one of the Few. Then you can ascend.

Print it out and take it with you.

>> No.12281073

I can imagine the disappointment on Tom's face

>> No.12281074

Stop it boys, i need help here

>> No.12281077


>> No.12281078


It would be disappointing to walk into this no matter who it was. Can you imagine stepping off the plane, looking around and taking in all the new scenery, then walking into these people and realizing you have a social situation you're suddenly going to have to deal with? Worse, that they're all from another culture?

>> No.12281083
File: 495 KB, 1032x731, 1404318529811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you trip and fall on top of her, a lot, one hand groping a breast.

Also have toast ready for her every morning, they appear to be unable to function without it.

Hold her hand, with consent of course

>> No.12281084

Just be yourself ??

Don't allude to any weeaboo shit whatsoever. Even if they knew what you were talking about, they are going to hide their power level as well, because they're just trying to do normie shit and not build meaningless relationships with you

>> No.12281090

Ask her to be your gf

>> No.12281091

You should set up cameras in the bathroom.

>> No.12281094

Its for 10 days, all i do is watch anime
it is bound to be revealed
even if it wasn't my family would probably say something

>> No.12281096


good memes

i like this nice medley of /a/ and /v/ mems

>> No.12281098


if you ever hear her coming to your door, quickly take our your dick and masturbate

thyere is an unspoken code in japanese society where if someone is masturbating you have to finish them off

>> No.12281100

like this?

>> No.12281103

Just act as you normally do around girls.

>> No.12281104

I wana see op's face when he meet that chink jk and realize that it's not like in his chink's cartoons at all.

>> No.12281106

What's it like being around a girl?

>> No.12281108


No like in anime you fucking dumbass.

Consider killing yourself before posting in this thread again.

>> No.12281110

That's bound to fail.

>> No.12281114

it's your chance to get laid anon-kun

>> No.12281117

im fat though

>> No.12281118

If it's for 10 days, then you should get the next issue of Comic LO which comes out on the 28th of every month. They sell some at the K-Books in Akihabara. Just go to the entrance facing north, and that should put you right in the 18+ section. Right as you walk in, the center stand with various porn mags on it, on the corner of it closest to the door, you'll find a stack with LO on it. Sometimes it might be a bit hard to see, but just look around the stand because it will always be there unless it's sold out. They'll usually sell around ¥600 to ¥700. They put the books and mags in dark bags, so you don't have to worry about people giving you funny looks. You should do that.

>> No.12281122

Nigga i'm in Australia

>> No.12281123

north facing entrance? I dont carry a compass with me everywhere. What does it face?

>> No.12281126

Maybe she'll be attracted to your exoticness since obese people are rarer in Japan.

>> No.12281130

Only Tom is lucky. All of them so not cute and kawaii don't want it.
Actually that megane seems kinda cute.

>> No.12281131

It faces towards Ueno and away from Akiba stations.

>> No.12281133


Why do you go outside, norm?

>> No.12281145

Stop being so easily influenced by what you read on /jp/, okay?

>> No.12281148

Someone had to say it...

>> No.12281149

...Is this normal really talking to me...

>> No.12281156

But srsly if I would be sarah I would run away, that's just creepy.

>> No.12281168

/jp/ has changed a lot

>> No.12281170

Not really. Stop being so retrospective

>> No.12281171

But the good old days...............

>> No.12281173
File: 100 KB, 622x808, 59438598774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281175

it's really different. this thread would fit in on /b/.

they weren't good

>> No.12281177

Maybe OP should have posted this on /adv/

>> No.12281180

True, my bad

>> No.12281181

I hope I did that right.

>> No.12281183

I've seen better legs before

>> No.12281188

Whip your cock out.
Post pics for lols.

>> No.12281193

Killing yourself might work.

>> No.12281200


>> No.12281207

call her Toroko then

>> No.12281208

Are you from future /jp/?

>> No.12281211

whoa normie detected

you don't belong here!

>> No.12281218

Remember your table manners and be sure to wash a lot and show her that you are clean by washing your hands.

Laughter always helps to ease a situation also. If she's having trouble speaking, just give a little laugh and try to help her out.

>> No.12281221


>> No.12281224

Please stop this. It's not as funny as you think it is.

>> No.12281228


>> No.12281239

She would think that he's laugh because of her bad england.
Op u wont be able to act properly around girl anyway so just roleplay someone cool from your favorite anime or you gonna fail it.

>> No.12281243

one time my school got a jap exchange student. I ran up to him and yelled "dokdo is korean clay! don't forget war crimes!" and his host student told me to fuck off.

>> No.12281244

Are you saying that you should laugh at her ignorance of the english language?

>> No.12281246

No, just laugh at the awkwardness of the language barrier. That would be rude.

>> No.12281267

Op are you planning to post her pic?

>> No.12281271

Take a picture! I hope she's cute.
Is your little sister the host student or something?

>> No.12281275

Why do the ugliest ones have the best legs?

>> No.12281288


>> No.12281289

u mad? what best legs you talking about?

>> No.12281293

Why would I be mad? Also I meant the third one from the left and the one holding the Sarah sign.

>> No.12281294

Then she probably won't even speak with you.

>> No.12281298

goodness nips are terrifyingly ugly

>> No.12281304

As for me they all have same jp tier legs.

>> No.12281305

/jp/ has a lot of cuties

>> No.12281311

I've been hosting a 17 year old exchange student and her mother right now (who I just met because she arrived a few days ago). They're both super nice and it helps that I've taken two years of Japanese because the mother can't speak English very well. Try to show them around to some nice places and don't be afraid to be yourself OP, she'll be excited enough to meet you and grateful for your hospitality.

>> No.12281314


>> No.12281315

>and her mother
What? How did that happen?

>> No.12281321


We've arranged a sex contract.

>> No.12281322

She probably told her mother about the weird otaku hentai gaijin so her mother came to save her.

>> No.12281324

Her mom flew out to spend some time with her in the states before she has to go back to Japan. I guess her family must have some decent disposable income if the mother can just drop everything and come to America for a while, let alone that the daughter has been here for almost a year now.

>> No.12281326

>that clonestamp bg

>> No.12281330


Clone stamp doesn't look like that, that's just copy/pasted.

>> No.12281349

A year? She just... Lives with you? Do you have a family?

I would not be able to resist the temptation to to slide a finger in her butt while she sleeps. Not for a whole year

>> No.12281350


I'd lay a big wet juicy turd right across her cheek, as silently as the night.

>> No.12281351

She's a japanese housewife. She doesn't work. If the girl is her youngest child, there's pretty much nothing keeping her at home.

>> No.12281359

And that's why he gets to host cute underage exchange students and you don't.

>> No.12281362

Nah, she stayed with a few other families before we took her in. Gave her my room so I sleep on the sofa most nights. During my last break I made us all some curry rice that turned out pretty good, even though I don't cook very often.
Yeah, I think her dad works as a pharmacist or some shit.

>> No.12281369

Nah brah, I'm the king of the normies, I could do it if I wanted to. I would probably never actually try to molest a girl, I just play the feel on the internet.

>> No.12281381


She isn't cute, mom looks okay though. I wanna feel her ass...

>> No.12281389


Please post pics. We will be the judge of that.

>> No.12281441

The girl with the glasses seems nice...

>> No.12281443


I'd like to drag my puckered asshole right across the tip of her nose. Make her breathe in the fumes.

>> No.12281444

yea id fug her

>> No.12281447

Why are the girls stuck with girls? Also, why is only one guy coming to japan?

>> No.12281450


'jai', 'runu' and 'grocc' could all easily be nigger boys.

>> No.12281461

Well, I wouldn't know, but in my country, exchange students are always assigned same-sex partners. For obvious and less obvious reasons.

>> No.12281464


foreign semen shall never see the wombs of our cherry blossoms

>> No.12281486

So you're gay? >>>/lgbt/

Hairy assholes will never be refered to as cherry blossoms

>> No.12281487


please leave /a/

>> No.12281492

only about 2 are even fuggable. Japan is hiding the cuties from tom!

>> No.12281493

Op here
She arrived
>dinner time
>she laughs
>my mum says Anon watches Japanese cartoons
>tomoko says I don't watch them I only watch anpanman when I was little

>> No.12281494
File: 29 KB, 454x455, 1388804869536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please leave /a/

>> No.12281495

This is the /jp/ you chose.

>> No.12281497

And where is the picture?

>> No.12281498

Jai is an indian name. Shitskin.

>> No.12281501

>>tomoko says I don't watch them I only watch anpanman when I was little

lel, #rekt

She just called you a fucking manchild. Better commit sudoku now to end the shame.

>> No.12281512

>my mum says Anon watches Japanese cartoons
Your mother did you a "great" favor. Thank her later.

>> No.12281513
File: 104 KB, 529x501, 1361087804562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281519

Guys... Tomoko-chan went to her new room and she seemed really wary of me while I showed her around. I don't know when I should tell her how I feel.

>> No.12281524


>> No.12281526

>Better commit sudoku now to end the shame.
You sure you know what you're talking about?

>> No.12281532

Damn why are japs so ugly?

>> No.12281533
File: 17 KB, 235x236, 1383242459141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.12281534

Update, Tomoko-chan has her laptop set up and she's looking at something on the internet.

I hope she's not reading this thread!

>> No.12281535


>> No.12281537

Probably not, I'm not a turbonerd like you who watches anime and lives with his mother.

>> No.12281538

He is meme.

>> No.12281539


What the HELL were you thinking, man.

>> No.12281540
File: 516 KB, 3848x2000, 1395736118035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281542


Well, it seemed natural, because she's Japanese and it might make her feel more at home if I say the customary Japanese itadakimasu before a meal. Did I do something wrong? (´・ω・`)

>> No.12281544

probably even said it with a weird accent lel.

>> No.12281549

you tryharded
bet you have a weird accent and you didnt even laught at yoursef

>> No.12281550


You seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. How can I get closer to her?

>> No.12281554

btw, rate her english 1-10

>> No.12281557

also, rate her

>> No.12281562

Is there a part two to this image? It only goes up to 2010.

>> No.12281565

No, I'm not looking at this thread.

>> No.12281567

Just now, Tomoko-chan brushed my arm when we were walking past each other.

Is this Japanese subtlety?

>> No.12281569 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 434x320, 1404435603481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fondle her immediately.

>> No.12281571

Ask her what her favorite 2hu is.

>> No.12281576

It's common knowledge that all Japanese going to America hate anime and are very embarrassed by it when you bring it up. Perhaps a sign of cultural self-hatred?

>> No.12281578


I think Tomoko-chan is just shy. (´・ω・`)

>> No.12281582

is she cute though?

>> No.12281583


I think she looks very exotic. But, I must say, she doesn't live up to how Japanese people look in anime. (´・ω・`)

>> No.12281585

Enough with the stupid fucking hamster face!

>> No.12281587

Japan needs to wake up and realize American serviceman already fugged their women ages ago.

>> No.12281591

What about when you go to Japan and they ask you about cowboys and hot dogs and hamburgers?

>> No.12281594
File: 90 KB, 610x407, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12281596

posting her pic has its dangers, i know
so... could you post a look-alike

>> No.12281598

Please don't post ramen! This is a serious thread!

>> No.12281603

Tfw you go to Japan and you are Tom. No awkwardness

>> No.12281608




>> No.12281609
File: 17 KB, 225x270, 1284574467909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is being tsundere anon, walk into the bathroom when she is showering she will love that.

>> No.12281610

agreed!! we need to see tomo-chan!

>> No.12281611

I'd actually show a fucken cultural spine and say "Yes! I do a lot!"

Also anime is cartoons, man. You may not believe me, but liking cartoons isn't THAT weird. Bringing up cowboys is weird because they haven't been relevant for at least century. I dunno, maybe I do just spend a lot of time on the internet.

>> No.12281613

no girl can live up to 2d

>> No.12281615

let's be realistic anon, he can't just go upfront and take a clear picture of here.

cmo'n OP, a lookalike would suffice

>> No.12281616


I tried to take a picture of Tomoko-chan and told her it was for the internet, but she laughed sheepishly and covered her face. Tomoko-chan is too cute. (´・ω・`)

>> No.12281618


>> No.12281619


I think this won't work, because even when it happens in anime, the girl always gets angry.

I think I will have to court Tomoko-chan and earn her heart. Please wish me ganbatte, everyone. I will need it.

>> No.12281620

I've been to several different countries and everyone asks about mcdonalds, fat people, rednecks and bullies.

>> No.12281622
File: 774 KB, 929x758, 9705890580450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.12281624
File: 91 KB, 753x800, 1400899165715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what if OP is just sending us on a ruse?

>> No.12281625

Post the pic of her covering her face, weeb.

>> No.12281626

tbh irl tsunderes are bitches

>> No.12281627

This is why I voted for Ron Paul.

>> No.12281631


I know this is paranoid, but I have a feeling I'd be betraying Tomoko-chan if I did that... sorry...

>> No.12281632


That's why this >>12281608

>> No.12281634

draw us a picture, youre on /jp/ im sure youve tried your hand at drawing before

>> No.12281638

I'm the guy who makes joke pictures like this where Anime is the punchline. It's cool though cuz Im a HUGE anime nerd and sometimes you just gotta laugh at yourself :)

>> No.12281644

I hear that /b/rother, sometimes these turbonerds just need to take it easy!

>> No.12281648


>> No.12281679

I will post a picture when I can
the hamster guy is not the op

>> No.12281681

Oh wow I think I recognize that school uniform. Does Tomoko-chan come from that school as well?

>> No.12281684

Tomoko-chan is arranging things in her room.

I asked her if she needed an extra pillow for her bed and she smiled at me and said no. I think I'm making progress. (´・ω・`)

>> No.12281689

I think the pic is unrelated.

>> No.12281697

Real op here
The school is matsudo kokusai

>> No.12281701


>> No.12281706 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 350x475, 29537 - Jean-Luc_Picard Patrick_Stewart Star_Trek Star_Trek_the_Next_Generation fakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek.

>> No.12281715

How long is she staying for? Can you prove that this is not just an elaborate ruse?

>> No.12281716

Jai is a guy, and 'Grocc' is Grace and I'm guessing Runu is a shitskin woman. how do you read sumshit

>> No.12281721

did someone link this on /v/ or something?

>> No.12281724

She is staying for 10 days, will post a pic in the near future

>> No.12281727

Holy shit stop with the fucking emote.

>> No.12281729

Don't know but it has been linked to /adv/.

>> No.12281731

haha i absolutely loved this post

>> No.12281735
File: 154 KB, 419x338, logic_o_258899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime lel

>> No.12281738
File: 45 KB, 600x450, dbz-memes-1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12281741
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, japanese girl eating watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12281745
File: 11 KB, 82x135, corb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is tomoko-chan

>> No.12281751
File: 13 KB, 177x197, nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had an exchange student it was a nigger

>> No.12281755
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 1374826_1419446091607100_622590262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jai's host student

>> No.12281761
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oldest meem in the book kek.

>> No.12281771
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>> No.12281775

Is this the funposting thread?

>> No.12281784
File: 145 KB, 602x734, Wills face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw exchange student

>> No.12282012

Posting Saya will never bring her back to us. ;_;

>> No.12282479
File: 43 KB, 512x342, shibwillshib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up man. Cheers.

>> No.12282515


Why are they so ugly ugh

>> No.12282561


Only prostitutes made for it though. The occupation army enjoyed an overall 33 to 50% STD infection among the troops so they stopped it.

>> No.12282564

Fuck, Tomoko RUN or you'll end up just like Deko

>> No.12282565

Morning update, Tomoko-chan is still in her room. I bet she had trouble sleeping after the big time shift... or maybe she was up thinking about me? (´・ω・`)

>> No.12282633

For fuck's sake, don't say anything else to her in nipspeak. You're not on friendly enough terms for that shit, and it will make things wierd.

>> No.12282634


But she speaks English to me, it's only fair if I speak her language to her too. Are you sure?

>> No.12282638

It would only be appropriate if you greeted her in Swahili. Don't ask me why, or for what purpose. I know these things.

It's "Habari ya asubuhi" btw.

Also, don't use the bathroom after her for at least 30 minutes after she's been in there with the door closed. Faux pas.

>> No.12282642

I've always wondered what the entire process for a student exchange program is, and why any would want to live with a stranger's family.

I understand you get some sort of stipend for housing her, but what gives?

>> No.12282643

They look like 35+ old ladies.

>> No.12282648


I saw an anime once where a girl said 'Nyanpassu', I think this is very cute and Tomoko-chan would probably like if I greeted her that way this morning. I'm gonna do it! (´・ω・`)

>> No.12282676

Lived with a Japanese family for 7 months. Was pretty fun.

>> No.12282695
File: 117 KB, 588x575, 1394679201610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a pic of japanese students welcoming foreign exchange students?

Wow they looks so excited, even the guy is excited to meet Tom.
Seeing young adults get so excited over making a friend is really amazing, in the US the idea of hand making a sign like that would be the epitome of lame, you'd get called a autist or something.
The fact these teenagers look like they actually give a shit is amazing.
The idea theres a country where young folks are that genuine and unironically excited over something and unjaded is a miracle.

I feel depressed now.

Maybe when i get reincarnated i'll remember to apply for an exchange program, but by the time that happens japan will be just like america and all that decency will be gone.

>> No.12282794


I think anon meant for /a/ to leave.

>> No.12282876

>This autist weeaboo
Maybe you can reincarnate soon, you know you have the power to do it yourself.

>> No.12282881


the teacher made them make those signs

>> No.12282895

Back when I was on rotation overseas (in Australia), I ended up with a fellow Japanese med student. I have to say, he was girlier than most actual western females -- like, he put kawaii stickers all over the wrapping of a gift he gave me.

It was weird, because as an ABC I'm used to being the emasculated Asian dude in a group, but this guy went so much further. Still, he was a lot of fun.

>> No.12283046

Spoilers: Your new Japanese classmate is gonna think you're a creep and you should just stop now.

>> No.12283062

She probably knows about this thread already and masturbated several times too already.
