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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 530 KB, 720x540, sabishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12274151 No.12274151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where did all my /jp/ friends go? What happened? I'm so lonely.

>> No.12274154

Left /jp/ cause it was shit. Some for Gensokyo.

>> No.12274156

Why haven't you left?

>> No.12274157
File: 390 KB, 720x480, feelrini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends used to be here, but all my friends are gone now...

It was so much better before all this touhou shit.

>> No.12274167

I hate myself, so I have mentally imprisoned myself here.

>> No.12274178
File: 483 KB, 720x540, feelrinio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate myself too. A lot of people have left /jp/ for somewhere else, but I think a lot of them just left all /jp/ places. This makes me sad, maybe I'm the one who left too. Now it's just all this touhou shit...

>> No.12274182
File: 50 KB, 838x304, ripwth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wonder how many people have left jp for Gensokyo

>> No.12274183
File: 6 KB, 235x63, wthalive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just made me check, and holy crap what am I looking at here.

>> No.12274185
File: 539 KB, 720x540, i should kill myself today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they just left or stopped posting, for whatever reason. I could see why, it's cooled down a bit now I guess, but a couple months ago this thread wouldn't even be up for this long even at 8AM UTC.

Please don't kill yourself anyone.

>> No.12274190

Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.12274192
File: 556 KB, 720x540, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you so mean?

>> No.12274194

I am only mean to worthless shits.

>> No.12274198
File: 590 KB, 720x540, shot0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad?

I bet I could kill you first.

>> No.12274200
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, konakona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here despite everyone else selling out and becoming the normie outboarders like they always were. I only came here first in '09 and never regularly browsed /a/utist before. So call me a newfag tertiary if you want, but your words will never crush my Japanese spirit!

>> No.12274203

I was very happy believing you were dead, but I was wrong. It was extremely disappointing. I advise you to rectify this error and kill yourself immediately.

>> No.12274206

You only remember that word because it makes you think of "rectum".

>> No.12274207

I'l wrecktify your rectum m8

>> No.12274210
File: 561 KB, 720x540, shot0007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rectify this

*whips out dick*

I don't know if those other boards are really that normie.

>> No.12274220
File: 598 KB, 720x540, shot0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But really, it makes me happy knowing that someone got that angry realizing they were talking to me.

I should post here more again.

>> No.12274223
File: 455 KB, 1585x791, 1319137948717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2009 feels like a really long time ago.

>> No.12274227

Can't crush something that doesn't exist, I suppose.

>> No.12274231
File: 503 KB, 1373x1027, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12274236
File: 175 KB, 630x805, guide to jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12274237

You're basically a dog who leaves a shit on the doorstep every single day without fail.

If you consider being an irritating shit an accomplishment, good for you.

>> No.12274238
File: 589 KB, 1373x1027, 1360666421680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12274239

Are you trying to start shit with me dude? Never question a weeb's loyalty to the homeland. It doesn't make for a good scene.

>> No.12274244

I've never heard of a dog defecating in a specific spot like a doorstep every day, so I don't really get your analogy, but this must have been the first time you've seen me in a while unless you post on some other boards full of people you must hate, so I don't really see how it's like shitting on your doorstep everyday.

Why are you so mad at me though? Can you articulate why?

>> No.12274245

You probably don't even know aikido.

>> No.12274246
File: 577 KB, 720x540, shot0013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops I can't post without a pic

>> No.12274249

It's more like a dog shit on your doorstep every day for two years, and then went away for two months, and one day you open your door and there's a huge turd sitting right there, with the dog sitting next to it wagging its tail like it expected you to miss it.

Because you are the poster child of retarded attention whores.

>> No.12274252

Please don't use a character as nice as alpha in your shitposting endeavors


>> No.12274259

You say please two times.

>> No.12274266
File: 639 KB, 720x540, shot0018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really bothered you that much? I don't understand how. I just like posting with a name and cute pictures because it's fun.

I really like you even though you hate me, dog-shit-analogy-san.


>> No.12274300

Imagine now that the dog endlessly whines, thinks it's doing everyone a favor by leaving shit everywhere, and its very best trick is acting dumb. Or maybe you really are that dumb. It seems unlikely, but you never know.

>> No.12274308
File: 560 KB, 720x540, shot0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it very ironic that you say I'm the one endlessly whining, don't you? What would you consider a non-shit post? What is a quality post in your books?

I don't think I'm acting dumb at all, what do you want me to say?

>> No.12274316

>What would you consider a non-shit post?
It shouldn't be blogging, it shouldn't be attention whoring, and it should have some nonzero amount of relevant content. The bar isn't very high, but you manage to miss it every time.

>I don't think I'm acting dumb at all, what do you want me to say?
I want you to say that you're going to kill yourself, followed by said killing of yourself, or just never posting again so we can all pretend that you killed yourself.

>> No.12274318
File: 223 KB, 731x720, 1385300256361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im right here!

>> No.12274331

dogshit-analogy-kill-yourself-san pls

>> No.12274333
File: 594 KB, 720x540, shot0020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please define "relevant content". Is it complaining about everything on /jp/ (I know if you act like this over me then you're that guy who complains over everything)?

If it wasn't against the rules, you would be that guy who pops in every thread and says ``reported" right? You know, now that I think about what you said, "shitting on your doorstep everyday for 2 years", are you part of the 4chan staff or a previous member? You would fit right in.

>I want you to say that you're going to kill yourself, followed by said killing of yourself, or just never posting again so we can all pretend that you killed yourself.

You shouldn't say things you don't mean. You're just playing pretend sociopath and that's okay though.

hi friend

>> No.12274339

>I know if you act like this over me then you're that guy who complains over everything?
/jp/ has been so shit I haven't complained about it in years. I mostly just watch you shit all over the board, spam and act like a retard, and then pretend to be a clueless victim.

>If it wasn't against the rules, you would be that guy who pops in every thread and says ``reported" right?
If it was a shit thread made for attention whores to blog and jerk each other off? Well, no, because it would just encourage the retards. But I would report it.

>are you part of the 4chan staff or a previous member?
We can make it so that you shit in the fondue pot at a potluck or that you shit in a public swimming pool, if you want a more collective analogy.

>You're just playing pretend sociopath and that's okay though.
I genuinely think you should never post again. Whether you kill yourself or not is all the same to me.

>> No.12274340

>If it wasn't against the rules, you would be that guy who pops in every thread and says ``reported" right?
If rules aren't enforced, they may as well not be rules at all.


>> No.12274341
File: 78 KB, 1000x750, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I emptied my piss bottle collection. It's really amazing how much water can go through you in one day.

>> No.12274348
File: 71 KB, 198x445, 2014-07-15-080829_198x445_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you guys are really mean.

>We can make it so that you shit in the fondue pot at a potluck

I knew a kid who threw-up in one of those. Even if you're a kid, I mean who the hell throws up in it, you could just turn your head or something right?

nice piss bottles

>> No.12274351

>Boy you guys are really mean.
Not him but you're not clean either. Coming here out all of places to state that touhou is shit >>12274157

>> No.12274352
File: 155 KB, 476x595, 1349490533335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12274354
File: 47 KB, 280x388, 72q572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect the touhou fanbase, I was just stating that I think /jp/ was better before they came and took over.

thanks, I never seen that kuso thread picture before.

>> No.12274358

What are you talking about? We say that here all the time.

>> No.12274361

Touhou only took over because you, and your retarded attention whoring, spamming, blogging, circle-jerking friends made it such an incredibly shitty place that everything else left.

>> No.12274364
File: 526 KB, 720x540, what the fuck am i doing up here fixing a telephone wire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm saying before they came here at all, it was better. You're making me feel really silly repeating myself this much.

>> No.12274365

And there it is again, your trademark clueless-retard act.

Do the one where you get your circlejerking friends to shitpost the board into oblivion next, that one was even better.

>> No.12274368

Some of those bottles look as if you're not getting enough fluids in your system. Proper hydration is important, especially in these summer months!

>> No.12274369
File: 363 KB, 592x573, 1403703780756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feelio when blogposting at maximum autism with my jipper bros

>> No.12274374
File: 637 KB, 720x540, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there it is again, your trademark clueless-retard act.

It's a joke that only took you this long to get, congrats.

>Do the one where you get your circlejerking friends to shitpost the board into oblivion next, that one was even better.

I've never once done this before, in fact I never had the capability of it. I've never had a single online friends or some secret circlejerk club I went back to during the time I was posting on /jp/, just so you know.

There's one picture where there's mold growing in someone's piss bottles, it's really disgusting.

>> No.12274376

You have to realize though we (I'm assuming we're all NEETs that don't leave the house) don't actually do anything that requires energy. Being dehydrated 24/7 really has no effect on us.

>> No.12274380

>It's a joke that only took you this long to get, congrats.
You do it pretty much non-stop.

>I've never once done this before
Well, I guess it really was you pretending to be multiple retards all along.

I can only assume you do it for the sheer pleasure of lying your ass off with a straight face on.

>> No.12274381

This. My hydration was superior, which yielded a volume sufficient enough to as to cause concern for the availability of additional bottles.

>> No.12274382

That's not always true. Even mild to moderate dehydration can impact a sedentary lifestyle.

Do you want ass cramps from sitting Japanese-style at your laptop? Because that's how you get ass cramps.

>> No.12274389
File: 599 KB, 720x540, shot0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think NEETs should drink plenty of water or else they might feel sick or tired.

>You do it pretty much non-stop.

It was a simple joke. I find it funny you had this hard of a time understanding it.

>Well, I guess it really was you pretending to be multiple retards all along.

Have you ever considered that it was actual multiple retards? Did you think I was a boogeyman that did all the shigposts or something?

>> No.12274394

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12274412
File: 744 KB, 1800x1200, 1404596025357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first started posting on /jp/, everyone seemed so nice and sincere, as if we were some kind of big, crooked family.
Over time, however, the air became leaden with the latent poison of sarcasm. I never knew if the other Anon was honestly delighted, or secretly sneering at me.
I then soon realized that there was no progression on this board. It's the same old mantra, chanted ad nauseam in the vain hopes that I could save us from the passing of time.
I wonder if that's my fault. Maybe it's because I'm not strong enough to break the waves, I can't pretend that I don't notice how things change, and I'm not yet bitter enough to find the fruits this garden has to offer to be soothing.
So there, this is kind of my answer to you.
I don't know any of you, but I've spent more time with you than with any other human being for too long, probably. Still, your words are precious to me, in a way I can't fathom, since all the time I'm spending here lately, I feel like someone who isn't loved back, despite what he thinks are his best efforts.

>> No.12274416


>> No.12274418

/jp/ has always been this way, it just took you a while to realize.

>> No.12274420

Why do you still post this?

>> No.12274424

whats some good slice of life sci-fi like YKK? I've read Aria too

>> No.12274425

Because I still don't know who you're quoting.

>> No.12274432


Newfriend here, I just wonder who is this girl, would you be so nice and tell me?

>> No.12274433

>(yes, 4chan has text boards!)

>> No.12274435
File: 310 KB, 514x618, 2014-07-13-231336_514x618_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could say something to make you feel better.

You could read some of the other works by those authors, like Kabu no Isaki or Amanchu. Amanchu isn't really sci-fi at all, it's basically just Aria with different characters though and instead of gondolas they Dive. I can't kid you though, there isn't any of that Aria fantasy or crazy paranormal stuff that happened a lot, Aria was better.

That would be Alpha from Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

RIP /prog/

>> No.12274438

Thank you, kind sir.

>> No.12274441

>kind sir

Please don't ever say that again.

>> No.12274444

Worst thread on /jp/ award

>> No.12274447
File: 37 KB, 300x640, とある.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fours dude

>> No.12274447,1 [INTERNAL] 

Better tell warosu.

to check em

>> No.12274449

Watch Eve no Jikan

>> No.12274461

i kill myself and im still here

>> No.12274464

I got a job in Japan and I mostly got bored of 2D.

I still hang around here though, for lack of anything better.

>> No.12274465

You might as well just kill yourself at that point

>> No.12274467

Thanks for the blog update, Normie Norman.

>> No.12274467,1 [INTERNAL] 

most of that guy's work is very charming. I wouldn't say it's always slice of life, but it is always an interesting atmosphere. i wish he fleshed out the worlds he builds but instead I think he's just a fucking cocktease only producing short films and shit.

>> No.12274467,2 [INTERNAL] 

I left because /jp/ right now is just depressed pussies with no humor.
/jp/ used to be cool, and not a nerdfest.

>> No.12274467,3 [INTERNAL] 

remember when we used to laugh together on /jp/

>> No.12274467,4 [INTERNAL] 

you're going to post in these generals and you're going to LIKE it - janny

>> No.12274467,5 [INTERNAL] 


Every [b]*FUCKING*[/i] time I come to /jp/ you little shitstains have to ruin my fun by posting my images right in [b]FUCKING[/b] front of me. I'm so [b]SICK[/b] and [b]TIRED[/b] of this [b]FUCKING BULLSHIT[/b].


>> No.12274467,6 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12274467,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12274467,8 [INTERNAL] 

more like EPIC fail, am I right?

>> No.12274467,9 [INTERNAL] 

why is dogshit-kun so frustrated

>> No.12274467,10 [INTERNAL] 

What manga is this from?

>> No.12274467,11 [INTERNAL] 

