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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12255672 No.12255672 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you done your reps today, anon-kun?

>> No.12255678
File: 121 KB, 1022x765, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you know why.

>> No.12255752

50 more to go.

>> No.12255814


I do them first thing in the morning.

>> No.12256348

I've been learning grammar and reading instead. It works better.

>> No.12257219

I rather learn vocab. At least I get to use it right away.

>> No.12257226

i try this every morning but i\m just too bad on waking up early

>> No.12257390

How do you learn vocab if you havnt learnt the kanji needed to read/write the vocab?

>> No.12257399

how do you learn kanji if you haven't learned the vocab you need to use the kanji

>> No.12257412

Because I don't need to write, just read. I rather learn 大丈夫 as okay rather than big height husband.

>> No.12257414

How do you learn Japanese if all you do is argue about retarded shit?

>> No.12257422

Wasnt arguing.. legit question.
I'm just using Anki to learn Kanji at the moment. Usually pick up the onyomi and maybe one kunyomi for each kanji, aswell as all the english meanings for each kanji.
As for vocab, I'd only be able to read words which use kanji I know. How am I supposed to learn any vocab if it uses kanji I've never seen before?

>> No.12257429

So you never learned any words in Japanese before you started learning kanij? Are you using only text and no audio?
You didn't learn anything while watching anime? How retarded are you?
In before
>I don't watch anime

By the time I actually started learning proper I knew several hundred words already.

>> No.12257432

There are two schools of thought on learning kanji.

The first is that you learn the kanji meanings and/or readings individually and then move on to vocab. The second is that you skip learning them individually, and just pick up the kanji readings from vocab and infer their meanings based on what words they appear in. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.

>> No.12257456

Do you think that after you learn 3000 kanji you'll just be able to read or something? Whether you learn the kanji or not, you'll still have to learn vocabulary. You don't need to know kanji of a word to learn it, you just learn the word. If the kanji is common enough to come up in another word, your brain will map the readings and meanings. Anything you don't pick up naturally is useless information to begin with.

>> No.12257461

>Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.
Yep, but you can't really stop people from endlessly arguing about this, although I'd recommend those who want to get into VNs, games, LNs and the like to learn by vocabulary since they'll be able to learn while entertaining themselves.

>> No.12257463


I think it's better to do both but focus on kanji first. If you see a word with a kanji you don't know, take some time to look up the kanji too.

sites like http://jisho.org/kanji/radicals/
can be indispensable

>> No.12257470

That's a non-sequitur. If you want to read, you need to be able to read, which brings us back to how the fuck do you learn to read in the first place.

Learning kanji in isolation is the sole fastest method. To read text, you don't need to know how to pronounce it, just what it means.

>> No.12257485

>still using this le epic troll

>> No.12257489

I do them as soon as I wake up, though. I'm even already finished adding new cards.

>> No.12257506 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves out of /jp/

>> No.12257512

That post was really uncalled for. Not to mention counterproductive, you're just asking for

>being this frustrated

replies. Though perhaps that's exactly what you want.

>> No.12257529

le epic heisig face

>> No.12257736

Except you're going to need to know all three of those kanji independently if you want to read anything above high school level.

>> No.12258193


in 要綱, 綱 is pronounced kou
in 綱引き, it is pronounced tsuna

have fun remembering kanji without context

>> No.12258199

knowing 大 and 丈 and 夫 independently doesnt help much if you dont know which pronounciation to use in other words. you need to memorize full words, not just kanji

for example dai in daijoubu can be oo or ookii or tai in other words, and there is not way to know which pronounciation except by memorizing that word

>> No.12258214

The latter two are words on their own.

>> No.12258651

That's a really bad example. Countering your own points type of bad.

綱 can only be two things, rope as "tsuna" (kun) and class/principle as "kou" (on), with he latter almost never used on its own.

When you see 綱引き, you can safely assume it's a native word (okurigana), from which you can figure out the reading (tsuna + hiki) and meaning (rope + pulling).

When you see 要綱, all you need to know is that it's kango, from which the reading (you + kou) and meaning (cornerstone + principle) will follow. And it's obviously kango, since "rope" makes little sense next to 要.

It's not always that easy, but it's always much easier than memorizing every word in isolation from its parts and hoping your brain will make out some patterns in the process. Seeing how you can't even use obvious clues like these, it clearly doesn't work for you.

>> No.12258655

I have 800 reviews accumulated and 100 new cards to do today.

>> No.12258707


>> No.12258716

You shouldn't do new cards when you have that much to review

>> No.12258738

Stop projecting. I hate when people do this. Just because you do 100 reviews a day or whatever does not mean 800 is a lot for another person. I get a similar amount of reviews per day, it's normal.

>> No.12258880

>using anki after the first 1,5/2k words
>not just reading moege

what the hell /jp/?

>> No.12258895

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12258915


800 is a lot. It's time to stop reviewing and just start reading.

>> No.12258916

to be honest, you should start moege right after you finish genki or some some similar grammar book.

>> No.12258920


What is a moege and how much lube do I need to fit it in my asshole?

>> No.12258923

Why wait that long? You should just start after you've gotten the first five kana memorized.

>> No.12258926

Anki is mainly useful for advanced learners only who need to start remembering words which don't appear often. Common words are easily remembered by reading because they appear so often.

Also why would anyone read moege for learning purposes? Getting stuck with easy stuff is the biggest mistake what language learners make.

>> No.12258933

I'm on holiday in Japan right now, and it's discouraged me from learning Japanese.
>not Japanese (I don't even look Asian)
>nobody will take me seriously, even if I do finish learning
>I'll still be just a "baka" gaijin who knows Japanese who is unapproachable because he doesn't look Japanese

It feels awkward. This is why I haven't done my reps today.

>> No.12258935

>Learning kana
Rolf. Why don't you just learn them by vocabulary?

>> No.12258958

I can't believe there are people still at the stage of learning Japanese here.

It's almost as if /jp/ is a revolving door..

>> No.12258971

Do you think people learn languages through osmosis?

>> No.12258981

Learning never stops

>> No.12258986

I might skip new cards for a few days.

It only takes me ~30 min to get through them, though. That leaves plenty of time for reading.

>> No.12259050

it's good for beginners.

>> No.12259153

And? There aren't beginners in this thread.

>> No.12259333
File: 87 KB, 669x347, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it all! I finished the core 2k!

>> No.12259367

Congratulations! You are now Japanese!

>> No.12259371

Why didn't you do 10k instead?

>> No.12259480

I'm a beginner.

>> No.12259503

you will finish it when the red one is as big as dark green is now and there is no blue...

>> No.12259526

Is there a particular core 2k deck I should do? there are a lot on Anki...

>> No.12259560


>> No.12259587

Yeah, core 10k.

>> No.12259740
File: 112 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12259744

I am doing core 10k. How do you guys configure your anki (reps and new cards per day)?

>> No.12260101

I started learning kanji from a book (Kanji and Kana, covers joyou kanji), but it was really hard to memorise all the different meanings and pronunciations at once for each kanji. Now what I do is vocab (anki shows hiragana, I write kanji and english meaning(s)) and then I look up the kanji one denshi jisho if it's new or used in a new way to see what else it could mean. For example I looked up the 近 in 近くwhen it came up, but when 近い came up, I didn't look it up again because it is used in much the same way (both referring to things being close or near, in space and in time respectively). There's no point knowing a pronunciation for a kanji if you have no words to use that pronunciation, it may even trip you up if you think "Now which pronunciation is it in this word again?".

>> No.12260106



>> No.12260107


These are not in the dictionary. Pretty strange.

>> No.12260111

because I'm speaking Chinese to mess with you. I will start learning Japanese later cause already knowing a little from Chinese will help a lot.

Chinese people learn Japanese a lot faster than westerners and I have passed the highest Chinese ability exam, hoping it means I can study japanese faster too.

>> No.12260114

Oh, it's simplified Chinese. Never mind.

>> No.12260145

i study using japanese for busy people, a grammer book, japanesepod101 and a weekly meet up doing language exchange. its only been a few month so im a total novice.

i thought it would be more important for me to be able to speak japanese rather than read or write as i will be returning to japan soon, but tonight i decided to grab aniki and the 10k deck.

I just done and first 20 and struggled with a few.

how are you supposed to understand how to pronounce the kanji?

for example "house" i know as ???????but the deck had two, the other one was about going to your families house i have forgotton the hiragana for it already but it was different.

another example was day or sun ?????and ??????

if my text has came out as a bunch of question marks then blame the phone.

>> No.12260396

I blame your phone.

>> No.12260489
File: 160 KB, 960x544, 2014-06-10-191858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12260499
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x720, 計画.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy getting fucked with the readings faggot.

As a japanese fluent, I can make some sense of your chink shit, but you won't be able to read out loud for the fuck of yourself at first

One biggest problem you'll have is the pronunciation of the kanjis, and holding that chink head of yours and not let your shit language confuse you when reading.

>> No.12260885

Congratulations, that means absolutely nothing. Even the core 10k doesn't really give you the ability to read very much. Come back when you know 20k+.

>> No.12260895

>Come back when you know 20k+
He should come back when he starts actually learning japanese, instead of memorizing edict definitions out of context, buddy.

>> No.12261614

Core2k isn't edict btw.

>> No.12262320

>out of context
What are example sentences? What is complimentary and supplementary resources?

>> No.12262378

>using a premade deck
>learning 2000 words before even reading

>> No.12262380

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12262888
File: 448 KB, 841x2664, anki-stats-2014-07-12@13-23-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally passed 4000 mark after 3 years

>> No.12262891 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 1000x1000, 1405139308173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12263019
File: 183 KB, 660x906, 1345248195364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What software is this?

>> No.12263024

Adobe Lightroom.

>> No.12263029
File: 155 KB, 1240x1754, 1349552109407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank, anon!

>> No.12263078

My god more of these pics anon

>> No.12263096

What are they doing to him?

>> No.12263114

>"Ara~ Kawaii~"

>> No.12263119

because I lost all my data

>> No.12263127

Have all you non-native English speakers done your daily English reps?

>> No.12263128


>> No.12263225

What made you think he learned 2000 words before reading?

>> No.12263439

You do realise you can both read and do pre-made decks, right?

>> No.12263458

Most people here don't even seem to realize you can mix up kanji and vocab study, something like mixing up reps and reading has to be a truly mind-blowing concept.

>> No.12263460

I have done with my daily English rape.

>> No.12263511


My deck is constructed from the words I don't understand while reading, playing games, or occasionally words I hear.

I can't imagine this would be very constructive if I was having to add every word I encountered, though.

>> No.12263751

I neglected Anki for the past couple of days and now I have 1000+ reviews piled up. ;_;

>> No.12264614

You have two choice:
1) Do 1000+ Reviews at once
2) Recognize that life isn't a race, pause new cards, limit reviews to 300 a day, and work your way through it.

>> No.12264618


>> No.12264630
File: 96 KB, 716x594, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do 10 cards a day? Either way, nice work anon! Can't wait to see the same sight.

>> No.12264933
File: 445 KB, 841x2664, anki-stats-2014-07-13@11-44-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I do 50 a day. The reason it took 3 years is because im just lazy. but i read a lot so i think it compensate? Those 4000 are self made vocab

>> No.12264982

If you did 50 words a day for three years, your vocabulary would be 54750 words.

>> No.12265197

He clearly did 50 reps a day. Reps.

>> No.12265212

I assumed the discrepancy was because he skipped a lot of days. Given that he had 600 answers recently, I don't think he only did 50 reps a day.

>> No.12266876

How do people have enough willpower to do this?

I just hapharzardly due them throughout the day and never finish them.

>> No.12267136

What EPWING dictionaries do people like? J-J in particular. I'm growing out of EDICT.

>> No.12268303

I've used 大辞林第2版 and 広辞苑第6版 for a while now and so far I've found the former to be the best.

I'd love to hear if there are other good ones out there, though. Especially if there's one out there that covers common expressions. Those EPWING dictionaries I mentioned fall short to EDICT when it comes to that.

>> No.12268436 [DELETED] 

I've been doing my reps daily without missing any days for a while, but now that I have over 1000 reviews to go through on some days I don't really want to bother.

>> No.12268535

I can't get motivation if I don't have a progress bar.
Also reading when you have to look up every word is the best way to start hating learning.

>English reps
I never actually studied English except grammar shit for tests.
By the way English grammar is awful.

>> No.12268566

>after 3 years
And how much is that in hours?
Why do people use such meaningless measures of time as days/months/years when it come to learning? It's obvious you're not studying every waking hour.

>> No.12269040

I haven't done my reps for two weeks. I've lost the will to go on.

I can't learn Japanese.

>> No.12269886


What is that from?

>> No.12269890
File: 111 KB, 637x402, justasplanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12269955

Because consuming Japanese media is much more easier after daily reps. Obviously.

>> No.12269994

Stopped doing my reps, which is fine since I get around pretty well with my 10k words.

>> No.12270085

It is a good feeling when your vocab as kanji deck finally comes together and you can recognise new words by knowledge of kanji pronunciations from other words, also, adding words without definitions because they're familiar by osmosis already.

>> No.12270594

I have 1652 reviews to do. Please bully me into doing them.

>> No.12270597 [DELETED] 


They were proving that a nuclear reactor would fly in a plane.

>> No.12270608

You're a lazy piece of human trash who will never learn Japanese or amount to anything.

>> No.12270630
File: 12 KB, 317x109, ss (2014-07-15 at 08.06.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day.

>> No.12270639

What is this? (Don´t really visit /jp/ all that much.)

>> No.12270804


Search "anki".

You could alternatively have reverse image searched the OP, and never have had to ask.

>> No.12272077

I didn't end up doing my reps yesterday either. I am the most useless person to have ever existed.

>> No.12273190

>Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.
Which are?

>> No.12273328

you just need to stick with it till you actually realize that yes you are learning jap

my moment was when i was reading some random ntr doujin in jap and found that i understood pretty much everything and only had to assume some of the odder sex words

also if youre not reading a vn as you learn with anki it seems pretty pointless. like as you get faster and more accurate and need to use the parser less and less it becomes much easier to do your daily reps every morning

>> No.12273734


Congratulations Anon. You're ascending the Intermediate Plateau.

>> No.12273913

Which ones would work for someone, who has only finished 2 parts of Genki and something about 550 kanji from Shin Nihongo No Kiso kanji book? I tried to read a few of them but there was a lot of grammar that I am not exactly familiar with not mentioning tons of new words and kanji.

>> No.12273924 [DELETED] 


>> No.12273941
File: 2.57 MB, 1864x4304, 1401183153882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanahira, then flyable heart (yes this already has almost 2k kanji but it's easy as shit to read.) and after that read daitoshokan (really good for beginners in my opinion because it uses a lot of useful vocabulary).

Than pretty much any moege.
Please don't discuss the image and just save it.

>> No.12273944 [DELETED] 

But onomatopoeia and broken grammar logic.

>> No.12273946

eh it takes like 3 hours to finish and it gives a good grasp on how to use kanji to complete beginners. You could skip it though yeah.

>> No.12273987

What's good to read if I don't like moege?

>> No.12274003 [DELETED] 

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
天ツ風 ~傀儡陣風帖~

>> No.12274470

Because it isn't fun

>> No.12275214

I do them last thing in the morning, before going to sleep.

>> No.12275232

What's your short term goal with japanese? Manga? Newspapers? Do whatever you're aiming for.
For me it was visual novels and I went from studying 2-3 hours a day for 10 hours a day because it was actually interesting to me.

That said moege are kind of a necessary evil for reading comprehension in my opinion.

>> No.12275237


You have to make it a habit.

>> No.12275413

To point out how infrequent the study occurs. That's sort of the whole point, to call oneself lazy.
It's much easier to guess from start date to current date than actually clock every minute studying anyways.

>> No.12275484
File: 2 KB, 256x172, 342534534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the program not track that for you?

>> No.12275750
File: 242 KB, 1280x984, 1381521726494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


9,840 more hours of study and you can call yourself a japanese expert

>> No.12275980

Why would you only count the time spent in one program?

>> No.12280253


>> No.12280910

1/4 done. How to keep myself motivated?

>> No.12282537


Drugs, sugar, caffeine.

>> No.12282590


>> No.12282841
File: 445 KB, 888x700, Valkyria Cronicles cast 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I give you Valkyria Chronicles, the best strategy game on the PS3, one of the best squad-based strategy games ever and one of my personal top 10 favourite games of all time.

It follows the story of Squad 7 of the Gallian militia, as they fight to save their homeland from invasion in a fantasy-world version of WW2. Every one of your soldiers has their own likes, dislikes, looks, backstory and voice acting. The story is well-handled, for the vast majority of the game; it addresses issues such as losing friends and loved ones in battle and the horrors of concentration camps and is one of the few games to actually make me cry. In addition to this, it also follows the relationships, friendship and love that is fostered by the bonds of the squad and has a few humorous moments to vary up the mood somewhat, although in my personal opinion, these are the weakest parts of the game.

It has two sequels on the PSP, only the first of which has been translated into English. There was also an anime, but much like Valkyria Chronicles 2, it was widely agreed to be a serious disappointment, by fans of the series.


>> No.12282867


>> No.12284039


I think it would have benefited from a harder difficulty for the story mode, to make it more brutal like X-COM.

It was only near the end that I started getting deaths.

>> No.12284578

How much can you read at JLPT N4? N3?

>> No.12284667

What does /jp/ think of WaniKani?

>> No.12285043

Without help? Maybe some children's manga at N3. At N2 you can more or less read most moege if you have a dictionary.
