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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12255024 No.12255024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ fit thread.

>> No.12255025

Squats and Rice

>> No.12255026
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>> No.12255030

is it ok to work out right after you wake up or should i breakfast first and than do it?

>> No.12255031

It's ok right after you wake up, just make sure to stretch beforehand.

>> No.12255037

Black rice/wild rice/water oats.

Shit is rice on steroids.

>> No.12255039
File: 265 KB, 700x906, me at the gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat /jp/ dream

>> No.12255041

I tried working out for awhile but I got sick of it. It's not like I'm overweight anyway. Floors are dirty and I have severe obsessive compulsive disorder with contamination fears. I can't even walk on the floor without slippers on or I'll have a panic attack.

Do you really want to push your face into nazrin poop and who knows what else while doing push ups?

>> No.12255050


>> No.12255051

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.12255052

You sound like a fucking pussy. Take a god damn shower when you're down if it bothers you that much.

>> No.12255055
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>> No.12255057

i don't know if you're being ironic or not, but i'm pretty sure streching without being warmed up is extremely bad for your sinews and muscles

>> No.12255059
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Can /jp/ post some fit girls?

>> No.12255066


Any time.

Any day.

Ez life.

Ez rares.

>> No.12255072
File: 63 KB, 800x600, muscle lolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight us onii-chan!!

>> No.12255084

So in conclusion:
- don't do sports before stretches
- don't do stretches before sport

Solution? Post on /jp/.

>> No.12255090

Are you stretching to warm yourself up for an activity or are you stretching to increase flexibility?

Before work out helps warm you up
After work out increases flexibility as your muscles are warm

>> No.12255093

>streching without being warmed up is extremely bad for your sinews and muscles
>Before work out helps warm you up
Senpai please. I'm at loss here.

>> No.12255109

First warm up a little by doing a few push ups, a little squating etc. and after that do some stretching. I've been doing this for years and it didn't hurt me.

>> No.12255110

You can stretch before you work out without hurting yourself, just don't push anything. If you want to be able to push yourself to your limits while stretching then do so after you work out.

I used to stretch before working out for years, now I stretch after working out and have been doing that for years also.

>> No.12255111

Taking it easy is healthiest
Look what happened to poor Zyzz

>> No.12255118


>Doing Pushups
>Beings /fit/

Nothing against calisthenics, but /fit/izen here who happened to pass by when he saw this on the front page. Glad to see my /jp/ bros are trying to get some exercise in, but calisthenics have a limited effect, and once you reach a certain peak, increasing is pointless beyond just increasing the number.

If you want to continue to get /fit/ past the very basics and look good, you need to do cardio and weights. If you want to look beefy, do HIIT cardio 2x/week and lift in 8-12 reps 3-4x/week. If you just want to be super /fit/, do whatever style cardio you like 2x/week, and strength training 3-4x/week. You'll see results over time.

Here's something we value as a sort of holy bible over there: http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

>> No.12255123

I'm not any of the anons you're replying to, but there's static stretching and dynamic stretching (or stretch-warm up).

I'm not the end all knowledge for this but I think the general "consensus" is that static stretch before anything CAN cause more harm than good like reducing the body's actual flexibility or some shit. Therefore, they recommend you either warm up then static stretch, or do a dynamic stretch which the method you can look up yourself. Afterwards, its static stretches after your work out.

This is all " " honestly, and you should listen to your body and feel what works best for you

>> No.12255125


This is all a bunch of bro science. Scientific data shows both a net positive and net negative with stretches depending on the study.

My best advice is that you do most of your static stretches after, and all your dynamic stretches prior. Especially if you're into sports.

Static exercises don't involve a lot of movement ("stretching") while dynamic exercises do ("jumping jacks"). Static exercises fuck up cardio runs in competitions is the ONLY thing regarding stretching that has been scientifically proven.

>> No.12255131

the point of streching is mostly to avoid muscle aches, that's at least why i do it afterwards

>> No.12255160

While I agree that weight lifting is superior in buiding muscle (regardless of if you want strength or looks), I want to point out that calisthenics aren't limeted to increasing the number. They can be quite good for strength training if you increase the resistance/do harder versions. Adding weight to whatever exercise is a good way to do so. Doing pure bodyweight however is quite limeted. Gymnastics is a good thing to look into if that's of interest to anyone. Being able to do your first one-handed push-up or first headstand push-up is quite fullfilling, more than increasing the weight you lift (at least in my opinion).

>> No.12255183

What if I just don't want to be fat

Do I have to lift then

>> No.12255194

I wish I had money to go to the gym again.
Training at home is hard.

I just want to bearhug Satori-chan until her ribs break.

>> No.12255196


>> No.12255202

Nazrin is clever.

>> No.12255218

Ok, so, how do I do it?

>> No.12255219

Lost all motivation for running now that it's 90+ out every day

There are more other runners and children out during the day now too, it's a scary world out there

>> No.12255227

Think about what your mistress would think of you if you give up or see how unmotivated you are?
Do it for her, dude.

>> No.12255241

I'm just saying, but I could probably beat up all of you, and I'm only 5'2. This is because I am a black belt in aikido and can take on a man with 3x my weight - in fact, their weight only works against them as I evade their sluggish blows and push them such that they harm themself. The stronger the enemy fighting me, the stronger I am. This is the principal of aikido.

>> No.12255264

Go running, do push-ups, squads, swing a sword etc.
Athletics basically I guess

>> No.12255267

gym is for plebs and homos, just train at home or outside

>> No.12255280

How much equipment do you need to buy?
Just the bar, bench, plates?

>> No.12255330

what do you need equipment for? if you wanna train certain muscles, do excersises for that area - it's not difficult

>> No.12255347

The Remimi will always be my motivation.

I already do that, but I feel like I'm not progressing at all.
All I have been doing is adding more reps. I need more weight, and plates/bars cost money.

I'm already at 20 pull-ups and 25 push-ups reps per set, among other exercises.

>> No.12255373

Look at harder variants of the exercises you do.
You can also add weight to them, like with a backpack filled with your piss bottless or something.
What will she think of you if you can't even carry your own weight? With one hand? Is Elite Force Commander just a flashy name to you or do you want it to mean something!?

>> No.12255389
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It's a long shot, but any other /jp/sies into WW?
20 isn't many, but here are the next steps for those:
Push-ups with your legs elevated
Aymmetric push-ups
One-armed push-ups
Handstand push-ups

Wide grip pull-ups
Asymmetric pull-ups
One-armed pull-ups

Adding weights is useful too.

>> No.12255394

My balls itch...

>> No.12255397


lifting is actually the easiest way to be not fat, you exert alot of energy in a short time frame, giving you more time to take it easy than trying to be a cardio nut.

>> No.12255405


one of the cheapest ways to get funktional on a budget is to find something long and heavy, like a sledge hammer or wood maul, and swing it around in different ways.

look up hammer throw exercises, training your core and back muscles is especially important if you spend alot of time on the jay, since using the computer keeps your arms and shoulders in flexion, which leads to poor posture, pain, and loss of mobility over time if your upper back and posterior chain is not kept tight.
