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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12254360 No.12254360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you learned japanese?

>> No.12254369
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, 1353456597720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12254399
File: 110 KB, 600x600, thatsomeshitadvicetherefriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12254410

Why would I do that? All you need in this world is American.

>> No.12254413

That's not how you eat soup, Madotsuki. Silly baka.

>> No.12254417

i get all my language from kanadajin, she is most sugoi with the Japon-go Language.

>> No.12254528


This is actually the most retarded thing to do.

1) Learn how to read and write hiragana & katakana and don't ever use romaji again.

2) study lots of vocabulary, japanese is not related to any other language and its vocabulary (apart from some english words) do not share roots with english, you cannot make guesses when reading. You really need to memorise vocabulary lists.

3) start learning kanji but not isolated characters, learn the ones you can use to write the vocabulary you're learning.

4) Don't use anime as your reference to learn the language, don't try to sound animeish, people don't talk like that irl and they will think you're imbecile.

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM09fqr6Abg&index=3&list=PLINFE8v4DOhu_3LutLwJWetAhdcCrBF4X

>> No.12254531

Every fucking time.

>> No.12254533

Take your trolling to /b/, retard.

>> No.12254536



>> No.12254538


>> No.12254543

it's one of those funpictures to post when you are funposting on /jayfun/. pls don't take it srsly w

>> No.12254545

Nice sage faget

>> No.12254548

Nice fage saget

>> No.12254618

>Don't use anime as your reference to learn the language, don't try to sound animeish, people don't talk like that irl and they will think you're imbecile.
> don't try to sound animeish
I have no fucking idea of what you're talking about.
Anime doesn't have shit like animespeak, and if you seriously think that forced ``moe'' speech pattern like replacing half of the words with にゃ~ is commonplace it merely shows how much of an ignorant you are. Anything that isn't a low budget fanservice fest a/o otaku pandering fest won't have that shit anyway.

Anime is a good source of learning, and if you think otherwise you're fucking retarded.
It's been my main learning material for two years, then I started talking with japs online, they had no idea I was a foreigner until I told them recemtly (albeit I did use broken japanese from time to time, but that was mostly in the begining).
If anything, slice of life are good for beginners, because the sentence structure is simple, the grammar, syntax, etc is correct, and most importantly it's FUN.
Find any other way to study that you enjoy doiung 10+ hours a day every day.
You're just having a massive stick up your ass a/o hate anime, but whatever the reason you're fucking wrong.

> start learning kanji but not isolated characters, learn the ones you can use to write the vocabulary you're learning.
That's not an advice, that's a personal preference.
And it's a shit one: when you start the language you have NO vocabulary, and the first 400~500 kanji are easy as shit to remember. You can say whatever you want, but unless you do a cross examination of two pools of people, one who never learnt kanji alone, and one who started doing so then switched to vocabulary learning (like a good 90% of the crowd who advise to never learn them alone I presume) and show me the result, then we'll talk, but until you do that, you're merely farting around and calling it noble gas.

>> No.12254679

Only faggots who parrot what they've heard other super serious japanese learners in college say this. "Anime japanese" is not a thing. Manga/anime/VN japanese is simply colloquial japanese, that you will be hearing 90% of the time in real life as well.Minus some obviously rude phrases that you'd only to say to your worst enemy, everything is fine to use with your peers. You will still hear polite language when a character is speaking to someone important. You're going to be learning grammar anyway, and that grammar will teach you how to speak when you want to sound like a groveling slave, as text books teach you to speak to everyone. Good look understanding any japanese entertainment without studying colloquial japanese.

>> No.12254684

Oh, and I was responding to the same guy you were, sorry.

>> No.12254695

>I can sit on my ass and watch Naruto and still learn something! Really, guys!

>> No.12254699

who u qot?

>> No.12254750

Yes, if you greentext an extremist strawman, an opinion does indeed look ridiculous.

>> No.12254777

I never said that.

>> No.12254781

How do you learned english?

>> No.12254791

>If I can perfectly understand Naruto without subs, I don't know Japanese
