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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12248294 No.12248294 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, how long did you study the moon language before you could accurately read doujins?

>> No.12248296


>> No.12248324

i can pretty accurately read the english ones, sometimes i misinterpret a letter and it makes bad english pun w

>> No.12253182

I studied Japanese in elementary school
we were part of an experimental distance learning program in the 90s
some kids in Nebraska were watching us learn Japanese
one day in spring we ate sushi
then one of the girls died of a heart attack
she had a congential heart defect
I don't remember much Japanese anymore

>> No.12253190

what kind of sushi?

>> No.12253196

I think they bought it from the local grocery
the store had a deli
I don't know what kind it was
they were just like
here is sushi eat it
I thought it was ok

>> No.12253198

A couple of years. It's just faster to read visual novels with voice overs.

>> No.12253214

doujin plus shi

>> No.12253227

this sounds like some kafka on the shore kinda shit for some reason

>> No.12253491
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I've been studying for about a year and I probably couldn't even pass N5 let alone translate any 同人誌

>> No.12253495

Never, it's useless

>> No.12253499
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He asked if you could read it, not translate it.

>> No.12253881


Well, It's hard to read something accurately when you can't translate it either.

I would guess I'm at about 500 kanji I have permanently memorized and don't need to review along with close to triple that amount in vocab.

To test myself I just tried reading the first volume of yotsuba in japanese and could understand about 75% of it.

Still needed to look up around 2-3 words per page so I'm still not there but I think I'm at the level where I could start trying to read more raw stuff.

>> No.12253932

I spent two hours the other day trying to memorize the kana, got through ten letters, then went and laid down for a while. Aren't people supposed to finish the entire kana in like four hours?

>> No.12253938

>Aren't people supposed to finish the entire kana in like four hours?

only those with terminal autism

>> No.12253941


If autism lets you memorize stuff that well, I wish I had it.

>> No.12253945

If you're translating things in your head while reading them, try to stop doing that. Don't think, just feel.

>> No.12253947

A year? I think? I don't remember anymore. On-and-off, really fucking lazy about it. Still have to look up vocabulary from time to time. God forbid its one of those intellectual ones.

>> No.12253973

Try flashcards. There are a million crappy web ones that will be good enough.

>> No.12254063

Anyone with paper could just make some themselves. It's better if you can hold them.

>> No.12254095

Some people brag that it took them a day, but honestly it takes a solid week or a month to have it properly memorised if your memory is iffy like mine. I used Memrise on my computer and downloaded the app (all free) for my phone so in my spare moments (breaks at work, waiting for appointments ect) I could just do it for five minutes. It's basically like interactive flashcards with sound? I also bought a children's japanese language learning book from the stationary textbook shop which was stupidly costly and didn't help me as much. Seriously, go to Memrise! It is so worth it. I can now read Hiragana and know a few basic words and sentences in Japanese. I also watch a lot of jvolg videos and I find gimmeabreakman's videos really helpful with his short japanese lesson videos. Even just watching VICE Japan's videos and listening to the pronunciation of native speakers is helpful.

>> No.12254101


It's just discouraging when you're taking so much longer than you should be. What chance will I have at learning a provisional amount of the kanji if it takes me a week to learn the kana? But I'll keep going.

>> No.12254113

Fucking years because I'm a lazy fuck who procrastinates incredibly hard. My ADHD doesn't help either. I learned basic grammar and kana in a few months, but I stopped learning and just used it here and there and learned the occasional kanji and grammar expression for a few years, but last year I decided to go for it and started reading VNs with JParser all day every day at full force and look up new words as I went (aka Jparser brute force method) and in a few months I could read most stuff, as long as it's not too complex or technical. Massive info dumps still throw me off, but that's probably because of my shitty attention span. But doujins and manga are quite easy.

So if you really apply yourself, I'd estimate half a year for simple ero doujinshi; a year to two years for simple LNs, moege and manga, and 2+ years for hard stuff and technical articles, newspapers, etc.

>> No.12254115

There's no time limit or expectation other than what's in your own head. Try and reason with yourself as to WHY you're studying the language.
It takes 2000 kanji to supposedly fluently read a newspaper. If you're only wanting to be able to travel, converse and get around Japan (and conveniently China), you wouldn't need to know exactly 2000, probably halve that and restrict yourself to learning only words that relate to travel (eg. bathroom symbols, travel methods, ect) rather than learning things that may not be used such as words that relate to things you won't be dealing with (eg. business terminology, ect).
If you're learning to be able to read manga, that's a lot broader and a harder goal to achieve, but maybe you can limit yourself to learning terms associated with the genre you are interested most in (hopefully!).
It's so much easier to remember kanji and hiragana when you learn by associating the characters with pictures/stories.

>> No.12254125


I'd like to learn provisional Japanese before Japanese media veers off into some new disappointing direction, which it could. Seeing eroscrubbedVNs on steam is pretty terrifying. I bet this is what women feel like when they're getting older and haven't had a baby yet.

>> No.12254128

it took me just over a week to get through the kana, i'm not particularly autistic btw.

i just used this site and went through them 1 bunch at a time, until i was getting less than 1% errors (which is more like just a typo than not actually knowing the kana). 5 days for hiragana and then spent 3 days for katakana (many of the katakana look very similar to the hiragana - it's easier to memorise and takes less time to learn as a result). I never really timed myself, but I guess I spent just an hour or so per day.

site, nothing fancy:

>> No.12254166

Any recommendations for simple moege to start off with with the Jparser method? I think I've hear flyable heart mentioned before but not entirely sure.

I've been going on and off with this language for 6 years making little progress. I might as well go all in with the limited grammar and vocab I do know cuz I got nothing to lose and it seems more fun than grinding flash cards. Plus I bet you can understand how to use things in context much better.

>> No.12254209

I only learned the basics and then quit because it was too boring for me.
Probably never.

>> No.12254252
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Anki is a much more pain-free method, but much more tedious and boring. If you have good study habits, it's better to go that way.

Jparser is more like hell at first, but if you're reading something you like, it's certainly more enjoyable. Besides, I really like moege, but if you don't it might still be a snorefest for you. Different study methods work for different people.

Still, give it a try if you have free time. Any moege will do, most of them have simple language and much more voiced dialogue (which helps) than narrative. Just pick one that has a heroine that you find attractive and go for her route. If you still want recommendations, see picture.

>> No.12254418

Kana isn't really hard. Kanji simply kills me. I really can't bother with that.


>> No.12254489

But kanji are simpler than kana. There's just more of them.

Actually, kana are just kanji anyway. Just written in a weird way and lacking internal structure that makes regular kanji easy to remember.

>> No.12254502

Clannad is a moege?

>> No.12254527

I've memorized katanaka, hiragana and some kanji, and I understand some basic Japanese constructions, but I'm still not fluent enough, mainly due to kanji. I can still infer some things from context and the few words I can read, though.

>> No.12254687

You can literally start reading doujins after a month. Of course you will need a dictionary, but you'll be needing a dictionary for years to come.

>> No.12254701

I stopped learning for like half a year now, it's time to start again.

>> No.12254752

After 3 years of slow paced NEET self-studying I have no problem reading them and translated a few. it doesn't require a huge vocabulary unless it has a story, but the small vocabulary it requires is specific. I doubt you start with 射精、絶頂、恥丘 etc when learning the language. Also sound effects, but you'll learn them naturally and quickly if you listen to ero audio a lot.

>> No.12256935

>I doubt you start with 射精、絶頂、恥丘 etc when learning the language.

Yes I did.

Learning things you won't immediately use is the quickest way to lose track of your goal and give up, and I sure as hell didn't take up Japanese to read daily newspapers and business documents.

>> No.12258383

Yes, because journals and ero doujinshi are the only things that use japanese ever.
